GREAT!: Thanks To Trump Tax Cuts, Utilities Are Lowering Rates...

Quadvest (Tomball, Texas)

"On behalf of the approximately 30,000 customers Quadvest Utility serves in Southeast Texas, we would like to thank you for your integral part in the development and ultimate passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of FY2017. The passage of this key piece of legislation has allowed Quadvest to proactively reduces our customers' base water and sewer fees by 26% or almost $90 per year/family." -- Simon Sequeira, President of Quadvest

"When Democrats threaten to raise taxes if they get back into power they are threatening to raise your utility bill -- month after month," said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform...

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Do you feel that the average family saving 25 cents a day on their utilities justifies adding an additional trillion dollars a year to the deficit?

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There has been a federal public debt since 1789, the last time we had a surplus on a yearly budget was 2001. Neither party in interested in a balanced budget or reducing the debt. The vast majority including all of you want to be paid, so I will keep my money and do what I wish with it.

My electric company did not reduce rates, but stated in a customer newsletter that the tax saving will help in converting to renewables faster without raise rates.

So that should make a bunch of you happier still.

Translated to...I got mine...fuck the future generations!

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Yep, after 30+ years of being lied to by every Democrat and Republican politician that ever spewed his mouth full of shit about the debt and yearly deficit. I give up and don't care about the debt or budget.

My future generation is set up well, how about yours? or do you even have one?

I agree.

The debt and the deficit will always be here because our career politicians are to busy spending money.

The couldn't care less about the debt or the deficit so I won't lose any sleep over something I have no control over.

I'm set.

Citizens’ Electric Company of Lewisburg

(Lewisburg, Pennsylvania) – the utility will pass along tax reform savings to customers:
The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) today issued an Order, requiring a “negative surcharge” or monthly credit on customer bills for 17 major electric, natural gas, and water and wastewater utilities, totaling more than $320-million per year. The refunds to consumers are the result of the substantial decrease in federal corporate tax rates and other tax changes under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017, which impacted the tax liability of many utilities.
Quadvest (Tomball, Texas)

"On behalf of the approximately 30,000 customers Quadvest Utility serves in Southeast Texas, we would like to thank you for your integral part in the development and ultimate passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of FY2017. The passage of this key piece of legislation has allowed Quadvest to proactively reduces our customers' base water and sewer fees by 26% or almost $90 per year/family." -- Simon Sequeira, President of Quadvest

"When Democrats threaten to raise taxes if they get back into power they are threatening to raise your utility bill -- month after month," said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform...

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Do you feel that the average family saving 25 cents a day on their utilities justifies adding an additional trillion dollars a year to the deficit?

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There has been a federal public debt since 1789, the last time we had a surplus on a yearly budget was 2001. Neither party in interested in a balanced budget or reducing the debt. The vast majority including all of you want to be paid, so I will keep my money and do what I wish with it.

My electric company did not reduce rates, but stated in a customer newsletter that the tax saving will help in converting to renewables faster without raise rates.

So that should make a bunch of you happier still.

Translated to...I got mine...fuck the future generations!

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Yep, after 30+ years of being lied to by every Democrat and Republican politician that ever spewed his mouth full of shit about the debt and yearly deficit. I give up and don't care about the debt or budget.

My future generation is set up well, how about yours? or do you even have one?

I do and they are. But I am one of those odd folks that can see the whole picture and grasp the fact I can only do so much and that with each new trillion added to the debt what I set up for them is a little bit weaker. And we have damn near added a trillion this FY already, with 3.5 months to go!

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Cleco Corporation.

(Pineville, Louisiana) – The utility will pass tax savings to customers:
Cleco confirmed it will pass along savings to customers related to the recent tax reform.

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which was signed into law on Dec. 22, 2017 and became effective on Jan. 1, 2018, decreased the federal corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent, reducing the amount of federal income tax Cleco will have to pay.
Quadvest (Tomball, Texas)

"On behalf of the approximately 30,000 customers Quadvest Utility serves in Southeast Texas, we would like to thank you for your integral part in the development and ultimate passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of FY2017. The passage of this key piece of legislation has allowed Quadvest to proactively reduces our customers' base water and sewer fees by 26% or almost $90 per year/family." -- Simon Sequeira, President of Quadvest

"When Democrats threaten to raise taxes if they get back into power they are threatening to raise your utility bill -- month after month," said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform...

