Greatest thread to human civilization : capitalist greed - Stephen Hawkin

He's right. Centuries ago this time period was envisioned to be a time of lesuire, and it could be so much nicer for us, but instead of creating beautiful gardens I had to spend my time paying the banks for the land.

we are being seriously wroughted and for No reason other than idiot greed box's need for status.

its really something I was always frustrated about. Why all the drudgery?
I know work is good but does it have to be soul destroying? No, it doesn't.
Got an idea for you. Go off the grid.
BUT remember... once you go off the grid the ONLY way you'll protect your property is with a gun because once we all go off the grid society as we know it will not exist.
There will be no cops. No court houses.
But that's what you are wanting to see. Where the hamburger flipper is replaced with a robot.
The cop is replaced by a robot. ALL manual labor and paper processing ...robots.
So how will we get compensation for our time when there is NO need for our time!
ONLY idiots think "wealth redistribution" is the only way. How stupid!
NOT ONE person even a king 400 years ago could imagine you and I conversing thousands of miles apart and you are obviously a hell of lot poorer then I am but even
so YOU are doing something NOT the wealthiest person 400 years ago could even imagine!

Do you understand? We people today have more wealth then there ever was before. And you are like an animal waiting for your piece by tearing apart someone else's!
Seriously people like you truly need to live a few days off the grid and come to see how hard it is to grow the food you take for granted!
Im very wealthy actually. I think you are mean and rude.
So actualluy none of them collapsed due to overpopulation. Another liberal claim refuted.
California has a drought because policiticans fucked up. Socialism kills.

Indeed, overpopulation was not the only factor but the main and driving factor. In the case of easter island
Overpopulation lead to overuse of resources which lead to complete deforestation which in turn caused their collapse.

"Barbara A. West wrote, "Sometime before the arrival of Europeans on Easter Island, the Rapanui experienced a tremendous upheaval in their social system brought about by a change in their island's ecology... By the time of European arrival in 1722, the island's population had dropped to 2,000–3,000 from a high of approximately 15,000 just a century earlier."

Easter Island - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, mankind stuck on a very small island with no natural predators is an invitation for disaster. No question. The Earth on the other hand has a carrying capacity estimated at 40 BILLION people. We will never get anywhere near that number though. Population increase is already dropping world wide. Demographers calculate the world population will peak at 9 billion then level off back down to 6 billion.

The estimated carrying capacity for Earth for humans is 20-25 billion people, or less. Depends on technologies. Some estimates are between 4-16 billion.

We are already seeing a worldwide shortage of fresh water with 7 billion. It would be great if the human population started to decrease but that isn't in the near future so all the problems we see now are going to get worse.

Global Warming, however, is going to make the entire equation a mute point. Whether humans know it or not. A new Earth is coming, and it isn't very friendly to any life.

Shortages are due to in adequate distribution of resources. Corruption in the Third World is THE leading cause of hunger and the miserable deaths those poor people get to enjoy. In the 1960's the birth rate was 2.6. It is now at 1.6 and dropping so you are wrong.

Global warming as an agent of doom is a myth. Every shred of written history shows that when the planet has been warmer it has done better. We have numerous records (mostly taxman related) that show beyond doubt the benefit of a warmer world for man, animal, and plant.

Again, ignorance on parade. I'm sure if you lived in Tennessee in 1860 you'd be telling people why slavery is good for them.

I'm sorry the world's PH.D's disagree with you, but you think you are smarter than they. It is self delusion on a grand scale.

The world is already beginning to change due to Global Warming and it will be catastrophic for all life on Earth, especially larger mammals like humans. We are entering a period not seen on Earth for at least 20 million years and likely much longer.

If reality is too scary, go hide. And this conversation is off the OP so take it to the Environment forum, thanks.

Everything you say is utter horse poo. The global temps were 5.5 degrees C warmer during the Holocene Thermal Maximum 8,000 years ago. The global temps were at least 2.3 degrees C warmer during the Minoan Warming Period. Once again civilization thrived, the same go's for the Roman Warming Period and the Medieval Warming Period. All times when the planet was warmer, civilization flourished and man's lot in life got better.

You have nothing but non-sequitur bullshit attacks and an inability to read simple history.
Yes, mankind stuck on a very small island with no natural predators is an invitation for disaster. No question. The Earth on the other hand has a carrying capacity estimated at 40 BILLION people. We will never get anywhere near that number though. Population increase is already dropping world wide. Demographers calculate the world population will peak at 9 billion then level off back down to 6 billion.

