Greatest thread to human civilization : capitalist greed - Stephen Hawkin

As a right winger, what values guide you?
Bullshit. Liberals have no problem thinking they know more about how someone should do something than the person. Using Obamacare as an example, you don't let people decide whether or not they want to buy insurance. You mandated it. Using Social Security, you don't let people decide whether or not they want to pay into it.
Look, all Hawking is saying is tha we piss fart about too much for too little.

Lying? Do you mean like the President when he said "if you like your doctor . . " knowing it wasn't the truth?

For 97% of Americans that was true. A statement that is 97% true hardly qualifies as the lie of the year.

It does when the claim of PERIOD was part of it. That means 100%.

For something to be a lie, it only has to apply to ONE situation when the claim was it wouldn't apply to any.

The only reason something like Obamacare got put in place is because you bleeding hearts who think people who don't have something are owed it aren't willing to do it yourself. You think if you want it, the rest of us should support it.

It was a claim that under-delivered by 3 percent.

Having been paying taxes as a single filer with no dependents for decades I've probably been paying to raise your kids.

It was a claim that only had to go under-delivered by .0000000000001% to be a lie.
Look, all Hawking is saying is tha we piss fart about too much for too little.

Lying? Do you mean like the President when he said "if you like your doctor . . " knowing it wasn't the truth?

For 97% of Americans that was true. A statement that is 97% true hardly qualifies as the lie of the year.

It does when the claim of PERIOD was part of it. That means 100%.

For something to be a lie, it only has to apply to ONE situation when the claim was it wouldn't apply to any.

The only reason something like Obamacare got put in place is because you bleeding hearts who think people who don't have something are owed it aren't willing to do it yourself. You think if you want it, the rest of us should support it.

Health care in America was an issue over 100 years ago. HRC & President Clinton tried and failed to reform a system which was too costly and left to many people in the gutter. They failed, Obama and Pelosi did not.

Fools believe what was passed is Socialism, others feed this ignorance for political advantage, and yet the drug and insurance industries seem content.

Before the PPACA chaos existed: the poor and uninsured were treated at great cost in the ER's, and once stable they were transferred to public hospitals, putting great pressure on the budgets of local government. Health insurance policies rose every year by double digits for those of us insured, and deductibles and the cost of meds did too.

Can the problems with the PPACA be fixed, Yes! and they should be, but not by a Congress or another Bush in the Oval. Those who say they want to destroy it are lying - if they ever repeal it chaos on steroids will be the result.

When as large of a percentage get subsidies funded by someone else to buy what they say they couldn't afford before and it's a result of what you support, it is socialism.

Anything like Obamacare needs to be done away and let those of you who believe someone without healthcare coverage deserves it pay their premiums with your own money. If you aren't willing to provide to them personally what you say the rest of us should be forced to do, you have no argument. Taxpayers don't owe them coverage.

Your definition of socialism is yours alone.

Taxpayers pay for the uninsured and did so well before the passage of the PPACA. That you don't understand that simple fact is proof positive you too are clueless.
Lying? Do you mean like the President when he said "if you like your doctor . . " knowing it wasn't the truth?

For 97% of Americans that was true. A statement that is 97% true hardly qualifies as the lie of the year.

It does when the claim of PERIOD was part of it. That means 100%.

For something to be a lie, it only has to apply to ONE situation when the claim was it wouldn't apply to any.

The only reason something like Obamacare got put in place is because you bleeding hearts who think people who don't have something are owed it aren't willing to do it yourself. You think if you want it, the rest of us should support it.

Health care in America was an issue over 100 years ago. HRC & President Clinton tried and failed to reform a system which was too costly and left to many people in the gutter. They failed, Obama and Pelosi did not.

Fools believe what was passed is Socialism, others feed this ignorance for political advantage, and yet the drug and insurance industries seem content.

Before the PPACA chaos existed: the poor and uninsured were treated at great cost in the ER's, and once stable they were transferred to public hospitals, putting great pressure on the budgets of local government. Health insurance policies rose every year by double digits for those of us insured, and deductibles and the cost of meds did too.

Can the problems with the PPACA be fixed, Yes! and they should be, but not by a Congress or another Bush in the Oval. Those who say they want to destroy it are lying - if they ever repeal it chaos on steroids will be the result.

