Greenpeace Messes With the Wrong Ship

Okay. What do you think a person, maybe like you, with less self control might do?.

I don't lack self control, but a person who does might do any number of things to a person coming to their home and berating them in front of their child. Are you familiar with human behavior at all?

Well, I'm sure MR. H got the kid fired...all's well that ends well.

He didn't say that. Maybe the kid just got some much-needed training and/or a swift kick in the ass. But if he did get fired (fired? he was probably a volunteer...) that would be his own fault, not Mr. H's.
Blue Whale populations are recovering at about 6% per year. Other whale populations have been recovering even more quickly. Resources need to be managed well (and enjoyed for dinner now and then).

You know absolutely nothing about whale populations.

Blue Whale Populations Recovering

Weird, the article you cite is clear that it is only Antarctic BW populations increasing by 6% a year, not worldwide populations as you asserted.

Did you misquote your Google search? I find that hard to believe since you seem to know everything about whale populations...

Weird, the article you cite is clear that it is only Antarctic BW populations increasing by 6% a year, not worldwide populations as you asserted.

Did you misquote your Google search? I find that hard to believe since you seem to know everything about whale populations...

I didn't use the term "worldwide populations," you just did. So, how are your English studies coming along. Still got some work to do, I see.
BTW, its not at all surprising that the same fools who were humping Putin's leg and siding against their own country would also be in favor of Americans being harmed by Russians. .

Where did it say in the article that they were Americans?
eye roll ^

- times 100.

Good for Greenpeace for having the balls to do fight for our planet while the lazy, do nothings sit around mommy's basement, drinking her beer and talking tough.

The irony of you and Doc saying this stuff is just killing me.

Why don't you do some laundry while you're down there tough guy :lol:
God forbid they try to save the last 10k grey whales from Japanese "research vessels"...all that "research" worked out so well for the Blue whales.

Sperm and Pilots are next on the list...

Blue Whale populations are recovering at about 6% per year. Other whale populations have been recovering even more quickly. Resources need to be managed well (and enjoyed for dinner now and then).

Agreed. How much do you think Greenpeace had to do with that?

negative zero

Weird, the article you cite is clear that it is only Antarctic BW populations increasing by 6% a year, not worldwide populations as you asserted.

Did you misquote your Google search? I find that hard to believe since you seem to know everything about whale populations...

I didn't use the term "worldwide populations," you just did. So, how are your English studies coming along. Still got some work to do, I see.

No, not those words, but you did make this statement...

"Blue Whale populations are recovering at about 6% per year."

Exactly what were you expecting people to believe by that? That you actually meant antarctic populations only?

You Googled and found a fact as quickly as you could...without reading the whole cite.

I am afraid I'll have to put you on the "dubious veracity" list.
Weird, the article you cite is clear that it is only Antarctic BW populations increasing by 6% a year, not worldwide populations as you asserted.

Did you misquote your Google search? I find that hard to believe since you seem to know everything about whale populations...

I didn't use the term "worldwide populations," you just did. So, how are your English studies coming along. Still got some work to do, I see.

No, not those words...

Then why did you attribute them to me? It's going to be hard to have a discussion if you don't intend to be an honest interlocutor.
"Blue Whale populations are recovering at about 6% per year."

Exactly what were you expecting people to believe by that? .

I was expecting people to take it as one example of the general recovery that most whale populations are experiencing. Good news, no?
"Blue Whale populations are recovering at about 6% per year."

Exactly what were you expecting people to believe by that? .

I was expecting people to take it as one example of the general recovery that most whale populations are experiencing. Good news, no?

Of course, but a lot of that is due to worldwide legislation bans on whaling (who almost hunted Blues, Grays and Humpbacks into extinction) which can be attributed to the influence of media penetration by Greenpeace to the issue.

I don't agree with everything GP does, but overall it's a pretty good organization and they don't have a problem with mixing it up in the street with people and corps who they believe are polluting the planet for the sake of profit. I can identify with that much sooner then a bunch of bikers going on a joy ride in DC with no clear objectives and no clear mission statement.

Here's a few facts about Gp that many people don't know...

"Greenpeace is a non-governmental[2] environmental organization with offices in over forty countries and with an international coordinating body in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.[3] Greenpeace states its goal is to "ensure the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all its diversity"[4] and focuses its campaigning on world wide issues such as global warming, deforestation, overfishing, commercial whaling, genetic engineering, and anti-nuclear issues. Greenpeace uses direct action, lobbying and research to achieve its goals. The global organization does not accept funding from governments, corporations or political parties, relying on 2.9 million individual supporters and foundation grants.[5][6] Greenpeace has a general consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council[7] and is a founding member[8] of the INGO Accountability Charter; an international non-governmental organization that intends to foster accountability and transparency of non-governmental organizations."