The estimated carrying capacity for Earth for humans is 20-25 billion people, or less. Depends on technologies. Some estimates are between 4-16 billion.

We are already seeing a worldwide shortage of fresh water with 7 billion. It would be great if the human population started to decrease but that isn't in the near future so all the problems we see now are going to get worse.

Global Warming, however, is going to make the entire equation a mute point. Whether humans know it or not. A new Earth is coming, and it isn't very friendly to any life.

Shortages are due to in adequate distribution of resources. Corruption in the Third World is THE leading cause of hunger and the miserable deaths those poor people get to enjoy. In the 1960's the birth rate was 2.6. It is now at 1.6 and dropping so you are wrong.

Global warming as an agent of doom is a myth. Every shred of written history shows that when the planet has been warmer it has done better. We have numerous records (mostly taxman related) that show beyond doubt the benefit of a warmer world for man, animal, and plant.

Again, ignorance on parade. I'm sure if you lived in Tennessee in 1860 you'd be telling people why slavery is good for them.

I'm sorry the world's PH.D's disagree with you, but you think you are smarter than they. It is self delusion on a grand scale.

The world is already beginning to change due to Global Warming and it will be catastrophic for all life on Earth, especially larger mammals like humans. We are entering a period not seen on Earth for at least 20 million years and likely much longer.

If reality too scary, go hide.

Only the terminally gullible are falling for the global warming con. It appears libs just can't bare to imagine a future that has a happy ending. They seem to thrive on gloom and doom. Of course, they always need a bogeyman because no one would go their nefarious schemes otherwise.

Yes, you know more than 10,000 PH.D's.

Just cause right. You are another gullible ignorant that is to be ignored. You are terrified of reality, go hide behind your mama's apron strings.

10,000! The truth of it silly boy is it is 74 out of 79 scuientists that answered a two question survey. The woman who issued the survey removed over 3,500 respondents because they didn't adhere to her pre conceived notion. The whole thing is a farce that only morons like you believe.
“If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed.” Hawking continued, “Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."

We have been warned.

Stephen Hawking Warns About The Greatest Threat To Humanity | Zero Hedge
Idiots. It is amazing how some of the smartest people can be so dumb.
Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than anything else. IT's benefits are literally without precedence.

Hawkins has facts you could never accept on his side.
Capitalism prior to the 1980s was great but then things changed, facts back it up.
Offshoring jobs started and wage growth flattened out for most workers, both started in the 1980's. Down the road wealth/income inequality followed. Find me economist that dispute this other than your typical hyper-partisan economists, even most of them agree with facts from the real world.
So any economist that dsputes this is ipse facto a "hyper partisan". LOL! What a fucking tool bag.
Did you forget the growth in the 90s under Clinton, piggybacking on Reagan's success? Did you forget the stagflation in the 70s thanks to Carter and Nixon? For that matter did you forget the Depression in the 1930s, when everyone said capitalism was doomed? Or the prosperity in the 1920s?
You have a simple mind so to you everything is simple.

This simple mind chased you away every time we have had this discussion.
The last time we interacted, I provided links to a highly regarded resource and guaranteed I was 100% correct. You never responded or in other words you ran away.
If my simple mind does this to you consistently, what does that say about you?
It's always the same with you and I guarantee, you are inferior to me.
Translation: I dont have the chops for this discussion.
No, you really dont. Better to declare victory and run away than face the facts. Post a graph, why dontcha?

Amazingly, that's what you are known for, " declaring victory and running away from facts". It's your own M.O.! I have seen you getting accused of that over and over. :laugh:
What an idiot! :happy-1:
He's right. Centuries ago this time period was envisioned to be a time of lesuire, and it could be so much nicer for us, but instead of creating beautiful gardens I had to spend my time paying the banks for the land......

Lazy shit. It's telling when someone thinks utopia means not working.
He's right. Centuries ago this time period was envisioned to be a time of lesuire, and it could be so much nicer for us, but instead of creating beautiful gardens I had to spend my time paying the banks for the land......

Lazy shit. It's telling when someone thinks utopia means not working.
I love work. I just want it on my own terms. I'm not afraid of hard work, I just question non productive nonsense and wasted effort funneling up to ridiculously rich psychopaths.

oh and, pretty pathetic Ad homonym. describes it.
Because he's critisizing infinite "growth".

