Green Deal Price Tag...93,000,000,000,000.00

still waiting on the point.

The point is simple enough. Trump cannot run his own businesses much less America's.
Trump is a con artist who would back stab you if it furthers his needs

Running his own businesses into the ground is one thing
Letting trump run America into the ground is another thing altogether

You didn't have an problems with puny 1.5 GDP under Obama and Obama doubling the national debt but now you do have an issues with 4.2 GDP and breaking even on the debt....

You let Obama run America into the ground and your OK with that. WTF?
climate change action has been a radioactive topic in congress for over ten years.

There are some basic facts that even someone with an IQ of 50 cannot deny.

Fossil Fuels are “finite” & if you want me to define this term I will

If we continue to use fossil fuels to run our economy, we will sooner or later consume what fossil fuels that exist

The only question remaining is do we use it up and then look for alternatives or do we plan ahead and start the transition now.

BTW: A complete switch from fossil fuels to renewables will take a decade or more to complete.
fossil fuels are finite? how do you know that exactly? please explain.

Wells that have been abandoned for 30 years are being reopened to massive pressures and the reservoirs being replenished. The natural processes are refilling them. Peak Oil was disproven over 15 years ago..
In another forum I found this which looks interesting. I cut a lot out to fit, check the link for the full story

This Gasoline Is Made of Carbon Sucked From the Air

A Harvard-affiliated Canadian company is making a liquid fuel that is carbon neutral, and they hope the economics will be in their favor.

Imagine driving up to your local gas station and being able to choose between regular, premium, or carbon-free gasoline.

Carbon Engineering, a Canadian company, is already making a liquid fuel by sucking carbon dioxide (CO2) out of the atmosphere and combining it with hydrogen from water. This is an engineering breakthrough on two fronts: A potentially cost-effective way to take CO2 out of the atmosphere to fight climate change and a potentially cost-competitive way to make gasoline, diesel, or jet fuel that doesn’t add any additional CO2 to the atmosphere.

“Our paper shows the costs and engineering for a full-scale plant that could capture one million tons of CO2 a year,” Keith said.

“It costs more than a barrel of oil right now, but in places with a price on carbon of $20 a ton we’re competitive,” Oldham said in an interview.

Still, even at $100 per ton, there aren’t enough CO2 buyers right now. So the company decided to make a carbon-neutral liquid fuel, said Steve Oldham, CEO of Carbon Engineering. The captured CO2 is combined with hydrogen, which is made through the electrolysis of water. While the process requires a lot of electricity, the pilot plant in Squamish uses renewable hydro power. The resulting synthetic fuel can be blended or used on its own as gasoline, diesel, or jet fuel. When it’s burned it emits the same amount of CO2 that went into making it, so it’s effectively carbon neutral.

Carbon Engineering is building a larger plant, utilizing low-cost renewable energy, that will produce 200 barrels of synthetic fuel a day. It should be operational in 2020, said Keith. The company is also looking to license their technology.

“We think this is very scalable and will have world-wide markets,” says Oldham. “All you need is air and water as feedstocks, and some electricity.” And a license to their tech.
Carbon Engineering Makes Gasoline by Capturing Carbon Dioxide From the Air


I must add: Plants live on CO2 and exhale 02; We live on O2 and exhale CO2
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Wells that have been abandoned for 30 years are being reopened to massive pressures and the reservoirs being replenished. The natural processes are refilling them. Peak Oil was disproven over 15 years ago..

In layman's terms the above means that they are scraping the bottom of the barrel for scraps.

no pun intended
Wells that have been abandoned for 30 years are being reopened to massive pressures and the reservoirs being replenished. The natural processes are refilling them. Peak Oil was disproven over 15 years ago..

In layman's terms the above means that they are scraping the bottom of the barrel for scraps.

no pun intended

no they have been doing it for a good 150 years its nothing new

The Real History Of Fracking |

Related: Huge 100 Billion Barrel Oil Discovery Near London

The Civil War and its Fracking discovery

The History of Fracking can be traced back to 1862. It was during the battle of Fredericksburg VA., where civil war veteran Col. Edward A.L. Roberts saw what could be accomplished when firing explosive artillery into a narrow canal that obstructed the battlefield. This was described as superincumbent fluid tamping.

On April 26th, 1865, Edward Roberts received his first patent, for an “Improvement” in exploding torpedoes in artesian wells. In November of 1866, Edward Roberts was awarded patient number 59,936, known as the “Exploding Torpedo.”
On April 26th, 1865, Edward Roberts received his first patent, for an “Improvement” in exploding torpedoes in artesian wells. In November of 1866, Edward Roberts was awarded patient number 59,936, known as the “Exploding Torpedo.”

Ok, I am not going to go around and around with you on this. Oil companies are going back to old wells that stopped producing oil and now they are using this old technique to get the last drops.

That is how I see it, you are welcome to see it differently.
Well...…..there goes that idea!!! :iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

No commentary needed story on DRUDGE right now!!:hello77:
The country without a green deal:


Now we know the GOP goal.
In another forum I found this which looks interesting. I cut a lot out to fit, check the link for the full story

This Gasoline Is Made of Carbon Sucked From the Air

A Harvard-affiliated Canadian company is making a liquid fuel that is carbon neutral, and they hope the economics will be in their favor.

