GREAT!: Thanks To Trump Tax Cuts, Utilities Are Lowering Rates...

Just admit it Dim's you want to raise taxes.

Just admit it Repubs you want to keep growing the debt because you will all be dead when the shit hits the fan and you do not give a fuck about anyone but yourself

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Seriously grow a pair and admit it, tax increases?

I think we should pay for what we spend and not pass it off to the next generations.

Since selfish fuckers like you will not vote for people willing to cut spending then the only other alternative is to tax the shit out of people till they feel pain of our out of control spending.

Then fucks like you would be ok with spending cuts

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Ameren Illinois

(Chicago, Illinois) – The utility requested that tax savings be passed onto customers:
Ameren Illinois electric customers could save an average of $2.50 to $3.00 per month in 2018 and natural gas customers could save an average of $1 per month if the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) approves the company's plan to pass savings from the recently approved federal tax cut legislation back to its customers. Customers using both electricity and natural gas could see a combined savings.

Sweet, people today save 13 cents a day and the future generations get bent over and fucked!

What a great system.

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Socialism only works in the minds of those who think it’s a good thing… They are fools
Quadvest (Tomball, Texas)

"On behalf of the approximately 30,000 customers Quadvest Utility serves in Southeast Texas, we would like to thank you for your integral part in the development and ultimate passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of FY2017. The passage of this key piece of legislation has allowed Quadvest to proactively reduces our customers' base water and sewer fees by 26% or almost $90 per year/family." -- Simon Sequeira, President of Quadvest

"When Democrats threaten to raise taxes if they get back into power they are threatening to raise your utility bill -- month after month," said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform...

You are being redirected...

Do you feel that the average family saving 25 cents a day on their utilities justifies adding an additional trillion dollars a year to the deficit?

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The problem is the collective determines the direction, That is 100% wrong 100% of the time

As long as you support running up the debt you have no room at all to talk negatively about the are its biggest cheerleader

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Spending has not got down a single penny since the tax cuts...all that has changed is that the deficit is going up almost twice as fast

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The debt is far too large to be ever paid back, decades of career politicians made certain of that... dumbass

So we should just keep adding to it at record rates.

What a fucking great plan...

I am glad to see you drop the bull shit libertarian act and show your true Trump zealot colors

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Only fool thinks we are not past the point of no return...

Only a fucking socialist thinks it is cool to keep piling on more.

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100% of this county’s debt is due to socialism, All socialist entitlement programs are Unsustainable
Yep. Now give the Pentagon another trillion dollars to parade boats and bases around the world.
Quadvest (Tomball, Texas)

"On behalf of the approximately 30,000 customers Quadvest Utility serves in Southeast Texas, we would like to thank you for your integral part in the development and ultimate passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of FY2017. The passage of this key piece of legislation has allowed Quadvest to proactively reduces our customers' base water and sewer fees by 26% or almost $90 per year/family." -- Simon Sequeira, President of Quadvest

"When Democrats threaten to raise taxes if they get back into power they are threatening to raise your utility bill -- month after month," said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform...

You are being redirected...

Do you feel that the average family saving 25 cents a day on their utilities justifies adding an additional trillion dollars a year to the deficit?

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The problem is the collective determines the direction, That is 100% wrong 100% of the time

As long as you support running up the debt you have no room at all to talk negatively about the are its biggest cheerleader

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Na, Career politicians are the ones that are doing the spending
Quadvest (Tomball, Texas)

"On behalf of the approximately 30,000 customers Quadvest Utility serves in Southeast Texas, we would like to thank you for your integral part in the development and ultimate passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of FY2017. The passage of this key piece of legislation has allowed Quadvest to proactively reduces our customers' base water and sewer fees by 26% or almost $90 per year/family." -- Simon Sequeira, President of Quadvest

"When Democrats threaten to raise taxes if they get back into power they are threatening to raise your utility bill -- month after month," said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform...

You are being redirected...

Do you feel that the average family saving 25 cents a day on their utilities justifies adding an additional trillion dollars a year to the deficit?

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The problem is the collective determines the direction, That is 100% wrong 100% of the time

As long as you support running up the debt you have no room at all to talk negatively about the are its biggest cheerleader

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Na, Career politicians are the ones that are doing the spending

Because people like you are giving them the green light to do so and cheering while it happens.

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Just admit it Dim's you want to raise taxes.

Just admit it Repubs you want to keep growing the debt because you will all be dead when the shit hits the fan and you do not give a fuck about anyone but yourself

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Seriously grow a pair and admit it, tax increases?

I think we should pay for what we spend and not pass it off to the next generations.

Since selfish fuckers like you will not vote for people willing to cut spending then the only other alternative is to tax the shit out of people till they feel pain of our out of control spending.

Then fucks like you would be ok with spending cuts

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Lib please I already pay my share of taxes plus the shares of countless deadbeats. I pay more in taxes than most people earn so spare me your sad story.

The guy cheering on massive increases in the debt calls me a lib! What a fucking joke there Comrade!

