Greece tells banking cartel STICK IT

like I said it wasnt all socialists....most, and the worst was no doubt the rt-wing
Increased government spending in the public sector, like was tge case in Greece, is,not a conservative, but a left wing social Democrat principle. It clearly failed there.

yeah but principles had nothing to do with it
Principles have everything to do with it. Your ideology is failed. The principles of leftist governance, with a large welfare state and public spending, have failed.

no, they have not...........Greece had a bunch of republican-like "businessmen learned in economics" at its head under NEW Democracy.............and these Cobb County like rt-wingers ran them into the ground.
There is nothing conservative about deficit spending for public pensions. Neither PASOK or New Democracy are conservative in any way with these policies, and both drove Greece into the ground with their massive deficit spending.

Now these idiots are bringing on Fascism in Golden Dawn, thanks lefties.

I agree it wasnt really conservative of them...but I bet they ran like our "Conservatives"...belly-aching about irresponsible lefties etc. etc. etc.
yeah but principles had nothing to do with it
Principles have everything to do with it. Your ideology is failed. The principles of leftist governance, with a large welfare state and public spending, have failed.

At least that is the lie Faux News and Dimbaugh tell you over and over until you repeat like a braying sheep.
With that kind of post, you are showing yourself as the mindless sheep with your narrow minded and simplistic categorizations of those who disagree with you, and in this case, clearly know more than you. You aren't anything unique, or in anyway intelligent. You are just a basic bitch social Democrat with an inflated opinion if yiurself.

Oh please, you put out "your ideology is failed" and you think yourself a centrist? LOL

What ideology is that? The same one in Sweden, Switzerland, Britain, France, The Netherlands...where people are happier and medical care is good and available to everyone? That kind of failure? Or do you mean the U.S. where 1/6 of the children in the country go to bed hungry every night? Look in your own narrow minded mirror. You simply carp what Faux News and Fish Dimbaugh say every single day. The monotone drone of 'librals is evil yada yada yada yada' is the same and never stops.

You paint everyone that isn't you as 'socialist' and 'other' and 'agin all that is guud'. Sorry to break it to you but liberals are patriots, and servicemen and women, cops, firefighters, teachers...yes, walk into a fire station and yell at them how they are all socialists.

Why don't you give up on your antiquated language memes and at least come up with something new. It used to be 'commie' now its 'socialist'. What's next? These are all fabricated dog whistles that only conservatives can hear. Open YOUR mind bucko.
Definitely not a centrist.

Its odd you come up with France or the UK as examples of thriving social democracies, that are so much better than the US. France has record high deficits and above 10% unemployment. They are on the verge a sovereign debt crisis of there own, especially if the Greek debt they hold goes bad. The UK has a GDP per capita that is lower than every US state, except Mississippi. So much for this prosperity. Then you mention Sweden, they have the highest growing rate of economic disparity in the OECD. Due to their social democrat policies of a welfare state combined with mass third world immigration, their welfare state is experiencing strains, and pensioners and welfare recipients are seeing a decline in their benefits overall. There is a higher happiness index, but in a generation or so when Swedes become a minority in their major cities like Stockholm, as they are in Malmo, that will decline as well. The Eurozone is totally floundering. And those aforementioned economies represent the stronger countries. It is far worse, particularly in southern European countries like Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Greece obviously.

French unemployment rising to record high Business DW.COM 01.06.2015
Hollande says debt crisis is over. But is France really out of the woods -
French deficit and public debt will reach new records in 2015 EurActiv

Britain Is Poorer Than Any US State Yes Even Mississippi - Forbes

Sweden has lots of wealth inequality
Sweden Inequality growing fastest in Sweden European news cartoons and press reviews

As for Switzerland, that makes sense. They are a small homogenous(read almost 100% White country), with a freer market than the US, I am not surprised they are better off.
Country Rankings World Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom

You are living in a fantasy world where everyone who doesn't agree with your failed economic ideology is some fox news watcher, you are a cartoon. Anyone that says the US needs to implement more European style economic policies, given the sovereign debt crisis in the EU, and the economic downturn there to put it mildly, really cant be taken seriously.

Lots of propaganda, no facts.
Increased government spending in the public sector, like was tge case in Greece, is,not a conservative, but a left wing social Democrat principle. It clearly failed there.

yeah but principles had nothing to do with it
Principles have everything to do with it. Your ideology is failed. The principles of leftist governance, with a large welfare state and public spending, have failed.

no, they have not...........Greece had a bunch of republican-like "businessmen learned in economics" at its head under NEW Democracy.............and these Cobb County like rt-wingers ran them into the ground.
There is nothing conservative about deficit spending for public pensions. Neither PASOK or New Democracy are conservative in any way with these policies, and both drove Greece into the ground with their massive deficit spending.

