Greenland melt

Sublimation or melt, the result is the same. The water ends up in the ocean. How do you 'greatly exaggerate' the measured amount of ice that is leaving Greenland every year? And how do you exaggerate the increase in that amount. And the measured increase in the rate of glacial flow into the ocean that we are seeing both in Greenland and Antarctica.

Mr. Flacaltenn, you are playing with words, trying to destroy their meaning.

Sublimation and melt DO have a difference. You can lose ice to sublimation even WHEN the surface temps are below freezing with an ample amount of sun.. Read the article you posted for the NET losses. It's a mixed bag for the past few years. NOT a disaster..
Sublimation or melt, the result is the same. The water ends up in the ocean. How do you 'greatly exaggerate' the measured amount of ice that is leaving Greenland every year? And how do you exaggerate the increase in that amount. And the measured increase in the rate of glacial flow into the ocean that we are seeing both in Greenland and Antarctica.

Mr. Flacaltenn, you are playing with words, trying to destroy their meaning.
how does the ice from the process of sublimation make it to the ocean? me thinks you are cuckoo. Explain to the class how sublimation process the ice would get to the ocean.
Now dumb fuck, when ice sublimates, it put water vapor into the air. This water vapor comes out of the air within ten days. So most of that water vapor from Greenland rains out over the North Atlantic ocean. The rest of the class already knew this rather obvious fact. Maybe you should go back a couple of classes.



Greenland Ice Sheet Today | Surface Melt Data presented by NSIDC

Very close to the record melt year of 2012.

You do realize why it's called Greenland right?
Yep, Eric the Red was an early real estate developer. No one would have gone there with him had he pointed out that it was colder than Iceland, and did not have the warm springs that Iceland has. LOL
Sublimation or melt, the result is the same. The water ends up in the ocean. How do you 'greatly exaggerate' the measured amount of ice that is leaving Greenland every year? And how do you exaggerate the increase in that amount. And the measured increase in the rate of glacial flow into the ocean that we are seeing both in Greenland and Antarctica.

Mr. Flacaltenn, you are playing with words, trying to destroy their meaning.
how does the ice from the process of sublimation make it to the ocean? me thinks you are cuckoo. Explain to the class how sublimation process the ice would get to the ocean.
Now dumb fuck, when ice sublimates, it put water vapor into the air. This water vapor comes out of the air within ten days. So most of that water vapor from Greenland rains out over the North Atlantic ocean. The rest of the class already knew this rather obvious fact. Maybe you should go back a couple of classes.
Study finds ice isn’t being lost from Greenland’s interior | UIC News Center


"“As ice sublimates from the surface, it forms a fog,” he said. “As the particles get heavier and settle back to the surface, you get recycling, rather than dissipation that would remove ice.”"
Not only is the ice thickening on top of Greenland, but it is also digging out Greenland, growing "down" for lack of a better term. Hence, the height of Greenland's glaciers is growing on both sides...

Sublimation or melt, the result is the same. The water ends up in the ocean. How do you 'greatly exaggerate' the measured amount of ice that is leaving Greenland every year? And how do you exaggerate the increase in that amount. And the measured increase in the rate of glacial flow into the ocean that we are seeing both in Greenland and Antarctica.

Mr. Flacaltenn, you are playing with words, trying to destroy their meaning.
how does the ice from the process of sublimation make it to the ocean? me thinks you are cuckoo. Explain to the class how sublimation process the ice would get to the ocean.
Now dumb fuck, when ice sublimates, it put water vapor into the air. This water vapor comes out of the air within ten days. So most of that water vapor from Greenland rains out over the North Atlantic ocean. The rest of the class already knew this rather obvious fact. Maybe you should go back a couple of classes.
Study finds ice isn’t being lost from Greenland’s interior | UIC News Center


"“As ice sublimates from the surface, it forms a fog,” he said. “As the particles get heavier and settle back to the surface, you get recycling, rather than dissipation that would remove ice.”"

