Greta Thunberg Meets With Barack Obama To Talk Climate Fear

Still lying about the world ending in twelve years.

Was AOC wrong? Lying?

A windmill blowing up is no big deal, a failing nuclear reactor is.

How many people have died in the US due to civilian nuke plants?

The Three Mile Island Plant shut down last week. It will take 50 years & a billion dollars to make it "safe".


There are 15 reactors along the New Madrid fault line of the same design as Fukushima.

Worried about a tsunami along the New Madrid?
Are their backup generators on the first floor?
AOC said we need to act within 12 years. Why are you people too fucking stupid top get that? Are you all retarted in some eway? Did Trump make you this dumb?

Three Mile Island. Infant death rate increased 28% in the year after.

Figure those costs into your "cheap" nuclear power argument.

Who is so fucking stupid to build nuclear reactors on fault lines? These are "designed" to be safe for the expected worse earthquakes. Like Fukushima was design to withstand anything including a tsunami. Like Deepwater Horizon well was design to stop any blow out.

AOC said we need to act within 12 years.

Because we haven't been acting? DURR

Three Mile Island. Infant death rate increased 28% in the year after.

Bull shit.

Like Fukushima was design to withstand anything including a tsunami.

It did. If their backup generators weren't on the first floor, they wouldn't have flooded.
Would have kept the cores cooled.

Because we need to do more. Your assfuck buddy Trump is taklng us backwards with your support.

"A 1982 study in the American Journal of Public Health, for instance, found a 43-percent increase in infant deaths in Dauphin County in a time frame corresponding to the accident. The deaths could not be linked to radiation, however, and researchers noted they could have been associated with maternal stress and the use of sedatives."
The Three Mile Island accident and the enduring questions of ties to cancer and deaths

So if not TMI, why?

The government buried this. I now live in the TMI effected and has heard local people discuss how they were affected. Farm animals had premature & deformed babies. Children conceived at that time with genetic defects.

As for those nuclear plants, a earthquake could take out those generators. Quit pretending they are indestructible. we have plants upwind from major cities.

Because we need to do more.

I'm willing to support more nuclear energy. Are your watermelon twats supporting nuclear?

The deaths could not be linked to radiation,

Thanks. Durr.

So if not TMI, why?

researchers noted they could have been associated with maternal stress and the use of sedatives.

Farm animals had premature & deformed babies. Children conceived at that time with genetic defects.

Bull shit.

As for those nuclear plants, a earthquake could take out those generators. Quit pretending they are indestructible.

You're right, we should build newer, safer reactors. Now!!!​

In TMI there was no direct link but all of a sudden infant deaths climb significantly. What would be proof of a direct link? You ware not here talking to local people. So fuck you & your bullshit. These were serious effects for people. You don't know but to argue your case you assume everything negative about nuclear energy must be bullshit. Wow, what a government fed drone you are. the real TMI effects were buried. Why risk millions of people?

So, you favor shutting those reactors down? Maybe we need more leaky reactors upwind from Chicago.

In TMI there was no direct link but all of a sudden infant deaths climb significantly.

Maybe it was green idiots running around saying we're all doomed?
“Every family in this area has a cancer story,” said Patty Longnecker, who at the time of the accident lived in her family’s 300-year homestead in Elizabethtown, a few miles from the nuclear plant.
Very convincing. No other families anywhere else ever had a cancer story before TMI.​
I don't see any reference to a 43% increase in infant deaths. You have a primary source?​
You don't know but to argue your case you assume everything negative about nuclear energy must be bullshit.
Nah. Just 99% of info coming from envirotards.​
Why risk millions of people?

CO2. Greta wouldn't lie, right?
So, you favor shutting those reactors down?

Sure, for every 2 new reactors we build, we should shut down one old one.
Pre-Industrial Revolution global temperature rises.

"Despite ups and downs from year to year, global average surface temperature is rising. By the beginning of the 21st century, Earth’s temperature was roughly 0.5 degrees Celsius above the long-term (1951–1980) average. (NASA figure adapted from Goddard Institute for Space Studies Surface Temperature Analysis.)"