Imagine driving up to your local gas station and being able to choose between regular, premium, or carbon-free gasoline.

Carbon Engineering, a Canadian company, is already making a liquid fuel by sucking carbon dioxide (CO2) out of the atmosphere and combining it with hydrogen from water. This is an engineering breakthrough on two fronts: A potentially cost-effective way to take CO2 out of the atmosphere to fight climate change and a potentially cost-competitive way to make gasoline, diesel, or jet fuel that doesn’t add any additional CO2 to the atmosphere.

“Our paper shows the costs and engineering for a full-scale plant that could capture one million tons of CO2 a year,” Keith said.

“It costs more than a barrel of oil right now, but in places with a price on carbon of $20 a ton we’re competitive,” Oldham said in an interview.

Still, even at $100 per ton, there aren’t enough CO2 buyers right now. So the company decided to make a carbon-neutral liquid fuel, said Steve Oldham, CEO of Carbon Engineering. The captured CO2 is combined with hydrogen, which is made through the electrolysis of water. While the process requires a lot of electricity, the pilot plant in Squamish uses renewable hydro power. The resulting synthetic fuel can be blended or used on its own as gasoline, diesel, or jet fuel. When it’s burned it emits the same amount of CO2 that went into making it, so it’s effectively carbon neutral.

Carbon Engineering is building a larger plant, utilizing low-cost renewable energy, that will produce 200 barrels of synthetic fuel a day. It should be operational in 2020, said Keith. The company is also looking to license their technology.

“We think this is very scalable and will have world-wide markets,” says Oldham. “All you need is air and water as feedstocks, and some electricity.” And a license to their tech.
Carbon Engineering Makes Gasoline by Capturing Carbon Dioxide From the Air


I must add: Plants live on CO2 and exhale 02; We live on O2 and exhale CO2

Sounds great! As long as they keep my 93 octane, I'm fine with it.
Well...…..there goes that idea!!! :iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

No commentary needed story on DRUDGE right now!!:hello77:
The country without a green deal:


Now we know the GOP goal.

Well there might be some kind of green deal in our future....but you and I will be in our box a long long time before that happens.

Dollar to a thousand stale donuts the term wont be spoken at the 2020 DUM Convention in Milwaukee. 0% chance.
Class warfare leads to.....doy.......civil war.

This is where we are heading s0ns and at an increasing warp speed! Which is fine.....needs to happen. Ideas like the green deal are about one thing and one thing only: state control and the loss of individual freedoms. None of these people care a wit about climate change....the dim witted are easily suckered.

The Green New Depression was a test run...running the full-on socialism flag up the pole to further soften up millenials on Disney concepts. As this year passes, the term will disappear because right now its politically radioactive.....the strategy was to roll out Plan B....simply a very watered down version of something similarly st00pid but politically more palatable. Those with a political IQ north of a small soap dish will recognize it.

As long as the level of division continues to grow.....go....go!!
If you'd like to see an estimate for the price tag of NO GREEN NEW DEAL, see Working Group II — IPCC


I'll go with the UN estimate from last year for the planet to go green: 76 trillion $

Very doable IF hundreds of millions of people do not mind giving up middle class status and living at the poverty line. But hey....they'll all be thrilled to live in a world 0.3 degree's cooler!:113:
Union leaders.....huge supporters for the DUMS since forever say the GND is a disaster.....

In letter to AOC, Big Labor says Green New Deal could cause 'immediate harm' to union workers

Again....progressives dont understand the political dynamic at all. When voting blocs you depend on provide zero support, it train wrecks the policy proposal.....duh.

Btw....anybody see the size of the smile on the Presudents face last night at the rally? Looked like a new man.....and know some poor fucks out there are gonna pay dearly! He had that look like....."My turn!!!". Its was classic cant miss television!:rock::rock::rock::popcorn:
Trump's turn face some new prosecutors and some new courts.

I'm curious how the OP came up with a price tag for a non-binding resolution.
Trump's turn face some new prosecutors and some new courts.

I'm curious how the OP came up with a price tag for a non-binding resolution.

You're a hyper-progressive.....since when do costs matter to you?

Fortunately, people know what tens of trillions of $ means which is why only about 274 people like the idea of a GND.:113::113:

Vote went down like 4,000,000,000 - 0 the other day!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::fu:
Costs do matter to me. That's why I am extremely concerned that we are going to do nothing till its too late: the absolutely most expensive way to deal with any problem.
Costs do matter to me. That's why I am extremely concerned that we are going to do nothing till its too late: the absolutely most expensive way to deal with any problem.

It is very clear costs don't matter to you. Costs never matter to the modern progressive.

Fortunately, costs do matter to a vast swath of the population...….which is why the vote on the GND was a spectacular fAiL.

You might be extremely concerned...…..but few others are.:bye1::bye1:

Grounded folks are concerned about costs they can see......real costs. Not imaginary costs. And thank God for that!

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