Even more shocking...
"In September 2003, the Public Interest Watch (PIW) complained to the Internal Revenue Service, claiming that Greenpeace USA tax returns were inaccurate and in violation of the law.[65] PIW charged that Greenpeace was using non-profit donations for advocacy instead of charity and educational purposes. PIW asked the IRS to investigate the complaint. Greenpeace rejected the accusations and challenged PIW to disclose its funders, a request rejected by then-Executive Director of PIW, Mike Hardiman, because PIW does not have 501c3 tax exempt status, as Greenpeace does in the U.S.[66] The IRS conducted an extensive review and concluded in December 2005 that Greenpeace USA continued to qualify for its tax-exempt status. In March 2006 The Wall Street Journal reported that PIW’s “federal tax filing, covering August 2003 to July 2004, stated that $120,000 of the $124,094 the group received in contributions during that period came from Exxon Mobil.”[67] In 2013, after the IRS performed a follow-up audit, which again was clean, and following controversies of politically motivated IRS audits against the Tea Party Movement, Greenpeace U.S. Executive Director Phil Radford called for a Congressional investigation into all politically motivated audits – including those allegedly targeting the Tea Party Movement, the NAACP, and Greenpeace.[68]

Greenpeace receives its funding from individual supporters and foundations.[4][5] Greenpeace screens all major donations in order to ensure it does not receive unwanted donations.[62] The organization does not accept money from governments, intergovernmental organizations, political parties or corporations in order to avoid their influence.[4][5][62] Donations from foundations which are funded by political parties or receive most of their funding from governments or intergovernmental organizations are rejected.
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"Blue Whale populations are recovering at about 6% per year."

Exactly what were you expecting people to believe by that? .

I was expecting people to take it as one example of the general recovery that most whale populations are experiencing. Good news, no?

Of course, but a lot of that is due to worldwide legislation bans on whaling (who almost hunted Blues, Grays and Humpbacks into extinction) which can be attributed to the influence of media penetration by Greenpeace to the issue.

I don't agree with everything GP does, but overall it's a pretty good organization and they don't have a problem with mixing it up in the street with people and corps who they believe are polluting the planet for the sake of profit.

They are a bunch of self-righteous idiots who regularly endanger the lives of humans so they can play their little attention-whore games that do nothing for anyone other than make themselves feel good. Most of the unwashed fools are still above water due to the generous restraint of people they go out of their way to antagonize. They have shit-all to do with the recovery of whales populations. The IWC might take credit for that. With reasonable international agreement this valuable resource can be managed responsibly to the benefit of whales and humans. The idiots at Greenpeace and their ilk want nothing to do with anything reasonable or measured.
I was expecting people to take it as one example of the general recovery that most whale populations are experiencing. Good news, no?

Of course, but a lot of that is due to worldwide legislation bans on whaling (who almost hunted Blues, Grays and Humpbacks into extinction) which can be attributed to the influence of media penetration by Greenpeace to the issue.

I don't agree with everything GP does, but overall it's a pretty good organization and they don't have a problem with mixing it up in the street with people and corps who they believe are polluting the planet for the sake of profit.

They are a bunch of self-righteous idiots who regularly endanger the lives of humans so they can play their little attention-whore games that do nothing for anyone other than make themselves feel good. Most of the unwashed fools are still above water due to the generous restraint of people they go out of their way to antagonize. They have shit-all to do with the recovery of whales populations. The IWC might take credit for that. With reasonable international agreement this valuable resource can be managed responsibly to the benefit of whales and humans. The idiots at Greenpeace and their ilk want nothing to do with anything reasonable or measured.

Their "attention whore games" are nothing more then marketing and PR exercises to get them and their issues on the front pages of news worldwide.

It's how the game is played and they do it well.
Their "attention whore games" are nothing more then marketing and PR exercises to get them and their issues on the front pages of news worldwide.

It's how the game is played and they do it well.

They intentionally endanger human lives for their own self interests. They are dangerous idiots.
I was expecting people to take it as one example of the general recovery that most whale populations are experiencing. Good news, no?

Of course, but a lot of that is due to worldwide legislation bans on whaling (who almost hunted Blues, Grays and Humpbacks into extinction) which can be attributed to the influence of media penetration by Greenpeace to the issue.

I don't agree with everything GP does, but overall it's a pretty good organization and they don't have a problem with mixing it up in the street with people and corps who they believe are polluting the planet for the sake of profit.

They are a bunch of self-righteous idiots who regularly endanger the lives of humans so they can play their little attention-whore games that do nothing for anyone other than make themselves feel good. Most of the unwashed fools are still above water due to the generous restraint of people they go out of their way to antagonize. They have shit-all to do with the recovery of whales populations. The IWC might take credit for that. With reasonable international agreement this valuable resource can be managed responsibly to the benefit of whales and humans. The idiots at Greenpeace and their ilk want nothing to do with anything reasonable or measured.

BTW, the IWC is a joke. It was originally set up by pro whaling countries but since the 1980's has been somewhat overtaken by non whaling countries. It sets up annual quotas of taking whales that are routinely violated by it's own members. It is voluntary and has no enforcement authority.
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Their "attention whore games" are nothing more then marketing and PR exercises to get them and their issues on the front pages of news worldwide.

It's how the game is played and they do it well.

They intentionally endanger human lives for their own self interests. They are dangerous idiots.

Oh please, the crocodile tears are embarrassing.

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