Global Warming

Ten thousand years ago was much warmer than it is now. If you go further, Antarctica was ice free during the Cretaceous Period, for millions of years. Don't tell me, dinosaurs industrial revolution cause temperature to rise and run them into extinction, and we don't want to make the same mistake.
Ten thousand years ago was much warmer than it is now. If you go further, Antarctica was ice free during the Cretaceous Period, for millions of years. Don't tell me, dinosaurs industrial revolution cause temperature to rise and run them into extinction, and we don't want to make the same mistake
The Cretaceous Period occurred 66 million to 145 million years ago while anatomically modern humans rose in Africa about 300,000 years ago and reached behavioral modernity about 50,000 years ago. If you're a human being under 30 years old today, you have never experienced a year in which the average surface temperature of the earth was below average.
History of the world - Wikipedia


"Each month, the US National Climatic Data Center calculates Earth’s average surface temperature using temperature measurements that cover the Earth’s surface.

"Then, another average is calculated for each month of the year for the twentieth century, 1901-2000.

"For each month, this gives one number representative of the entire century.

"Subtract this overall 1900s monthly average – which for February is 53.9F (12.1C) – from each individual month’s temperature and you’ve got the anomaly: that is, the difference from the average.

"The last month that was at or below that 1900s average was February 1985.

"Ronald Reagan had just started his second presidential term and Foreigner had the number one single with 'I want to know what love is.'"

Let’s Call It: 30 Years Of Above Average Temperatures Means The Climate Has Changed
By that logic it started 22,000 years ago.
By that logic it started 22,000 years ago.
Changes since the Industrial Revolution - American Chemical Society

"Data for the past 2000 years show that the atmospheric concentrations of CO2, CH4, and N2O – three important long-lived greenhouse gases – have increased substantially since about 1750.

"Rates of increase in levels of these gases are dramatic.

"CO2, for instance, never increased more than 30 ppm during any previous 1,000-year period in this record but has already risen by 30 ppm in the past two decades.

"These increases in greenhouse gas concentrations and their marked rate of change are largely attributable to human activities since the Industrial Revolution (1800)."
Yet why is it the worst polluters get a pass?
China and India.
Yet why is it the worst polluters get a pass?
China and India.
Greatest purveyor of (climate) violence in the world?

The Pentagon Emits More Greenhouse Gases Than Any Other Part of the US Gov't.
1) How was it for man in those peak periods? For their civilizations?
2) What causes these changes
3) What is causing the rise today?

Fluctuations in Earth’s orbit and the Sun’s solar cycles have a bigger impact on the climate than any of the nonsense climate hoaxers are huffing about.
Fluctuations in Earth’s orbit and the Sun’s solar cycles have a bigger impact on the climate than any of the nonsense climate hoaxers are huffing about.
What explains the increase in the rate of global warming since the Industrial Revolution?

Global Warming

"As the Earth moved out of ice ages over the past million years, the global temperature rose a total of 4 to 7 degrees Celsius over about 5,000 years. In the past century alone, the temperature has climbed 0.7 degrees Celsius, roughly ten times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming."

"Temperature histories from paleoclimate data (green line) compared to the history based on modern instruments (blue line) suggest that global temperature is warmer now than it has been in the past 1,000 years, and possibly longer. (Graph adapted from Mann et al., 2008.)"
That claim can’t be made because there isn’t enough resolution to make that comparison. Temps went up and down during the cycles. To say that they never rose or fell at this rate cannot be determined.
That claim can’t be made because there isn’t enough resolution to make that comparison. Temps went up and down during the cycles. To say that they never rose or fell at this rate cannot be determined.
How are you defining "resolution"?

Global Warming

"Models predict that Earth will warm between 2 and 6 degrees Celsius in the next century. When global warming has happened at various times in the past two million years, it has taken the planet about 5,000 years to warm 5 degrees. The predicted rate of warming for the next century is at least 20 times faster. This rate of change is extremely unusual."

"Temperature histories from paleoclimate data (green line) compared to the history based on modern instruments (blue line) suggest that global temperature is warmer now than it has been in the past 1,000 years, and possibly longer. (Graph adapted from Mann et al., 2008.)"
The number of years between each measurement.

There is no way for them to make that comparison. For all we know it did accelerate at that rate.

It seems like you believe the only driver for climate is CO2.
The number of years between each measurement.

There is no way for them to make that comparison. For all we know it did accelerate at that rate.
"Earth has experienced climate change in the past without help from humanity.

"We know about past climates because of evidence left in tree rings, layers of ice in glaciers, ocean sediments, coral reefs, and layers of sedimentary rocks.

"For example, bubbles of air in glacial ice trap tiny samples of Earth’s atmosphere, giving scientists a history of greenhouse gases that stretches back more than 800,000 years.

"The chemical make-up of the ice provides clues to the average global temperature.

"See the Earth Observatory’s series Paleoclimatology for details about how scientists study past climates."

