Greatest American President

What makes a President "great" or a failure has nothing to do with policies he or she promotes...for many policies are short lived and altered, if not abolished when a new President comes in....and many policies are enacted strictly to offset the "gains" or "losses" from the preceding President when of an opposing party.

In my opinion, what makes a President great is his/her ability to work with an opposing party in congress. It does not take rocket science or "greatness" to push through legislation with a Party friendly congress.

It takes greatness to have both parties see the advantages of your policies and pass them through the system.

Reagan did it. Clinton did it.

How well did Obama do it?

One pyrsyn can only reach across the aisle so far; the other side needs to reach out as well.

Or are you really going to claim that it's President Obama's fault for not having ten-foot-long arms?
George Washington, followed by James Knox Polk.

But why? Washington for his usage of the military in crushing a contemporary Tea Party movement, and Polk for his illegal invasion of Mexico? Or some other reason?

Regardless, thank you for your on-topic response.
What makes a President "great" or a failure has nothing to do with policies he or she promotes...for many policies are short lived and altered, if not abolished when a new President comes in....and many policies are enacted strictly to offset the "gains" or "losses" from the preceding President when of an opposing party.

In my opinion, what makes a President great is his/her ability to work with an opposing party in congress. It does not take rocket science or "greatness" to push through legislation with a Party friendly congress.

It takes greatness to have both parties see the advantages of your policies and pass them through the system.

Reagan did it. Clinton did it.

How well did Obama do it?

One pyrsyn can only reach across the aisle so far; the other side needs to reach out as well.

Or are you really going to claim that it's President Obama's fault for not having ten-foot-long arms?
I will say it again...

what makes a President great is his/her ability to work with an opposing party in congress. It does not take rocket science or "greatness" to push through legislation with a Party friendly congress.
It takes greatness to have both parties see the advantages of your policies and pass them through the system.

I don't recall saying anything about what congress needs to do to make a president great.

Now, if you can not get the gist of my post, then I fear your love for Obama has completely clouded your ability to comprehend basic logic.
Who, in your opinion, has been the greatest U.S. President thus far? And no, I don't care about the results of that stupid poll from several weeks back. What do YOU think, and why?

My answer is, without hesitation, President Obama. He's given us the ACA, stronger restrictions on predatory lending by credit card companies, heightened awareness to political con artists (like the Tea Party Express) attempting to operate under a tax-exempt banner, a freer Middle East with functioning democracies (Libya, Egypt, Iraq) and budding pro-democracy movements (Turkey, Syria, Iran), and a rebounding economy after what many have called the worst economic conditions we've seen since the Great Depression. He won the Nobel Peace Prize and immediately used that to bring peace to Libya by removing their evil dictator who killed his own people.

Truly, this country has seen no greater leader than the one we have currently.

I still nominate Millard Fillmore. The only fault found with Fillmore was that most people did not know of him so he had no negatives. All the other nominations came with baggage attached, the biggest baggage is that they tried to do something. Fillmore was born in a log cabin and in those days one had to be born in a log cabin. Fillmore was not a Democrat or Republican but a Whig, another positive. Fillmore greatest contribution to American is that he was a do-nothing president. Presidents that try to do something are generally hated by Americans. In fact, it is those presidents that do something that we hate. Nope Fillmore is my nomination, a do-nothing, for greatest American president.

In his single three-year term as U.S. President, Fillmore:

  • Appointed an incredibly racist false prophet that supported the genocide of African-Americans as Governor of the Utah Territory;
  • Tried four times to appoint a new Supreme Court Justice--two of them withdrew their names from consideration, and the other two were ignored by the do-nothing Senate;
  • Authorized the Perry Expedition, which in essence ended with the economic rape of Japan and the end of Japanese isolationism;
  • Threatened France with war if they annexed Hawaii, which at the time wasn't even a U.S. territory;
  • Admitted California to the Union;
  • Signed the Fugitive Slave Act into law; and
  • Abolished the slave trade in the District of Columbia, but not slavery itself.
Hardly the best president we've had.
What makes a President "great" or a failure has nothing to do with policies he or she promotes...for many policies are short lived and altered, if not abolished when a new President comes in....and many policies are enacted strictly to offset the "gains" or "losses" from the preceding President when of an opposing party.

In my opinion, what makes a President great is his/her ability to work with an opposing party in congress. It does not take rocket science or "greatness" to push through legislation with a Party friendly congress.

It takes greatness to have both parties see the advantages of your policies and pass them through the system.

Reagan did it. Clinton did it.

How well did Obama do it?

