Great Socialist Stimulus Nails GOP SupportedTeachers Who Did Recession Intending Math


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
So the recent Employment Situation report finds government employment to be lagging, despite all the stimulus money. After eight years of GOP arithmetic atrocities, anyone knows why. The teachers saw $60,000.00 annual job costs in government, and said, "Let there be those," instead of $40,000 annual job costs in the private sector, saying, "Let there be those."

So fewer things happened in government, and private sector employment has turned around and increased, even in September, 2010!

Employment Situation Summary

Now that the government supported stimulus spending is over, the GOP Pledge now wants the remaining funds for putting customers in businesses to be stopped.

It's on their permanent record, Like "NO!" is on their permanent record!

The Democrats actually reduced the size of government in America! The Republicans said, "No!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes Who Kill White Eyes: Hmmmm!)
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The government supported stimulus spending is over? With less than half of the funds spent?

Could someone please translate this into English so it makes sense to ordinary, non-moonbat partisans like mascale and rdean? I am still trying to figure out what the thread title is trying to say.
Fret not...Even mascale doesn't know what he's saying about 99% of the time. :lol:

Mascale camel leopold tango jungle jungle sunset roses flashlight pencil candle wax fireflies swingset swing set swingers set seth seeth teeth libations better Moses A Elbereth Gilthoniel wonder bread wonder bead wonder bread.

I grok the essence of your postings

Mascale camel leopold tango jungle jungle sunset roses flashlight pencil candle wax fireflies swingset swing set swingers set seth seeth teeth libations better Moses A Elbereth Gilthoniel wonder bread wonder bead wonder bread.

I grok the essence of your postings

Yeah, and that really tubes teachers shucking for bread and rug rats running all fretted indoohunk and vines. Swizzle Bush, and shaggy frog grogs he totted forward without a seed sprouting anywhere. Yokk babaloo......
Even the business channels concede that the Great Socialist Stimulus has turned around the Boehner-Mitchell-Cheney-Bush economy from losing 750,000 jobs in a month to gaining tens of thousands of private sector jobs every month.

The state and local teachers were bailed out twice, and still couldn't do the math. $120,000.00 is two public employment jobs, versus three private sector employment jobs. So after the famous Ivy League found the house keys, they went out to "create" as many jobs as was possible.

They would go forward with two more jobs, instead of theee(?)!

For its part, GOP has promised to block any further expenditure of stimulus funds, possibly to send it to their foreign campaign donors instead. It's on their permanent record.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Famous Great White Father in Washington: Set White Eyes To Killing White Eyes, with the exception of Wampum Hoarders--even at the start. Fewer Customers in the stores is on their permanent record!)
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Like the monthly Employment Situation reports, from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Employment Compensation Index is drawn from a relatively known universe, and is a repetitive methodology. It too can be adjusted.

Survey Methodology

The Employment Compensation Index is the basis for the chart.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White-Eyes-of-Party-Who-Kill-Off-White-Eyes, famous for Tongues like pit of vipers--with a cemetery fetish, to boot--make often claims with no basis even in dung of prairie-dog-dung, left to freeze in Great Snow Sent by Spirit Father of Many Nations: And Many Graceful Vixen Of Great Happy Places! Hmmmmm!)
I think he has a large pile of words on tiles, and he just pulls them out of a bag at random and tries to assemble them into something like a sentence.

What would work better is if he would recognize that nouns and adjectives are distinct parts of speech, and are not interchangeable. tiny purple fishes run laughing through your fingers, and you want to take her with you to the hard land of your winter...
The Government Supported, Or Government Supportive, Plart of the Federal Stimulus is over. That went to state and local governments, which was alledged to be going to fund state and local infra-structure spending. Conservatives know that "Ignorance Of The Law Is No Excuse," and the Stimulus is the law.

No poster other than mascale claims to know anything about the stimulus. The OP notes that the Conservatives want to take away the remaining stimulus spending, now that the government supported spending is over.

That remains the case, and it is clear in the post that subject of the thread is the stimulus funding of state and local governments, which includes the teachers. Both Obama and Biden note that all sorts of state and local government jobs were saved.

