Greatest American President

FDR & Lincoln.
Both saved the nation

FDR crapped on the constitution, used the Depression to rape the 10th amendment and create all sorts of unnecessary federal powers

its too bad he didn't get croaked around 1934

I think that your post deserves a little elaboration, here, Turtle. I do believe that what you just posted was your opinion that you would have approved of the assassination of Franklin Roosevelt. I feel sure that you are prepared to confirm or deny my interpretation of your post. Please expand on your thoughts regarding this.

America would have been better off without FDR by 1934.
FDR & Lincoln.
Both saved the nation

FDR crapped on the constitution, used the Depression to rape the 10th amendment and create all sorts of unnecessary federal powers

its too bad he didn't get croaked around 1934

I think that your post deserves a little elaboration, here, Turtle. I do believe that what you just posted was your opinion that you would have approved of the assassination of Franklin Roosevelt. I feel sure that you are prepared to confirm or deny my interpretation of your post. Please expand on your thoughts regarding this.

America would have been better off without FDR by 1934.

Thousands would have died without help
FDR & Lincoln.
Both saved the nation
Lincoln suspended habeas corpus.
FDR engaged in all sorts of illegal activity and prodcued the worst depression in US history.
Of course they're your heroes. You can't even use Google, much less read a book.
The Depression started before he became president, moron.
And continued on through most of his 4 terms. I dont recall he blamed Hoover for it. Which is good because FDR is responsible for the Great Depression.

Actually Calvin Coolidge dumped it on poor Hoover
FDR & Lincoln.
Both saved the nation
Lincoln suspended habeas corpus.
FDR engaged in all sorts of illegal activity and prodcued the worst depression in US history.
Of course they're your heroes. You can't even use Google, much less read a book.
The Depression started before he became president, moron.
And continued on through most of his 4 terms. I dont recall he blamed Hoover for it. Which is good because FDR is responsible for the Great Depression.

Actually Calvin Coolidge dumped it on poor Hoover

Hoover intervened massively in the economy, only making matters worse. Then the fool tyrant FDR, who campaigned AGAINST Hoover's economic interventions, intervened even more...making matters much worse.

Very similar to W and Big Ears, but then your kind NEVER learn the true lessons of history. The elites know they can dupe you over and over again....
FDR & Lincoln.
Both saved the nation

FDR crapped on the constitution, used the Depression to rape the 10th amendment and create all sorts of unnecessary federal powers

its too bad he didn't get croaked around 1934

I think that your post deserves a little elaboration, here, Turtle. I do believe that what you just posted was your opinion that you would have approved of the assassination of Franklin Roosevelt. I feel sure that you are prepared to confirm or deny my interpretation of your post. Please expand on your thoughts regarding this.

America would have been better off without FDR by 1934.

Thousands would have died without help

millions have had their freedom infringed upon and millions have become dependent sloths due to his schemes
Both saved the nation

FDR crapped on the constitution, used the Depression to rape the 10th amendment and create all sorts of unnecessary federal powers

its too bad he didn't get croaked around 1934

I think that your post deserves a little elaboration, here, Turtle. I do believe that what you just posted was your opinion that you would have approved of the assassination of Franklin Roosevelt. I feel sure that you are prepared to confirm or deny my interpretation of your post. Please expand on your thoughts regarding this.

America would have been better off without FDR by 1934.

Thousands would have died without help

millions have had their freedom infringed upon and millions have become dependent sloths due to his schemes

Millions of people suffered less from the depression and Hundreds of millions have benefitted from Social Security

Can you imagine a time where people had to work till they died? Thank FDR for his foresight
Both saved the nation
Lincoln suspended habeas corpus.
FDR engaged in all sorts of illegal activity and prodcued the worst depression in US history.
Of course they're your heroes. You can't even use Google, much less read a book.
The Depression started before he became president, moron.
And continued on through most of his 4 terms. I dont recall he blamed Hoover for it. Which is good because FDR is responsible for the Great Depression.

Actually Calvin Coolidge dumped it on poor Hoover

Hoover intervened massively in the economy, only making matters worse. Then the fool tyrant FDR, who campaigned AGAINST Hoover's economic interventions, intervened even more...making matters much worse.

Very similar to W and Big Ears, but then your kind NEVER learn the true lessons of history. The elites know they can dupe you over and over again....

Hoovers biggest fault was that he tolerated the Conservative "Prosperity is just around the corner" mantra
FDR crapped on the constitution, used the Depression to rape the 10th amendment and create all sorts of unnecessary federal powers

its too bad he didn't get croaked around 1934

I think that your post deserves a little elaboration, here, Turtle. I do believe that what you just posted was your opinion that you would have approved of the assassination of Franklin Roosevelt. I feel sure that you are prepared to confirm or deny my interpretation of your post. Please expand on your thoughts regarding this.

America would have been better off without FDR by 1934.

Thousands would have died without help

millions have had their freedom infringed upon and millions have become dependent sloths due to his schemes

Millions of people suffered less from the depression and Hundreds of millions have benefitted from Social Security

Can you imagine a time where people had to work till they died? Thank FDR for his foresight

that is a faith based belief on your part. Much of what FDR did was a raw power grab that did nothing for the people and much of what that asshole did prolonged the depression and got lots of people killed in WWII who need not died
Lincoln suspended habeas corpus.
FDR engaged in all sorts of illegal activity and prodcued the worst depression in US history.
Of course they're your heroes. You can't even use Google, much less read a book.
The Depression started before he became president, moron.
And continued on through most of his 4 terms. I dont recall he blamed Hoover for it. Which is good because FDR is responsible for the Great Depression.

