Great tits could be wiped out by climate change in near future

not a titty show thread. Read the Opost.. THEN comment.
Flac we read it, give us a break we are guys. And getting bored with this election

I would have changed the title if I COULD, but Kinetta got it totally right. Save the great tits...

I personally doubt ANY tit species is under stress.. They are multiplying every year taking command of my feeders.. And I'm personally subsidizing their "bug deficit"...

Tits are bossy little things. They sit and scream at me when the feeders are low.. Get right in my face !!


I was watching a squirrel thing the other night, I found it..

Great the squirrels are smarter than all dems......
it's climate change that threatens to wipe out great tits.

I always though the greatest threat to great tits was gravity.
He he he, even your own link from NASA shows it is COOLING since 2016.

So, what happened prior to 2016?

You are an idiot since you again ignored what I said:

Many times I have said it has been warming since 1979, since the mid 1880's, since the late 1600's, when it began it's now 3 centuries long warming.

I notice you can quote me with success, but somehow you forgot to quote me for saying there is no global warming since 1979, since the mid 1800's, or since the late 1600's.

Meanwhile you have yet to show what I posted (chart) is false...., see how dead in arrival your posts are?

Your "gotcha" attempt went down in flames.....


Another example of dumb hyperbole:

The unfortunately named great tit has joined a long list of species that could soon disappear due to Earth’s rapidly warming climate.

It has been COOLING since 2016 with more forecasted for next year:

View attachment 414923




As for the birds, they have a large range:

View attachment 414928


Depends on whether they take advantage of a larger range -- doesn't it? Birds are fussy and habitual.. That's why there are rigid flyways and stop-overs. And nesting sites have to have the right conditions, species of food..

As for your temperature chart -- doesn't match the UAH satellite at all.. In fact, that's the ONLY system accurate and reliable enough to measure 0.03degC changes per year..

The very fact they have a large range covering up to 3,000 miles long, indicate they ARE adaptable.

Parts of the range will slowly move north if it continues to warm in the decades ahead. Life tries hard to move with the changes.
Meanwhile you have yet to show what I posted (chart) is false

I never said your chart was false. It just does't give an accurate representation of the rising temperature over time when you use only a small, declining portion of the temperature graph. One could take many points on that graph, take a 5 year sample and claim that the temperature was decreasing, it's a hoax, what all the fuse?
Meanwhile you have yet to show what I posted (chart) is false

I never said your chart was false. It just does't give an accurate representation of the rising temperature over time when you use only a small, declining portion of the temperature graph. One could take many points on that graph, take a 5 year sample and claim that the temperature was decreasing, it's a hoax, what all the fuse?

The classic leftist contradiction:

"I never said your chart was false "

" it's a hoax,..."


No it is accurate, but sure it is short (which is OBVIOUS), but you missed the point I made at post 10 that caused me to bring it up in the first place, which YOU have IGNORED twice now.

Most warming events have been lining up with El-Nino events.
No it is accurate, but sure it is short (which is OBVIOUS), but you missed the point I made at post 10

Again I never said the 5 year period of the graph you posted was not accurate. The only thing you said in 10 was

"It has been COOLING since 2016 with more forecasted for next year:"

Another example of dumb hyperbole:

The unfortunately named great tit has joined a long list of species that could soon disappear due to Earth’s rapidly warming climate.

It has been COOLING since 2016 with more forecasted for next year:

View attachment 414923




As for the birds, they have a large range:

View attachment 414928


Depends on whether they take advantage of a larger range -- doesn't it? Birds are fussy and habitual.. That's why there are rigid flyways and stop-overs. And nesting sites have to have the right conditions, species of food..

As for your temperature chart -- doesn't match the UAH satellite at all.. In fact, that's the ONLY system accurate and reliable enough to measure 0.03degC changes per year..

The Chart is a COMPOSITE of the temperature data, it is seen in the link.

What's a composite and why is it needed? We're talking about GMAST (global mean annual surface temp) .. Its a simple month by month tally..]

There's no source discussion at "woodforTrees" and wouldn't expect to find one there.. And you know well that plotting GMAST since 2016 and claiming cooling is bogus anyways.. 2015/2016 was one of the longest lasting El Ninos in modern age recording..

Sigh, here is what it says for the chart:

Wood For trees INDEX.

It was right there in front of you in the link.


This from the NOTES section of the website.

"WTI: The WoodForTrees Temperature Index
When playing around with temperature graphs, I always found myself having to choose which of the four global temperature sources - HADCRUT4, GISTEMP, UAH, RSS - to use. Since they all have their differences, particularly around short-term responses to extreme events like the 1998 El Nino, I thought it would be nice to have an average of all four...

Hence I've created the WoodForTrees Temperature Index (WTI). This is created from the mean of HADCRUT4GL, GISTEMP, RSS and UAH, offset by their baseline differences. It covers only the time period where all four series are valid, so begins in 1979 and will only contain the latest month's values when all four sources are in. It is updated from the master sources at 3am GMT/BST each night."



Here is chart using UAH6:

View attachment 415006


OK.. Didn't see a methodology section for a "homegrown" index there.. STILL -- it's deceptive to claim a "cooling" since the longest recent El Nino year...

And as UAH satellite shows -- It's just NOW recovering after those "ocean safety valves" kicked in and released GigaJoules of energy into the atmosphere..
Tits, tits and more tits ... tits here, tits there, tits everywhere ... tits tits tits tits tits tits ...

A tit mouse is a bird ... not a mouse ... just learned that the other day ... color me stupid ...

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