Great moments in last nights SOTU, I liked the North Korean defector/Trumps comments on justice best


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
When the defector story was told it was powerful. This tough SOB was beaten close to his death, he traveled hundreds of miles on crutches for freedom, reminding Americans (and so many Canadians who lack freedom), just how precious it is. Then they tortured and killed his father, creating and even more angry defector who now gets his revenge by helping other defectors and uses a radio to comm across the border.

That moment he lifted his crutches and the gallery hollered at him, it was as if he was telling that fat sob in North Korea "look at me now punk, you didn't break me and now I'm coming for you!" Loved it.

Also, when Trump surprised many and spoke of justice reform and how people who have paid their debt in prison should be allowed to leave and get a second chance at life. Everyone applauded that, and I think it is a very big deal for him to go down this road. Not just for moral reasons, but socially and even economically, it's the right decision. Why throw away potential and consider all inmates just lost causes when they make a mistake in life? That's not Christian like, and Trump and his son in law have been working on this, and I think it's a popular direction.

Not all obviously, but some and maybe even many former bad guys can become great Americans. That second chance can really motivate the human spirit. All in all a great moment.
Great speech with so many great moments. Here's a few that stick out for me.

- Victim's parents of MS13.
- Obamacare mandate repeal.
- Record low black unemployment while watching Dems not even clap
- Little boy for veterans and flags
- Tax reform
- Ohio business with welder
When the defector story was told it was powerful. This tough SOB was beaten close to his death, he traveled hundreds of miles on crutches for freedom, reminding Americans (and so many Canadians who lack freedom), just how precious it is. Then they tortured and killed his father, creating and even more angry defector who now gets his revenge by helping other defectors and uses a radio to comm across the border.

That moment he lifted his crutches and the gallery hollered at him, it was as if he was telling that fat sob in North Korea "look at me now punk, you didn't break me and now I'm coming for you!" Loved it.

Also, when Trump surprised many and spoke of justice reform and how people who have paid their debt in prison should be allowed to leave and get a second chance at life. Everyone applauded that, and I think it is a very big deal for him to go down this road. Not just for moral reasons, but socially and even economically, it's the right decision. Why throw away potential and consider all inmates just lost causes when they make a mistake in life? That's not Christian like, and Trump and his son in law have been working on this, and I think it's a popular direction.

Not all obviously, but some and maybe even many former bad guys can become great Americans. That second chance can really motivate the human spirit. All in all a great moment.
So they are going to get rid of all that Reagan and Bush era legislation which is a violation of US citizens rights? I highly doubt it.. What you witnessed is called a bait and switch method of rhetoric...America will never renounce or rescind it's war on its own citizens...
One of the best things was that Preston's Mom was hawt.

Here are a few of the lies and misrepresentations that orange buffoon spouted last night.
Fact-checking Donald Trump's 2018 State of the Union speech

"Just as I promised the American people from this podium 11 months ago, we enacted the biggest tax cuts and reforms in American history."

"After years of wage stagnation, we are finally seeing rising wages."

"Our massive tax cuts provide tremendous relief for the middle class and small businesses."

"The third pillar ends the visa lottery — a program that randomly hands out green cards without any regard for skill, merit, or the safety of American people."

"Chrysler is moving a major plant from Mexico to Michigan."

"We have ended the war on American Energy and we have ended the war on beautiful clean coal. We are now, very proudly, an exporter of energy to the world."
Great speech with so many great moments. Here's a few that stick out for me.

- Victim's parents of MS13.
- Obamacare mandate repeal.
- Record low black unemployment while watching Dems not even clap
- Little boy for veterans and flags
- Tax reform
- Ohio business with welder

I'll quote you because you have it listed as items that stuck out to you...
But what I thought was the best moment and for deep-rooted political
reasoning, besides the heartbreak was the victim's parents of the MS13.

The story and watching those parents agonize thru it was gut-wrenching
enough, but it was a very subtle scene that had to lock up the Dems.

I mean there is nothing they can say. The theme was about illegal immigrants and how these young, unescorted illegals turn into thugs
in this country.

But the subtle point was the victim's parents, as well as the victim's
are all Black.