When as large of a percentage get subsidies funded by someone else to buy what they say they couldn't afford before and it's a result of what you support, it is socialism.

Anything like Obamacare needs to be done away and let those of you who believe someone without healthcare coverage deserves it pay their premiums with your own money. If you aren't willing to provide to them personally what you say the rest of us should be forced to do, you have no argument. Taxpayers don't owe them coverage.

Your definition of socialism is yours alone.

Taxpayers pay for the uninsured and did so well before the passage of the PPACA. That you don't understand that simple fact is proof positive you too are clueless.

It involves redistribution of wealth and that is a major tenet of socialism. Try looking it up.

I understand that taxpayers paid for it before. It was wrong then. Since Obamacare did nothing to change that fact, what good did it do to solve the problem of one person being forced to support another? Like I said, if you aren't willing to voluntarily do what you say is OK to force others to do, that's proof you're nothing more than a loud mouth bleeding heart good for nothing.
Tell me why taxpayers should be forced to fund healthcare for anyone? What's wrong with those of you who say someone that doesn't have getting it funding it yourself?
For 97% of Americans that was true. A statement that is 97% true hardly qualifies as the lie of the year.

It does when the claim of PERIOD was part of it. That means 100%.

For something to be a lie, it only has to apply to ONE situation when the claim was it wouldn't apply to any.

The only reason something like Obamacare got put in place is because you bleeding hearts who think people who don't have something are owed it aren't willing to do it yourself. You think if you want it, the rest of us should support it.

Health care in America was an issue over 100 years ago. HRC & President Clinton tried and failed to reform a system which was too costly and left to many people in the gutter. They failed, Obama and Pelosi did not.

Fools believe what was passed is Socialism, others feed this ignorance for political advantage, and yet the drug and insurance industries seem content.

Before the PPACA chaos existed: the poor and uninsured were treated at great cost in the ER's, and once stable they were transferred to public hospitals, putting great pressure on the budgets of local government. Health insurance policies rose every year by double digits for those of us insured, and deductibles and the cost of meds did too.

Can the problems with the PPACA be fixed, Yes! and they should be, but not by a Congress or another Bush in the Oval. Those who say they want to destroy it are lying - if they ever repeal it chaos on steroids will be the result.

When as large of a percentage get subsidies funded by someone else to buy what they say they couldn't afford before and it's a result of what you support, it is socialism.

Anything like Obamacare needs to be done away and let those of you who believe someone without healthcare coverage deserves it pay their premiums with your own money. If you aren't willing to provide to them personally what you say the rest of us should be forced to do, you have no argument. Taxpayers don't owe them coverage.

Your definition of socialism is yours alone.

Taxpayers pay for the uninsured and did so well before the passage of the PPACA. That you don't understand that simple fact is proof positive you too are clueless.

It involves redistribution of wealth and that is a major tenet of socialism. Try looking it up.

I understand that taxpayers paid for it before. It was wrong then. Since Obamacare did nothing to change that fact, what good did it do to solve the problem of one person being forced to support another? Like I said, if you aren't willing to voluntarily do what you say is OK to force others to do, that's proof you're nothing more than a loud mouth bleeding heart good for nothing.
Tell me why taxpayers should be forced to fund healthcare for anyone? What's wrong with those of you who say someone that doesn't have getting it funding it yourself?

Your ideological beliefs are not in concert with the vast majority of our citizens; that you are a loud and proud callous conservatives is your right, but it is morally indefensible.
a direct subsidy could have covered the uninsured. The Left wants to own and run the healthcare delivery system in the USA; yes THAT IS a tenet of Socialism, in fact owning the means of the production and delivery of goods and services is a working definition of socialism..

who are left-wing nutjobs trying to fool?
It does when the claim of PERIOD was part of it. That means 100%.

For something to be a lie, it only has to apply to ONE situation when the claim was it wouldn't apply to any.

The only reason something like Obamacare got put in place is because you bleeding hearts who think people who don't have something are owed it aren't willing to do it yourself. You think if you want it, the rest of us should support it.

Health care in America was an issue over 100 years ago. HRC & President Clinton tried and failed to reform a system which was too costly and left to many people in the gutter. They failed, Obama and Pelosi did not.

Fools believe what was passed is Socialism, others feed this ignorance for political advantage, and yet the drug and insurance industries seem content.

