Great Speech By Joe Biden In Ohio

I love this quote!

My mother believed and my father believed, that if I wanted president of the United States, I could be, I could be vice president. [Actual quote as it was delivered]


You go Joe! Biden Unplugged!

Could Joe Biden or Barack Obama ever say anything you wouldn't think is "great?"

You know, you really shouldn't use such superlatives to describe merely average events...
We just don't get Joe...

joe-biden-house.jpg, a reliable real estate web site, estimates the worth of Biden's Wilmington, Delaware, home (pictured above) to be a cool $2,856,950. (This does not appear to include the cottage on the Biden estate, which the vice president rents out to the Secret Service for more than $12,000 per year.)

"The vice president and his wife, Jill Biden, reported assets of between $239,000 and $866,000," according to Bloomberg.

"I said it yesterday, and I’ll say it more calmly today. I don’t think these guys understand us," Biden also told the Ohio audience.

Biden added: "What do they think we think? What do they think we think in our houses? We’re like the rich guys — we have dreams, we have aspirations." Indeed

Joe Biden came from a working family
[ame=]Joe Biden's racist slip - YouTube[/ame]
Did he ask a man in a wheelchair to stand up again?

Why? Republicans would rather he never walked again?
Did anyone say that? It's not like Biden has never asked that of a wheelchair confined person before.I'm sure you will jump on Romney or his future running mate for any dumb comment they make so surly you don't begrudge me having some fun with one of Biden's many do you?

not at all..have fun with it..
thank god Biden mad a jackass of himself in Ohio,,,he may have just given the state to Romney,,,,and hopefully the same thing will happen in Massachusetts with High Cheif Running Beaver Warren.
he was spot- on. the con partisan hate force is strong in this thread
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We just don't get Joe...

joe-biden-house.jpg, a reliable real estate web site, estimates the worth of Biden's Wilmington, Delaware, home (pictured above) to be a cool $2,856,950. (This does not appear to include the cottage on the Biden estate, which the vice president rents out to the Secret Service for more than $12,000 per year.)

"The vice president and his wife, Jill Biden, reported assets of between $239,000 and $866,000," according to Bloomberg.

"I said it yesterday, and I’ll say it more calmly today. I don’t think these guys understand us," Biden also told the Ohio audience.

Biden added: "What do they think we think? What do they think we think in our houses? We’re like the rich guys — we have dreams, we have aspirations." Indeed

Joe Biden came from a working family

I didn't know that. The Secret Service pays Biden rent so they can protect him?
We just don't get Joe...

joe-biden-house.jpg, a reliable real estate web site, estimates the worth of Biden's Wilmington, Delaware, home (pictured above) to be a cool $2,856,950. (This does not appear to include the cottage on the Biden estate, which the vice president rents out to the Secret Service for more than $12,000 per year.)

"The vice president and his wife, Jill Biden, reported assets of between $239,000 and $866,000," according to Bloomberg.

"I said it yesterday, and I’ll say it more calmly today. I don’t think these guys understand us," Biden also told the Ohio audience.

Biden added: "What do they think we think? What do they think we think in our houses? We’re like the rich guys — we have dreams, we have aspirations." Indeed

Joe Biden came from a working family

Good for him... what does he have against others who came from working class families and made it wealthy? In Obama's world a family making over $250.000 is wealthy. Biden is a piece of shit who has been on the government dole his whole life
We just don't get Joe...

joe-biden-house.jpg, a reliable real estate web site, estimates the worth of Biden's Wilmington, Delaware, home (pictured above) to be a cool $2,856,950. (This does not appear to include the cottage on the Biden estate, which the vice president rents out to the Secret Service for more than $12,000 per year.)

"The vice president and his wife, Jill Biden, reported assets of between $239,000 and $866,000," according to Bloomberg.

"I said it yesterday, and I’ll say it more calmly today. I don’t think these guys understand us," Biden also told the Ohio audience.

Biden added: "What do they think we think? What do they think we think in our houses? We’re like the rich guys — we have dreams, we have aspirations." Indeed

Joe Biden came from a working family

Mr. Biden has been receiving a government paycheck (aka taxpayers dollars) since 1972. He's been out of the real world loop since then.

Biden is a penultimate "inside the beltway"career politician.
this makes for a great movie, "One Biden Flew Over The Cookoo's Nest",,,someone call Steven Speilberg or James Cameron.
Some people here, on this board may be too young to remember, but one former Vice President was savaged by liberal "journalists" (probably the parents of present day "journalists") for misspelling potato and comparing life to a fictitious TV character.

They also fondly remember the time when - in a Vice Presidential debate - Dan Quayle was chastised by that old fart from Texas: "You are no Jack Kennedy".

I must admit, Dan Quayle was somewhat slow on his feet and should have said: "No, I am NOT Jack Kennedy. I honor my wedding wows. I don't cheat on my wife with any cheap whore like Jack Kennedy did. I know I won't be shot by a jealous husband, like Jack Kennedy would. I know I won't die by syphilis, like Jack Kennedy would. I know I am not a predatory and domineering tomcat, like Jack Kennedy. I am not Democrat, like Jack Kennedy".

Times have changed. Attacking a truly idiotic Democratic Vice President by Republicans is not so much in vogue and as much popular as attacking a Republican Vice President was in the 20th century. So, Republicans probably will not sink to the low level of Democrats, then and/or now. (Remember all the names Dick Cheney was and still is called?)

But they should. Joe Biden is the biggest idiot ever occupy the Vice Presidential spot.

After all the derogatory things he said about Obama, he should have never been asked by Obama to be Vice President. If Obama had any integrity, he would have never asked. If Biden had had any integrity, after all the hateful and racist things he said about Obama, and of course, vice versa, he should have never accepted.

Any life-long politician, Democrat or Republican, should have a rare moment of decency and propose and vote for a bill that limits any political term to 2 (TWO).

If it is - constitutionally - good for the President, it should be good for anybody else.

How about not seeing fossils like Orin Hatch? Harry Reid? Barbara Boxer? That jerk senator from Michigan who is not smart enough to know when and how wear his glasses? Or the dumb broad who wears a pink hat while spewing racist hate?

Just to name (or not name) a few.
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