One pyrsyn can only reach across the aisle so far; the other side needs to reach out as well.

Or are you really going to claim that it's President Obama's fault for not having ten-foot-long arms?
I will say it again...

what makes a President great is his/her ability to work with an opposing party in congress. It does not take rocket science or "greatness" to push through legislation with a Party friendly congress.
It takes greatness to have both parties see the advantages of your policies and pass them through the system.

I don't recall saying anything about what congress needs to do to make a president great.

Now, if you can not get the gist of my post, then I fear your love for Obama has completely clouded your ability to comprehend basic logic.
Mostly your scenario has been an indication that special interest have managed to lobby and influence both sides of the aisle and a lot of trading between the elected officials is going on, without much regard to the impact their actions have on the country. A President that goes along with a congress that concentrates on trading and acquiring pork projects and campaign finances does not make him a great President. And when all those laws and policies are disregarded within a short time after he leaves office future generations will not remember them and certainly will not consider them when choosing who the great Presidents were.
Who, in your opinion, has been the greatest U.S. President thus far? And no, I don't care about the results of that stupid poll from several weeks back. What do YOU think, and why?

My answer is, without hesitation, President Obama. He's given us the ACA, stronger restrictions on predatory lending by credit card companies, heightened awareness to political con artists (like the Tea Party Express) attempting to operate under a tax-exempt banner, a freer Middle East with functioning democracies (Libya, Egypt, Iraq) and budding pro-democracy movements (Turkey, Syria, Iran), and a rebounding economy after what many have called the worst economic conditions we've seen since the Great Depression. He won the Nobel Peace Prize and immediately used that to bring peace to Libya by removing their evil dictator who killed his own people.

Truly, this country has seen no greater leader than the one we have currently.

ObamaCare is one of most badly written pieces of legislation ever to go through Congress. As it stands now it is a disaster. Barack Obama's Administration has been hit by scandal after scandal after scandal while the self proclaimed "Most Transparent Administration Ever" has stonewalled investigations to the point where they make Nixon look like an amateur. Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression and if it weren't for a stock market riding a massive bubble with non stop quantitative easing for six straight years it would be even worse. ISIS in the Middle East somehow equates in your mind to a "freer Middle East"? Really? And the biggest joke of all was his Nobel Peace Prize...something given to him just for showing up.

My only hope is that this "great leader" manages to get us through another two years without doing long term permanent damage to the world.
My choice would be Abe Lincoln...a man of character who made tough choices...not a man who "led from behind."
, a freer Middle East with functioning democracies (Libya, Egypt, Iraq).

are you drunk??
3 countries in absolute chaos.
And, Ronnie RayGun did not arm al Qaeda and call them freedom fighters, right?

That is correct. Her is a history lesson for you.

On 3 July 1979, Carter signed a presidential finding authorizing funding for anticommunist guerrillas in Afghanistan. Following the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan in December Operation Storm-333 and installation of a more pro-Soviet president,Babrak Karmal, Carter announced, "The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan is the greatest threat to peace since the Second World War".

President Reagan greatly expanded the program as part of the Reagan Doctrine of aiding anti-Soviet resistance movements abroad. To execute this policy, Reagan deployed CIA Special Activities Division paramilitary officers to equip the Mujihadeen forces against the Red Army.

The mujahideen benefited from expanded foreign military support from the United States ,Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and other Muslim nations. Saudi Arabia in particular agreed to match dollar for dollar the money the CIA was sending to the Mujahideen.

According to Christopher Andrew and Vasily Mitrokhin, there is "no support" in any "reliable source" for "the claim that the CIA funded bin Laden or any of the other Arab volunteers who came to support the mujahideen."

On 20 July 1987, the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the country was announced pursuant to the negotiations that led to the Geneva Accords of 1988, with the last Soviets leaving on 15 February 1989. Soviet forces suffered over 14,000 killed and missing, and over 50,000 wounded.

Al Queda. A global militant Islamist and Wahhabist organization founded by Osama bin Laden, Abdullah Azzam, and several other militants,at some point between August 1988 and late 1989.
, a freer Middle East with functioning democracies (Libya, Egypt, Iraq).

are you drunk??
3 countries in absolute chaos.
And, Ronnie RayGun did not arm al Qaeda and call them freedom fighters, right?

That is correct. Her is a history lesson for you.

On 3 July 1979, Carter signed a presidential finding authorizing funding for anticommunist guerrillas in Afghanistan. Following the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan in December Operation Storm-333 and installation of a more pro-Soviet president,Babrak Karmal, Carter announced, "The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan is the greatest threat to peace since the Second World War".