Before the PPACA chaos existed: the poor and uninsured were treated at great cost in the ER's, and once stable they were transferred to public hospitals, putting great pressure on the budgets of local government. Health insurance policies rose every year by double digits for those of us insured, and deductibles and the cost of meds did too.

Can the problems with the PPACA be fixed, Yes! and they should be, but not by a Congress or another Bush in the Oval. Those who say they want to destroy it are lying - if they ever repeal it chaos on steroids will be the result.

When as large of a percentage get subsidies funded by someone else to buy what they say they couldn't afford before and it's a result of what you support, it is socialism.

Anything like Obamacare needs to be done away and let those of you who believe someone without healthcare coverage deserves it pay their premiums with your own money. If you aren't willing to provide to them personally what you say the rest of us should be forced to do, you have no argument. Taxpayers don't owe them coverage.

Your definition of socialism is yours alone.

Taxpayers pay for the uninsured and did so well before the passage of the PPACA. That you don't understand that simple fact is proof positive you too are clueless.

It involves redistribution of wealth and that is a major tenet of socialism. Try looking it up.

I understand that taxpayers paid for it before. It was wrong then. Since Obamacare did nothing to change that fact, what good did it do to solve the problem of one person being forced to support another? Like I said, if you aren't willing to voluntarily do what you say is OK to force others to do, that's proof you're nothing more than a loud mouth bleeding heart good for nothing.
Tell me why taxpayers should be forced to fund healthcare for anyone? What's wrong with those of you who say someone that doesn't have getting it funding it yourself?

Your ideological beliefs are not in concert with the vast majority of our citizens; that you are a loud and proud callous conservatives is your right, but it is morally indefensible.


the moronic Left and their compassion card; even as they CREATE POOR PEOPLE TO "HELP"
It does when the claim of PERIOD was part of it. That means 100%.

For something to be a lie, it only has to apply to ONE situation when the claim was it wouldn't apply to any.

The only reason something like Obamacare got put in place is because you bleeding hearts who think people who don't have something are owed it aren't willing to do it yourself. You think if you want it, the rest of us should support it.

Health care in America was an issue over 100 years ago. HRC & President Clinton tried and failed to reform a system which was too costly and left to many people in the gutter. They failed, Obama and Pelosi did not.

Fools believe what was passed is Socialism, others feed this ignorance for political advantage, and yet the drug and insurance industries seem content.

Before the PPACA chaos existed: the poor and uninsured were treated at great cost in the ER's, and once stable they were transferred to public hospitals, putting great pressure on the budgets of local government. Health insurance policies rose every year by double digits for those of us insured, and deductibles and the cost of meds did too.

Can the problems with the PPACA be fixed, Yes! and they should be, but not by a Congress or another Bush in the Oval. Those who say they want to destroy it are lying - if they ever repeal it chaos on steroids will be the result.

When as large of a percentage get subsidies funded by someone else to buy what they say they couldn't afford before and it's a result of what you support, it is socialism.

Anything like Obamacare needs to be done away and let those of you who believe someone without healthcare coverage deserves it pay their premiums with your own money. If you aren't willing to provide to them personally what you say the rest of us should be forced to do, you have no argument. Taxpayers don't owe them coverage.

Your definition of socialism is yours alone.

Taxpayers pay for the uninsured and did so well before the passage of the PPACA. That you don't understand that simple fact is proof positive you too are clueless.

It involves redistribution of wealth and that is a major tenet of socialism. Try looking it up.

I understand that taxpayers paid for it before. It was wrong then. Since Obamacare did nothing to change that fact, what good did it do to solve the problem of one person being forced to support another? Like I said, if you aren't willing to voluntarily do what you say is OK to force others to do, that's proof you're nothing more than a loud mouth bleeding heart good for nothing.
Tell me why taxpayers should be forced to fund healthcare for anyone? What's wrong with those of you who say someone that doesn't have getting it funding it yourself?

Your ideological beliefs are not in concert with the vast majority of our citizens; that you are a loud and proud callous conservatives is your right, but it is morally indefensible.

I'm not surprised a bunch of socialist aren't willing to admit what they support is socialist.

If a vast majority of people said 2 + 2 = 5, does that make it so?