Each poster complaining of the way mascale puts it, needs to be reminded that the stimulus spending, in support of state and local government is already over. The teachers and state and local government employees, already did the intending, and with the intended outcome! Clearly, it will happen to any babies of the posters, forever in their lifetimes. The teachers have done that to them, intentionally. Mascale has no doctorate! The Teachers Said, "No!" and 35 years ago. Even the creation of the $52.0 tril. credit market is not discussed, and cannot be discussed! The Teachers all said, "No!" The teachers all still say, "No!" The Republicans all said, "No!" That goes on forever!

Clearly, teaching, and any presentations for pay, are not at all possible--without the doctoral degree: Unless it is believed that some kinds are better than other kids, and that all the other kids are not worth the extra effort.

Again, see above! The money is gone for good. The governmennt funding of the governments is over. The Republicans intend to stop the spending of the rest, to help keep customerput of the stores. It's not in the pictures, but there are other pages in the Pledge.

And in the pictures, see fat old old white people--likely on Social Security--who really could care less!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes Sacred Hunting Grounds away from many nations, now gone for good!)
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The Government Supported, Or Government Supportive, Plart of the Federal Stimulus is over. That went to state and local governments, which was alledged to be going to fund state and local infra-structure spending. Conservatives know that "Ignorance Of The Law Is No Excuse," and the Stimulus is the law.

No poster other than mascale claims to know anything about the stimulus. The OP notes that the Conservatives want to take away the remaining stimulus spending, now that the government supported spending is over.

That remains the case, and it is clear in the post that subject of the thread is the stimulus funding of state and local governments, which includes the teachers. Both Obama and Biden note that all sorts of state and local government jobs were saved.

Each poster complaining of the way mascale puts it, needs to be reminded that the stimulus spending, in support of state and local government is already over. The teachers and state and local government employees, already did the intending, and with the intended outcome! Clearly, it will happen to any babies of the posters, forever in their lifetimes. The teachers have done that to them, intentionally. Mascale has no doctorate! The Teachers Said, "No!" and 35 years ago. Even the creation of the $52.0 tril. credit market is not discussed, and cannot be discussed! The Teachers all said, "No!" The teachers all still say, "No!" The Republicans all said, "No!" That goes on forever!

Clearly, teaching, and any presentations for pay, are not at all possible--without the doctoral degree: Unless it is believed that some kinds are better than other kids, and that all the other kids are not worth the extra effort.

Again, see above! The money is gone for good. The governmennt funding of the governments is over. The Republicans intend to stop the spending of the rest, to help keep customerput of the stores. It's not in the pictures, but there are other pages in the Pledge.

And in the pictures, see fat old old white people--likely on Social Security--who really could care less!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes Sacred Hunting Grounds away from many nations, now gone for good!)


I think I can decipher through your syntax, but your train of thought is so convoluted I can't even find any process of logic in that post. As far as I can tell this is about stimulus spending on education being exhausted, and Republicans not supporting additional funds?
The recent GOP Pledge, aka, "National Greographic Magazine according to the House Republicans," appears no longer to be preferred reading, among the critics of OP in this thread.

Point One is that the Stimulus is actually 70% spent, and not just 50% anymore. It's in the numbers, which appear on the currency, subject to the arithmetic. Old, Fat, White People have nothing to do with it.

The teachers took the math, hoarded it, and the intended outcome happened. A large part of the "Stimulus" became Preservative: with the kind of outcome--expected from the old, white jelly-bellies, favored at GOP!

Trickle doesn't even work when the teachers do it, which they intended for an outcome. That is the law, and they drew the pay, clearly supportive of it. Now the money is gone, and so are a lot of their kith and kind.

That isn't hard. They are a lethal, sub-group of the species! Following them along, the GOP intends to halt the private sector spending yet to happen. It's in-between the pictures, which raises that issue about just what it is that is beteen the old, fat, white people in their policy book!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Sadness Even Settles Now On The Lands of Many Nations! The Venal Anniversary, "Slur A Dago Day," has come again to turn great harvest into many-rodents-fodder! Without Papers, Many Need to call them!)
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