GREAT: Jobs Report Crushes Expectations!...

Trump creating a few burger flipping jobs does nothing compared to the 13 million jobs created by the Great Obama
I agree with Mac on this one for sure. Still, the question has to be asked, and a statement made here--------->

QUESTION----------> labor participation rate? How much of that is illegal aliens-) That is not to say they didn't have a deleterious affect on the Obama participation rate either!

STATEMENT-------> In my area, and many wanted signs are everywhere. When asking business people that I know, I expected to hear that they couldn't find qualified candidates. I WAS WRONG! A few of them told me they couldn't find ANY candidates.......or very few. They expected massive amounts of applications, but got a trickle, which shocked them. It shocked me also!

And yet, I also seen a job offering for a steel company offering 28 bucks an hr to start that had only accepted 10,000 applications for 168 jobs.

What should that tell us?

It should tell all of us that the hammock of government benefits will only be thrown over by most, IF the job they are applying for will substantially INCREASE their lifestyle. They will NOT even venture into a job that only slightly increases their living standard, and would rather stay on the dole unless they can acquire what they perceive to be a home run job. Such is the comfort of the government dole!

And so, President Trump has stated, that he wants to revisit WELFARE REFORM. This is a GOOD idea. I contend it is a stellar notion for our congress to wrangle over what income level should be the cutoff point to relinquish responsibility of having to INVEST (as Democrats say) into the American treasury; instead of wrangling over how much we should take OUT of the treasury to give to people, who do not want to work for their sustenance!

As long as there are massive amounts of help wanted signs displayed, there is no reason for acting like a sloth!
Have you ever been on the govt. dole?

Depends what you consider the government dole. I have collected unemployment before, but I also was on temporary lay-off and had a definite return date to work.
If you make a statement about people on the govt. dole, how do you know what it's like if you have never lived on that fat system you called the govt. dole?

Oh, that is easy-) I know people on it. They aren't starving, in fact, they are over weight for the most part. I really think their weight problems stem from lack of activity though, and not the fact they eat to much-)
Low activity with low funds, of course running around the block is free, yet eating isn't..Just wondering, I had to once and found the pay scale appauling to my wants, desires and needs...So I went back to work...

Good for you, I think that shows character.

What you need to understand is------>not everyone thinks like us. Many people have the ability to do very well; far better than they ever imagined, but they can not start there. To many people need a reason to start somewhere, anywhere, then begin the climb.

I would ask you this as a person-----------> if someone offered you EXACTLY what you have now, and you didn't have to work, would you do it? Probably, correct?

Now then, what if someone never had much of anything and was used to that? Why do illegals come here? Because the next to nothing they get here is 1000 times better than what they got there.

But it is not about illegals, I was using it as an example. Many Americans are used to what the government gives them, so they are happy with it. The question for all of us is------->should we be happy with the idea that they do not contribute to the country? If they are able to work, should they? That is the real question that needs to be answered.
No massive return of manufacturing jobs has happened.

No indication exists that it will happen.
Have you ever been on the govt. dole?

Depends what you consider the government dole. I have collected unemployment before, but I also was on temporary lay-off and had a definite return date to work.
If you make a statement about people on the govt. dole, how do you know what it's like if you have never lived on that fat system you called the govt. dole?

Oh, that is easy-) I know people on it. They aren't starving, in fact, they are over weight for the most part. I really think their weight problems stem from lack of activity though, and not the fact they eat to much-)
Low activity with low funds, of course running around the block is free, yet eating isn't..Just wondering, I had to once and found the pay scale appauling to my wants, desires and needs...So I went back to work...

Good for you, I think that shows character.

What you need to understand is------>not everyone thinks like us. Many people have the ability to do very well; far better than they ever imagined, but they can not start there. To many people need a reason to start somewhere, anywhere, then begin the climb.

I would ask you this as a person-----------> if someone offered you EXACTLY what you have now, and you didn't have to work, would you do it? Probably, correct?

Now then, what if someone never had much of anything and was used to that? Why do illegals come here? Because the next to nothing they get here is 1000 times better than what they got there.

But it is not about illegals, I was using it as an example. Many Americans are used to what the government gives them, so they are happy with it. The question for all of us is------->should we be happy with the idea that they do not contribute to the country? If they are able to work, should they? That is the real question that needs to be answered.
I had to due to health reasons, I never could live on that meager of a salary or income..
"QUESTION----------> labor participation rate? How much of that is illegal aliens-) That is not to say they didn't have a deleterious affect on the Obama participation rate either!"

^^^ That is a meaningless statement with no correlation to the reality of the economy.

What trump fans believe.............


The one, causes the other.
The big news was in manufacturing, where its Unemployment Rate fell to a record-low 2.6%.

