GREAT: Jobs Report Crushes Expectations!...

Sorry kid, the sky ain't falling. I know Hillary and Democrat Fake News promised you it would if Trump won, but it just ain't happening. :)
First President with $20 trillion debt


Aw, now y'all Communist/Progressive wankers suddenly hate the bad ole Debt. How convenient. :bsflag:

And now all you fascist conservative Trump lickers love that good ole debt. how convenient.

I'm actually a Republican, who despises both Bush and Obama for what they've done to future generations. The bill will come due at some point. A day of reckoning is coming. It's heinous what they've done.

But you sure as hell love Trump despite him doing the same thing...odd

No, i'm just a realist. Both Republicans and Democrats have no interest in reducing the Debt. They both love spending other peoples' money too much. Trump doesn't have the power to change that. He can only drain the swamp so much. The Debt will continue to rise. It is what it is.
You are just being stupid now. First off even with it dropping we are still in historically high range for labor force participation. (see chart below)

But even more importantly, as long as it is not too low (which it is not) a muted participation rate shows an economy's strength. More people feel they are able to retire, so they are out of the labor force. More families can make it on one income so one parent or the other is staying home raising the kids, which is a good thing.

View attachment 164954

Labor force participation is just the tip of the iceberg

REAL unemployment sits at 172 million with 200 million lacking a full time job

Sorry kid, the sky ain't falling. I know Hillary and Democrat Fake News promised you it would if Trump won, but it just ain't happening. :)
First President with $20 trillion debt Disgraceful
Aw, now y'all Communist/Progressive wankers suddenly hate the bad ole Debt. How convenient. :bsflag:
Now you are a commie prog, huh? You love the debt.

Nope, i truly despise both Bush and Obama for what they've done to future generations. It's unforgivable.
First President with $20 trillion debt


Aw, now y'all Communist/Progressive wankers suddenly hate the bad ole Debt. How convenient. :bsflag:
Trump promised to reduce our debt

Why is it increasing?

Hey, both Republicans and Democrats are addicted to spending other peoples' money. They absolutely love it. Trump ain't gonna change that. I'm a realist, they're not gonna seriously address the massive Debt. It is what it is.
Trump ran on reducing the debt

He has added 1 trillion

So, do you want the Debt reduced or not? You're very disingenuous and inconsistent. You didn't want the Debt reduced under Hussein, but now you're demanding the Debt be reduced under Trump? No one knows where you're coming from, kid. Do you know?
The Great Obama did not run on reducing our debt
Lying Donnie did

Nothing he has done would reduce our debt
Labor force participation is just the tip of the iceberg

REAL unemployment sits at 172 million with 200 million lacking a full time job

Sorry kid, the sky ain't falling. I know Hillary and Democrat Fake News promised you it would if Trump won, but it just ain't happening. :)
First President with $20 trillion debt Disgraceful
Aw, now y'all Communist/Progressive wankers suddenly hate the bad ole Debt. How convenient. :bsflag:
Now you are a commie prog, huh? You love the debt.

Nope, i truly despise both Bush and Obama for what they've done to future generations. It's unforgivable.

The problem is that neither Bush nor Obama did it, they were just one cog in the machine. Though I give Bush II slightly more blame than Obama as it was Bush II that took us into an unnecessary war that cost trillions as well as thousands of lives.
Aw, now y'all Communist/Progressive wankers suddenly hate the bad ole Debt. How convenient. :bsflag:
Trump promised to reduce our debt

Why is it increasing?