It's not morally defensible to force one person to support another yet you defend it daily?
Greatest thread to human civilization : capitalist greed - Stephen Hawkin

i am surprised being the liberal that he is

that Hawking didnt say hemp weed fiber

was the greatest thread to human civilization
Health care in America was an issue over 100 years ago. HRC & President Clinton tried and failed to reform a system which was too costly and left to many people in the gutter. They failed, Obama and Pelosi did not.

Fools believe what was passed is Socialism, others feed this ignorance for political advantage, and yet the drug and insurance industries seem content.

Before the PPACA chaos existed: the poor and uninsured were treated at great cost in the ER's, and once stable they were transferred to public hospitals, putting great pressure on the budgets of local government. Health insurance policies rose every year by double digits for those of us insured, and deductibles and the cost of meds did too.

Can the problems with the PPACA be fixed, Yes! and they should be, but not by a Congress or another Bush in the Oval. Those who say they want to destroy it are lying - if they ever repeal it chaos on steroids will be the result.

When as large of a percentage get subsidies funded by someone else to buy what they say they couldn't afford before and it's a result of what you support, it is socialism.

Anything like Obamacare needs to be done away and let those of you who believe someone without healthcare coverage deserves it pay their premiums with your own money. If you aren't willing to provide to them personally what you say the rest of us should be forced to do, you have no argument. Taxpayers don't owe them coverage.

Your definition of socialism is yours alone.

Taxpayers pay for the uninsured and did so well before the passage of the PPACA. That you don't understand that simple fact is proof positive you too are clueless.

It involves redistribution of wealth and that is a major tenet of socialism. Try looking it up.

I understand that taxpayers paid for it before. It was wrong then. Since Obamacare did nothing to change that fact, what good did it do to solve the problem of one person being forced to support another? Like I said, if you aren't willing to voluntarily do what you say is OK to force others to do, that's proof you're nothing more than a loud mouth bleeding heart good for nothing.
Tell me why taxpayers should be forced to fund healthcare for anyone? What's wrong with those of you who say someone that doesn't have getting it funding it yourself?

Your ideological beliefs are not in concert with the vast majority of our citizens; that you are a loud and proud callous conservatives is your right, but it is morally indefensible.


the moronic Left and their compassion card; even as they CREATE POOR PEOPLE TO "HELP"

Wry argues from the perspective that if a majority says 2 + 2 = 5, it's true.
It does when the claim of PERIOD was part of it. That means 100%.

For something to be a lie, it only has to apply to ONE situation when the claim was it wouldn't apply to any.

The only reason something like Obamacare got put in place is because you bleeding hearts who think people who don't have something are owed it aren't willing to do it yourself. You think if you want it, the rest of us should support it.

Health care in America was an issue over 100 years ago. HRC & President Clinton tried and failed to reform a system which was too costly and left to many people in the gutter. They failed, Obama and Pelosi did not.

Fools believe what was passed is Socialism, others feed this ignorance for political advantage, and yet the drug and insurance industries seem content.

Before the PPACA chaos existed: the poor and uninsured were treated at great cost in the ER's, and once stable they were transferred to public hospitals, putting great pressure on the budgets of local government. Health insurance policies rose every year by double digits for those of us insured, and deductibles and the cost of meds did too.

Can the problems with the PPACA be fixed, Yes! and they should be, but not by a Congress or another Bush in the Oval. Those who say they want to destroy it are lying - if they ever repeal it chaos on steroids will be the result.

When as large of a percentage get subsidies funded by someone else to buy what they say they couldn't afford before and it's a result of what you support, it is socialism.

Anything like Obamacare needs to be done away and let those of you who believe someone without healthcare coverage deserves it pay their premiums with your own money. If you aren't willing to provide to them personally what you say the rest of us should be forced to do, you have no argument. Taxpayers don't owe them coverage.

Your definition of socialism is yours alone.

Taxpayers pay for the uninsured and did so well before the passage of the PPACA. That you don't understand that simple fact is proof positive you too are clueless.

It involves redistribution of wealth and that is a major tenet of socialism. Try looking it up.

I understand that taxpayers paid for it before. It was wrong then. Since Obamacare did nothing to change that fact, what good did it do to solve the problem of one person being forced to support another? Like I said, if you aren't willing to voluntarily do what you say is OK to force others to do, that's proof you're nothing more than a loud mouth bleeding heart good for nothing.
Tell me why taxpayers should be forced to fund healthcare for anyone? What's wrong with those of you who say someone that doesn't have getting it funding it yourself?

