Great Question:Did Obama Cry After Benghazi?, What Did He Do?,Where Did He Go?

:itsok: So did any one here think about Benghazi while Bambi was "Crying Over The Children"?
But did Obama cry after finding out that there are no gun laws in the "Metropolitan Bengazi Area" and because of that dilemma, four Americans were killed?
Well, maybe someone here can tell us where Obama went and why he didn't "Pretend To Cry" after he and Hillary let those innocent four Americans die. Hmm, maybe today someone was holding an onion near Obama?

People like you wanted hundreds to die in Libya.

Speaking of Libya, ISIS is making serious gains there. I wonder how long before they take over the oil fields there? Of course Libya was a serious threat to the US so Obama had to take some action.LOL

So you want thousands of Americans dying there?

No one still knows where Ibama and Hillary were for those 13 hours.... According to 'Doogie', who claimed to be in the War Room, Obama wasn't there and did not know where he was....

Interesting how Obama and Hillary were posing for pictures in the War Room when UBL was killed but never could make it there at any time during the 3 hours Stevens and 3 other Americans they abandoned fought for their lives and were murdered....
are we going to bring up Bush again? Bush didnt go golfing after 9/11,,,,remember?
No one even knew where baby Bush was after 9/11 ...flying him safely on a plane while he cried over his cozy little lunch, so Cheney called the shots.
Baby Bush didn't want to cry and disrupt his vacation to check on the disaster of the Katrina hurricane

Lets see people in Benghazi..........over 5000 or more under Bush's watch
How come we never hear anything about that...ummmmm how come?

I responded to this post earlier but couldn't get back to edit in what happened during 9/11. Obviously you're a partisan fool who just thought Bush was wining and dining and just flying around for fun.

Time to get educated. First hand account by Bush's pilot on Air Force One. Quite riveting.

On 9/11, Air Force One pilot's only concern was President Bush's safety
by Mark Tillman - Sept. 11, 2011 12:00 AM
As told to Arizona Republic reporter Dennis Wagner

We landed Sept. 10 in Sarasota, Fla., and were scheduled to leave the next morning, after President Bush's appearance at an elementary school.

I'd been with Air Force One since 1992, and was promoted to chief presidential pilot earlier in the year.

On the morning of 9/11, everything seemed normal when I arrived at the airport. We went through briefings for security, maintenance and navigation. The Secret Service gave an all-clear. I was talking with flight attendants about the menu when our radio operator called me upstairs and said, "You've got to see this, sir."

A plane had flown into one of the towers at the World Trade Center, but it seemed like an accident. Our radios, which normally go crazy if something's going on, were quiet - no squawking about an emergency - so I went back downstairs.

Moments later, the radio operator called me back. A second aircraft had struck. I watched replays on TV, realizing it was no accident. Then they showed Mr. Bush in a classroom, with White House Chief of Staff Andy Card whispering in his ear. It's my understanding he was saying, "Mr. President, we are under attack."

Radios and phones on Air Force One came alive. The Secret Service created a huge security perimeter on the tarmac. My boss, Mark Rosenker, called and told me to depart as soon as the president got on board.

There are written protocols to follow in a nuclear attack, a chemical attack or anything like that. I knew someone was hijacking airliners and hitting targets. But there was no manual for terrorists in suicide planes. The sky was filled with other aircraft, and I really didn't know who had hijacked what. Was Air Force One among the targets? I needed a plan to make sure the president was safe.

I was still married then, and had three kids. But there was so much going on I didn't have time to get emotional or think about anything but my job. Communications systems were overwhelmed with traffic. Key officials were being evacuated in Washington, D.C., and cell calls that got through were breaking up. Information was mixed with rumor. We had to switch to the military radio network. The president couldn't reach key people on regular phones because people like the secretary of Defense had abandoned buildings in D.C. Cellphones were useless because the networks were saturated.

At one point, Mr. Bush advised me through a staffer that we were a target. The message, using a code name for Air Force One: "Angel is next."

Some flight attendants were crying, asking what they should tell the media in the back of the plane. I made all the crew members shut off their cellphones. We were at war, and I didn't want to take a chance that someone would slip up and leak our location or destination."

They knew they were at war. There was no wining and dining and just flying around for fun.


On 9/11, Air Force One pilot's only concern was President Bush's safety
:itsok: So did any one here think about Benghazi while Bambi was "Crying Over The Children"?
But did Obama cry after finding out that there are no gun laws in the "Metropolitan Bengazi Area" and because of that dilemma, four Americans were killed?
Well, maybe someone here can tell us where Obama went and why he didn't "Pretend To Cry" after he and Hillary let those innocent four Americans die. Hmm, maybe today someone was holding an onion near Obama?

No. He didn't cry. In fact I doubt he gave a shit that four good men died.