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I understand Trump's economic policy, its clear you do not.
Quadvest (Tomball, Texas)

"On behalf of the approximately 30,000 customers Quadvest Utility serves in Southeast Texas, we would like to thank you for your integral part in the development and ultimate passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of FY2017. The passage of this key piece of legislation has allowed Quadvest to proactively reduces our customers' base water and sewer fees by 26% or almost $90 per year/family." -- Simon Sequeira, President of Quadvest

"When Democrats threaten to raise taxes if they get back into power they are threatening to raise your utility bill -- month after month," said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform...

You are being redirected...

Do you feel that the average family saving 25 cents a day on their utilities justifies adding an additional trillion dollars a year to the deficit?

Sent from my iPhone using
The problem is the collective determines the direction, That is 100% wrong 100% of the time

As long as you support running up the debt you have no room at all to talk negatively about the are its biggest cheerleader

Sent from my iPhone using
Na, Career politicians are the ones that are doing the spending

Because people like you are giving them the green light to do so and cheering while it happens.

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Na, I’m against all socialist entitlement programs that’s where the vast majority of money is spent/wasted
Does anyone have any charts or graphs that detail the number of times in the country's history the Democrat party has lowered taxes?
Quadvest (Tomball, Texas)

"On behalf of the approximately 30,000 customers Quadvest Utility serves in Southeast Texas, we would like to thank you for your integral part in the development and ultimate passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of FY2017. The passage of this key piece of legislation has allowed Quadvest to proactively reduces our customers' base water and sewer fees by 26% or almost $90 per year/family." -- Simon Sequeira, President of Quadvest

"When Democrats threaten to raise taxes if they get back into power they are threatening to raise your utility bill -- month after month," said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform...

You are being redirected...

Do you feel that the average family saving 25 cents a day on their utilities justifies adding an additional trillion dollars a year to the deficit?

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There has been a federal public debt since 1789, the last time we had a surplus on a yearly budget was 2001. Neither party in interested in a balanced budget or reducing the debt. The vast majority including all of you want to be paid, so I will keep my money and do what I wish with it.

My electric company did not reduce rates, but stated in a customer newsletter that the tax saving will help in converting to renewables faster without raise rates.

So that should make a bunch of you happier still.

Translated to...I got mine...fuck the future generations!

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Yep, after 30+ years of being lied to by every Democrat and Republican politician that ever spewed his mouth full of shit about the debt and yearly deficit. I give up and don't care about the debt or budget.

My future generation is set up well, how about yours? or do you even have one?
Just admit it Repubs you want to keep growing the debt because you will all be dead when the shit hits the fan and you do not give a fuck about anyone but yourself

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Seriously grow a pair and admit it, tax increases?

I think we should pay for what we spend and not pass it off to the next generations.

Since selfish fuckers like you will not vote for people willing to cut spending then the only other alternative is to tax the shit out of people till they feel pain of our out of control spending.

Then fucks like you would be ok with spending cuts

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Ameren Illinois

(Chicago, Illinois) – The utility requested that tax savings be passed onto customers:
Ameren Illinois electric customers could save an average of $2.50 to $3.00 per month in 2018 and natural gas customers could save an average of $1 per month if the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) approves the company's plan to pass savings from the recently approved federal tax cut legislation back to its customers. Customers using both electricity and natural gas could see a combined savings.

Sweet, people today save 13 cents a day and the future generations get bent over and fucked!

What a great system.

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Socialism only works in the minds of those who think it’s a good thing… They are fools

It makes one think the Democrats want mass poverty and misery. More poor, angry, and fully dependent on Government, seems to benefit that Party. So why would they want things to get better? And it sure won't, if folks continue to vote Democrat.

This is where Socialism/Communism always takes you. The most taxed Government-controlled state in the nation, and things only continue to rapidly deteriorate.

News Release
Consumers Energy Puts Customers First on Tax Reform
Jackson, Mich. Friday, January 19, 2018

Haven't seen a tax cut.

Consumers Energy today issued the following statement from President & CEO Patti Poppe:

“Today, Consumers Energy was pleased to submit a proposal to the Michigan Public Service Commission that would lower customer bills starting in 2018 by approximately $200 million, as a result of the recent federal tax reform changes. We are thrilled to be able to pass along 100 percent of the savings from tax reform to the people we are privileged to serve. This underscores our commitment to people, planet and prosperity for all of Michigan.”

Media Contacts: Katie Carey, 517-740-1739, or Megan Brown, 517-788-6538

For more information about Consumers Energy, go to

Check out Consumers Energy on Social Media
Seriously grow a pair and admit it, tax increases?

I think we should pay for what we spend and not pass it off to the next generations.

Since selfish fuckers like you will not vote for people willing to cut spending then the only other alternative is to tax the shit out of people till they feel pain of our out of control spending.

Then fucks like you would be ok with spending cuts

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Ameren Illinois

(Chicago, Illinois) – The utility requested that tax savings be passed onto customers:
Ameren Illinois electric customers could save an average of $2.50 to $3.00 per month in 2018 and natural gas customers could save an average of $1 per month if the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) approves the company's plan to pass savings from the recently approved federal tax cut legislation back to its customers. Customers using both electricity and natural gas could see a combined savings.