The wingnuts are obsfucating because they don't want their billionaire heroes to lose any profit.

how can there even be left-wing billionaires? havent they given it all away to the less fortunate??

moronic pontificating left-wingnuts are funny!!!

As a right winger, what values guide you?
In the case of helping those in need, meeting that need as I see fit not how someone like you sees fit on my behalf.

As a left winger, you've decided you know more about what another person should do with their money and what's better for them.

Liberals have no problem letting the People decide.

Bullshit. Liberals have no problem thinking they know more about how someone should do something than the person. Using Obamacare as an example, you don't let people decide whether or not they want to buy insurance. You mandated it. Using Social Security, you don't let people decide whether or not they want to pay into it.
Look, all Hawking is saying is tha we piss fart about too much for too little.

Lying? Do you mean like the President when he said "if you like your doctor . . " knowing it wasn't the truth?

For 97% of Americans that was true. A statement that is 97% true hardly qualifies as the lie of the year.

It does when the claim of PERIOD was part of it. That means 100%.

For something to be a lie, it only has to apply to ONE situation when the claim was it wouldn't apply to any.

The only reason something like Obamacare got put in place is because you bleeding hearts who think people who don't have something are owed it aren't willing to do it yourself. You think if you want it, the rest of us should support it.
“If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed.” Hawking continued, “Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."

We have been warned.

Stephen Hawking Warns About The Greatest Threat To Humanity | Zero Hedge

Mankind's lot prior to capitalism was pretty grim. Average life expectancy for all but the wealthy was 35 to 40. No travel, tied down to an area of around 10 square miles for your entire life. A whole litany of pains due to a work week approaching 80 hours per. No real entertainment other than fighting, screwing and the occasional wedding.

Yep, the pre capitalist life was WONDERFUL!

Unregulated capitalism was the horror of the Industrial Revolution before GOVERNMENTS began to intervene and rein in the capitalists.

It was better than what came before it. Why would people work in factories if they had better options? The only thing government did to improve capitalism was give workers the right to sue if they were injured on the job. Everything else government has done was counter productive.

It's counterproductive that we legislated kids out of the mines?

It's counterproductive today to think giving someone something for nothing at a level more than they could earn if they worked based on their skills will be an incentive for them to get a job. You can't hand a low skilled person a conglomerate of handouts and expect them to work when they can get as much sitting around as they could working.
how can there even be left-wing billionaires? havent they given it all away to the less fortunate??

moronic pontificating left-wingnuts are funny!!!

As a right winger, what values guide you?
Liberals have no problem letting the People decide.

Bullshit. Liberals have no problem thinking they know more about how someone should do something than the person. Using Obamacare as an example, you don't let people decide whether or not they want to buy insurance. You mandated it. Using Social Security, you don't let people decide whether or not they want to pay into it.
Look, all Hawking is saying is tha we piss fart about too much for too little.

Lying? Do you mean like the President when he said "if you like your doctor . . " knowing it wasn't the truth?

For 97% of Americans that was true. A statement that is 97% true hardly qualifies as the lie of the year.

It does when the claim of PERIOD was part of it. That means 100%.

For something to be a lie, it only has to apply to ONE situation when the claim was it wouldn't apply to any.

The only reason something like Obamacare got put in place is because you bleeding hearts who think people who don't have something are owed it aren't willing to do it yourself. You think if you want it, the rest of us should support it.

It was a claim that under-delivered by 3 percent.

Having been paying taxes as a single filer with no dependents for decades I've probably been paying to raise your kids.
As a right winger, what values guide you?
Bullshit. Liberals have no problem thinking they know more about how someone should do something than the person. Using Obamacare as an example, you don't let people decide whether or not they want to buy insurance. You mandated it. Using Social Security, you don't let people decide whether or not they want to pay into it.
Look, all Hawking is saying is tha we piss fart about too much for too little.

Lying? Do you mean like the President when he said "if you like your doctor . . " knowing it wasn't the truth?

For 97% of Americans that was true. A statement that is 97% true hardly qualifies as the lie of the year.

It does when the claim of PERIOD was part of it. That means 100%.

For something to be a lie, it only has to apply to ONE situation when the claim was it wouldn't apply to any.

The only reason something like Obamacare got put in place is because you bleeding hearts who think people who don't have something are owed it aren't willing to do it yourself. You think if you want it, the rest of us should support it.

