Greenpeace Messes With the Wrong Ship

Nothing to reconcile, if you care about fossil fuels and pollution then care enough about nature to buy a Chevy volt or Ford. Think how great that would be for the American worker. But please think.

"It’s unlikely that the Japanese ships will not return next year, although the financial backers of this 19th-century-style venture must be having second thoughts: financially, politically and perhaps even ethically.

But one thing is certain, as autumn descends on the Southern Pacific Ocean, thousands of whales will live peacefully for the rest of the year, without the threat of an explosive harpoon plowing into their sleek, powerful bodies.

You don’t have to like Sea Shepherd to agree that is truly a welcomed development." Japan Finally Comes Clean?They Don't Kill Whales for 'Science'

and this: Why do Japanese kill Whales? | Why

"Some of their whale hunting was done in the Antarctic Ocean and some near the Australian border. When Australians try to stop them, Japanese say that they do this for research purpose. But it is understood that Japanese are killing whales for the creation of a medicine using oil from whales. The other reason is for preparation of their delicious dish ‘Sushi,. The whale they use for extracting lots of oil is Hump back whale. Furthermore, whales like grey whales and Minkes whales available in Antarctic Ocean were also used by them."
BTW, its not at all surprising that the same fools who were humping Putin's leg and siding against their own country would also be in favor of Americans being harmed by Russians.

When are you traitors going to do the US a big favor and move to Russia?

You won't be missed.

There's always the alternative. Move Russia here.
Nothing to reconcile, if you care about fossil fuels and pollution then care enough about nature to buy a Chevy volt or Ford. Think how great that would be for the American worker. But please think.

Please learn something about modern economics.
But one thing is certain, as autumn descends on the Southern Pacific Ocean, thousands of whales will live peacefully for the rest of the year, without the threat of an explosive harpoon plowing into their sleek, powerful bodies.

You don’t have to like Sea Shepherd to agree that is truly a welcomed development."

I don't have to like those dangerous idiots or agree with that statement.
At least they've got the balls to take action, and actually do something.

It's pretty easy to be a keyboard commando.

Do you really think that doing something stupid is better than typing something stupid?


I do think it's better to stand up and risk your life for something that you believe in than to sit in your Mom's basement and whine about it.

Who did less harm those who believed in Naxiism and joined the SS, risking their life, or those who sat in mutti's basement?
Weird how here some believe a couple thousand bikers throttling around DC for a couple hours belching noxious fumes and competing to see whose muffler can make the most noise are "righteous, patriotic Americans standing up for what they believe" and a dozen Greenpeace members on Zodiacs scaling an armed russian oil platform in the Arctic are ignorant pussies.
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Nothing to reconcile, if you care about fossil fuels and pollution then care enough about nature to buy a Chevy volt or Ford. Think how great that would be for the American worker. But please think.

Please learn something about modern economics.

Do you mean how jobs are outsourced to India and China? Or do you mean how the corporations and the rich hide their money overseas to avoid taxes for earnings made here? Do you mean how wages have been stagnant since Reagan's supply side voodoo economics won over the minds of too many Americans? Do you mean how nothing is manufactured here any longer because sweat shops overseas with suicide safety nets do the work cheaper? Do you mean how the Japanese and Chinese control imports and their dollar so their products and markets are protected. Do you mean how Walmart wages are so low the employees are eligible for food stamps? Do you mean - many more do you knows - but obviously you don't. It is often no use with the brainwashed to say a bit about modern economics, not really that different from the days of old in spite of the glitter that fools the easily fooled.

The quotes below introduce the mostly hidden reality of the American economy today.

"The ruling class thinks that the average American earns too much money. This is an unspoken belief, and one that most of them would no doubt vehemently deny. But the evidence is compelling. The elite show their hand in many ways:

• When they oppose raising the pay of the lowest-paid workers, those covered by the minimum wage

• When they encourage the export of good-paying jobs in fields such as information technology

• When they resist changes in the tax code that would protect American workers

"Corporate executives contend that they are forced to relocate their operations to low-wage havens to remain competitive. In other words, their domestic workers earn too much. Never mind that manufacturing wages are lower in the United Stares than in a dozen other developed countries.

Thanks to the rules, many of which are written by corporations, a company can pull up stakes and use cheap foreign labor to make the same product it once did in America. It no longer has to meet environmental standards. It no longer has to abide by U.S. labor laws. It no longer has to pay a decent wage. Then the company can ship the product back to the United States where, courtesy of the rules, it will pay little if any duty. How can American workers hope to compete against that? They can't.

Lisa Gentner worked at a company called Carrollton Specialty Products, housed in a one-story warehouse in Moberly, Missouri, a town of 15,000 in central Missouri. Carrollton was a subcontractor for Hallmark Cards, the global greeting card giant based 125 miles west in Kansas City, Missouri. The largely female workforce of 200 provided the hand assembly for a variety of Hallmark products. They tied bows and affixed them to valentines and anniversary greetings. They glued buttons, rhinestones, and pop-ups inside birthday cards. They made gift baskets.

As in many towns across the country, the plant was an economic anchor for Moberly. Manufacturing is often pictured as a big-city enterprise, but a substantial number of plants are the lifeblood of small to medium-sized cities...."

Quote from p24 'Assault on the Middle Class' in 'The Betrayal of the American Dream' authors, Barlett and Steele.