You ALMOST had it with that link. Except that the conditions for fog (as the article says) occur mainly in the winter -- but not in the summer. BUT -- that's a very interesting little fact you dug up. I'm impressed.
Not only is the ice thickening on top of Greenland, but it is also digging out Greenland, growing "down" for lack of a better term. Hence, the height of Greenland's glaciers is growing on both sides...

That topo map (without ice) just shows how sunken the interior really is. So temp. lapse rates really figure into any "melting map".
Greenland was named at a time when there was green on this island..

However the AGW cult will always rewrite history to fit their religious narrative.
Even at the time Greenland was colonized, the colony was marginal. Read Jared Diamond's "Collapse" for an accurate assessment of the Viking colonies on Greenland. Greenland is warmer today than it was at that time.

Tomatoes, peppers, strawberries in Greenland's Arctic valleys

On the Arctic Circle, a chef is growing the kind of vegetables and herbs - potatoes, thyme, tomatoes, green peppers - more fitting for a suburban garden in a temperate zone than a land of Northern Lights, glaciers and musk oxen.

Some Inuit hunters are finding reindeer fatter than ever thanks to more grazing on this frozen tundra, and for some, there is no longer a need to trek hours to find wild herbs.

Welcome to climate change in Greenland, where locals say longer and warmer summers mean the country can grow the kind of crops unheard of years ago.

"Things are just growing quicker," said Kim Ernst, the Danish chef of Roklubben restaurant, nestled by a frozen lake near a former Cold War-era U.S. military base.

"Every year we try new things," said Ernst, who even managed to grow a handful of strawberries that he served to some surprised Scandinavian royals. "I first came here in 1999 and no-one would have dreamed of doing this. But now the summer days seem warmer, and longer."
That topo map (without ice) just shows how sunken the interior really is. So temp. lapse rates really figure into any "melting map".

Ice age glaciers dig out loose Earth, leaving just bedrock. Check out northern Canada, the southern tip of South America, and then this below...

Greenland is warmer today than it was at that time.

The above statement is a classic example of THE IDIOCY of the FRAUD.

The Vikings farmed on the southern tip of Greenland until the 1400s, when the land became too cold. Since then, the ice age glaciers now cover where the Vikings were farming.

"warmer logic"

ice age glacier is WARMER than land you can farm

You have to be a REAL MORON to fall for that shit...
Greenland has been melting for hundreds of years.

They have paintings from hundreds of years ago showing the glacier there coming almost down to the sea.

From even before the Industrial Revolution.
Even at the time Greenland was colonized, the colony was marginal. Read Jared Diamond's "Collapse" for an accurate assessment of the Viking colonies on Greenland. Greenland is warmer today than it was at that time.

Tomatoes, peppers, strawberries in Greenland's Arctic valleys

On the Arctic Circle, a chef is growing the kind of vegetables and herbs - potatoes, thyme, tomatoes, green peppers - more fitting for a suburban garden in a temperate zone than a land of Northern Lights, glaciers and musk oxen.

Some Inuit hunters are finding reindeer fatter than ever thanks to more grazing on this frozen tundra, and for some, there is no longer a need to trek hours to find wild herbs.

Welcome to climate change in Greenland, where locals say longer and warmer summers mean the country can grow the kind of crops unheard of years ago.

"Things are just growing quicker," said Kim Ernst, the Danish chef of Roklubben restaurant, nestled by a frozen lake near a former Cold War-era U.S. military base.

"Every year we try new things," said Ernst, who even managed to grow a handful of strawberries that he served to some surprised Scandinavian royals. "I first came here in 1999 and no-one would have dreamed of doing this. But now the summer days seem warmer, and longer."
I love strawberries !!

An ice core proves that the ice isn't "melting," otherwise there would be no annual ice core...
So, if the annual snowfall/frost accumulation "melts," how can there be ice cores??


Face it, your fudgebaking heroes can lie about what breaks off, but trying to lie about "melting" in the middle of an ice age glacier.... even as the glacier continues to manufacture a new ice core year after year....

The IDIOCY of THE FRAUD never ends...

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