It was a claim that under-delivered by 3 percent.

Having been paying taxes as a single filer with no dependents for decades I've probably been paying to raise your kids.

It was a claim that meant 0%.

Such a dumbass statement, it's doesn't need refuting as it refutes itself for that reason.

You can't support yourself.
how can there even be left-wing billionaires? havent they given it all away to the less fortunate??

moronic pontificating left-wingnuts are funny!!!

As a right winger, what values guide you?
Liberals have no problem letting the People decide.

Bullshit. Liberals have no problem thinking they know more about how someone should do something than the person. Using Obamacare as an example, you don't let people decide whether or not they want to buy insurance. You mandated it. Using Social Security, you don't let people decide whether or not they want to pay into it.
Look, all Hawking is saying is tha we piss fart about too much for too little.

Lying? Do you mean like the President when he said "if you like your doctor . . " knowing it wasn't the truth?

For 97% of Americans that was true. A statement that is 97% true hardly qualifies as the lie of the year.

It does when the claim of PERIOD was part of it. That means 100%.

For something to be a lie, it only has to apply to ONE situation when the claim was it wouldn't apply to any.

The only reason something like Obamacare got put in place is because you bleeding hearts who think people who don't have something are owed it aren't willing to do it yourself. You think if you want it, the rest of us should support it.

Health care in America was an issue over 100 years ago. HRC & President Clinton tried and failed to reform a system which was too costly and left to many people in the gutter. They failed, Obama and Pelosi did not.

Fools believe what was passed is Socialism, others feed this ignorance for political advantage, and yet the drug and insurance industries seem content.

Before the PPACA chaos existed: the poor and uninsured were treated at great cost in the ER's, and once stable they were transferred to public hospitals, putting great pressure on the budgets of local government. Health insurance policies rose every year by double digits for those of us insured, and deductibles and the cost of meds did too.

Can the problems with the PPACA be fixed, Yes! and they should be, but not by a Congress or another Bush in the Oval. Those who say they want to destroy it are lying - if they ever repeal it chaos on steroids will be the result.
Look, all Hawking is saying is tha we piss fart about too much for too little.

Lying? Do you mean like the President when he said "if you like your doctor . . " knowing it wasn't the truth?

For 97% of Americans that was true. A statement that is 97% true hardly qualifies as the lie of the year.

It does when the claim of PERIOD was part of it. That means 100%.

For something to be a lie, it only has to apply to ONE situation when the claim was it wouldn't apply to any.

The only reason something like Obamacare got put in place is because you bleeding hearts who think people who don't have something are owed it aren't willing to do it yourself. You think if you want it, the rest of us should support it.

It was a claim that under-delivered by 3 percent.

Having been paying taxes as a single filer with no dependents for decades I've probably been paying to raise your kids.

It was a claim that meant 0%.

Such a dumbass statement, it's doesn't need refuting as it refutes itself for that reason.

You can't support yourself.

For 97 out of 100 Americans, the claim was true. 3 out of 100 have a legitimate gripe. Which category were you in?
As a right winger, what values guide you?
Bullshit. Liberals have no problem thinking they know more about how someone should do something than the person. Using Obamacare as an example, you don't let people decide whether or not they want to buy insurance. You mandated it. Using Social Security, you don't let people decide whether or not they want to pay into it.
Look, all Hawking is saying is tha we piss fart about too much for too little.

Lying? Do you mean like the President when he said "if you like your doctor . . " knowing it wasn't the truth?

For 97% of Americans that was true. A statement that is 97% true hardly qualifies as the lie of the year.

It does when the claim of PERIOD was part of it. That means 100%.

For something to be a lie, it only has to apply to ONE situation when the claim was it wouldn't apply to any.

The only reason something like Obamacare got put in place is because you bleeding hearts who think people who don't have something are owed it aren't willing to do it yourself. You think if you want it, the rest of us should support it.

Health care in America was an issue over 100 years ago. HRC & President Clinton tried and failed to reform a system which was too costly and left to many people in the gutter. They failed, Obama and Pelosi did not.

Fools believe what was passed is Socialism, others feed this ignorance for political advantage, and yet the drug and insurance industries seem content.

Before the PPACA chaos existed: the poor and uninsured were treated at great cost in the ER's, and once stable they were transferred to public hospitals, putting great pressure on the budgets of local government. Health insurance policies rose every year by double digits for those of us insured, and deductibles and the cost of meds did too.