Nice job Mr. Prez. :thup:

The US economy added 228,000 nonfarm payrolls in November, more than economists had forecast, a report on Friday from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed.

The unemployment rate remained at a 17-year low of 4.1%.

Overall, the report demonstrated that job creation remained strong in the US even after deadly hurricanes slammed into the Southeast this fall and temporarily weakened hiring. Economists had forecast that nonfarm payrolls increased by 195,000 on net with the unemployment rate unchanged at 4.1%...

Jobs report crushes expectations as hurricane impact fades

Would have happened had there been a monkey in the White House. That's how much of a great job he did at playing golf.
Aw, is there no end to your bitter butthurt? Come on kid, ya gotta get over it. This is good news. Enjoy. :)

172 Million Americans not working is a disaster
Worst in history

You are just being stupid now. First off even with it dropping we are still in historically high range for labor force participation. (see chart below)

But even more importantly, as long as it is not too low (which it is not) a muted participation rate shows an economy's strength. More people feel they are able to retire, so they are out of the labor force. More families can make it on one income so one parent or the other is staying home raising the kids, which is a good thing.

View attachment 164954

Labor force participation is just the tip of the iceberg

REAL unemployment sits at 172 million with 200 million lacking a full time job

Sorry kid, the sky ain't falling. I know Hillary and Democrat Fake News promised you it would if Trump won, but it just ain't happening. :)
First President with $20 trillion debt


Aw, now y'all Communist/Progressive wankers suddenly hate the bad ole Debt. How convenient. :bsflag:
172 Million Americans not working is a disaster
Worst in history

You are just being stupid now. First off even with it dropping we are still in historically high range for labor force participation. (see chart below)

But even more importantly, as long as it is not too low (which it is not) a muted participation rate shows an economy's strength. More people feel they are able to retire, so they are out of the labor force. More families can make it on one income so one parent or the other is staying home raising the kids, which is a good thing.

View attachment 164954

Labor force participation is just the tip of the iceberg

REAL unemployment sits at 172 million with 200 million lacking a full time job

Sorry kid, the sky ain't falling. I know Hillary and Democrat Fake News promised you it would if Trump won, but it just ain't happening. :)
First President with $20 trillion debt


Aw, now y'all Communist/Progressive wankers suddenly hate the bad ole Debt. How convenient. :bsflag:
Trump promised to reduce our debt

Why is it increasing?
The big news was in manufacturing, where its Unemployment Rate fell to a record-low 2.6%.

Nice job Mr. Prez. :thup:

The US economy added 228,000 nonfarm payrolls in November, more than economists had forecast, a report on Friday from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed.

The unemployment rate remained at a 17-year low of 4.1%.

Overall, the report demonstrated that job creation remained strong in the US even after deadly hurricanes slammed into the Southeast this fall and temporarily weakened hiring. Economists had forecast that nonfarm payrolls increased by 195,000 on net with the unemployment rate unchanged at 4.1%...

Jobs report crushes expectations as hurricane impact fades

Would have happened had there been a monkey in the White House. That's how much of a great job he did at playing golf.

Aw come on, that's some pretty sad butthurt gibberish. Shame on ya.
Obama's entire 8 years of stagnation, unemployment, huge debt addition - all of it - was 'inherited from Bush' ... but the moment the next President begins having economic success he wants to claim credit for it...

The economy is just continuing its slow solid growth that it had for seven and a half years under Obama. We won't have real growth until the rich pay their fair share, the non rich get real tax cuts and are invested in, along with our infrastructure... 35 years now of GOP Pander to the rich.
You are just being stupid now. First off even with it dropping we are still in historically high range for labor force participation. (see chart below)

But even more importantly, as long as it is not too low (which it is not) a muted participation rate shows an economy's strength. More people feel they are able to retire, so they are out of the labor force. More families can make it on one income so one parent or the other is staying home raising the kids, which is a good thing.

View attachment 164954

Labor force participation is just the tip of the iceberg

REAL unemployment sits at 172 million with 200 million lacking a full time job

Sorry kid, the sky ain't falling. I know Hillary and Democrat Fake News promised you it would if Trump won, but it just ain't happening. :)
First President with $20 trillion debt


Aw, now y'all Communist/Progressive wankers suddenly hate the bad ole Debt. How convenient. :bsflag:
Trump promised to reduce our debt

Why is it increasing?

Hey, both Republicans and Democrats are addicted to spending other peoples' money. They absolutely love it. Trump ain't gonna change that. I'm a realist, they're not gonna seriously address the massive Debt. It is what it is.
172 Million Americans not working is a disaster
Worst in history

You are just being stupid now. First off even with it dropping we are still in historically high range for labor force participation. (see chart below)

But even more importantly, as long as it is not too low (which it is not) a muted participation rate shows an economy's strength. More people feel they are able to retire, so they are out of the labor force. More families can make it on one income so one parent or the other is staying home raising the kids, which is a good thing.