That Black Caucus just sat there numb. The Dem Party is so splintered
and a rainbow of minorities that they cannot hold true to their own core
beliefs. They must support each other's causes which is why they have
no message. Black Ministers supporting Homosexuals? Huh? Those folks
despise those people, but they have to shrug their shoulders. Their congregations don't, but they must.

Illegal immigrants have always taken jobs away from blacks in this country.
When the Cubans first arrived in Miami...The Blacks and the Cubans went
to war with each other. Everyone of those Miami Beach Hotels began using
Cuban workers and dumping blacks. The Redcaps at Miami International
were soon all Cubans.

That MS13 moment will become a challenge to the Black Caucus to
maintain their posture of supporting illegal immigration. Now they certainly
will, but it gives powerful talking points to be used against them
Great speech with so many great moments. Here's a few that stick out for me.

- Victim's parents of MS13.
- Obamacare mandate repeal.
- Record low black unemployment while watching Dems not even clap
- Little boy for veterans and flags
- Tax reform
- Ohio business with welder

I'll quote you because you have it listed as items that stuck out to you...
But what I thought was the best moment and for deep-rooted political
reasoning, besides the heartbreak was the victim's parents of the MS13.

The story and watching those parents agonize thru it was gut-wrenching
enough, but it was a very subtle scene that had to lock up the Dems.

I mean there is nothing they can say. The theme was about illegal immigrants and how these young, unescorted illegals turn into thugs
in this country.

But the subtle point was the victim's parents, as well as the victim's
are all Black.

That Black Caucus just sat there numb. The Dem Party is so splintered
and a rainbow of minorities that they cannot hold true to their own core
beliefs. They must support each other's causes which is why they have
no message. Black Ministers supporting Homosexuals? Huh? Those folks
despise those people, but they have to shrug their shoulders. Their congregations don't, but they must.

Illegal immigrants have always taken jobs away from blacks in this country.
When the Cubans first arrived in Miami...The Blacks and the Cubans went
to war with each other. Everyone of those Miami Beach Hotels began using
Cuban workers and dumping blacks. The Redcaps at Miami International
were soon all Cubans.

That MS13 moment will become a challenge to the Black Caucus to
maintain their posture of supporting illegal immigration. Now they certainly
will, but it gives powerful talking points to be used against them

Yes. He made a heroic effort to try to tie all immigrants with MS13. Since his supporters don't have a brain, I can see how they could fall for that.
When the defector story was told it was powerful. This tough SOB was beaten close to his death, he traveled hundreds of miles on crutches for freedom, reminding Americans (and so many Canadians who lack freedom), just how precious it is. Then they tortured and killed his father, creating and even more angry defector who now gets his revenge by helping other defectors and uses a radio to comm across the border.

That moment he lifted his crutches and the gallery hollered at him, it was as if he was telling that fat sob in North Korea "look at me now punk, you didn't break me and now I'm coming for you!" Loved it.

Also, when Trump surprised many and spoke of justice reform and how people who have paid their debt in prison should be allowed to leave and get a second chance at life. Everyone applauded that, and I think it is a very big deal for him to go down this road. Not just for moral reasons, but socially and even economically, it's the right decision. Why throw away potential and consider all inmates just lost causes when they make a mistake in life? That's not Christian like, and Trump and his son in law have been working on this, and I think it's a popular direction.

Not all obviously, but some and maybe even many former bad guys can become great Americans. That second chance can really motivate the human spirit. All in all a great moment.
A couple hours prior to the speech, the tv news was saying Trump planned on an "eye opener" regarding North Korea. I didn't feel the guests' stories were really "eye openers" and he didn't say anything that was new or clear about North Korea, so I was disappointed about that.
Not to dis the guests' stories. They were moving. At first, I thought Trump was going to tell us next that we were going to war. But it was a nothing burger.
Great speech with so many great moments. Here's a few that stick out for me.

- Victim's parents of MS13.
- Obamacare mandate repeal.
- Record low black unemployment while watching Dems not even clap
- Little boy for veterans and flags
- Tax reform
- Ohio business with welder

I'll quote you because you have it listed as items that stuck out to you...
But what I thought was the best moment and for deep-rooted political
reasoning, besides the heartbreak was the victim's parents of the MS13.

