Green silenced for lack of civility?

So you equate the two, and all of her other attacks, like "Biden is a piece of shit", with Pelosi.

Yes, I believe you would do that.

Not just Pelosi.

Biden admin hit for calling MAGA Republicans ‘extremist threat’ to ..

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was slammed Wednesday by many Twitter users for damning a major part of the American electorate on behalf of President Biden.

"The president thinks that there is an extremist threat to our democracy," Jean-Pierre said in a preview of Biden's planned speech for Thursday. "The MAGA Republicans are the most energized part of the Republican Party. That is an extreme threat to our democracy, to our freedom, to our rights."

She added further that "they just don't respect the rule of law" and are "pursuing an agenda that takes away people's rights."

Many Twitter users condemned the White House press secretary’s statements, suggesting such rhetoric from people like her and Biden is what's actually dividing the country.

Congress woman Green was silenced due to her lack of civility towards someone else. The crime? It was calling someone a liar.

So if someone is a liar and is lying, is it uncivil to call them out for lying?

Try doing the same thing in court, and see what happens.

There are rules of behavior, whether in congress or in court.

For other places, you can say whatever you want.

Congress woman Green was silenced due to her lack of civility towards someone else. The crime? It was calling someone a liar.

So if someone is a liar and is lying, is it uncivil to call them out for lying?


Meanwhile, the GOP can be maligned all day long as they are continually referred to the Taliban and Nazis. Justice Kavanaugh is a witness to that. You can drag his name through the preverbal mud by calling him everything from a rapist to a child molester and no one flinches.

Methinks once again hypocrisy and double standards apply, but then, we all knew that beforehand.
Nobody is accusing her of a crime shit brains.
How is calling a liar a liar not growing up? Making people accountable for their actions is what growing up is all about, but that never seems to happen at the Federal level, does it.

Not being able to call out bad or criminal behavior. all on the grounds of civility, is the last thing we need, especially with the rampant corruption over the years.

For me, it is just one more symptom of the inner rot of the Swamp.
Trump called them out, and they don't know how to handle it.
It's about how it's done by decent, civil, mature, intelligent adults.

If you don't understand, you don't understand.

Every one in this commie regime lies, no need to sugar coat calling them out about it. We need to use language their low information voters can relate to.

How is calling a liar a liar not growing up? Making people accountable for their actions is what growing up is all about, but that never seems to happen at the Federal level, does it.

Not being able to call out bad or criminal behavior. all on the grounds of civility, is the last thing we need, especially with the rampant corruption over the years.

For me, it is just one more symptom of the inner rot of the Swamp.
Oh jebus! :cuckoo:

Try growing up, and living in an adult world.
Maybe this will begin a sincere effort across the political spectrum.

Time to grow up.

I'm certainly not expecting that, of course, but it would be nice.

I have no problem with congress members getting a little uppity. It is not entirely uncommon for a fist fight to break out in the house of commons and yet the system over there is not crumbling because of said 'disrespect.'

Our problems with congress have nothing whatsoever to do with civility. Maybe they should have to face a shouting match every now and then so we can get a glimpse of what these idiots actually think when they are a little less curated.

Of course that does not matter much for this particular person. She has already railed against Jewish space lasers so there is no bottom to that well of idiocy.
So they, and you fear the truth, in plain language….too bad.

First of all, it's not established fact; that's her opinion. She is free to express her opinion that Mayorkas is not being truthful in his testimony, but there are established rules on how that is done. If every committee hearing descended into childish name calling, the committee process would turn into the Morton Downey Jr. show. I realize some people probably like that idea, but most of us do not. Most of us want the committee to at least try to put some of their partisanship aside and state facts for the record.

MTG is a made-for-TV congresswoman. She's probably going to have a popular podcast or two when this is all over, but she needs to distinguish between Steve Bannon interviews and a House Committee.

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