Hey, both Republicans and Democrats are addicted to spending other peoples' money. They absolutely love it. Trump ain't gonna change that. I'm a realist, they're not gonna seriously address the massive Debt. It is what it is.
Trump ran on reducing the debt

He has added 1 trillion

So, do you want the Debt reduced or not? You're very disingenuous and inconsistent. You didn't want the Debt reduced under Hussein, but now you're demanding the Debt be reduced under Trump? No one knows where you're coming from, kid. Do you know?
The Great Obama did not run on reducing our debt
Lying Donnie did

Nothing he has done would reduce our debt

So, do you want the Debt reduced or not? No one still knows where you're coming from, kid. Do you just hate Trump and are being a butthurt fraud, or do you really want the Debt reduced? Which is it?
Sorry kid, the sky ain't falling. I know Hillary and Democrat Fake News promised you it would if Trump won, but it just ain't happening. :)
First President with $20 trillion debt Disgraceful
Aw, now y'all Communist/Progressive wankers suddenly hate the bad ole Debt. How convenient. :bsflag:
Now you are a commie prog, huh? You love the debt.

Nope, i truly despise both Bush and Obama for what they've done to future generations. It's unforgivable.

The problem is that neither Bush nor Obama did it, they were just one cog in the machine. Though I give Bush II slightly more blame than Obama as it was Bush II that took us into an unnecessary war that cost trillions as well as thousands of lives.

Sorry, but i'm one who doesn't see any significant differences between Bush and Obama. Obama merely continued Bush's awful policies. The only possible difference was, Obama created more Debt than Bush. They both screwed many future generations.
First President with $20 trillion debt Disgraceful
Aw, now y'all Communist/Progressive wankers suddenly hate the bad ole Debt. How convenient. :bsflag:
Now you are a commie prog, huh? You love the debt.

Nope, i truly despise both Bush and Obama for what they've done to future generations. It's unforgivable.

The problem is that neither Bush nor Obama did it, they were just one cog in the machine. Though I give Bush II slightly more blame than Obama as it was Bush II that took us into an unnecessary war that cost trillions as well as thousands of lives.

Sorry, but i'm one who doesn't see any significant differences between Bush and Obama. Obama merely continued Bush's awful policies. The only possible difference was, Obama created more Debt than Bush. They both screwed many future generations.

In total dollars Obama did create more debt, but they both added basically the same percent to the previous debt. Obama did continue most of Bush's policies, but it is hard to say Obama did anything a devastating to the country as Bush II's invasion of Iraq.
Trump promised to reduce our debt

Why is it increasing?

Hey, both Republicans and Democrats are addicted to spending other peoples' money. They absolutely love it. Trump ain't gonna change that. I'm a realist, they're not gonna seriously address the massive Debt. It is what it is.
Trump ran on reducing the debt

He has added 1 trillion

So, do you want the Debt reduced or not? You're very disingenuous and inconsistent. You didn't want the Debt reduced under Hussein, but now you're demanding the Debt be reduced under Trump? No one knows where you're coming from, kid. Do you know?
The Great Obama did not run on reducing our debt
Lying Donnie did

Nothing he has done would reduce our debt

So, do you want the Debt reduced or not? No one still knows where you're coming from, kid. Do you just hate Trump and are being a butthurt fraud, or do you really want the Debt reduced? Which is it?

I want money spent on infrastructure
I want taxes increased on corporations and the one percent
I want to see the militaries global mission changed
Aw, now y'all Communist/Progressive wankers suddenly hate the bad ole Debt. How convenient. :bsflag:
Now you are a commie prog, huh? You love the debt.

Nope, i truly despise both Bush and Obama for what they've done to future generations. It's unforgivable.

The problem is that neither Bush nor Obama did it, they were just one cog in the machine. Though I give Bush II slightly more blame than Obama as it was Bush II that took us into an unnecessary war that cost trillions as well as thousands of lives.

Sorry, but i'm one who doesn't see any significant differences between Bush and Obama. Obama merely continued Bush's awful policies. The only possible difference was, Obama created more Debt than Bush. They both screwed many future generations.

In total dollars Obama did create more debt, but they both added basically the same percent to the previous debt. Obama did continue most of Bush's policies, but it is hard to say Obama did anything a devastating to the country as Bush II's invasion of Iraq.