Now these idiots are bringing on Fascism in Golden Dawn, thanks lefties.

I agree it wasnt really conservative of them...but I bet they ran like our "Conservatives"...belly-aching about irresponsible lefties etc. etc. etc.
Apparently neither PASOK or New Democracy bellyached enough. They ran Greece into the ground with deficit spending.
yeah but principles had nothing to do with it
Principles have everything to do with it. Your ideology is failed. The principles of leftist governance, with a large welfare state and public spending, have failed.

no, they have not...........Greece had a bunch of republican-like "businessmen learned in economics" at its head under NEW Democracy.............and these Cobb County like rt-wingers ran them into the ground.
There is nothing conservative about deficit spending for public pensions. Neither PASOK or New Democracy are conservative in any way with these policies, and both drove Greece into the ground with their massive deficit spending.

Now these idiots are bringing on Fascism in Golden Dawn, thanks lefties.

I agree it wasnt really conservative of them...but I bet they ran like our "Conservatives"...belly-aching about irresponsible lefties etc. etc. etc.
Apparently neither PASOK or New Democracy bellyached enough. They ran Greece into the ground with deficit spending.

They were hypocrites yes
The conservative fiscal model is borrow and spend. That is what has produced 18 trillion dollars of debt in the U.S. in the last 30 years.

Cons, you can't borrow your way out of debt. But that is what Raygun and Bush Jr. tried to do. At some point, like now, the bill gets so high it is nearly impossible to pay it off.

Borrow and spend: the conservative economic policy.

What happens when "cons" protest excessive government spending and demand deficit reduction, and a balanced budget? They get called racists.
Dumbass, you said:

Obviously, that's incorrect if there is 75% employment.

Pretty simple stuff here.
You are the only dumbass here. If the money was there to collect, they wouldn't be in the risk of default.
That wasn't what you were arguing or what I was countering.
You are the one that said Greece had plenty of paychecks to pay back this debt. Take some responsibility for your asinine posts.
I never said that. Now we know you're a liar as well as a wingnut.
Yes you did. You are so all over the place, so spaced out, you can't even keep your posts straight.
Then quote me or shut the fuck up. I never said it.
I doubt your "facts"

it is typical for rt-wing parties nowadays to claim tax cuts will increase revenues. And I still think it likely they did so...IF PASOK actually did as you said, it just goes to show how they swallowed the rt-wing fallacy.

You just made up the idea that Greece would have asked someone else...............I bet it wasnt even their idea.........I'm not blaming it ALL on G-S....but I'm certain they have some complicity
The Greek Debt Crisis wasn't cause by tax cuts, it was caused by spending they could not afford. Debt by definition comes from spending beyond your means. Primarily from unsustainable public pensions. Greeks wanted a Northern European lifestyle, but simply don't have the economy or wherewithal to have the economy that goes with it.

Now the Greek Youth have to pay for the greediness and laziness of their parents, saddled with this massive debt and a 50% unemployment rate.

It perhaps was a little of both tax cuts and excessive spending. "by definition"? whos? only yours? too little in taxes could also be a part of "beyond your means"
You don't get into debt from not spending. Spending beyond ones means is what creates debt.
Like the debt created by Bush and the Republican Congress.
So Obama defect spending us good because Bush did it? Didn't pwg you for a Dubya fan. Interesting...
Obama hasn't done any "defect spending", you defective.
The conservative fiscal model is borrow and spend. That is what has produced 18 trillion dollars of debt in the U.S. in the last 30 years.

Cons, you can't borrow your way out of debt. But that is what Raygun and Bush Jr. tried to do. At some point, like now, the bill gets so high it is nearly impossible to pay it off.

Borrow and spend: the conservative economic policy.

What happens when "cons" protest excessive government spending and demand deficit reduction, and a balanced budget? They get called racists.
You can't pay down the debt with just cuts to children in poverty.

Please name the revenue-raising bills that have been passed by the Republican House, who have been in control since 2010.
The conservative fiscal model is borrow and spend. That is what has produced 18 trillion dollars of debt in the U.S. in the last 30 years.

Cons, you can't borrow your way out of debt. But that is what Raygun and Bush Jr. tried to do. At some point, like now, the bill gets so high it is nearly impossible to pay it off.

Borrow and spend: the conservative economic policy.

What happens when "cons" protest excessive government spending and demand deficit reduction, and a balanced budget? They get called racists.
You can't pay down the debt with just cuts to children in poverty.

Please name the revenue-raising bills that have been passed by the Republican House, who have been in control since 2010.