View attachment 164954

Labor force participation is just the tip of the iceberg

REAL unemployment sits at 172 million with 200 million lacking a full time job

Sorry kid, the sky ain't falling. I know Hillary and Democrat Fake News promised you it would if Trump won, but it just ain't happening. :)
First President with $20 trillion debt


Aw, now y'all Communist/Progressive wankers suddenly hate the bad ole Debt. How convenient. :bsflag:

And now all you fascist conservative Trump lickers love that good ole debt. how convenient.
You are just being stupid now. First off even with it dropping we are still in historically high range for labor force participation. (see chart below)

But even more importantly, as long as it is not too low (which it is not) a muted participation rate shows an economy's strength. More people feel they are able to retire, so they are out of the labor force. More families can make it on one income so one parent or the other is staying home raising the kids, which is a good thing.

View attachment 164954

Labor force participation is just the tip of the iceberg

REAL unemployment sits at 172 million with 200 million lacking a full time job

Sorry kid, the sky ain't falling. I know Hillary and Democrat Fake News promised you it would if Trump won, but it just ain't happening. :)
First President with $20 trillion debt


Aw, now y'all Communist/Progressive wankers suddenly hate the bad ole Debt. How convenient. :bsflag:

And now all you fascist conservative Trump lickers love that good ole debt. how convenient.

I'm actually a Republican, who despises both Bush and Obama for what they've done to future generations. The bill will come due at some point. A day of reckoning is coming. It's heinous what they've done.
Labor force participation is just the tip of the iceberg

REAL unemployment sits at 172 million with 200 million lacking a full time job

Sorry kid, the sky ain't falling. I know Hillary and Democrat Fake News promised you it would if Trump won, but it just ain't happening. :)
First President with $20 trillion debt


Aw, now y'all Communist/Progressive wankers suddenly hate the bad ole Debt. How convenient. :bsflag:
Trump promised to reduce our debt

Why is it increasing?

Hey, both Republicans and Democrats are addicted to spending other peoples' money. They absolutely love it. Trump ain't gonna change that. I'm a realist, they're not gonna seriously address the massive Debt. It is what it is.
Trump ran on reducing the debt

He has added 1 trillion
Labor force participation is just the tip of the iceberg

REAL unemployment sits at 172 million with 200 million lacking a full time job

Sorry kid, the sky ain't falling. I know Hillary and Democrat Fake News promised you it would if Trump won, but it just ain't happening. :)
First President with $20 trillion debt


Aw, now y'all Communist/Progressive wankers suddenly hate the bad ole Debt. How convenient. :bsflag:

And now all you fascist conservative Trump lickers love that good ole debt. how convenient.

I'm actually a Republican, who despises both Bush and Obama for what they've done to future generations. The bill will come due at some point. A day of reckoning is coming. It's heinous what they've done.

But you sure as hell love Trump despite him doing the same thing...odd
172 Million Americans not working is a disaster
Worst in history

You are just being stupid now. First off even with it dropping we are still in historically high range for labor force participation. (see chart below)

But even more importantly, as long as it is not too low (which it is not) a muted participation rate shows an economy's strength. More people feel they are able to retire, so they are out of the labor force. More families can make it on one income so one parent or the other is staying home raising the kids, which is a good thing.

View attachment 164954

Labor force participation is just the tip of the iceberg

REAL unemployment sits at 172 million with 200 million lacking a full time job

Sorry kid, the sky ain't falling. I know Hillary and Democrat Fake News promised you it would if Trump won, but it just ain't happening. :)
First President with $20 trillion debt Disgraceful
Aw, now y'all Communist/Progressive wankers suddenly hate the bad ole Debt. How convenient. :bsflag:
Now you are a commie prog, huh? You love the debt.
Sorry kid, the sky ain't falling. I know Hillary and Democrat Fake News promised you it would if Trump won, but it just ain't happening. :)
First President with $20 trillion debt


Aw, now y'all Communist/Progressive wankers suddenly hate the bad ole Debt. How convenient. :bsflag:
Trump promised to reduce our debt

Why is it increasing?

Hey, both Republicans and Democrats are addicted to spending other peoples' money. They absolutely love it. Trump ain't gonna change that. I'm a realist, they're not gonna seriously address the massive Debt. It is what it is.
Trump ran on reducing the debt

He has added 1 trillion

So, do you want the Debt reduced or not? You're very disingenuous and inconsistent. You didn't want the Debt reduced under Hussein, but now you're demanding the Debt be reduced under Trump? No one knows where you're coming from, kid. Do you know?

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