You are being redirected...

Do you feel that the average family saving 25 cents a day on their utilities justifies adding an additional trillion dollars a year to the deficit?

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There has been a federal public debt since 1789, the last time we had a surplus on a yearly budget was 2001. Neither party in interested in a balanced budget or reducing the debt. The vast majority including all of you want to be paid, so I will keep my money and do what I wish with it.

My electric company did not reduce rates, but stated in a customer newsletter that the tax saving will help in converting to renewables faster without raise rates.

So that should make a bunch of you happier still.

Translated to...I got mine...fuck the future generations!

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Yep, after 30+ years of being lied to by every Democrat and Republican politician that ever spewed his mouth full of shit about the debt and yearly deficit. I give up and don't care about the debt or budget.

My future generation is set up well, how about yours? or do you even have one?

I agree.

The debt and the deficit will always be here because our career politicians are to busy spending money.

The couldn't care less about the debt or the deficit so I won't lose any sleep over something I have no control over.

I'm set.

The politicians only do what we allow them to do.

The “I got mine, fuck the rest” is not really a good way to live life in my opinion

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College Utilities

(Fairbanks, Alaska) – The utility will pass tax cut savings along to customers:
In December, Congress passed new tax law that included a major cut to the corporate tax rate — to 21 percent from 35 percent. That will likely mean major savings for the small number of Alaska utilities that aren't cooperatives or municipally owned.
Good. That will help offset the extra taxes Trump is forcing us all to pay with his tariffs.

And yet you supported tariffs until the day before Trump was elected and you'll support them again the day after he leaves office
Once again, the right invents something completely false when they’re caught with their pants down in an argument.
I wish they would do something about food prices and pump prices, the cost of health ins. I don't need a buck back at the end of the year for energy.

The dentist are going crazy with increase prices , when are they going to monitor this crap.

I heard hearing aids cost a fortune , yet Medicare does not cover that or dental.

I hate to see auto ins rates when the prices of cars shoot up and up.

1 buck saving a month is nothing. Is that before or after they do the yearly raising of rates, like with internet.
Commonwealth Edison (commonly known as ComEd) (Chicago, Illinois) – The utility will pass tax savings to customers:

The recent annual formula rate filing also included an advancement of $205 million from anticipated savings in 2019 as a result of the federal tax cut and jobs act.
I wish they would do something about food prices and pump prices, the cost of health ins. I don't need a buck back at the end of the year for energy.

Lowering those costs would require tax cuts as well. Are you in?
I wish they would do something about food prices and pump prices, the cost of health ins. I don't need a buck back at the end of the year for energy.

Lowering those costs would require tax cuts as well. Are you in?

Well yes raise the lower rate to 15%, we somehow lost the 10%, so like Reagan, Trump will need to raise the lower rate from 12 to 15% to pay for the wall and anything else.
I wish they would do something about food prices and pump prices, the cost of health ins. I don't need a buck back at the end of the year for energy.

Lowering those costs would require tax cuts as well. Are you in?

Well yes raise the lower rate to 15%, we somehow lost the 10%, so like Reagan, Trump will need to raise the lower rate from 12 to 15% to pay for the wall and anything else.

Food and gas prices can be reduced. But it would require lowering some taxes. You in?
Do you feel that the average family saving 25 cents a day on their utilities justifies adding an additional trillion dollars a year to the deficit?

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There has been a federal public debt since 1789, the last time we had a surplus on a yearly budget was 2001. Neither party in interested in a balanced budget or reducing the debt. The vast majority including all of you want to be paid, so I will keep my money and do what I wish with it.

My electric company did not reduce rates, but stated in a customer newsletter that the tax saving will help in converting to renewables faster without raise rates.

So that should make a bunch of you happier still.

Translated to...I got mine...fuck the future generations!

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Yep, after 30+ years of being lied to by every Democrat and Republican politician that ever spewed his mouth full of shit about the debt and yearly deficit. I give up and don't care about the debt or budget.

My future generation is set up well, how about yours? or do you even have one?

