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Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Yes Romney will do a better job......So says the presidential candidate who thinks people should be able to roll down airplane windows.
It is crazy to think that voting in either of the two parties that have been in control since Lincoln was president will change anything for the better. The US has been doing that for long enough and it has only gotten worse.
You can't trust a polititian to represent anyone but himself.
I say lets change the constitution to return the power of control back to the people.
It is crazy to think that voting in either of the two parties that have been in control since Lincoln was president will change anything for the better. The US has been doing that for long enough and it has only gotten worse.
You can't trust a polititian to represent anyone but himself.
I say lets change the constitution to return the power of control back to the people.

I'd agree with that. But I'd also say that some politicians are worse than others. Case in point, what we currently have in the white house is undoubtedly the worst president in the history of the United States. He's about as anti American as I have ever witnessed, and he has already done the country mind numbing damage adding six trillion to the debt and millions to welfare.

But I'd love to see the party system abolished, totally done away with. No more R's, D's, L's, nothing, no more. Candidates would be elected completely on their beliefs. And if a candidate went back on a campaign promise, they couldn't run for reelection, period. No if's, and's or but's. Also term limits for ALL elected officials, top to bottom, right down to small town village board.
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since when do you hold a building up by blaming the someone else for the work and then removing structural members. Thats what you do to tear down the building.
It is crazy to think that voting in either of the two parties that have been in control since Lincoln was president will change anything for the better. The US has been doing that for long enough and it has only gotten worse.
You can't trust a polititian to represent anyone but himself.
I say lets change the constitution to return the power of control back to the people.

IMO, the way to do it is to go to public financing of elections. If our representitives don't have to raise funds constantly, they won't have as many expensive promises to keep to whomever can bundle the most cash, have to toe party lines, have more time to spend figuring want their constituents want and more time to actually read a bill or two.
If you built it then why or how could the president break it? Did you not build it correctly? Or do you depend on government to assist your build?

'Are you better...' - fascinating question given that I heard many republicans say they built it (I'm never sure what it is) from nothing. Then they claim Obama and government are at fault.
The Contemporary Condition: The Real Entitlement Crisis

"Take that "we built it" theme. Sure, they're lying about a selectively-edited phrase for political advantage. But why this particular phrase? Because the President was defending government's role in building America's infrastructure, educating its children, and improving its technology." Are Republicans "Crazy?" Not If You Follow the Money | Alternet
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If you built it then why or how could the president break it? Did you not build it correctly? Or do you depend on government to assist your build? It would seem if logic had any place in politics blaming the president for your misfortune is admitting you need government? An odd irony among republicans.

'Are you better...' - fascinating question given that I heard many republicans say they built it (I'm never sure what it is) from nothing. Then they claim Obama and government are at fault. If you can keep those two contradictory ideas in a single head, you can keep any idea in your head and in your platform.

The Contemporary Condition: The Real Entitlement Crisis

"Take that "we built it" theme. Sure, they're lying about a selectively-edited phrase for political advantage. But why this particular phrase? Because the President was defending government's role in building America's infrastructure, educating its children, and improving its technology." Are Republicans "Crazy?" Not If You Follow the Money | Alternet

... but "how can the president break it?" I find that question to be simply astonishing. Of any one person in the country, the one person that is MOST able to "break" a business, or an entire economy for that matter, is the president. Surely you realize that. The hundreds upon thousands of new government regulations he's burdened businesses with, the new taxes he proposes, the increased debt, his government take over of health care which is a new TAX, the list goes on and on. No one wants to start a new business under this administration, and the existing businesses are struggling to just stay alive. Four more years of this president and we'd look exactly like Greece, because obama is a socialist, and that is what he's been trying to turn America into, "we are going to fundamentally transform this country," since he took office, and there isn't a functioning socialist nation on earth that hasn't FAILED. THAT is how obama has broken America. THAT is why it's critical we get this "spread the wealth around," socialist, big government tyrant out of the White House. November can't come soon enough.

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