The story and watching those parents agonize thru it was gut-wrenching
enough, but it was a very subtle scene that had to lock up the Dems.

I mean there is nothing they can say. The theme was about illegal immigrants and how these young, unescorted illegals turn into thugs
in this country.

But the subtle point was the victim's parents, as well as the victim's
are all Black.

That Black Caucus just sat there numb. The Dem Party is so splintered
and a rainbow of minorities that they cannot hold true to their own core
beliefs. They must support each other's causes which is why they have
no message. Black Ministers supporting Homosexuals? Huh? Those folks
despise those people, but they have to shrug their shoulders. Their congregations don't, but they must.

Illegal immigrants have always taken jobs away from blacks in this country.
When the Cubans first arrived in Miami...The Blacks and the Cubans went
to war with each other. Everyone of those Miami Beach Hotels began using
Cuban workers and dumping blacks. The Redcaps at Miami International
were soon all Cubans.

That MS13 moment will become a challenge to the Black Caucus to
maintain their posture of supporting illegal immigration. Now they certainly
will, but it gives powerful talking points to be used against them

Yes. He made a heroic effort to try to tie all immigrants with MS13. Since his supporters don't have a brain, I can see how they could fall for that.
Trump is clever enough to point to his exact words and say "I didn't say that." But the intent has always been clear--from the day he announced his run. People don't get it.
Great speech with so many great moments. Here's a few that stick out for me.

- Victim's parents of MS13.
- Obamacare mandate repeal.
- Record low black unemployment while watching Dems not even clap
- Little boy for veterans and flags
- Tax reform
- Ohio business with welder

I'll quote you because you have it listed as items that stuck out to you...
But what I thought was the best moment and for deep-rooted political
reasoning, besides the heartbreak was the victim's parents of the MS13.

The story and watching those parents agonize thru it was gut-wrenching
enough, but it was a very subtle scene that had to lock up the Dems.

I mean there is nothing they can say. The theme was about illegal immigrants and how these young, unescorted illegals turn into thugs
in this country.

But the subtle point was the victim's parents, as well as the victim's
are all Black.

That Black Caucus just sat there numb. The Dem Party is so splintered
and a rainbow of minorities that they cannot hold true to their own core
beliefs. They must support each other's causes which is why they have
no message. Black Ministers supporting Homosexuals? Huh? Those folks
despise those people, but they have to shrug their shoulders. Their congregations don't, but they must.

Illegal immigrants have always taken jobs away from blacks in this country.
When the Cubans first arrived in Miami...The Blacks and the Cubans went
to war with each other. Everyone of those Miami Beach Hotels began using
Cuban workers and dumping blacks. The Redcaps at Miami International
were soon all Cubans.

That MS13 moment will become a challenge to the Black Caucus to
maintain their posture of supporting illegal immigration. Now they certainly
will, but it gives powerful talking points to be used against them

Yes. He made a heroic effort to try to tie all immigrants with MS13. Since his supporters don't have a brain, I can see how they could fall for that.
Trump is clever enough to point to his exact words and say "I didn't say that." But the intent has always been clear--from the day he announced his run. People don't get it.

They get it.
Great speech with so many great moments. Here's a few that stick out for me.

- Victim's parents of MS13.
- Obamacare mandate repeal.
- Record low black unemployment while watching Dems not even clap
- Little boy for veterans and flags
- Tax reform
- Ohio business with welder

I'll quote you because you have it listed as items that stuck out to you...
But what I thought was the best moment and for deep-rooted political
reasoning, besides the heartbreak was the victim's parents of the MS13.

The story and watching those parents agonize thru it was gut-wrenching
enough, but it was a very subtle scene that had to lock up the Dems.

I mean there is nothing they can say. The theme was about illegal immigrants and how these young, unescorted illegals turn into thugs
in this country.

But the subtle point was the victim's parents, as well as the victim's
are all Black.

