Greece, a basket case economy ,and a corrupt country.

Greece will get bailed out eventually. Much of its debt is held by German and French banks.

Actually it is mostly in debt to French banks and Swiss banks but your point is still valid, Toro.

Greece's deficit spending is currently over 100% of its tax revenues.

If Greece cannot refinance the immediate $30 billion worth of debt that is coming due, things are going to get might weird in Greece, and then in the rest of Europe, too, mighty damned fast, folks.
nothing will come out of getting new loans to pay the old, we'll allways be in debt. Today nothing works here, everyone is on strike. The minimum salary in Greece is 700 euros and minimum pension at 500, we cannot pay what the goverment wants. We're prepared for crime rising and public outbrakes
I'm Greek and I want to explain the truth about my country,
for almost 50 years since Konstantinos Karamanlis -senior- ruled the country people have worked hard and prospered for themselves and for Greece. Everyone was paying the state social services for his medical care and pencion. Not only these money were stolen from us by "wrong invesment moves" or high paid sharks, now and since the country is in total chaos today, we're asked to pay again for this outragious situation. We, -the people- never showered in german gold or in eu diamonds, everything was carefully gathered by 7 dominant families that still govern my country. I never voted for either of the two political parties that govern my homeland, but I still have to pay for the mistake of not burning the parliament along with the 300 fat smiling thieves sitting inside. I never saw one, just one politician taken to court or being punished for anything, and there's been A LOT of exposures during my lifetime (I'm 37yo). We Greeks are proud people but this attack from the eu media is not unjustified.

I m not saying that you re guilty of this, but if a population of a nation elects a government and that gov cheats on them and then they ellect them again: Then are they not legitimizing what the government does? (at least if there are fair elections being held in Greece)

Should Germany and other European countries pay for the corruption/mistakes of Greec politicians?

Greece shouldn't even be in the eurozone if what I ve red about Greece is right (Greece violated the rules of going into the eurozone: Greec politicians cheated their way into the Eurozone)

Goldman Sachs helped the Greek government to mask the true extent of its deficit with the help of a derivatives deal that legally circumvented the EU Maastricht deficit rules. At some point the so-called cross currency swaps will mature, and swell the country's already bloated deficit.

Greeks aren't very welcome in the Rue Alphones Weicker in Luxembourg. It's home to Eurostat, the European Union's statistical office. The number crunchers there are deeply annoyed with Athens. Investigative reports state that important data "cannot be confirmed" or has been requested but "not received."

Creative accounting took priority when it came to totting up government debt.Since 1999, the Maastricht rules threaten to slap hefty fines on euro member countries that exceed the budget deficit limit of three percent of gross domestic product. Total government debt mustn't exceed 60 percent.

The Greeks have never managed to stick to the 60 percent debt limit, and they only adhered to the three percent deficit ceiling with the help of blatant balance sheet cosmetics. One time, gigantic military expenditures were left out, and another time billions in hospital debt. After recalculating the figures, the experts at Eurostat consistently came up with the same results: In truth, the deficit each year has been far greater than the three percent limit. In 2009, it exploded to over 12 percent.

Now, though, it looks like the Greek figure jugglers have been even more brazen than was previously thought. "Around 2002 in particular, various investment banks offered complex financial products with which governments could push part of their liabilities into the future," one insider recalled, adding that Mediterranean countries had snapped up such products.

Greece's debt managers agreed a huge deal with the savvy bankers of US investment bank Goldman Sachs at the start of 2002. The deal involved so-called cross-currency swaps in which government debt issued in dollars and yen was swapped for euro debt for a certain period -- to be exchanged back into the original currencies at a later date.

Fictional Exchange Rates

Such transactions are part of normal government refinancing. Europe's governments obtain funds from investors around the world by issuing bonds in yen, dollar or Swiss francs. But they need euros to pay their daily bills. Years later the bonds are repaid in the original foreign denominations.