Your ideological beliefs are not in concert with the vast majority of our citizens; that you are a loud and proud callous conservatives is your right, but it is morally indefensible.

You must confuse me with someone who cares with the vast majority of citizens believe. Morality isn't determined by the majority. And if it is, then your days are numbered.

And your claim isn't exactly true either. I went to the hospital without insurance, and I got something called a "bill", which I then paid.

If it was true that every single uninsured citizen was paid for by the tax payers, then it would be impossible that people would file bankruptcy on their health care bills which you claim are paid for by tax payers.

You people believe whatever myth you can come up with, even when some myths contradict others.
Health care in America was an issue over 100 years ago. HRC & President Clinton tried and failed to reform a system which was too costly and left to many people in the gutter. They failed, Obama and Pelosi did not.

Fools believe what was passed is Socialism, others feed this ignorance for political advantage, and yet the drug and insurance industries seem content.

Before the PPACA chaos existed: the poor and uninsured were treated at great cost in the ER's, and once stable they were transferred to public hospitals, putting great pressure on the budgets of local government. Health insurance policies rose every year by double digits for those of us insured, and deductibles and the cost of meds did too.

Can the problems with the PPACA be fixed, Yes! and they should be, but not by a Congress or another Bush in the Oval. Those who say they want to destroy it are lying - if they ever repeal it chaos on steroids will be the result.

When as large of a percentage get subsidies funded by someone else to buy what they say they couldn't afford before and it's a result of what you support, it is socialism.

Anything like Obamacare needs to be done away and let those of you who believe someone without healthcare coverage deserves it pay their premiums with your own money. If you aren't willing to provide to them personally what you say the rest of us should be forced to do, you have no argument. Taxpayers don't owe them coverage.

Your definition of socialism is yours alone.

Taxpayers pay for the uninsured and did so well before the passage of the PPACA. That you don't understand that simple fact is proof positive you too are clueless.

It involves redistribution of wealth and that is a major tenet of socialism. Try looking it up.

I understand that taxpayers paid for it before. It was wrong then. Since Obamacare did nothing to change that fact, what good did it do to solve the problem of one person being forced to support another? Like I said, if you aren't willing to voluntarily do what you say is OK to force others to do, that's proof you're nothing more than a loud mouth bleeding heart good for nothing.
Tell me why taxpayers should be forced to fund healthcare for anyone? What's wrong with those of you who say someone that doesn't have getting it funding it yourself?

Your ideological beliefs are not in concert with the vast majority of our citizens; that you are a loud and proud callous conservatives is your right, but it is morally indefensible.

You must confuse me with someone who cares with the vast majority of citizens believe. Morality isn't determined by the majority. And if it is, then your days are numbered.

And your claim isn't exactly true either. I went to the hospital without insurance, and I got something called a "bill", which I then paid.

If it was true that every single uninsured citizen was paid for by the tax payers, then it would be impossible that people would file bankruptcy on their health care bills which you claim are paid for by tax payers.

You people believe whatever myth you can come up with, even when some myths contradict others.

Wry's the kind that will argue from a morality standpoint then when someone else with a different moral standards applies those moral, he says don't push yours on me. Typical wrong when someone else does it but OK when I do Liberal mentality.
When as large of a percentage get subsidies funded by someone else to buy what they say they couldn't afford before and it's a result of what you support, it is socialism.

Anything like Obamacare needs to be done away and let those of you who believe someone without healthcare coverage deserves it pay their premiums with your own money. If you aren't willing to provide to them personally what you say the rest of us should be forced to do, you have no argument. Taxpayers don't owe them coverage.

Your definition of socialism is yours alone.

Taxpayers pay for the uninsured and did so well before the passage of the PPACA. That you don't understand that simple fact is proof positive you too are clueless.

It involves redistribution of wealth and that is a major tenet of socialism. Try looking it up.

I understand that taxpayers paid for it before. It was wrong then. Since Obamacare did nothing to change that fact, what good did it do to solve the problem of one person being forced to support another? Like I said, if you aren't willing to voluntarily do what you say is OK to force others to do, that's proof you're nothing more than a loud mouth bleeding heart good for nothing.
Tell me why taxpayers should be forced to fund healthcare for anyone? What's wrong with those of you who say someone that doesn't have getting it funding it yourself?