That Black Caucus just sat there numb. The Dem Party is so splintered
and a rainbow of minorities that they cannot hold true to their own core
beliefs. They must support each other's causes which is why they have
no message. Black Ministers supporting Homosexuals? Huh? Those folks
despise those people, but they have to shrug their shoulders. Their congregations don't, but they must.

Illegal immigrants have always taken jobs away from blacks in this country.
When the Cubans first arrived in Miami...The Blacks and the Cubans went
to war with each other. Everyone of those Miami Beach Hotels began using
Cuban workers and dumping blacks. The Redcaps at Miami International
were soon all Cubans.

That MS13 moment will become a challenge to the Black Caucus to
maintain their posture of supporting illegal immigration. Now they certainly
will, but it gives powerful talking points to be used against them

Yes. He made a heroic effort to try to tie all immigrants with MS13. Since his supporters don't have a brain, I can see how they could fall for that.
Trump is clever enough to point to his exact words and say "I didn't say that." But the intent has always been clear--from the day he announced his run. People don't get it.
It's gettin' old, TNHarley. Gettin' old.
Great speech with so many great moments. Here's a few that stick out for me.

- Victim's parents of MS13.
- Obamacare mandate repeal.
- Record low black unemployment while watching Dems not even clap
- Little boy for veterans and flags
- Tax reform
- Ohio business with welder

I'll quote you because you have it listed as items that stuck out to you...
But what I thought was the best moment and for deep-rooted political
reasoning, besides the heartbreak was the victim's parents of the MS13.

The story and watching those parents agonize thru it was gut-wrenching
enough, but it was a very subtle scene that had to lock up the Dems.

I mean there is nothing they can say. The theme was about illegal immigrants and how these young, unescorted illegals turn into thugs
in this country.

But the subtle point was the victim's parents, as well as the victim's
are all Black.

That Black Caucus just sat there numb. The Dem Party is so splintered
and a rainbow of minorities that they cannot hold true to their own core
beliefs. They must support each other's causes which is why they have
no message. Black Ministers supporting Homosexuals? Huh? Those folks
despise those people, but they have to shrug their shoulders. Their congregations don't, but they must.

Illegal immigrants have always taken jobs away from blacks in this country.
When the Cubans first arrived in Miami...The Blacks and the Cubans went
to war with each other. Everyone of those Miami Beach Hotels began using
Cuban workers and dumping blacks. The Redcaps at Miami International
were soon all Cubans.

That MS13 moment will become a challenge to the Black Caucus to
maintain their posture of supporting illegal immigration. Now they certainly
will, but it gives powerful talking points to be used against them

Yes. He made a heroic effort to try to tie all immigrants with MS13. Since his supporters don't have a brain, I can see how they could fall for that.
Total BS. You clowns just cannot stop lying can you?
Great speech with so many great moments. Here's a few that stick out for me.

- Victim's parents of MS13.
- Obamacare mandate repeal.
- Record low black unemployment while watching Dems not even clap
- Little boy for veterans and flags
- Tax reform
- Ohio business with welder

I'll quote you because you have it listed as items that stuck out to you...
But what I thought was the best moment and for deep-rooted political
reasoning, besides the heartbreak was the victim's parents of the MS13.

The story and watching those parents agonize thru it was gut-wrenching
enough, but it was a very subtle scene that had to lock up the Dems.

I mean there is nothing they can say. The theme was about illegal immigrants and how these young, unescorted illegals turn into thugs
in this country.

But the subtle point was the victim's parents, as well as the victim's
are all Black.

That Black Caucus just sat there numb. The Dem Party is so splintered
and a rainbow of minorities that they cannot hold true to their own core
beliefs. They must support each other's causes which is why they have
no message. Black Ministers supporting Homosexuals? Huh? Those folks
despise those people, but they have to shrug their shoulders. Their congregations don't, but they must.

Illegal immigrants have always taken jobs away from blacks in this country.
When the Cubans first arrived in Miami...The Blacks and the Cubans went
to war with each other. Everyone of those Miami Beach Hotels began using
Cuban workers and dumping blacks. The Redcaps at Miami International
were soon all Cubans.

