Greatest American President

Who, in your opinion, has been the greatest U.S. President thus far? And no, I don't care about the results of that stupid poll from several weeks back. What do YOU think, and why?

My answer is, without hesitation, President Obama. He's given us the ACA, stronger restrictions on predatory lending by credit card companies, heightened awareness to political con artists (like the Tea Party Express) attempting to operate under a tax-exempt banner, a freer Middle East with functioning democracies (Libya, Egypt, Iraq) and budding pro-democracy movements (Turkey, Syria, Iran), and a rebounding economy after what many have called the worst economic conditions we've seen since the Great Depression. He won the Nobel Peace Prize and immediately used that to bring peace to Libya by removing their evil dictator who killed his own people.

Truly, this country has seen no greater leader than the one we have currently.
You must be Gay then.

While this is technically correct, I prefer the term Homosexual-American. If you could, please include the phrase "trigger warning" in advance of your future uses of the G-word.

Who, in your opinion, has been the greatest U.S. President thus far? And no, I don't care about the results of that stupid poll from several weeks back. What do YOU think, and why?

My answer is, without hesitation, President Obama. He's given us the ACA, stronger restrictions on predatory lending by credit card companies, heightened awareness to political con artists (like the Tea Party Express) attempting to operate under a tax-exempt banner, a freer Middle East with functioning democracies (Libya, Egypt, Iraq) and budding pro-democracy movements (Turkey, Syria, Iran), and a rebounding economy after what many have called the worst economic conditions we've seen since the Great Depression. He won the Nobel Peace Prize and immediately used that to bring peace to Libya by removing their evil dictator who killed his own people.

Truly, this country has seen no greater leader than the one we have currently.
if you say so Womanmeat....

That's an interesting point. I feel like I'm learning a lot from this discussion.

You have repeatedly proven yourself of learning anything normal...but, carryon.
Who, in your opinion, has been the greatest U.S. President thus far? And no, I don't care about the results of that stupid poll from several weeks back. What do YOU think, and why?

My answer is, without hesitation, President Obama. He's given us the ACA, stronger restrictions on predatory lending by credit card companies, heightened awareness to political con artists (like the Tea Party Express) attempting to operate under a tax-exempt banner, a freer Middle East with functioning democracies (Libya, Egypt, Iraq) and budding pro-democracy movements (Turkey, Syria, Iran), and a rebounding economy after what many have called the worst economic conditions we've seen since the Great Depression. He won the Nobel Peace Prize and immediately used that to bring peace to Libya by removing their evil dictator who killed his own people.

Truly, this country has seen no greater leader than the one we have currently.

I don't believe you really believe that.... You are just messing with our minds ,,,, right??

But if you are serious, I just need to ask........ what planet did you say you are on ??
Who, in your opinion, has been the greatest U.S. President thus far? And no, I don't care about the results of that stupid poll from several weeks back. What do YOU think, and why?

My answer is, without hesitation, President Obama. He's given us the ACA, stronger restrictions on predatory lending by credit card companies, heightened awareness to political con artists (like the Tea Party Express) attempting to operate under a tax-exempt banner, a freer Middle East with functioning democracies (Libya, Egypt, Iraq) and budding pro-democracy movements (Turkey, Syria, Iran), and a rebounding economy after what many have called the worst economic conditions we've seen since the Great Depression. He won the Nobel Peace Prize and immediately used that to bring peace to Libya by removing their evil dictator who killed his own people.

Truly, this country has seen no greater leader than the one we have currently.

You are hilarious. Kudos to you for convincing these people that you actually are a liberal.

How much does the Republican Party pay you to get on here and post as if you were the looniest liberal to ever be born?
Who, in your opinion, has been the greatest U.S. President thus far? And no, I don't care about the results of that stupid poll from several weeks back. What do YOU think, and why?

My answer is, without hesitation, President Obama. He's given us the ACA, stronger restrictions on predatory lending by credit card companies, heightened awareness to political con artists (like the Tea Party Express) attempting to operate under a tax-exempt banner, a freer Middle East with functioning democracies (Libya, Egypt, Iraq) and budding pro-democracy movements (Turkey, Syria, Iran), and a rebounding economy after what many have called the worst economic conditions we've seen since the Great Depression. He won the Nobel Peace Prize and immediately used that to bring peace to Libya by removing their evil dictator who killed his own people.

Truly, this country has seen no greater leader than the one we have currently.

I don't believe you really believe that.... You are just messing with our minds ,,,, right??

But if you are serious, I just need to ask........ what planet did you say you are on ??
Truman. Had the balls to nuke japan and get down and dirty, wasn't afraid. Fired MacArthur. That took some nerve. The buck doesn't pass here, good job. Harry. Give em' hell.
TR was the greatest president.
He spent money on infrastructure, protected the environment, and broke up big the trusts.
Who, in your opinion, has been the greatest U.S. President thus far? And no, I don't care about the results of that stupid poll from several weeks back. What do YOU think, and why?

My answer is, without hesitation, President Obama. He's given us the ACA, stronger restrictions on predatory lending by credit card companies, heightened awareness to political con artists (like the Tea Party Express) attempting to operate under a tax-exempt banner, a freer Middle East with functioning democracies (Libya, Egypt, Iraq) and budding pro-democracy movements (Turkey, Syria, Iran), and a rebounding economy after what many have called the worst economic conditions we've seen since the Great Depression. He won the Nobel Peace Prize and immediately used that to bring peace to Libya by removing their evil dictator who killed his own people.