Your ideological beliefs are not in concert with the vast majority of our citizens; that you are a loud and proud callous conservatives is your right, but it is morally indefensible.


the moronic Left and their compassion card; even as they CREATE POOR PEOPLE TO "HELP"

Wry argues from the perspective that if a majority says 2 + 2 = 5, it's true.

Exactly. Just like the Greeks believed that if they voted for unlimited government spending, and no austerity, that means the government simply has the money for it.

See how well that worked out for Greece? Idiotic left. "We voted for it, therefore it must be".
Look, all Hawking is saying is tha we piss fart about too much for too little.

Lying? Do you mean like the President when he said "if you like your doctor . . " knowing it wasn't the truth?

For 97% of Americans that was true. A statement that is 97% true hardly qualifies as the lie of the year.

It does when the claim of PERIOD was part of it. That means 100%.

For something to be a lie, it only has to apply to ONE situation when the claim was it wouldn't apply to any.

The only reason something like Obamacare got put in place is because you bleeding hearts who think people who don't have something are owed it aren't willing to do it yourself. You think if you want it, the rest of us should support it.

It was a claim that under-delivered by 3 percent.

Having been paying taxes as a single filer with no dependents for decades I've probably been paying to raise your kids.

It was a claim that only had to go under-delivered by .0000000000001% to be a lie.

I guess if saying you're 40 when asked your age when in fact you're 40 plus 1 second is a lie, you'd be right.
Health care in America was an issue over 100 years ago. HRC & President Clinton tried and failed to reform a system which was too costly and left to many people in the gutter. They failed, Obama and Pelosi did not.

Fools believe what was passed is Socialism, others feed this ignorance for political advantage, and yet the drug and insurance industries seem content.

Before the PPACA chaos existed: the poor and uninsured were treated at great cost in the ER's, and once stable they were transferred to public hospitals, putting great pressure on the budgets of local government. Health insurance policies rose every year by double digits for those of us insured, and deductibles and the cost of meds did too.

Can the problems with the PPACA be fixed, Yes! and they should be, but not by a Congress or another Bush in the Oval. Those who say they want to destroy it are lying - if they ever repeal it chaos on steroids will be the result.

When as large of a percentage get subsidies funded by someone else to buy what they say they couldn't afford before and it's a result of what you support, it is socialism.

Anything like Obamacare needs to be done away and let those of you who believe someone without healthcare coverage deserves it pay their premiums with your own money. If you aren't willing to provide to them personally what you say the rest of us should be forced to do, you have no argument. Taxpayers don't owe them coverage.

Your definition of socialism is yours alone.

Taxpayers pay for the uninsured and did so well before the passage of the PPACA. That you don't understand that simple fact is proof positive you too are clueless.

It involves redistribution of wealth and that is a major tenet of socialism. Try looking it up.

I understand that taxpayers paid for it before. It was wrong then. Since Obamacare did nothing to change that fact, what good did it do to solve the problem of one person being forced to support another? Like I said, if you aren't willing to voluntarily do what you say is OK to force others to do, that's proof you're nothing more than a loud mouth bleeding heart good for nothing.
Tell me why taxpayers should be forced to fund healthcare for anyone? What's wrong with those of you who say someone that doesn't have getting it funding it yourself?

Your ideological beliefs are not in concert with the vast majority of our citizens; that you are a loud and proud callous conservatives is your right, but it is morally indefensible.

I'm not surprised a bunch of socialist aren't willing to admit what they support is socialist.

If a vast majority of people said 2 + 2 = 5, does that make it so?

It's not morally defensible to force one person to support another yet you defend it daily?

Socialism has saved civilization. Socialism has reined in capitalism. That had to be done.
Lying? Do you mean like the President when he said "if you like your doctor . . " knowing it wasn't the truth?

For 97% of Americans that was true. A statement that is 97% true hardly qualifies as the lie of the year.

It does when the claim of PERIOD was part of it. That means 100%.

For something to be a lie, it only has to apply to ONE situation when the claim was it wouldn't apply to any.

The only reason something like Obamacare got put in place is because you bleeding hearts who think people who don't have something are owed it aren't willing to do it yourself. You think if you want it, the rest of us should support it.

It was a claim that under-delivered by 3 percent.