I think Obama was worse. I think he worked very hard at undermining our Constitution. I think he truly hated America. That's how i feel anyway.
Uh, dwight, Trump said he would reduce the debt. Another lie, right? Obama is an honorable man, a good president, a great husband and father, a good American ~ Trump demonstrates none of these attributes in a positive sense

Melania, surprisingly, seems to be the decent member of the family. Hope may exist for young Baron Trump if she can isolate him from his father's worse tendencies..
Hey, both Republicans and Democrats are addicted to spending other peoples' money. They absolutely love it. Trump ain't gonna change that. I'm a realist, they're not gonna seriously address the massive Debt. It is what it is.
Trump ran on reducing the debt

He has added 1 trillion

So, do you want the Debt reduced or not? You're very disingenuous and inconsistent. You didn't want the Debt reduced under Hussein, but now you're demanding the Debt be reduced under Trump? No one knows where you're coming from, kid. Do you know?
The Great Obama did not run on reducing our debt
Lying Donnie did

Nothing he has done would reduce our debt

So, do you want the Debt reduced or not? No one still knows where you're coming from, kid. Do you just hate Trump and are being a butthurt fraud, or do you really want the Debt reduced? Which is it?

I want money spent on infrastructure
I want taxes increased on corporations and the one percent
I want to see the militaries global mission changed

Yes, but do you want the Debt reduced? I can agree with you on your third proposal, if it means ending this 'Permanent War' agenda. We absolutely do need to scale back this 'Empire Building' bigtime. Empires always fall. We won't be an exception.
Uh, dwight, Trump said he would reduce the debt. Another lie, right? Obama is an honorable man, a good president, a great husband and father, a good American ~ Trump demonstrates none of these attributes in a positive sense

Melania, surprisingly, seems to be the decent member of the family. Hope may exist for young Baron Trump if she can isolate him from his father's worse tendencies..

Oh Gawd, just stop it. Do you want the Debt reduced or not? Y'all haters are being very disingenuous and inconsistent. You had no problem with massive Debt under Hussein, but now you're demanding Trump reduce the Debt? Come on, that's just so absurd. You're only Bullshitting yourselves.
You said Obama was this that and a bunch of rot: absolutely false.

Trump is going to increase the debt and deficit, just like your guy Obama.

Trump lied to you.
The big news was in manufacturing, where its Unemployment Rate fell to a record-low 2.6%.

Nice job Mr. Prez. :thup:

The US economy added 228,000 nonfarm payrolls in November, more than economists had forecast, a report on Friday from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed.

The unemployment rate remained at a 17-year low of 4.1%.

Overall, the report demonstrated that job creation remained strong in the US even after deadly hurricanes slammed into the Southeast this fall and temporarily weakened hiring. Economists had forecast that nonfarm payrolls increased by 195,000 on net with the unemployment rate unchanged at 4.1%...

Jobs report crushes expectations as hurricane impact fades

Would have happened had there been a monkey in the White House. That's how much of a great job he did at playing golf.

Aw come on, that's some pretty sad butthurt gibberish. Shame on ya.

Why is it gibberish?

The economy has a tendency of going up and down of its own accord. The are things a president can do that have an impact, such as trying to keep the economy from spiking too quickly so it doesn't lead to a massive drop, or what Bush did and what Trump's doing which is pumping the economy for all it's worth in their first term so they get reelected in their second term and then see the economy go to shit once they leave.

But within a year their policies won't have much of an impact at all, all you need is confidence in the person in the White House enough to keep things stable and the economy would be going up like it is.
Condolences to Progs about Americans doing well...I’m sure some adversity is just around the corner for you guys to blame on Trump...fingers crossed for you guys.

Until that happens, if the US is doing well, I am happy.
Now you are a commie prog, huh? You love the debt.

Nope, i truly despise both Bush and Obama for what they've done to future generations. It's unforgivable.

The problem is that neither Bush nor Obama did it, they were just one cog in the machine. Though I give Bush II slightly more blame than Obama as it was Bush II that took us into an unnecessary war that cost trillions as well as thousands of lives.