I agree.

The debt and the deficit will always be here because our career politicians are to busy spending money.

The couldn't care less about the debt or the deficit so I won't lose any sleep over something I have no control over.

I'm set.

The politicians only do what we allow them to do.

The “I got mine, fuck the rest” is not really a good way to live life in my opinion

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Nope. Anything I have I busted my ass to earn just like everyone else can.

I don't owe anyone a dime and everything I own is paid for.

You know as well as I do that career politicians do whatever they want to do and most people don't pay attention to what they do.

They keep getting elected and that's how they become career politicians.
There has been a federal public debt since 1789, the last time we had a surplus on a yearly budget was 2001. Neither party in interested in a balanced budget or reducing the debt. The vast majority including all of you want to be paid, so I will keep my money and do what I wish with it.

My electric company did not reduce rates, but stated in a customer newsletter that the tax saving will help in converting to renewables faster without raise rates.

So that should make a bunch of you happier still.

Translated to...I got mine...fuck the future generations!

Sent from my iPhone using

Yep, after 30+ years of being lied to by every Democrat and Republican politician that ever spewed his mouth full of shit about the debt and yearly deficit. I give up and don't care about the debt or budget.

My future generation is set up well, how about yours? or do you even have one?

I agree.

The debt and the deficit will always be here because our career politicians are to busy spending money.

The couldn't care less about the debt or the deficit so I won't lose any sleep over something I have no control over.

I'm set.

The politicians only do what we allow them to do.

The “I got mine, fuck the rest” is not really a good way to live life in my opinion

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Nope. Anything I have I busted my ass to earn just like everyone else can.

I don't owe anyone a dime and everything I own is paid for.

You know as well as I do that career politicians do whatever they want to do and most people don't pay attention to what they do.

They keep getting elected and that's how they become career politicians.

They get elected because people keep voting for included I am willing to bet

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Good. That will help offset the extra taxes Trump is forcing us all to pay with his tariffs.

And yet you supported tariffs until the day before Trump was elected and you'll support them again the day after he leaves office
Once again, the right invents something completely false when they’re caught with their pants down in an argument.
I've never seen you argue tariffs with Democrats ever
Translated to...I got mine...fuck the future generations!

Sent from my iPhone using

Yep, after 30+ years of being lied to by every Democrat and Republican politician that ever spewed his mouth full of shit about the debt and yearly deficit. I give up and don't care about the debt or budget.

My future generation is set up well, how about yours? or do you even have one?

I agree.

The debt and the deficit will always be here because our career politicians are to busy spending money.

The couldn't care less about the debt or the deficit so I won't lose any sleep over something I have no control over.

I'm set.

The politicians only do what we allow them to do.

The “I got mine, fuck the rest” is not really a good way to live life in my opinion

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Nope. Anything I have I busted my ass to earn just like everyone else can.

I don't owe anyone a dime and everything I own is paid for.

You know as well as I do that career politicians do whatever they want to do and most people don't pay attention to what they do.

They keep getting elected and that's how they become career politicians.

They get elected because people keep voting for included I am willing to bet

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You as well. No politician is perfect and many do things I don't like but they also do things that I do like.
So how come other businesses aren't passing their tax saving down to the consumer like some of these Public Utilities are?

Regulations maybe?

Fughing liberals!
So how come other businesses aren't passing their tax saving down to the consumer like some of these Public Utilities are?

Regulations maybe?

Fughing liberals!
Maybe Public Utility Commission/regulations?
Good. That will help offset the extra taxes Trump is forcing us all to pay with his tariffs.

And yet you supported tariffs until the day before Trump was elected and you'll support them again the day after he leaves office
Once again, the right invents something completely false when they’re caught with their pants down in an argument.
Do you mean to tell me that a corporate tax cut that lowers the cost to a corporation of producing a good results in a lower consumer price if the corporation is regulated by the govt to insure it's profit margins stay in some average range, but if the corporation is not govt regulated it will tend to pass the lower price to corporate owners in the form of extra profits?

I mean .... well .... I mean surely we wouldn't want to regulate all profits ... profits of monopolies possibly, but still .... why wouldn't corporations send tax savings onto workers or consumers? I thought they would. (-:

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