"Glacial ice and air bubbles trapped in it (top) preserve an 800,000-year record of temperature & carbon dioxide. Earth has cycled between ice ages (low points, large negative anomalies) and warm interglacials (peaks)"

Global Warming
1) How was it for man in those peak periods? For their civilizations?
2) What causes these changes
3) What is causing the rise today?

Fluctuations in Earth’s orbit and the Sun’s solar cycles have a bigger impact on the climate than any of the nonsense climate hoaxers are huffing about.
Fluctuations in Earth’s orbit and the Sun’s solar cycles have a bigger impact on the climate than any of the nonsense climate hoaxers are huffing about.
What explains the increase in the rate of global warming since the Industrial Revolution?

Global Warming

"As the Earth moved out of ice ages over the past million years, the global temperature rose a total of 4 to 7 degrees Celsius over about 5,000 years. In the past century alone, the temperature has climbed 0.7 degrees Celsius, roughly ten times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming."

"Temperature histories from paleoclimate data (green line) compared to the history based on modern instruments (blue line) suggest that global temperature is warmer now than it has been in the past 1,000 years, and possibly longer. (Graph adapted from Mann et al., 2008.)"

Hey dumbass, we’ve had many ice ages followed up by slow warming. Then suddenly there is a huge spike in warming, it accelerates. Then after a hot period comes a new ice age. This has all happened before, and will happen again.
Hey dumbass, we’ve had many ice ages followed up by slow warming. Then suddenly there is a huge spike in warming, it accelerates. Then after a hot period comes a new ice age. This has all happened before, and will happen again.
How many Industrial Revolutions have followed previous ice ages, Einstein?

"Earth has experienced climate change in the past without help from humanity. We know about past climates because of evidence left in tree rings, layers of ice in glaciers, ocean sediments, coral reefs, and layers of sedimentary rocks...."

"Using this ancient evidence, scientists have built a record of Earth’s past climates, or 'paleoclimates.'

"The paleoclimate record combined with global models shows past ice ages as well as periods even warmer than today.

"But the paleoclimate record also reveals that the current climatic warming is occurring much more rapidly than past warming events.

"As the Earth moved out of ice ages over the past million years, the global temperature rose a total of 4 to 7 degrees Celsius over about 5,000 years. In the past century alone, the temperature has climbed 0.7 degrees Celsius, roughly ten times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming."

Global Warming
Let me ask it this way. Why did we exit each interglacial cycle and why did we enter each glacial cycle?
Let me ask it this way. Why did we exit each interglacial cycle and why did we enter each glacial cycle?
Subtle shifts in the earth's orbit, changes in the atmosphere or surface, or solar cycles all contributed to the planet receiving more or less sunlight; however, in the past century another force has begun influencing Earth's climate: humanity.

Fossil Fuels
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AOC said we need to act within 12 years. Why are you people too fucking stupid top get that? Are you all retarted in some eway? Did Trump make you this dumb?

Three Mile Island. Infant death rate increased 28% in the year after.

Figure those costs into your "cheap" nuclear power argument.

Who is so fucking stupid to build nuclear reactors on fault lines? These are "designed" to be safe for the expected worse earthquakes. Like Fukushima was design to withstand anything including a tsunami. Like Deepwater Horizon well was design to stop any blow out.

AOC said we need to act within 12 years.

Because we haven't been acting? DURR

Three Mile Island. Infant death rate increased 28% in the year after.

Bull shit.

Like Fukushima was design to withstand anything including a tsunami.

It did. If their backup generators weren't on the first floor, they wouldn't have flooded.
Would have kept the cores cooled.

Because we need to do more. Your assfuck buddy Trump is taklng us backwards with your support.

"A 1982 study in the American Journal of Public Health, for instance, found a 43-percent increase in infant deaths in Dauphin County in a time frame corresponding to the accident. The deaths could not be linked to radiation, however, and researchers noted they could have been associated with maternal stress and the use of sedatives."
The Three Mile Island accident and the enduring questions of ties to cancer and deaths

So if not TMI, why?

The government buried this. I now live in the TMI effected and has heard local people discuss how they were affected. Farm animals had premature & deformed babies. Children conceived at that time with genetic defects.

As for those nuclear plants, a earthquake could take out those generators. Quit pretending they are indestructible. we have plants upwind from major cities.

Because we need to do more.

I'm willing to support more nuclear energy. Are your watermelon twats supporting nuclear?

The deaths could not be linked to radiation,

Thanks. Durr.

So if not TMI, why?

researchers noted they could have been associated with maternal stress and the use of sedatives.

Farm animals had premature & deformed babies. Children conceived at that time with genetic defects.

