Greenpeace Messes With the Wrong Ship

I imagine those overgrown hippy-wannabe children have about had their fill of Russian hospitality by now. Perhaps the next role-play group will think twice.
I hope they damage whatever they are attacking. GO GREENPEACE!

Yes..Then they leave themselves open to criminal charges.
Oh, have you given up your car?
You anti fossil fuel fools are quick to condemn the very people and companies that provide you with the ability to convey yourself from point A to point B and back..
So unless you live in a cave and use nothing related to fossil fuels, STFU!
At least they've got the balls to take action, and actually do something.

It's pretty easy to be a keyboard commando.

Do you really think that doing something stupid is better than typing something stupid?


I do think it's better to stand up and risk your life for something that you believe in than to sit in your Mom's basement and whine about it.

Believe in WHAT?
Were the vessels used by those enviro freaks powered by solar or some other non fossil fuel?....
If not, then they stand for nothing except their undying need to protest....Anything.
About 30 years ago, when my oldest boy was two, a Greenpeace volunteer came to my front door.
We got into a brief discussion after he asked me to sign a petition. He wondered why I took particular stances on issues, and I told him. All very civil - up to that point.

Then, in front of my toddler son, he proceeded to berate me and my views and my line of work.
And walked away.

I got on the phone the next day to their Chicago office and explained the whole encounter. The guy was very sincere and professional, and said that it should not have happened.

I've got no use for that left wing radical organization. Fuck 'em.

The moment the guy got shitty with me, I would have told him he had two options, get the fuck off my property or my dogs would have to go to the bathroom. Get it?
Like all these other radical lefty protest groups, Greensnot has ZERO credibility.
About 30 years ago, when my oldest boy was two, a Greenpeace volunteer came to my front door.
We got into a brief discussion after he asked me to sign a petition. He wondered why I took particular stances on issues, and I told him. All very civil - up to that point.

Then, in front of my toddler son, he proceeded to berate me and my views and my line of work.
And walked away.

I got on the phone the next day to their Chicago office and explained the whole encounter. The guy was very sincere and professional, and said that it should not have happened.

I've got no use for that left wing radical organization. Fuck 'em.

I applaud your self control in letting him walk away.

Hmmm, what do you think he should have done?

He was trespassing. What perils he suffers as a result of that are HIS problem.
In my state all I have to do is tell the cops I was acting in self defense. Yes, shouting at someone at their front door can reasonably be believed as a threat of bodily harm. And there are not 12 people in this jurisdiction that convict me of so much as jaywalking.
So if you want to come to my home and in a civil manner express a point of view and ask me to donate to you organization, that's fine. If you become insulting and berate me, you'll get the count of three before you get your ass kicked to the curb.
Russian court bails two of 30 Greenpeace protesters

ST PETERSBURG, Russia (Reuters) - A Russian medic and a freelance journalist who were among 30 people arrested for a Greenpeace protest against offshore Arctic drilling were granted bail on Monday in a case that has drawn fierce criticism abroad.

Colin Russell, an Australian, was denied bail by a separate court earlier on Monday. He was a radio operator on the Arctic Sunrise, the Greenpeace ship used for the September 28 protest.
If I were the Russians, I wouldn't budge. Otherwise, what happened to BP Petroleum could happen to them when they weren't looking.
God forbid they try to save the last 10k grey whales from Japanese "research vessels"...all that "research" worked out so well for the Blue whales.

Sperm and Pilots are next on the list...

Blue Whale populations are recovering at about 6% per year. Other whale populations have been recovering even more quickly. Resources need to be managed well (and enjoyed for dinner now and then).

Agreed. How much do you think Greenpeace had to do with that?

Nothing. Greenpeace may have good intentions, but their methods just piss people off

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