President Reagan greatly expanded the program as part of the Reagan Doctrine of aiding anti-Soviet resistance movements abroad. To execute this policy, Reagan deployed CIA Special Activities Division paramilitary officers to equip the Mujihadeen forces against the Red Army.

The mujahideen benefited from expanded foreign military support from the United States ,Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and other Muslim nations. Saudi Arabia in particular agreed to match dollar for dollar the money the CIA was sending to the Mujahideen.

According to Christopher Andrew and Vasily Mitrokhin, there is "no support" in any "reliable source" for "the claim that the CIA funded bin Laden or any of the other Arab volunteers who came to support the mujahideen."

On 20 July 1987, the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the country was announced pursuant to the negotiations that led to the Geneva Accords of 1988, with the last Soviets leaving on 15 February 1989. Soviet forces suffered over 14,000 killed and missing, and over 50,000 wounded.

Al Queda. A global militant Islamist and Wahhabist organization founded by Osama bin Laden, Abdullah Azzam, and several other militants,at some point between August 1988 and late 1989.
This should be common knowledge. Alas, it is a clueless mantra of loony lefties.
, a freer Middle East with functioning democracies (Libya, Egypt, Iraq).

are you drunk??
3 countries in absolute chaos.
And, Ronnie RayGun did not arm al Qaeda and call them freedom fighters, right?

That is correct. Her is a history lesson for you.

On 3 July 1979, Carter signed a presidential finding authorizing funding for anticommunist guerrillas in Afghanistan. Following the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan in December Operation Storm-333 and installation of a more pro-Soviet president,Babrak Karmal, Carter announced, "The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan is the greatest threat to peace since the Second World War".

President Reagan greatly expanded the program as part of the Reagan Doctrine of aiding anti-Soviet resistance movements abroad. To execute this policy, Reagan deployed CIA Special Activities Division paramilitary officers to equip the Mujihadeen forces against the Red Army.

The mujahideen benefited from expanded foreign military support from the United States ,Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and other Muslim nations. Saudi Arabia in particular agreed to match dollar for dollar the money the CIA was sending to the Mujahideen.

According to Christopher Andrew and Vasily Mitrokhin, there is "no support" in any "reliable source" for "the claim that the CIA funded bin Laden or any of the other Arab volunteers who came to support the mujahideen."

On 20 July 1987, the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the country was announced pursuant to the negotiations that led to the Geneva Accords of 1988, with the last Soviets leaving on 15 February 1989. Soviet forces suffered over 14,000 killed and missing, and over 50,000 wounded.

Al Queda. A global militant Islamist and Wahhabist organization founded by Osama bin Laden, Abdullah Azzam, and several other militants,at some point between August 1988 and late 1989.
This should be common knowledge. Alas, it is a clueless mantra of loony lefties.

Liberals cant face the fact that Reagan defeated the USSR, saved the world from nuclear anniliation, ended the cold war, and freed 2 billion from liberalism while they wanted peaceful coexistence with communism hoping that eventually our side would turn communist too.
Who, in your opinion, has been the greatest U.S. President thus far? And no, I don't care about the results of that stupid poll from several weeks back. What do YOU think, and why?

My answer is, without hesitation, President Obama. He's given us the ACA, stronger restrictions on predatory lending by credit card companies, heightened awareness to political con artists (like the Tea Party Express) attempting to operate under a tax-exempt banner, a freer Middle East with functioning democracies (Libya, Egypt, Iraq) and budding pro-democracy movements (Turkey, Syria, Iran), and a rebounding economy after what many have called the worst economic conditions we've seen since the Great Depression. He won the Nobel Peace Prize and immediately used that to bring peace to Libya by removing their evil dictator who killed his own people.

Truly, this country has seen no greater leader than the one we have currently.

ObamaCare is one of most badly written pieces of legislation ever to go through Congress. As it stands now it is a disaster. Barack Obama's Administration has been hit by scandal after scandal after scandal while the self proclaimed "Most Transparent Administration Ever" has stonewalled investigations to the point where they make Nixon look like an amateur. Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression and if it weren't for a stock market riding a massive bubble with non stop quantitative easing for six straight years it would be even worse. ISIS in the Middle East somehow equates in your mind to a "freer Middle East"? Really? And the biggest joke of all was his Nobel Peace Prize...something given to him just for showing up.