Oh of course, the solution is to continue to borrow more money, then spend even more, and keep increasing the debt. Smart plan.
I believe the Pope stated it correctly when he called out that what the banks were doing in Greece and elsewhere is just a new form of colonialism. Except it really isn't that new.
What is happening in Europe in the name of the troika? A must-see for anyone who wants to understand the situation in Greece. The European Union and International Monetary Fund have lent more than 400 billion Euros to Greece, Portugal, Ireland and Cyprus to keep these countries solvent. The lenders granted enormous power to the three institutions of the so called troika: the IMF, the European Central Bank and the European Commission. Without any public accountability, the troika is forcing the crisis states to implement policies that are tearing the social fabric of their countries apart. German journalist and best-selling author Harald Schumann travelled to Athens, Lisbon, Dublin, Nicosia, Brussels, Washington, New York and London, in order to find out who has actually benefited from austerity measures. He puts this question to ministers, parliamentarians, economists, bankers, doctors and also to the victims of these policies, the unemployed and the ill. Among the many people we meet are Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman, IMF Director Paulo Batista and Yanis Varoufakis, the newly elected Greek finance minister. Schumann’s revelations are often devastating and shocking. Given the negotiations currently taking place between the newly elected Greek government and their European partners, this film is of great political and economic relevance.

Greece voted down the knife that international banks had to their throat.

The Greeks are looking at tough times no matter how they voted, so the birthplace of Democracy kicked the fascist international banks in the face and they've said in one loud voice you aren't going to turn us into slaves.
Now those very banks will be FORCED to negotiate a more equitable settlement and payment package because they have no choice

For Europe to even put the oldest democracy in such jeopardy, while insane entities like Isis watch, is beyond unforgivable. You can't squeeze blood from an orange. No matter what, the various financial institutions HAVE to work out a deal with the Greeks.

I applaud the Greeks for standing their ground. They will climb out of this financial disaster, like America has had to climb out of the Bush/Republican financial disaster handed to it in 2008, and come out whole.

What they did today was give notice that you 'don't f#$k with democracy'.

The banks could just say NO and withhold the money leaving the Greeks to sink or swim on their own. It would send a very strong message to the rest of Europe to tighten their belts and suck it in. Why should the countries that have made the sacrifices have to pay to bail out those that want to keep spending other peoples money.
Greece voted down the knife that international banks had to their throat.

The Greeks are looking at tough times no matter how they voted, so the birthplace of Democracy kicked the fascist international banks in the face and they've said in one loud voice you aren't going to turn us into slaves.
Now those very banks will be FORCED to negotiate a more equitable settlement and payment package because they have no choice

For Europe to even put the oldest democracy in such jeopardy, while insane entities like Isis watch, is beyond unforgivable. You can't squeeze blood from an orange. No matter what, the various financial institutions HAVE to work out a deal with the Greeks.

I applaud the Greeks for standing their ground. They will climb out of this financial disaster, like America has had to climb out of the Bush/Republican financial disaster handed to it in 2008, and come out whole.

What they did today was give notice that you 'don't f#$k with democracy'.
Boy, I'll bet you feel pretty stupid now, eh?
Greece voted down the knife that international banks had to their throat.

The Greeks are looking at tough times no matter how they voted, so the birthplace of Democracy kicked the fascist international banks in the face and they've said in one loud voice you aren't going to turn us into slaves.
Now those very banks will be FORCED to negotiate a more equitable settlement and payment package because they have no choice

For Europe to even put the oldest democracy in such jeopardy, while insane entities like Isis watch, is beyond unforgivable. You can't squeeze blood from an orange. No matter what, the various financial institutions HAVE to work out a deal with the Greeks.

I applaud the Greeks for standing their ground. They will climb out of this financial disaster, like America has had to climb out of the Bush/Republican financial disaster handed to it in 2008, and come out whole.

What they did today was give notice that you 'don't f#$k with democracy'.
Boy, I'll bet you feel pretty stupid now, eh?

LOL Not at all.
The conservative fiscal model is borrow and spend. That is what has produced 18 trillion dollars of debt in the U.S. in the last 30 years.

Cons, you can't borrow your way out of debt. But that is what Raygun and Bush Jr. tried to do. At some point, like now, the bill gets so high it is nearly impossible to pay it off.

Borrow and spend: the conservative economic policy.

What happens when "cons" protest excessive government spending and demand deficit reduction, and a balanced budget? They get called racists.
You can't pay down the debt with just cuts to children in poverty.

Please name the revenue-raising bills that have been passed by the Republican House, who have been in control since 2010.

Oh of course, the solution is to continue to borrow more money, then spend even more, and keep increasing the debt. Smart plan.

Please name the revenue-raising bills that have been passed by the Republican House, who have been in control since 2010.

Ignore it again bitch.
The conservative fiscal model is borrow and spend. That is what has produced 18 trillion dollars of debt in the U.S. in the last 30 years.

Cons, you can't borrow your way out of debt. But that is what Raygun and Bush Jr. tried to do. At some point, like now, the bill gets so high it is nearly impossible to pay it off.

Borrow and spend: the conservative economic policy.

