Greatest American President

Most American can name only a few of the American presidents and you are asking them which is the greatest. How about Millard Fillmore?

This isn't a "name a president you think is obscure" thread. Who do you think is the best, and why? You'll probably have a hard time defending Fillmore's record, but you're certainly welcome to try.

Jefferson and Reagan were best since they were the greatest champions of freedom!! Reagan freed 2 billion people, a record no human being can match!

2 billion? From where?

Firstly, were Russians "freed", freedom from what? Putin's there now and the US doesn't like Russia still. But there clearly aren't 2 billion people in the former USSR. Not even close.

What about China? Officially still communist, they have 1.3 billion now. India? Nope, the US doesn't give much of a damn about India. So.... I don't know where you get 2 billion from. He might have freed a few of his criminal friends. Certainly Leonard Peltier spent the WHOLE of Reagan's presidency in prison, he wasn't freed. His crime? He had something to say that made the US govt uncomfortable.
Who, in your opinion, has been the greatest U.S. President thus far? And no, I don't care about the results of that stupid poll from several weeks back. What do YOU think, and why?

My answer is, without hesitation, President Obama. He's given us the ACA, stronger restrictions on predatory lending by credit card companies, heightened awareness to political con artists (like the Tea Party Express) attempting to operate under a tax-exempt banner, a freer Middle East with functioning democracies (Libya, Egypt, Iraq) and budding pro-democracy movements (Turkey, Syria, Iran), and a rebounding economy after what many have called the worst economic conditions we've seen since the Great Depression. He won the Nobel Peace Prize and immediately used that to bring peace to Libya by removing their evil dictator who killed his own people.

Truly, this country has seen no greater leader than the one we have currently.

Be prepared for the attack of the faux news parrots. doubt. Not even for a second. Can't comment on anyone I didn't see personally. I'm sure there have been great men who have held the office of President and have been flops and I'm sure there have been so-so men who have held the office of President and have been great successes. I tend to think that Reagan is the latter, not the former.

But if there ever was a time when we needed someone to restore faith in the government it was circa 1980 and Reagan did just that.
In my lifetime is RG and its a slam dunk. I am giving Slick Willie a little more props as he managed the center of the isle well. My 401K kicked ass under his term

Another far left failed thread to try and cover up the fact that they voted twice for worse than Bush.

No far left president is great on any level, so it goes to show that the far left can show any type of independent thought on this subject.
Don't even reply to this asshole. He is either trying to be provocative or else he is such a fucking stupid turd that he does not deserve a platform. To reply is to legitimize idiocy. Nobody thinks Barry the Pothead is anything but a scumbag that is enjoying the consequence of a dumbed down American electorate. Eat my fuck, you asinine asshole.
I see FDR a lot in this thread so I guess his government take over of the country is what made him great, like his policies on locking up Japanese Americans during WWII, or attacking a country that did not attack the US, or killing over a half million soldiers, or lying the US into a war.

I guess that is what makes a great president.
Thomas Jefferson, hands down.

The most libertarian president. The first Republican. Among the Whigs who best grasped our founding principles and the innocuous, limited role of government.
Abraham Lincoln I don't feel the need to explain why his record speaks for it's self.
His record of declaring freedom for confederate state slaves while allowing for union states to keep slavery makes him a douche-nozzle.
His record of trampling on states rights in support of an over reaching federal government makes him an enemy of freedom and the constitution.
Lincoln was probably the worst president.
Who, in your opinion, has been the greatest U.S. President thus far? And no, I don't care about the results of that stupid poll from several weeks back. What do YOU think, and why?

My answer is, without hesitation, President Obama. He's given us the ACA, stronger restrictions on predatory lending by credit card companies, heightened awareness to political con artists (like the Tea Party Express) attempting to operate under a tax-exempt banner, a freer Middle East with functioning democracies (Libya, Egypt, Iraq) and budding pro-democracy movements (Turkey, Syria, Iran), and a rebounding economy after what many have called the worst economic conditions we've seen since the Great Depression. He won the Nobel Peace Prize and immediately used that to bring peace to Libya by removing their evil dictator who killed his own people.

Truly, this country has seen no greater leader than the one we have currently.
You are quite the fool.
It is sad that people like you get to vote.
Don't even reply to this asshole. He is either trying to be provocative or else he is such a fucking stupid turd that he does not deserve a platform. To reply is to legitimize idiocy. Nobody thinks Barry the Pothead is anything but a scumbag that is enjoying the consequence of a dumbed down American electorate. Eat my fuck, you asinine asshole.

Oh, goody! A new name for my ignore list!
I see FDR a lot in this thread so I guess his government take over of the country is what made him great, like his policies on locking up Japanese Americans during WWII, or attacking a country that did not attack the US, or killing over a half million soldiers, or lying the US into a war.

I guess that is what makes a great president.

I'm going to make a wild guess here. Home schooled?
Most American can name only a few of the American presidents and you are asking them which is the greatest. How about Millard Fillmore?

This isn't a "name a president you think is obscure" thread. Who do you think is the best, and why? You'll probably have a hard time defending Fillmore's record, but you're certainly welcome to try.

Jefferson and Reagan were best since they were the greatest champions of freedom!! Reagan freed 2 billion people, a record no human being can match!

2 billion? From where?

Firstly, were Russians "freed", freedom from what? Putin's there now and the US doesn't like Russia still. But there clearly aren't 2 billion people in the former USSR. Not even close.

What about China? Officially still communist, they have 1.3 billion now. India? Nope, the US doesn't give much of a damn about India. So.... I don't know where you get 2 billion from. He might have freed a few of his criminal friends. Certainly Leonard Peltier spent the WHOLE of Reagan's presidency in prison, he wasn't freed. His crime? He had something to say that made the US govt uncomfortable.

BULLSHIT! His crime was the execution-style MURDER of two FBI agents!

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