Sweet, people today save 13 cents a day and the future generations get bent over and fucked!

What a great system.

Sent from my iPhone using
Socialism only works in the minds of those who think it’s a good thing… They are fools

It makes one think the Democrats want mass poverty and misery. More poor, angry, and fully dependent on Government, seems to benefit that Party. So why would they want things to get better? And it sure won't, if folks continue to vote Democrat.

This is where Socialism/Communism always takes you. The most taxed state in the nation, and things only continue to rapidly deteriorate.

Socialism always produces poverty and dictatorships
Lol why do Trump sheep always have to invent lies about others’ comments or beliefs when their pants are down in an argument?
I voted for Hillary. I lean left.

I quoted you directly. You said "good".

I wonder if anything is a higher priority to you than partisan political advantage.

I'm not asking, because I wouldn't expect an honest answer. But I wonder.
Oh that old shtick. You support every Trump policy on here bit you want to be treated as hilolier than thou. Nobody’s buying it.
It's all laid out for you in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

Issue by issue.

How many times do you plan on being wrong in this thread?

And how many times do you plan on being party over country?
Sorry, I’ll applaud Trump for his wealth destroying tariffs and his efforts to exacerbate the wage gap and triple the debt. I’ll be a good little Trump shee-I mean INDEPENDENT like you Mac!
Quadvest (Tomball, Texas)

"On behalf of the approximately 30,000 customers Quadvest Utility serves in Southeast Texas, we would like to thank you for your integral part in the development and ultimate passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of FY2017. The passage of this key piece of legislation has allowed Quadvest to proactively reduces our customers' base water and sewer fees by 26% or almost $90 per year/family." -- Simon Sequeira, President of Quadvest

"When Democrats threaten to raise taxes if they get back into power they are threatening to raise your utility bill -- month after month," said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform...

You are being redirected...

Do you feel that the average family saving 25 cents a day on their utilities justifies adding an additional trillion dollars a year to the deficit?

Sent from my iPhone using
The problem is the collective determines the direction, That is 100% wrong 100% of the time

As long as you support running up the debt you have no room at all to talk negatively about the are its biggest cheerleader

Sent from my iPhone using
Na, Career politicians are the ones that are doing the spending

Because people like you are giving them the green light to do so and cheering while it happens.

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Speakin of cheering something?...

Black Hills Energy

(Rapid City, South Dakota) – The utility will pass along tax savings to customers:
"Black Hills Energy is currently reviewing the recently approved Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017," spokeswoman Brandy Johnson said in an email. "We will work with utility regulators to develop a plan to provide customers the benefit of the corporate tax rate reduction." – Jan. 13, 2018 Lincoln Journal Star article excerpt
Lol why do Trump sheep always have to invent lies about others’ comments or beliefs when their pants are down in an argument?
I voted for Hillary. I lean left.

I quoted you directly. You said "good".

I wonder if anything is a higher priority to you than partisan political advantage.

I'm not asking, because I wouldn't expect an honest answer. But I wonder.
Oh that old shtick. You support every Trump policy on here bit you want to be treated as hilolier than thou. Nobody’s buying it.
It's all laid out for you in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

Issue by issue.

How many times do you plan on being wrong in this thread?

And how many times do you plan on being party over country?
Sorry, I’ll applaud Trump for his wealth destroying tariffs and his efforts to exacerbate the wage gap and triple the debt. I’ll be a good little Trump shee-I mean INDEPENDENT like you Mac!
More of the same.

Maybe compared to you, EVERYONE is a right winger, huh?

Well, keep cheering for the worst. I'll keep hoping for the best.
Good. That will help offset the extra taxes Trump is forcing us all to pay with his tariffs.

And yet you supported tariffs until the day before Trump was elected and you'll support them again the day after he leaves office
I think we should pay for what we spend and not pass it off to the next generations.

Since selfish fuckers like you will not vote for people willing to cut spending then the only other alternative is to tax the shit out of people till they feel pain of our out of control spending.

Then fucks like you would be ok with spending cuts

Sent from my iPhone using

Ameren Illinois

(Chicago, Illinois) – The utility requested that tax savings be passed onto customers:
Ameren Illinois electric customers could save an average of $2.50 to $3.00 per month in 2018 and natural gas customers could save an average of $1 per month if the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) approves the company's plan to pass savings from the recently approved federal tax cut legislation back to its customers. Customers using both electricity and natural gas could see a combined savings.

Sweet, people today save 13 cents a day and the future generations get bent over and fucked!

What a great system.

Sent from my iPhone using
Socialism only works in the minds of those who think it’s a good thing… They are fools

It makes one think the Democrats want mass poverty and misery. More poor, angry, and fully dependent on Government, seems to benefit that Party. So why would they want things to get better? And it sure won't, if folks continue to vote Democrat.

This is where Socialism/Communism always takes you. The most taxed state in the nation, and things only continue to rapidly deteriorate.

Socialism always produces poverty and dictatorships

I think Democrats want more poor, angry, and defenseless folks. The Party preys on em. I don't think it's solely incompetence. I think the Party needs more folks poor & angry. It thrives on it. I think their policies are designed to achieve mass discontent. It's intentional.

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