Great Question:Did Obama Cry After Benghazi?, What Did He Do?,Where Did He Go?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:itsok: So did any one here think about Benghazi while Bambi was "Crying Over The Children"?
But did Obama cry after finding out that there are no gun laws in the "Metropolitan Bengazi Area" and because of that dilemma, four Americans were killed?
Well, maybe someone here can tell us where Obama went and why he didn't "Pretend To Cry" after he and Hillary let those innocent four Americans die. Hmm, maybe today someone was holding an onion near Obama?
I wonder if Obama and Hillary cried after the first 9/11. or did they go look for a video.
Only some sick horrible people cold mock crying for all of those little children blown apart and dying in terror and horror, screaming for their mommies as they watched their little friends having limbs and pieces shot off and knowing they were next.
Karma and your God, if you have one, will make you pay for your creepy perversion.
No one even knew where baby Bush was after 9/11 ...flying him safely on a plane while he cried over his cozy little lunch, so Cheney called the shots.
Baby Bush didn't want to cry and disrupt his vacation to check on the disaster of the Katrina hurricane

Lets see people in Benghazi..........over 5000 or more under Bush's watch
How come we never hear anything about that...ummmmm how come?
"Great Question:Did Obama Cry After Benghazi?, What Did He Do?,Where Did He Go?"

Moronic question, false comparison fallacy.
Only some sick horrible people cold mock crying for all of those little children blown apart and dying in terror and horror, screaming for their mommies as they watched their little friends having limbs and pieces shot off and knowing they were next.
Karma and your God, if you have one, will make you pay for your creepy perversion.

How about the little ones sucked out of mommy's womb?
calm down folks-----people get "emotional" for all kinds of very personal reasons-----
we have no idea why a tear appeared in the eye of Obama------give the poor schnook some space
calm down folks-----people get "emotional" for all kinds of very personal reasons-----
we have no idea why a tear appeared in the eye of Obama------give the poor schnook some space

My guess it was the foreign substance he rubbed on himself when he wiped his "tears" before there were tears. Phucking fraud
calm down folks-----people get "emotional" for all kinds of very personal reasons-----
we have no idea why a tear appeared in the eye of Obama------give the poor schnook some space

My guess it was the foreign substance he rubbed on himself when he wiped his "tears" before there were tears. Phucking fraud
maybe a fly ran into his eye?

He seems to attract flies...much like a heaping pile of dung.....oh wait
Only some sick horrible people cold mock crying for all of those little children blown apart and dying in terror and horror, screaming for their mommies as they watched their little friends having limbs and pieces shot off and knowing they were next.
Karma and your God, if you have one, will make you pay for your creepy perversion.

Are you talking about the drone strike that killed a very innocent 16 year old American and those around him?
:itsok: So did any one here think about Benghazi while Bambi was "Crying Over The Children"?
But did Obama cry after finding out that there are no gun laws in the "Metropolitan Bengazi Area" and because of that dilemma, four Americans were killed?
Well, maybe someone here can tell us where Obama went and why he didn't "Pretend To Cry" after he and Hillary let those innocent four Americans die. Hmm, maybe today someone was holding an onion near Obama?

Are you ineligible to own a gun, but through loopholes you own them anyway?

That's what you sound like.
No one even knew where baby Bush was after 9/11 ...flying him safely on a plane while he cried over his cozy little lunch, so Cheney called the shots.
Baby Bush didn't want to cry and disrupt his vacation to check on the disaster of the Katrina hurricane

Lets see people in Benghazi..........over 5000 or more under Bush's watch
How come we never hear anything about that...ummmmm how come?

Two more killed under Obama today in the war he said we lost. What a waste of life fighting for a loser.

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