"Yet by 2011, the Chinese had taken over the market: by then, more than 50 percent of the solar photovoltaic panels installed in America were made by Chinese companies. Chinese solar imports jumped from $21.3 million in 2005 to $2.65 billion in 2011.

What happened? In the last decade, the Chinese government set out to capture the market for manufacturing solar panels. It pumped the equivalent of billions of dollars into the country's nascent solar industry in low-cost loans, subsidies to buy land, discounts for water and power, tax exemptions, and export grants. Government aid to subsidize an export industry is illegal under global trading rules, but the Chinese forged ahead and soon cornered the world market on solar photovoltaic panels. China's exports of solar cells and panels to the United States rose a phenomenal 350 percent in just three years, from 2008 to 2010.

As massive volumes of Chinese government-supported solar cells and panels surged into the United States, prices in the domestic market collapsed. The Coalition for American Solar Manufacturing, in an October 2011 trade action, explained the consequences:

The resulting price collapse has had a devastating impact on the U.S. solar cell and panel industry, resulting in shutdowns, layoffs, and bankruptcies throughout the country. Over the past eighteen months, seven solar plants shutdown or downsized, eliminating thousands of U.S. manufacturing jobs in Arizona, California, Massachusetts, Maryland, New York, and Pennsylvania." Excerpt page 234, 'The Betrayal of the American Dream' Donald L. Barlett, James B. Steele

"Pam Sexton, a market researcher and engineer with two college degrees, described her version of the American dream like this: "The American dream is that you can work hard and be rewarded for your hard work. You'll be able to have a home and family and prosper and have medical care and nor have to worry about expenses and bills. This is a country of opportunity." But Pam, along with thousands of others, lost her telecommunications job in 2009, and the dream died: "I feel like the last few years that's all disintegrated or evaporated." It is a refrain we've heard across the country." Ms Sexton lost her job because ATT shipped it to India. p246 'The Betrayal of the American Dream' Donald L. Barlett, James B. Steele

From: 'National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers'

"....382 pages and describes in detail how other nations discriminate against U.S. services and products. Here's a snapshot:

The European Union: After many years of negotiations, the European Union maintains "significant barriers" to U.S. products, "despite repeated efforts to resolve them."

Japan: "The U.S. Government has expressed concern with the overall lack of access to Japan's automotive market, as well as with specific aspects of Japan's regulatory system that limit the ability of U.S. automobile and related companies to expand business in the Japanese market,"

China: "Many U.S. industries complain that they face significant nontariff barriers to trade .... These include regulations that set high thresholds for entry into service sectors ... and the use of questionable ... measures to control import volumes."

Not much to brag about in modern economics.

Food Stamp Use By Race* (as of the 2010 FY)

Whites: 35% participation | 63.7% of US population
African Americans: 22% participation | 12.2% of US population
Hispanic: 10% participation | 16.3% of US population
Asian: 2% participation | 4.7% of US population
American Indian: 4% participation | 0.7% of US population
Unknown race: 19% participation | 0.2% of US population

*Sources: U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Census

[ame=]The Betrayal of the American Dream: Donald L. Barlett, James B. Steele: 9781586489694: Books[/ame]
[ame=]To Serve God and Wal-Mart: The Making of Christian Free Enterprise: Bethany Moreton: 9780674057401: Books[/ame]
[ame=]Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan: Kim Phillips-Fein: 9780393059304: Books[/ame]
Nothing to reconcile, if you care about fossil fuels and pollution then care enough about nature to buy a Chevy volt or Ford. Think how great that would be for the American worker. But please think.

Please learn something about modern economics.

Do you mean how jobs are outsourced to India and China?

No, I mean like how many Americans are employed, directly or indirectly, by or through Toyota.
Plus, when was the last time you saw a whale? Would we really know if they disappeared?

I've seen my share of whales. The Gulf of Mexico has several species of whales including the Bryde's whale, the Humpback whale and Northern Right whale.

Bryde's and Humpbacks... where is this going...

You've seen whales. Great. Would life have gone on without seeing them?

I'm guessing so.

So wtf do we really need them for?
Russia Charges Greenpeace Activists with Piracy

RIGZONE - Russia Charges Greenpeace Activists with Piracy

MOSCOW, Oct 2 (Reuters) - Russian authorities charged Greenpeace activists from several nations with piracy on Wednesday over a protest against Arctic oil drilling at a platform owned by the state-controlled energy company Gazprom , the environmental group said.

The piracy charges, which Greenpeace said were absurd, are punishable by up to 15 years in prison.

Russia Charges Greenpeace Activists with Piracy

RIGZONE - Russia Charges Greenpeace Activists with Piracy

MOSCOW, Oct 2 (Reuters) - Russian authorities charged Greenpeace activists from several nations with piracy on Wednesday over a protest against Arctic oil drilling at a platform owned by the state-controlled energy company Gazprom , the environmental group said.

The piracy charges, which Greenpeace said were absurd, are punishable by up to 15 years in prison.


Here's hoping they get the full sentence.
There should at least be some corporal punishment involved. Those assholes could do with a good caning.
Russian court bails two of 30 Greenpeace protesters

ST PETERSBURG, Russia (Reuters) - A Russian medic and a freelance journalist who were among 30 people arrested for a Greenpeace protest against offshore Arctic drilling were granted bail on Monday in a case that has drawn fierce criticism abroad.

Colin Russell, an Australian, was denied bail by a separate court earlier on Monday. He was a radio operator on the Arctic Sunrise, the Greenpeace ship used for the September 28 protest.

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