Actually Calvin Coolidge dumped it on poor Hoover

Hoover intervened massively in the economy, only making matters worse. Then the fool tyrant FDR, who campaigned AGAINST Hoover's economic interventions, intervened even more...making matters much worse.

Very similar to W and Big Ears, but then your kind NEVER learn the true lessons of history. The elites know they can dupe you over and over again....

Hoovers biggest fault was that he tolerated the Conservative "Prosperity is just around the corner" mantra

HIs biggest fault was raising taxes which made things worse
Lincoln suspended habeas corpus.
FDR engaged in all sorts of illegal activity and prodcued the worst depression in US history.
Of course they're your heroes. You can't even use Google, much less read a book.
The Depression started before he became president, moron.
And continued on through most of his 4 terms. I dont recall he blamed Hoover for it. Which is good because FDR is responsible for the Great Depression.

Actually Calvin Coolidge dumped it on poor Hoover

Hoover intervened massively in the economy, only making matters worse. Then the fool tyrant FDR, who campaigned AGAINST Hoover's economic interventions, intervened even more...making matters much worse.

Very similar to W and Big Ears, but then your kind NEVER learn the true lessons of history. The elites know they can dupe you over and over again....

Hoovers biggest fault was that he tolerated the Conservative "Prosperity is just around the corner" mantra

You have much in common with Hoover and FDR. They were both dumb asses just like you.
I still nominate Millard Fillmore. The only fault found with Fillmore was that most people did not know of him so he had no negatives. All the other nominations came with baggage attached, the biggest baggage is that they tried to do something. Fillmore was born in a log cabin and in those days one had to be born in a log cabin. Fillmore was not a Democrat or Republican but a Whig, another positive. Fillmore greatest contribution to American is that he was a do-nothing president. Presidents that try to do something are generally hated by Americans. In fact, it is those presidents that do something that we hate. Nope Fillmore is my nomination, a do-nothing, for greatest American president.
Without a doubt, Thomas J. Whitmore. He flew a fighter jet to fight the aliens. He didn't have to do that. That's Will Smith's job.
The Depression started before he became president, moron.
And continued on through most of his 4 terms. I dont recall he blamed Hoover for it. Which is good because FDR is responsible for the Great Depression.

Actually Calvin Coolidge dumped it on poor Hoover

Hoover intervened massively in the economy, only making matters worse. Then the fool tyrant FDR, who campaigned AGAINST Hoover's economic interventions, intervened even more...making matters much worse.

Very similar to W and Big Ears, but then your kind NEVER learn the true lessons of history. The elites know they can dupe you over and over again....

Hoovers biggest fault was that he tolerated the Conservative "Prosperity is just around the corner" mantra

You have much in common with Hoover and FDR. They were both dumb asses just like you.
RW is a dumb ass, that much is true. Hoover might not have been a successful president, but in no way can be compared to the former.
George Washington.
He could have been an elected king if he had been that ambitious. His personal restraint helped shape the checks and balances we enjoy today.
That is a hell of a mark up for Washington. He could have been a dictator and decided not to be one. Takes a good man to turn down absolute power. Many presidents cant get enough of it.

Those claiming Obama are on glue. Even someone that supports his measures should be able to recognize the fact that Obama is not even in the ballpark of 'best.'
Presidents are judged by what they leave behind. Legacies can't be established until long after they are gone. That takes all recent Presidents out of the running for other than gossip and irrelevant opinions based on political beliefs. In addition, various special interest entities wage campaigns to promote or degenerate opinions about Presidents to influence ideological attitudes. Reagan and FDR are examples of this. Those who admire Reagan promote his strengths and accomplishments while others bash FDR because of his failures and mistakes. The Reagan promoters ignore his failures and those who bash FDR ignore his accomplishments. In the end the greatness of a President is determined after his supporters are gone and a non biased public can look around at the the tangible accomplishments that took hold and continue to impact their lives in a positive of negative way.
Who, in your opinion, has been the greatest U.S. President thus far? And no, I don't care about the results of that stupid poll from several weeks back. What do YOU think, and why?

My answer is, without hesitation, President Obama. He's given us the ACA, stronger restrictions on predatory lending by credit card companies, heightened awareness to political con artists (like the Tea Party Express) attempting to operate under a tax-exempt banner, a freer Middle East with functioning democracies (Libya, Egypt, Iraq) and budding pro-democracy movements (Turkey, Syria, Iran), and a rebounding economy after what many have called the worst economic conditions we've seen since the Great Depression. He won the Nobel Peace Prize and immediately used that to bring peace to Libya by removing their evil dictator who killed his own people.

Truly, this country has seen no greater leader than the one we have currently.
Your a goof.
What makes a President "great" or a failure has nothing to do with policies he or she promotes...for many policies are short lived and altered, if not abolished when a new President comes in....and many policies are enacted strictly to offset the "gains" or "losses" from the preceding President when of an opposing party.

In my opinion, what makes a President great is his/her ability to work with an opposing party in congress. It does not take rocket science or "greatness" to push through legislation with a Party friendly congress.

It takes greatness to have both parties see the advantages of your policies and pass them through the system.

Reagan did it. Clinton did it.

How well did Obama do it?
My answer is, without hesitation, President Obama. He's given us the ACA

Barry is anti-American. He gave us even more socialist health care. He is in effect a traitor to our country. No surprise either, he had 3 communist parents and voted to left of Bernie Sanders.

ACA is certainly not socialist, it incorporates private insurance companies. The Right calls anything they don't like Socialist.

When the government tells you that this program is for your own good, and you are going to buy into it, or else, that is as socialist as I care to get.

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