What happens when "cons" protest excessive government spending and demand deficit reduction, and a balanced budget? They get called racists.
You can't pay down the debt with just cuts to children in poverty.

Please name the revenue-raising bills that have been passed by the Republican House, who have been in control since 2010.

Oh of course, the solution is to continue to borrow more money, then spend even more, and keep increasing the debt. Smart plan.

Please name the revenue-raising bills that have been passed by the Republican House, who have been in control since 2010.

Ignore it again bitch.

It's not Congress' job to pass a "revenue raising bill", whatever the fuck that is, it's their job to pass a balanced budget. The GOP house has passed many budget bills that get ignored by the Dem Senate and the Hussein.

Demanding someone else look it up for you because you are too lazy, doesn't mean you've proven any point, other than you are lazy.
Greece voted down the knife that international banks had to their throat.

The Greeks are looking at tough times no matter how they voted, so the birthplace of Democracy kicked the fascist international banks in the face and they've said in one loud voice you aren't going to turn us into slaves.
Now those very banks will be FORCED to negotiate a more equitable settlement and payment package because they have no choice

For Europe to even put the oldest democracy in such jeopardy, while insane entities like Isis watch, is beyond unforgivable. You can't squeeze blood from an orange. No matter what, the various financial institutions HAVE to work out a deal with the Greeks.

I applaud the Greeks for standing their ground. They will climb out of this financial disaster, like America has had to climb out of the Bush/Republican financial disaster handed to it in 2008, and come out whole.

What they did today was give notice that you 'don't f#$k with democracy'.

The banks could just say NO and withhold the money leaving the Greeks to sink or swim on their own. It would send a very strong message to the rest of Europe to tighten their belts and suck it in. Why should the countries that have made the sacrifices have to pay to bail out those that want to keep spending other peoples money.

Actually that's exactly what the banks did. The entire problem started when the banks said no, and with held money.

The problem was, while private banks were smart enough to stop buying Greek bonds, and sell off the bonds they did have..... The government run institutions, the ECB, the IMF, the Eurozone, they all said 'yes' and loaned Greece even more money.

That's what they should have done, is simply let Greece default, and the train wreck to follow would have been a warning by itself.

With the way that they bailed out Greece, now the Greeks blame them for their troubles, and the situation is worse.
Greece voted down the knife that international banks had to their throat.

The Greeks are looking at tough times no matter how they voted, so the birthplace of Democracy kicked the fascist international banks in the face and they've said in one loud voice you aren't going to turn us into slaves.
Now those very banks will be FORCED to negotiate a more equitable settlement and payment package because they have no choice

For Europe to even put the oldest democracy in such jeopardy, while insane entities like Isis watch, is beyond unforgivable. You can't squeeze blood from an orange. No matter what, the various financial institutions HAVE to work out a deal with the Greeks.

I applaud the Greeks for standing their ground. They will climb out of this financial disaster, like America has had to climb out of the Bush/Republican financial disaster handed to it in 2008, and come out whole.

What they did today was give notice that you 'don't f#$k with democracy'.
Boy, I'll bet you feel pretty stupid now, eh?

LOL Not at all.

Really? Greece is now screwed over far worse than they were before. All the referendum did, was destroy trust between Greece and the lenders, which is why the bailout package they agreed to NOW, after the vote, is worse than the bailout package they rejected before the referendum.

The only way someone who posted a thread like this, could not feel stupid, is if they were in fact so stupid, they didn't realize how badly this went for Socialist Syriza, and the Greek public.
The conservative fiscal model is borrow and spend. That is what has produced 18 trillion dollars of debt in the U.S. in the last 30 years.

Cons, you can't borrow your way out of debt. But that is what Raygun and Bush Jr. tried to do. At some point, like now, the bill gets so high it is nearly impossible to pay it off.

Borrow and spend: the conservative economic policy.

What happens when "cons" protest excessive government spending and demand deficit reduction, and a balanced budget? They get called racists.
You can't pay down the debt with just cuts to children in poverty.

Please name the revenue-raising bills that have been passed by the Republican House, who have been in control since 2010.

Oh of course, the solution is to continue to borrow more money, then spend even more, and keep increasing the debt. Smart plan.

Please name the revenue-raising bills that have been passed by the Republican House, who have been in control since 2010.

Ignore it again bitch.

It's not Congress' job to pass a "revenue raising bill", whatever the fuck that is, it's their job to pass a balanced budget. The GOP house has passed many budget bills that get ignored by the Dem Senate and the Hussein.

Demanding someone else look it up for you because you are too lazy, doesn't mean you've proven any point, other than you are lazy.

Not to mention, Greece proves conclusively, that this idea government can just 'raise revenue' at will, is a joke.

The tax rates in Greece are vastly higher than here in the US.... yet they went absolutely bankrupt.

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