Having been paying taxes as a single filer with no dependents for decades I've probably been paying to raise your kids.

It was a claim that only had to go under-delivered by .0000000000001% to be a lie.

I guess if saying you're 40 when asked your age when in fact you're 40 plus 1 second is a lie, you'd be right.

Trying to compare your idiotic example to something that was in the works for a long period of time is apples and oranges. People don't give ages in that aspect.
When as large of a percentage get subsidies funded by someone else to buy what they say they couldn't afford before and it's a result of what you support, it is socialism.

Anything like Obamacare needs to be done away and let those of you who believe someone without healthcare coverage deserves it pay their premiums with your own money. If you aren't willing to provide to them personally what you say the rest of us should be forced to do, you have no argument. Taxpayers don't owe them coverage.

Your definition of socialism is yours alone.

Taxpayers pay for the uninsured and did so well before the passage of the PPACA. That you don't understand that simple fact is proof positive you too are clueless.

It involves redistribution of wealth and that is a major tenet of socialism. Try looking it up.

I understand that taxpayers paid for it before. It was wrong then. Since Obamacare did nothing to change that fact, what good did it do to solve the problem of one person being forced to support another? Like I said, if you aren't willing to voluntarily do what you say is OK to force others to do, that's proof you're nothing more than a loud mouth bleeding heart good for nothing.
Tell me why taxpayers should be forced to fund healthcare for anyone? What's wrong with those of you who say someone that doesn't have getting it funding it yourself?

Your ideological beliefs are not in concert with the vast majority of our citizens; that you are a loud and proud callous conservatives is your right, but it is morally indefensible.

I'm not surprised a bunch of socialist aren't willing to admit what they support is socialist.

If a vast majority of people said 2 + 2 = 5, does that make it so?

It's not morally defensible to force one person to support another yet you defend it daily?

Socialism has saved civilization. Socialism has reined in capitalism. That had to be done.

Capitalism has saved civilization. Capitalism has reined in Socialism. That had to be done.

(We can spout off empty unsupportable hearsay just like you)
Capitalism prior to the 1980s was great but then things changed, facts back it up.
Offshoring jobs started and wage growth flattened out for most workers, both started in the 1980's. Down the road wealth/income inequality followed. Find me economist that dispute this other than your typical hyper-partisan economists, even most of them agree with facts from the real world.
Any economist that agrees with you is credible, the others not? That's some really weak shit. The GNP increased very much in the 80s, either you were in a coma or not born yet.
after 414 posts the libertard mentality has proven to be commie socialist advocacy..., people control!! everyone MUST be equal, no rich nor poor.., oooh! damn it i forgot, the commie hierarchy will be rich and demand more from the peeons who basically will be the POOR!!

am i right ? you damn betcha!!

what is the difference between a lib and a turd?
When as large of a percentage get subsidies funded by someone else to buy what they say they couldn't afford before and it's a result of what you support, it is socialism.

Anything like Obamacare needs to be done away and let those of you who believe someone without healthcare coverage deserves it pay their premiums with your own money. If you aren't willing to provide to them personally what you say the rest of us should be forced to do, you have no argument. Taxpayers don't owe them coverage.

Your definition of socialism is yours alone.

Taxpayers pay for the uninsured and did so well before the passage of the PPACA. That you don't understand that simple fact is proof positive you too are clueless.

It involves redistribution of wealth and that is a major tenet of socialism. Try looking it up.

I understand that taxpayers paid for it before. It was wrong then. Since Obamacare did nothing to change that fact, what good did it do to solve the problem of one person being forced to support another? Like I said, if you aren't willing to voluntarily do what you say is OK to force others to do, that's proof you're nothing more than a loud mouth bleeding heart good for nothing.
Tell me why taxpayers should be forced to fund healthcare for anyone? What's wrong with those of you who say someone that doesn't have getting it funding it yourself?

Your ideological beliefs are not in concert with the vast majority of our citizens; that you are a loud and proud callous conservatives is your right, but it is morally indefensible.

I'm not surprised a bunch of socialist aren't willing to admit what they support is socialist.

If a vast majority of people said 2 + 2 = 5, does that make it so?

It's not morally defensible to force one person to support another yet you defend it daily?

Socialism has saved civilization. Socialism has reined in capitalism. That had to be done.

So your morals are OK to force on others?

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