He jetted off to his Vegas fund raiser the next day like Benghazi never happened.
:itsok: So did any one here think about Benghazi while Bambi was "Crying Over The Children"?
But did Obama cry after finding out that there are no gun laws in the "Metropolitan Bengazi Area" and because of that dilemma, four Americans were killed?
Well, maybe someone here can tell us where Obama went and why he didn't "Pretend To Cry" after he and Hillary let those innocent four Americans die. Hmm, maybe today someone was holding an onion near Obama?

No. He didn't cry. In fact I doubt he gave a shit that four good men died.

He jetted off to his Vegas fund raiser the next day like Benghazi never happened.
i dont recall Obama and Holder crying after they let two border security agents die. so much for gun control, right?
:itsok: So did any one here think about Benghazi while Bambi was "Crying Over The Children"?
But did Obama cry after finding out that there are no gun laws in the "Metropolitan Bengazi Area" and because of that dilemma, four Americans were killed?
Well, maybe someone here can tell us where Obama went and why he didn't "Pretend To Cry" after he and Hillary let those innocent four Americans die. Hmm, maybe today someone was holding an onion near Obama?

No. He didn't cry. In fact I doubt he gave a shit that four good men died.

He jetted off to his Vegas fund raiser the next day like Benghazi never happened.
and were there any tears from any rat when Katie got shot by an illegal alien?
Only some sick horrible people cold mock crying for all of those little children blown apart and dying in terror and horror, screaming for their mommies as they watched their little friends having limbs and pieces shot off and knowing they were next.
Karma and your God, if you have one, will make you pay for your creepy perversion.

Only some sick horrible people cold mock crying for all of those little children blown apart and dying in terror and horror, screaming for their mommies as they watched their little friends having limbs and pieces shot off and knowing they were next.
Karma and your God, if you have one, will make you pay for your creepy perversion.

You are the mentally sickest of the sick. That video was used as part of the disgusting "Sandy Hook was a hoax" effort by awful people like yourself. Now, here you are reusing hateful garbage that was exposed as hateful garbage years ago. Not sure what decomposed scum is called, but that would be a good description for jerks like you.
No one even knew where baby Bush was after 9/11 ...flying him safely on a plane while he cried over his cozy little lunch, so Cheney called the shots.
Baby Bush didn't want to cry and disrupt his vacation to check on the disaster of the Katrina hurricane

Lets see people in Benghazi..........over 5000 or more under Bush's watch
How come we never hear anything about that...ummmmm how come?
Bush handled 911 like a true leader. He didn't want to land in new Orleans because it would've taken rescuers away from doing their job. Obama could learn from him. Obama lied about Benghazi then rushed off to Vegas for a weekend of fund raising and golf.
:itsok: So did any one here think about Benghazi while Bambi was "Crying Over The Children"?
But did Obama cry after finding out that there are no gun laws in the "Metropolitan Bengazi Area" and because of that dilemma, four Americans were killed?
Well, maybe someone here can tell us where Obama went and why he didn't "Pretend To Cry" after he and Hillary let those innocent four Americans die. Hmm, maybe today someone was holding an onion near Obama?

People like you wanted hundreds to die in Libya.

Speaking of Libya, ISIS is making serious gains there. I wonder how long before they take over the oil fields there? Of course Libya was a serious threat to the US so Obama had to take some action.LOL

So you want thousands of Americans dying there?


Hell no! Let them take over all of North Africa and the middle east so they can buy a nuke from North Korea and blow up NYC. Bye Bye!
:itsok: So did any one here think about Benghazi while Bambi was "Crying Over The Children"?
But did Obama cry after finding out that there are no gun laws in the "Metropolitan Bengazi Area" and because of that dilemma, four Americans were killed?
Well, maybe someone here can tell us where Obama went and why he didn't "Pretend To Cry" after he and Hillary let those innocent four Americans die. Hmm, maybe today someone was holding an onion near Obama?
That's a stupid conspiratorial question. So many died at American embassies under Bush and none of you give a shit. Just more
:itsok: So did any one here think about Benghazi while Bambi was "Crying Over The Children"?
But did Obama cry after finding out that there are no gun laws in the "Metropolitan Bengazi Area" and because of that dilemma, four Americans were killed?
Well, maybe someone here can tell us where Obama went and why he didn't "Pretend To Cry" after he and Hillary let those innocent four Americans die. Hmm, maybe today someone was holding an onion near Obama?

People like you wanted hundreds to die in Libya.

Speaking of Libya, ISIS is making serious gains there. I wonder how long before they take over the oil fields there? Of course Libya was a serious threat to the US so Obama had to take some action.LOL

So you want thousands of Americans dying there?


Hell no! Let them take over all of North Africa and the middle east so they can buy a nuke from North Korea and blow up NYC. Bye Bye!

Ok, so you do want thousands of Americans dying there for no good reason.

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