Greatest American President

George Washington.
He could have been an elected king if he had been that ambitious. His personal restraint helped shape the checks and balances we enjoy today.
What about China? Officially still communist,

dear, if they compete openly all over the world to get business in the free market that makes them capitalist, not communist! A child would know that! Now 60 million buy cars, under liberalism 60 million slowly starved to death. Reagan and Republicans did that!

See why we are positive liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

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Barry is anti-American. He gave us even more socialist health care. He is in effect a traitor to our country. No surprise either, he had 3 communist parents and voted to left of Bernie Sanders.


He's anti American because you think the US Republican Party is the embodiment of America. You'd probably say this about almost any Democrat in the White House.

of course, the Democrats spied for Stalin, gave him the bomb, wiped out American inner cities with their deadly programs, and now have elected Obama.
What about China? Officially still communist,

dear, if they compete openly all over the world to get business in the free market that makes them capitalist, not communist! A child would know that! Now 60 million buy cars, under liberalism 60 million slowly starved to death. Reagan and Republicans did that!

See why we are positive liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

Please fix your post...I did NOT post that!
FDR & Lincoln.
Both saved the nation

FDR crapped on the constitution, used the Depression to rape the 10th amendment and create all sorts of unnecessary federal powers

its too bad he didn't get croaked around 1934

I think that your post deserves a little elaboration, here, Turtle. I do believe that what you just posted was your opinion that you would have approved of the assassination of Franklin Roosevelt. I feel sure that you are prepared to confirm or deny my interpretation of your post. Please expand on your thoughts regarding this.
FDR & Lincoln.
Both saved the nation
Lincoln suspended habeas corpus.
FDR engaged in all sorts of illegal activity and prodcued the worst depression in US history.
Of course they're your heroes. You can't even use Google, much less read a book.
The Depression started before he became president, moron.
And continued on through most of his 4 terms. I dont recall he blamed Hoover for it. Which is good because FDR is responsible for the Great Depression.

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