That MS13 moment will become a challenge to the Black Caucus to
maintain their posture of supporting illegal immigration. Now they certainly
will, but it gives powerful talking points to be used against them

Yes. He made a heroic effort to try to tie all immigrants with MS13. Since his supporters don't have a brain, I can see how they could fall for that.

Notice the deMS-13 cannot bring themselves to admit that yes, some Illegals need to be deported
Great speech with so many great moments. Here's a few that stick out for me.

- Victim's parents of MS13.
- Obamacare mandate repeal.
- Record low black unemployment while watching Dems not even clap
- Little boy for veterans and flags
- Tax reform
- Ohio business with welder

I'll quote you because you have it listed as items that stuck out to you...
But what I thought was the best moment and for deep-rooted political
reasoning, besides the heartbreak was the victim's parents of the MS13.

The story and watching those parents agonize thru it was gut-wrenching
enough, but it was a very subtle scene that had to lock up the Dems.

I mean there is nothing they can say. The theme was about illegal immigrants and how these young, unescorted illegals turn into thugs
in this country.

But the subtle point was the victim's parents, as well as the victim's
are all Black.

That Black Caucus just sat there numb. The Dem Party is so splintered
and a rainbow of minorities that they cannot hold true to their own core
beliefs. They must support each other's causes which is why they have
no message. Black Ministers supporting Homosexuals? Huh? Those folks
despise those people, but they have to shrug their shoulders. Their congregations don't, but they must.

Illegal immigrants have always taken jobs away from blacks in this country.
When the Cubans first arrived in Miami...The Blacks and the Cubans went
to war with each other. Everyone of those Miami Beach Hotels began using
Cuban workers and dumping blacks. The Redcaps at Miami International
were soon all Cubans.

That MS13 moment will become a challenge to the Black Caucus to
maintain their posture of supporting illegal immigration. Now they certainly
will, but it gives powerful talking points to be used against them

Yes. He made a heroic effort to try to tie all immigrants with MS13. Since his supporters don't have a brain, I can see how they could fall for that.
Trump is clever enough to point to his exact words and say "I didn't say that." But the intent has always been clear--from the day he announced his run. People don't get it.
It's gettin' old, TNHarley. Gettin' old.
Quit saying funny stuff then OL. You should be thankful you are hilarious.
Great speech with so many great moments. Here's a few that stick out for me.

- Victim's parents of MS13.
- Obamacare mandate repeal.
- Record low black unemployment while watching Dems not even clap
- Little boy for veterans and flags
- Tax reform
- Ohio business with welder

I'll quote you because you have it listed as items that stuck out to you...
But what I thought was the best moment and for deep-rooted political
reasoning, besides the heartbreak was the victim's parents of the MS13.

The story and watching those parents agonize thru it was gut-wrenching
enough, but it was a very subtle scene that had to lock up the Dems.

I mean there is nothing they can say. The theme was about illegal immigrants and how these young, unescorted illegals turn into thugs
in this country.

But the subtle point was the victim's parents, as well as the victim's
are all Black.

That Black Caucus just sat there numb. The Dem Party is so splintered
and a rainbow of minorities that they cannot hold true to their own core
beliefs. They must support each other's causes which is why they have
no message. Black Ministers supporting Homosexuals? Huh? Those folks
despise those people, but they have to shrug their shoulders. Their congregations don't, but they must.

Illegal immigrants have always taken jobs away from blacks in this country.
When the Cubans first arrived in Miami...The Blacks and the Cubans went
to war with each other. Everyone of those Miami Beach Hotels began using
Cuban workers and dumping blacks. The Redcaps at Miami International
were soon all Cubans.

That MS13 moment will become a challenge to the Black Caucus to
maintain their posture of supporting illegal immigration. Now they certainly
will, but it gives powerful talking points to be used against them

Yes. He made a heroic effort to try to tie all immigrants with MS13. Since his supporters don't have a brain, I can see how they could fall for that.
Trump is clever enough to point to his exact words and say "I didn't say that." But the intent has always been clear--from the day he announced his run. People don't get it.
Great speech with so many great moments. Here's a few that stick out for me.