But in the Greek case the US bankers devised a special kind of swap with fictional exchange rates. That enabled Greece to receive a far higher sum than the actual euro market value of 10 billion dollars or yen. In that way Goldman Sachs secretly arranged additional credit of up to $1 billion for the Greeks.

This credit disguised as a swap didn't show up in the Greek debt statistics. Eurostat's reporting rules don't comprehensively record transactions involving financial derivatives. "The Maastricht rules can be circumvented quite legally through swaps," says a German derivatives dealer.

In previous years, Italy used a similar trick to mask its true debt with the help of a different US bank. In 2002 the Greek deficit amounted to 1.2 percent of GDP. After Eurostat reviewed the data in September 2004, the ratio had to be revised up to 3.7 percent. According to today's records, it stands at 5.2 percent.

At some point Greece will have to pay up for its swap transactions, and that will impact its deficit. The bond maturities range between 10 and 15 years. Goldman Sachs charged a hefty commission for the deal and sold the swaps on to a Greek bank in 2005.

The bank declined to comment on the controversial deal. The Greek Finance Ministry did not respond to a written request for comment.
Greek Debt Crisis: How Goldman Sachs Helped Greece to Mask its True Debt - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
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And guess who speculated on the loss of the Euro? Yes that s right: GOLDMAN SACHS

Should someone who cheated their way into the 4th grade be allowed to stay? I think not and it will probably be for the better of both the Eurozone and Greece, the Drachme will (hopefully) allow the Greec economy to recover (low tourism prices, low export prices, ...).
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I agree with you, we should never have entered the eu not only because we didnt fulfill the terms but because it totally sacked us. Since euro became our currency everything is 10 times more expencive, the wages though remained the same. As for the elected thieves its been a political geto as long as I can remember,all have an easy way to get things done and that's through fondamentalist followers.... I guess the low standards of our education is the primary culprit people dont have open eyes. I cant help to wonder if anyone even thinks here. I want justice but its not gonna happen. Not in my lifetime anyway
I'm Greek and I want to explain the truth about my country,
for almost 50 years since Konstantinos Karamanlis -senior- ruled the country people have worked hard and prospered for themselves and for Greece. Everyone was paying the state social services for his medical care and pencion. Not only these money were stolen from us by "wrong invesment moves" or high paid sharks, now and since the country is in total chaos today, we're asked to pay again for this outragious situation. We, -the people- never showered in german gold or in eu diamonds, everything was carefully gathered by 7 dominant families that still govern my country. I never voted for either of the two political parties that govern my homeland, but I still have to pay for the mistake of not burning the parliament along with the 300 fat smiling thieves sitting inside. I never saw one, just one politician taken to court or being punished for anything, and there's been A LOT of exposures during my lifetime (I'm 37yo). We Greeks are proud people but this attack from the eu media is not unjustified.

What you just described is exactly what has happened in this nation, as well, Dionysis.

Fact is that the bastard bankers run every nation on earth.

You folks in Greece have my sincerest condolences.

We're really all in this together, mate.

Every citizen in the first world is getting screw by their masters.
but thats not how my america is. FOR THE RECORD.

Also for the record, denial isn't just a river in Egypt, either

You got the same America as the rest of us have, Antagon.

If you want to hide your eyes and tell yourself it isn't happening, that's your right, of course,

But that won't change the fact that the economic meldown has happened, SOME INSIDER bankers caused it, and now they are being rewarded for having done so, and the American citizens are going to have to pay the price for the banking class's SNAFU.
its just rosier in my life, i guess. i can see some people hurting. some, though im sure not all, who are hurting, imperiled themselves consuming credit. i count these people together with the insider bankers you make reference to. ive had to work harder fro every buck lately, but i recognize i had it good during the boom.

have you been to greece? it is a nice country with pleasant people, however, i dont see parity on government or economy between the US and Greece. i might be the eternal optimist, but i try to stay an informed optimist. could you be an ignorant pessimist?
its just rosier in my life, i guess. i can see some people hurting. some, though im sure not all, who are hurting, imperiled themselves consuming credit. i count these people together with the insider bankers you make reference to. ive had to work harder fro every buck lately, but i recognize i had it good during the boom.

have you been to greece? it is a nice country with pleasant people, however, i dont see parity on government or economy between the US and Greece. i might be the eternal optimist, but i try to stay an informed optimist. could you be an ignorant pessimist?

