Greenpeace Messes With the Wrong Ship

BTW, its not at all surprising that the same fools who were humping Putin's leg and siding against their own country would also be in favor of Americans being harmed by Russians.

When are you traitors going to do the US a big favor and move to Russia?

You won't be missed.

there you go again......dont agree with are a traitor.....
BTW, its not at all surprising that the same fools who were humping Putin's leg and siding against their own country would also be in favor of Americans being harmed by Russians. .

Where did it say in the article that they were Americans?

many of those ships have crews from a few different Countries....maybe you should tell Dudley about "google".......
Their "attention whore games" are nothing more then marketing and PR exercises to get them and their issues on the front pages of news worldwide.

It's how the game is played and they do it well.

They intentionally endanger human lives for their own self interests. They are dangerous idiots.

Oh please, the crocodile tears are embarrassing.

If human life means nothing to you that is your (very serious) problem.
eye roll ^

- times 100.

Good for Greenpeace for having the balls to do fight for our planet while the lazy, do nothings sit around mommy's basement, drinking her beer and talking tough.

sounds like you Dudley try to talk tough calling Veterans here Traitors....

to badasses like luddy, not being loyal to obama is treason.

like the yankees not being loyal to the king of england

The idiots take on a Russian oil drilling platform! Story @ BBC News - Greenpeace assails oil rig in Russian Arctic


ROLMFAO! Of all people they chose to go after they pick the Russians! Hell those people see worst shit than Greenpeace before they roll out of bed in the morning,they ain't gonna fuck around with a group of activists. Green Peace is lucky they aren't swimming with Osama Bin Laden.
About 30 years ago, when my oldest boy was two, a Greenpeace volunteer came to my front door.
We got into a brief discussion after he asked me to sign a petition. He wondered why I took particular stances on issues, and I told him. All very civil - up to that point.

Then, in front of my toddler son, he proceeded to berate me and my views and my line of work.
And walked away.

I got on the phone the next day to their Chicago office and explained the whole encounter. The guy was very sincere and professional, and said that it should not have happened.

I've got no use for that left wing radical organization. Fuck 'em.

I applaud your self control in letting him walk away.

Hmmm, what do you think he should have done?

Spray him with the garden hose. :)
Personally I am against the indiscriminate killing of whales but it's interesting to see that GP has expanded it's efforts and is now engaging in a guerilla war against the oil industry.
- times 100.

Good for Greenpeace for having the balls to do fight for our planet while the lazy, do nothings sit around mommy's basement, drinking her beer and talking tough.

sounds like you Dudley try to talk tough calling Veterans here Traitors....

to badasses like luddy, not being loyal to obama is treason.

like the yankees not being loyal to the king of england

anyone who just disagrees with the little twerp is called anti-American or a traitor....
Personally I am against the indiscriminate killing of whales but it's interesting to see that GP has expanded it's efforts and is now engaging in a guerilla war against the oil industry.

Just the arctic.

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