- Victim's parents of MS13.
- Obamacare mandate repeal.
- Record low black unemployment while watching Dems not even clap
- Little boy for veterans and flags
- Tax reform
- Ohio business with welder

I'll quote you because you have it listed as items that stuck out to you...
But what I thought was the best moment and for deep-rooted political
reasoning, besides the heartbreak was the victim's parents of the MS13.

The story and watching those parents agonize thru it was gut-wrenching
enough, but it was a very subtle scene that had to lock up the Dems.

I mean there is nothing they can say. The theme was about illegal immigrants and how these young, unescorted illegals turn into thugs
in this country.

But the subtle point was the victim's parents, as well as the victim's
are all Black.

That Black Caucus just sat there numb. The Dem Party is so splintered
and a rainbow of minorities that they cannot hold true to their own core
beliefs. They must support each other's causes which is why they have
no message. Black Ministers supporting Homosexuals? Huh? Those folks
despise those people, but they have to shrug their shoulders. Their congregations don't, but they must.

Illegal immigrants have always taken jobs away from blacks in this country.
When the Cubans first arrived in Miami...The Blacks and the Cubans went
to war with each other. Everyone of those Miami Beach Hotels began using
Cuban workers and dumping blacks. The Redcaps at Miami International
were soon all Cubans.

That MS13 moment will become a challenge to the Black Caucus to
maintain their posture of supporting illegal immigration. Now they certainly
will, but it gives powerful talking points to be used against them

Yes. He made a heroic effort to try to tie all immigrants with MS13. Since his supporters don't have a brain, I can see how they could fall for that.
Trump is clever enough to point to his exact words and say "I didn't say that." But the intent has always been clear--from the day he announced his run. People don't get it.
you are the Queen of ''un--cleverness''

you people saying all this crap on Trump
he's a racist/moron/not clever/etc !!!!????
he's a multi-millionaire and you are a keyboard warrior --obviously he's more clever than you
and you MUST be perfect/godlike/inhuman/etc
Great speech with so many great moments. Here's a few that stick out for me.

- Victim's parents of MS13.
- Obamacare mandate repeal.
- Record low black unemployment while watching Dems not even clap
- Little boy for veterans and flags
- Tax reform
- Ohio business with welder

I'll quote you because you have it listed as items that stuck out to you...
But what I thought was the best moment and for deep-rooted political
reasoning, besides the heartbreak was the victim's parents of the MS13.

The story and watching those parents agonize thru it was gut-wrenching
enough, but it was a very subtle scene that had to lock up the Dems.

I mean there is nothing they can say. The theme was about illegal immigrants and how these young, unescorted illegals turn into thugs
in this country.

But the subtle point was the victim's parents, as well as the victim's
are all Black.

That Black Caucus just sat there numb. The Dem Party is so splintered
and a rainbow of minorities that they cannot hold true to their own core
beliefs. They must support each other's causes which is why they have
no message. Black Ministers supporting Homosexuals? Huh? Those folks
despise those people, but they have to shrug their shoulders. Their congregations don't, but they must.

Illegal immigrants have always taken jobs away from blacks in this country.
When the Cubans first arrived in Miami...The Blacks and the Cubans went
to war with each other. Everyone of those Miami Beach Hotels began using
Cuban workers and dumping blacks. The Redcaps at Miami International
were soon all Cubans.

That MS13 moment will become a challenge to the Black Caucus to
maintain their posture of supporting illegal immigration. Now they certainly
will, but it gives powerful talking points to be used against them

Yes. He made a heroic effort to try to tie all immigrants with MS13. Since his supporters don't have a brain, I can see how they could fall for that.
Total BS. You clowns just cannot stop lying can you?
If every time the Pres wants to push border security, he pulls out examples of MS13 and illegals who commit murder, what do YOU take that to mean? From the day he announced his candidacy, saying Mexico is sending us their criminals, rapists and drug dealers, not good people.
It's there.
I liked how the dems/blacks/latino booed and hated the ''America first''' idea
what freakin morons!!!!!!!
they HATE America........real smart
I laughed when I saw one of the black dems sitting--pissed off while everyone else was standing clapping
Great speech with so many great moments. Here's a few that stick out for me.