I could be a pessimist since that's entirely a judgement call of the beholder, but ignorant is, I think, not an apt description of what I am.

You're doing fine?

Great so am I, for the moment.

But how you or I are doing doesn't have jackshit to do with how the nation is doing overall.
the nation is not doing overall anything as poorly as greece. the situation there is unlike anything anywhere in the US. the government is juxtaposed to the benefit of greeks in ways more demonstrable than teabagging fools, for example, can posit of americans.

implying that we're positioned the same as greece is whats so stupid and counterproductive for americans. we are in a recovery. even here in the nations foreclosure capitol. greece may well be denied that.

i dont understand your position whining on behalf of circumstances youre not experiencing, then including the whole nation in it, too. that includes me and mine and all our hard work. have some pride or speak for yourself.
The first three days I was in Greece, three different sets of workers went on strike for a day.

Loved the country.
it's true, corruption has affected all fields in Greece. We cant get medical treatment without giving "something" to the doctors and nurses, we cant build something without paying off the public intitution man that checks paperwork, we cant get a job if we dont vote for the useless pig as a senator. Life is difficult here and its gonna be even harder with these new tax laws. The ugliest thing of all is we're trying to save money to pay the interest of previous loans and not to come out of this crisis. People here are poor and angry so if this continues strikes is the least that's going to happen

Why don't you tell the rich people in Greece to pay their taxes!!, stop looking for a handout
from the rest of the world. Pull your own weight.! We American have no more dollars for
a corrupt country!! Greece get out of your basket case economy, and stop complaining.!!?$$$:eek:
you make national and cultural reform sound easy, street. dont worry about dollars we'll flex those off on haiti or something closer to home.
Who's whining for this??? of course I'm responsible, and of course no richies will pay as long as we keep voting for the same politicians. Everyone of the 300 in our parliament has his/her sponsores from the so called elite Greeks as in every country I guess. We owe money as a country not only to the eu, but to you also for the weapons we purchase each year. We have oil Germans pump. We have uranioum Americans exploit. We have French aircrafts. We have German communication centers. We owe what we'll make in 3 lifetimes. What do I have to look up in my future? A better life? A better future for my kid? For the next 4 days all servises in Greece will be closed by strikes. What's that gonna change? Nothing as long as we're governed by traitors. Remember the 17 November terrorists 5-6 years ago? New groops have started operating here. How can I be an optimist???

You have to understand that a lot of people here don't want to understand the true nature of the problems Greece or the USA is really facing.

If they acknowledge that the leaders of Greece, and not the people, are responsible for the systemic mess your nation is in, then they'd have to acknowledge that the same kind of elite is running our nation into the ground, too.

Since these people worship at the alter of Mammon, they must deny the responsiblity of the monied classes everywhere on earth.

Hence you are reading nonsense like " the people are responsible" even though you pointed out that your nation is essantially an oligarchical shamocracy, much as our is.
Thats true. Things have to change and I dont expect national leaders to do so, hell!!! if I was sitting in a leather armchair giving orders and gaining hundreds of thousants of euros I dont know if I would give a damn. Its minds that have to change
Replace the title with the USA, UK or at least a dozen other countries. Greece is just the sacrificial lamb that will and is being used to crash the US and other nations. Just wait and see, all will soon be revealed.
52nd are you the Worlds greatest village idiot. Before you start slagging off other nations you should pay attention to just how far up shit creek the US is right now. Your idiotic gloating will soon be over.
52nd are you the Worlds greatest village idiot. Before you start slagging off other nations you should pay attention to just how far up shit creek the US is right now. Your idiotic gloating will soon be over.

To many people around the world hooked on the U.S. Dollar,including myself, America will never go bankrupt.!!:razz:

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