Sorry, but i'm one who doesn't see any significant differences between Bush and Obama. Obama merely continued Bush's awful policies. The only possible difference was, Obama created more Debt than Bush. They both screwed many future generations.

In total dollars Obama did create more debt, but they both added basically the same percent to the previous debt. Obama did continue most of Bush's policies, but it is hard to say Obama did anything a devastating to the country as Bush II's invasion of Iraq.

I think Obama was worse. I think he worked very hard at undermining our Constitution. I think he truly hated America. That's how i feel anyway.
The Great Obama was a Constitutional Scholar

A great representative of We the People
Trump ran on reducing the debt

He has added 1 trillion

So, do you want the Debt reduced or not? You're very disingenuous and inconsistent. You didn't want the Debt reduced under Hussein, but now you're demanding the Debt be reduced under Trump? No one knows where you're coming from, kid. Do you know?
The Great Obama did not run on reducing our debt
Lying Donnie did

Nothing he has done would reduce our debt

So, do you want the Debt reduced or not? No one still knows where you're coming from, kid. Do you just hate Trump and are being a butthurt fraud, or do you really want the Debt reduced? Which is it?

I want money spent on infrastructure
I want taxes increased on corporations and the one percent
I want to see the militaries global mission changed

Yes, but do you want the Debt reduced? I can agree with you on your third proposal, if it means ending this 'Permanent War' agenda. We absolutely do need to scale back this 'Empire Building' bigtime. Empires always fall. We won't be an exception.
We are an incredibly wealthy nation

Our current debt of $20 trillion is manageable when we have over $130 trillion in wealth and annual GDP of $20 trillion

We need to hold down growth but not panic about debt
Nope, i truly despise both Bush and Obama for what they've done to future generations. It's unforgivable.

The problem is that neither Bush nor Obama did it, they were just one cog in the machine. Though I give Bush II slightly more blame than Obama as it was Bush II that took us into an unnecessary war that cost trillions as well as thousands of lives.

Sorry, but i'm one who doesn't see any significant differences between Bush and Obama. Obama merely continued Bush's awful policies. The only possible difference was, Obama created more Debt than Bush. They both screwed many future generations.

In total dollars Obama did create more debt, but they both added basically the same percent to the previous debt. Obama did continue most of Bush's policies, but it is hard to say Obama did anything a devastating to the country as Bush II's invasion of Iraq.

I think Obama was worse. I think he worked very hard at undermining our Constitution. I think he truly hated America. That's how i feel anyway.
The Great Obama was a Constitutional Scholar

A great representative of We the People

Nah, he hated America. He ruled as an Anti-American Globalist asshole. It's so refreshing having an actual American who loves America, as our President again. Go Trump! :dance:
So, do you want the Debt reduced or not? You're very disingenuous and inconsistent. You didn't want the Debt reduced under Hussein, but now you're demanding the Debt be reduced under Trump? No one knows where you're coming from, kid. Do you know?
The Great Obama did not run on reducing our debt
Lying Donnie did

Nothing he has done would reduce our debt

So, do you want the Debt reduced or not? No one still knows where you're coming from, kid. Do you just hate Trump and are being a butthurt fraud, or do you really want the Debt reduced? Which is it?

I want money spent on infrastructure
I want taxes increased on corporations and the one percent
I want to see the militaries global mission changed

Yes, but do you want the Debt reduced? I can agree with you on your third proposal, if it means ending this 'Permanent War' agenda. We absolutely do need to scale back this 'Empire Building' bigtime. Empires always fall. We won't be an exception.
We are an incredibly wealthy nation

Our current debt of $20 trillion is manageable when we have over $130 trillion in wealth and annual GDP of $20 trillion

We need to hold down growth but not panic about debt

Well, i can't agree with you on the Debt issue. Bush and Obama truly screwed many future generations. And will Trump be any different? I doubt it. I've explained why earlier in the thread. But i'd like to see him try.

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