My only hope is that this "great leader" manages to get us through another two years without doing long term permanent damage to the world.
If you think Obama-care was difficult you should have seen the war against Social Security. Some were convinced that as soon as Social Security passed America would become a communist-socialist-fascist-nation.
Liberals cant face the fact that Reagan defeated the USSR,

Reagan was out of office 2 years before the collapse of the Soviet Union. What did he defeat them at?

saved the world from nuclear anniliation,

As did every other leader of all of the countries with nukes, because they haven't launched them.

ended the cold war,

Reagan was out of office 2 years before the end of the Cold War. How did he end it?

and freed 2 billion from liberalism

Which 2 billion? In what countries? What lybyrylysm? How did he "free" them?
Who, in your opinion, has been the greatest U.S. President thus far? And no, I don't care about the results of that stupid poll from several weeks back. What do YOU think, and why?

My answer is, without hesitation, President Obama. He's given us the ACA, stronger restrictions on predatory lending by credit card companies, heightened awareness to political con artists (like the Tea Party Express) attempting to operate under a tax-exempt banner, a freer Middle East with functioning democracies (Libya, Egypt, Iraq) and budding pro-democracy movements (Turkey, Syria, Iran), and a rebounding economy after what many have called the worst economic conditions we've seen since the Great Depression. He won the Nobel Peace Prize and immediately used that to bring peace to Libya by removing their evil dictator who killed his own people.

Truly, this country has seen no greater leader than the one we have currently.

ObamaCare is one of most badly written pieces of legislation ever to go through Congress. As it stands now it is a disaster. Barack Obama's Administration has been hit by scandal after scandal after scandal while the self proclaimed "Most Transparent Administration Ever" has stonewalled investigations to the point where they make Nixon look like an amateur. Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression and if it weren't for a stock market riding a massive bubble with non stop quantitative easing for six straight years it would be even worse. ISIS in the Middle East somehow equates in your mind to a "freer Middle East"? Really? And the biggest joke of all was his Nobel Peace Prize...something given to him just for showing up.

My only hope is that this "great leader" manages to get us through another two years without doing long term permanent damage to the world.
If you think Obama-care was difficult you should have seen the war against Social Security. Some were convinced that as soon as Social Security passed America would become a communist-socialist-fascist-nation.

We can argue the pros and cons of government subsidized healthcare all you want, observation was simply that the ACA as it was written behind closed doors by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid was so badly conceived that even THEY knew it was doomed to fail. It's why they had to lie to the American people about so much of it and delay major parts of it's implementation for as long as they could.
For LiberalMedia to contend that the ACA is what makes Barry a great President basically ignores the fact that it's awful legislation cobbled together so that they could pass SOMETHING before they lost control of the House.
Or are you really going to claim that it's President Obama's fault for not having ten-foot-long arms?

with 3 communist parents and voting to left of Bernie Sanders few in America really want to reach out at all to Obama. He will go down as our affirmative action, Nobel Peace Prize winning, and failed president. He lied to get Obamacare passed, he lied about Benghazi to get reelected, he lied about the war on terror being over, he lied about being a communist, he lost Iraq, is planning to lose Afghanistan, wants to sit idle while ISIL builds anthrax weapons, his idiotic economic ideas gave us cash for clunkers, the summer of recovery, and the worst economic recovery since the Great liberal Depression.
For LiberalMedia to contend that the ACA is what makes Barry a great President basically ignores the fact that it's awful legislation cobbled together so that they could pass SOMETHING before they lost control of the House.

flat out stupid idiotic lying to get legislation passed does not make one a great president
For LiberalMedia to contend that the ACA is what makes Barry a great President basically ignores the fact that it's awful legislation cobbled together so that they could pass SOMETHING before they lost control of the House.

flat out stupid idiotic lying to get legislation passed does not make one a great president

neither does further libcommie facist soviet re-regulation of our health care system make Barry a great president!
Reagan was out of office 2 years before the collapse of the Soviet Union. What did he defeat them at?

dear, liberals spied for the USSR, gave them the bomb, elected obama, and hoped America would go communist.

Reagan told them to tear down the wall, started to build a star wars system to defeat them that they could not match, showed them that their highly regulated libcommie system was producing 10% of what ours was producing. Reagan gave the USSR and Red China the Republican capitalist alternative after liberalism had slowly starved 120 million to death. He brought them into the light when they had no idea that light existed!
If you think Obama-care was difficult you should have seen the war against Social Security. Some were convinced that as soon as Social Security passed America would become a communist-socialist-fascist-nation.

that is the natural direction of government. It didn't happen here yet because of Aristotelian Jeffersonian Republican resistence!!

Thomas Jefferson:
"the natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to grain ground; that the greater the government the stronger the exploiter and the weaker the producer; that , therefore, the hope of liberty depends upon local self-governance and the vigilance of the producer class."

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