- Victim's parents of MS13.
- Obamacare mandate repeal.
- Record low black unemployment while watching Dems not even clap
- Little boy for veterans and flags
- Tax reform
- Ohio business with welder

I'll quote you because you have it listed as items that stuck out to you...
But what I thought was the best moment and for deep-rooted political
reasoning, besides the heartbreak was the victim's parents of the MS13.

The story and watching those parents agonize thru it was gut-wrenching
enough, but it was a very subtle scene that had to lock up the Dems.

I mean there is nothing they can say. The theme was about illegal immigrants and how these young, unescorted illegals turn into thugs
in this country.

But the subtle point was the victim's parents, as well as the victim's
are all Black.

That Black Caucus just sat there numb. The Dem Party is so splintered
and a rainbow of minorities that they cannot hold true to their own core
beliefs. They must support each other's causes which is why they have
no message. Black Ministers supporting Homosexuals? Huh? Those folks
despise those people, but they have to shrug their shoulders. Their congregations don't, but they must.

Illegal immigrants have always taken jobs away from blacks in this country.
When the Cubans first arrived in Miami...The Blacks and the Cubans went
to war with each other. Everyone of those Miami Beach Hotels began using
Cuban workers and dumping blacks. The Redcaps at Miami International
were soon all Cubans.

That MS13 moment will become a challenge to the Black Caucus to
maintain their posture of supporting illegal immigration. Now they certainly
will, but it gives powerful talking points to be used against them

Yes. He made a heroic effort to try to tie all immigrants with MS13. Since his supporters don't have a brain, I can see how they could fall for that.
Trump is clever enough to point to his exact words and say "I didn't say that." But the intent has always been clear--from the day he announced his run. People don't get it.
Great speech with so many great moments. Here's a few that stick out for me.

- Victim's parents of MS13.
- Obamacare mandate repeal.
- Record low black unemployment while watching Dems not even clap
- Little boy for veterans and flags
- Tax reform
- Ohio business with welder

I'll quote you because you have it listed as items that stuck out to you...
But what I thought was the best moment and for deep-rooted political
reasoning, besides the heartbreak was the victim's parents of the MS13.

The story and watching those parents agonize thru it was gut-wrenching
enough, but it was a very subtle scene that had to lock up the Dems.

I mean there is nothing they can say. The theme was about illegal immigrants and how these young, unescorted illegals turn into thugs
in this country.

But the subtle point was the victim's parents, as well as the victim's
are all Black.

That Black Caucus just sat there numb. The Dem Party is so splintered
and a rainbow of minorities that they cannot hold true to their own core
beliefs. They must support each other's causes which is why they have
no message. Black Ministers supporting Homosexuals? Huh? Those folks
despise those people, but they have to shrug their shoulders. Their congregations don't, but they must.

Illegal immigrants have always taken jobs away from blacks in this country.
When the Cubans first arrived in Miami...The Blacks and the Cubans went
to war with each other. Everyone of those Miami Beach Hotels began using
Cuban workers and dumping blacks. The Redcaps at Miami International
were soon all Cubans.

That MS13 moment will become a challenge to the Black Caucus to
maintain their posture of supporting illegal immigration. Now they certainly
will, but it gives powerful talking points to be used against them

Yes. He made a heroic effort to try to tie all immigrants with MS13. Since his supporters don't have a brain, I can see how they could fall for that.
Trump is clever enough to point to his exact words and say "I didn't say that." But the intent has always been clear--from the day he announced his run. People don't get it.
you are the Queen of ''un--cleverness''

you people saying all this crap on Trump
he's a racist/moron/not clever/etc !!!!????
he's a multi-millionaire and you are a keyboard warrior --obviously he's more clever than you
and you MUST be perfect/godlike/inhuman/etc
Show me where I have called Trump a racist. I just said he WAS clever with his sneaky way of blowing the dog whistle, so maybe you are the one struggling to make sense of written English?
Multi-millionaires put on their pants same way I do--I got no extra respect for wealthy people. People who are honest, treat others with dignity and extend a hand to those who are struggling -- those things earn respect in my book.

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