Truly, this country has seen no greater leader than the one we have currently.

Obama has done a great job no doubt.
My answer is, without hesitation, President Obama. He's given us the ACA, stronger restrictions on predatory lending by credit card companies, heightened awareness to political con artists (like the Tea Party Express) attempting to operate under a tax-exempt banner, a freer Middle East with functioning democracies (Libya, Egypt, Iraq) and budding pro-democracy movements (Turkey, Syria, Iran), and a rebounding economy after what many have called the worst economic conditions we've seen since the Great Depression. He won the Nobel Peace Prize and immediately used that to bring peace to Libya by removing their evil dictator who killed his own people.

Truly, this country has seen no greater leader than the one we have currently.

When the liberals have a President who violates every promise he made on socialized medicine and jacked up the costs and reduced service for most Americans, helps convert three middle East countries to chaos and death, lets Iran get to the brink of having nuclear weapons, keeps the economy disrupted and weak for longer than any President since FDR, and gets a Nobel Prize before he has even lifted a finger to do ANYTHING....

....they merely make up a bunch of things he never did, assigns them to him, lie about him, and praise him anyway.

They're really giving their mentor Dr. Goebbels' maxim a workout, aren't they?

Barry is anti-American. He gave us even more socialist health care. He is in effect a traitor to our country. No surprise either, he had 3 communist parents and voted to left of Bernie Sanders.


He's anti American because you think the US Republican Party is the embodiment of America. You'd probably say this about almost any Democrat in the White House.
Barry is anti-American. He gave us even more socialist health care. He is in effect a traitor to our country. No surprise either, he had 3 communist parents and voted to left of Bernie Sanders.


He's anti American because you think the US Republican Party is the embodiment of America. You'd probably say this about almost any Democrat in the White House.

And likewise you consider the Democratic party to be the embodiment of America, and regard Republicans as "anti-American." I'd guarantee you would say that about any Republican in Congress or potential Republicans in the White House. See how this works? See how the two party system fails? See how you fail?

People wanted him to become king, but he turned it down
Congress wanted him under their thumb, and failed.
He could have been re-elected until he died, but he set the tradition of 2 terms. Hell, he set all the traditions.

read a book and try to set aside your partition idiocy for a change, you look the buffoon fluffing obama like that
And likewise you consider the Democratic party to be the embodiment of America, and regard Republicans as "anti-American." I'd guarantee you would say that about any Republican in Congress or potential Republicans in the White House. See how this works? See how the two party system fails? See how you fail?

Well not me, I'm not Democrat or Republican and have never voted for either.

But sure, there are people in the Democrats who no doubt think the same.

though generally "patriotism", or better said the use of patriotism as a word is used far more by the right than the left no matter where you go.
Lincoln, and I say that even though my family was solid Confederacy.

So, my second choice, my hero, is Harry Truman. One of the last honest presidents, and a man who cared more about doing the right thing than he did about being reelected. His decisions stand on their own merit. He was a great man.
Teddy Roosevelt had style, and projected the ultimate macho image, but a lot of it was fake. For example, he built the first White House tennis court, but would never allow photos taken of himself in Tennis Whites, playing the game, because he did not want to be portrayed as an elitist rich man with pansy activites, which, he actually was. Worse, he was a serious racist, especially regarding Orientals. He considered them inferior in every way. He was also duplicitous. While negotiating with the Japanese to end the Russo Japanese war, he was promising to give Korea to the Japanese, while telling the Koreans that we would protect their independence.
Most American can name only a few of the American presidents and you are asking them which is the greatest. How about Millard Fillmore?

This isn't a "name a president you think is obscure" thread. Who do you think is the best, and why? You'll probably have a hard time defending Fillmore's record, but you're certainly welcome to try.

Jefferson and Reagan were best since they were the greatest champions of freedom!! Reagan freed 2 billion people, a record no human being can match!
The USSR did not officially collapse until 1991, well past Reagan's presidency...
Teddy Roosevelt had style, and projected the ultimate macho image, but a lot of it was fake. For example, he built the first White House tennis court, but would never allow photos taken of himself in Tennis Whites, playing the game, because he did not want to be portrayed as an elitist rich man with pansy activites, which, he actually was. Worse, he was a serious racist, especially regarding Orientals. He considered them inferior in every way. He was also duplicitous. While negotiating with the Japanese to end the Russo Japanese war, he was promising to give Korea to the Japanese, while telling the Koreans that we would protect their independence.
He also turned his back on blacks...
Well of course Barack Obama is the 'best'.

Obama was the best at convincing uneducated, low information voters, that they needed their cut too. Since they are to stupid to get out of their own way, and make a living, they rushed to the dog whistle blower which sounded like the bells of Christmas. How awesome is this young smooth talking jive turkey with pockets full of phones, EBT cards, and yes, your cash that promised 'inclusion' to all, with open door policy to the Penn avenue. You would be front and center reading all bills and slamming the doors on lobbyist. Since many (LIV's) were on the government dole for sometime, it was almost to good to be true. Not only was the LIV promised all the before mentioned, they were also given the ray of hope. Just how far our society and culture have slipped is not such a mystery anymore. Electing Barack Obama twice is all that needs referenced. From that, logical conclusions can be drawn. Like Obama, we as a country have failed by allowing Obama to ascend the hierarchy of freedom only to point out just how ignorant and destructive the American voter has become


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