Can the problems with the PPACA be fixed, Yes! and they should be, but not by a Congress or another Bush in the Oval. Those who say they want to destroy it are lying - if they ever repeal it chaos on steroids will be the result.

why do morons come here spewing spoon-fed propaganda?? ERs are still being used at great cost; healthcare costs are set to RISE in outlying years according to the CBO, the federal subsidies to states to expand Medicaid will expire and THAT is going to put "great pressure on the budgets of local governments" and states
What Medicaid Expansion Will Cost States

Obamacare attempted to appease state lawmakers by committing federal taxpayers to paying for the entire benefit costs of the Medicaid expansion from 2014 to 2016. In 2017, state taxpayers will be on the hook for 5 percent of the benefit costs for the additional enrollees, with each state’s share then increasing to 6 percent in 2018, 7 percent in 2019, and 10 percent in 2020 and thereafter.[5]

Beyond the benefits costs of the expansion, there will be additional administrative costs to both the federal and state governments. The added costs are not included in the estimates prepared by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, but they will be a significant expense for states. Administrative costs are divided between state governments and the federal government at separate, uniform match rates. The standard administrative cost match rate is 50 percent, though the federal government provides higher match rates (in most cases 75 percent) for a few, discrete administrative expense items, such as certification of nursing facilities or operation of a state Medicaid fraud control unit.[6]
Lying? Do you mean like the President when he said "if you like your doctor . . " knowing it wasn't the truth?

For 97% of Americans that was true. A statement that is 97% true hardly qualifies as the lie of the year.

It does when the claim of PERIOD was part of it. That means 100%.

For something to be a lie, it only has to apply to ONE situation when the claim was it wouldn't apply to any.

The only reason something like Obamacare got put in place is because you bleeding hearts who think people who don't have something are owed it aren't willing to do it yourself. You think if you want it, the rest of us should support it.

It was a claim that under-delivered by 3 percent.

Having been paying taxes as a single filer with no dependents for decades I've probably been paying to raise your kids.

It was a claim that meant 0%.

Such a dumbass statement, it's doesn't need refuting as it refutes itself for that reason.

You can't support yourself.

For 97 out of 100 Americans, the claim was true. 3 out of 100 have a legitimate gripe. Which category were you in?

When the claim was made to apply to 100%, it only takes one.

I was in the 100% category that were lied to by a piece of shit President.
As a right winger, what values guide you?
Bullshit. Liberals have no problem thinking they know more about how someone should do something than the person. Using Obamacare as an example, you don't let people decide whether or not they want to buy insurance. You mandated it. Using Social Security, you don't let people decide whether or not they want to pay into it.
Look, all Hawking is saying is tha we piss fart about too much for too little.

Lying? Do you mean like the President when he said "if you like your doctor . . " knowing it wasn't the truth?

For 97% of Americans that was true. A statement that is 97% true hardly qualifies as the lie of the year.

It does when the claim of PERIOD was part of it. That means 100%.

For something to be a lie, it only has to apply to ONE situation when the claim was it wouldn't apply to any.

The only reason something like Obamacare got put in place is because you bleeding hearts who think people who don't have something are owed it aren't willing to do it yourself. You think if you want it, the rest of us should support it.

Health care in America was an issue over 100 years ago. HRC & President Clinton tried and failed to reform a system which was too costly and left to many people in the gutter. They failed, Obama and Pelosi did not.

Fools believe what was passed is Socialism, others feed this ignorance for political advantage, and yet the drug and insurance industries seem content.

Before the PPACA chaos existed: the poor and uninsured were treated at great cost in the ER's, and once stable they were transferred to public hospitals, putting great pressure on the budgets of local government. Health insurance policies rose every year by double digits for those of us insured, and deductibles and the cost of meds did too.

Can the problems with the PPACA be fixed, Yes! and they should be, but not by a Congress or another Bush in the Oval. Those who say they want to destroy it are lying - if they ever repeal it chaos on steroids will be the result.

When as large of a percentage get subsidies funded by someone else to buy what they say they couldn't afford before and it's a result of what you support, it is socialism.

Anything like Obamacare needs to be done away and let those of you who believe someone without healthcare coverage deserves it pay their premiums with your own money. If you aren't willing to provide to them personally what you say the rest of us should be forced to do, you have no argument. Taxpayers don't owe them coverage.

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