Bull shit.

As for those nuclear plants, a earthquake could take out those generators. Quit pretending they are indestructible.

You're right, we should build newer, safer reactors. Now!!!​

In TMI there was no direct link but all of a sudden infant deaths climb significantly. What would be proof of a direct link? You ware not here talking to local people. So fuck you & your bullshit. These were serious effects for people. You don't know but to argue your case you assume everything negative about nuclear energy must be bullshit. Wow, what a government fed drone you are. the real TMI effects were buried. Why risk millions of people?

So, you favor shutting those reactors down? Maybe we need more leaky reactors upwind from Chicago.

In TMI there was no direct link but all of a sudden infant deaths climb significantly.

Maybe it was green idiots running around saying we're all doomed?

“Every family in this area has a cancer story,” said Patty Longnecker, who at the time of the accident lived in her family’s 300-year homestead in Elizabethtown, a few miles from the nuclear plant.

Very convincing. No other families anywhere else ever had a cancer story before TMI.

The American Journal of Public Health (AJPH) from the American Public Health Association (APHA) publications

I don't see any reference to a 43% increase in infant deaths. You have a primary source?

You don't know but to argue your case you assume everything negative about nuclear energy must be bullshit.

Nah. Just 99% of info coming from envirotards.

Why risk millions of people?

CO2. Greta wouldn't lie, right?

So, you favor shutting those reactors down?

Sure, for every 2 new reactors we build, we should shut down one old one.

So, what would it take for an infant death to have a direct link to the TMI accident. So, there is this near meltdown, radiation is released, the infant mortality rate rose the following year but it can't be TMI. Year right.

Because some reactors leak, there was the TMI accident, Chernobyl, Fukushima but it is 100% failsafe.

A nuclear accidemt in one of those leaky reactors outside of Chicago could kill millions.

Why would you favor shutting them down - you said they were all safe?
France gets 80% of their energy from nuclear power plants. Anyone seen any problems in France?
Its close to 70%.

But if these reactors were so safe, why is France updating all of them since fukeshima?

We don't really know what these reactors can actually take in the form of an earthquake, etc
All things equal, plant output increases with CO2.

All things are not equal. Higher CO2 means higher temperatures & these can reduce output.

I thought you were so know-it-all but you are just another dumbass denier.

Obviously, as the average global temps go up, there will be mote "hot" days. Thereby, less crop yield.

FALSE! Crop yields are up precisely because it's warmer!

Fortified By Global Warming, Crop Production Keeps Breaking Records

So what exactly is wrong with a warmer, greener Earth with wetter, richer soil for food production?
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All things equal, plant output increases with CO2.

All things are not equal. Higher CO2 means higher temperatures & these can reduce output.

I thought you were so know-it-all but you are just another dumbass denier.

So what exactly is wrong with a warmer, greener Earth with wetter, richer soil for food production?
Yet another dumbasss who does not get that higher temperatures are not good for most plants & you ignore that AGH will make some areas much drier.
Its close to 70%.

But if these reactors were so safe, why is France updating all of them since fukeshima?

We don't really know what these reactors can actually take in the form of an earthquake, etc
Why does your automobile get tune ups and maintenance if it's safe to drive?
"What is Global Warming?

"Global warming is the unusually rapid increase in Earth’s average surface temperature over the past century primarily due to the greenhouse gases released as people burn fossil fuels.

"The global average surface temperature rose 0.6 to 0.9 degrees Celsius (1.1 to 1.6° F) between 1906 and 2005, and the rate of temperature increase has nearly doubled in the last 50 years. Temperatures are certain to go up further."

Global Warming

Global warming is the unusually rapid increase in Earth’s average surface temperature over the past century

Unusually rapid compared to what?
Global warming is the unusually rapid increase in Earth’s average surface temperature over the past century

Unusually rapid compared to what?
Pre-Industrial Revolution global temperature rises.

"Despite ups and downs from year to year, global average surface temperature is rising. By the beginning of the 21st century, Earth’s temperature was roughly 0.5 degrees Celsius above the long-term (1951–1980) average. (NASA figure adapted from Goddard Institute for Space Studies Surface Temperature Analysis.)"

Global Warming

Ten thousand years ago was much warmer than it is now. If you go further, Antarctica was ice free during the Cretaceous Period, for millions of years. Don't tell me, dinosaurs industrial revolution cause temperature to rise and run them into extinction, and we don't want to make the same mistake.
Ten thousand years ago was much warmer than it is now. If you go further, Antarctica was ice free during the Cretaceous Period, for millions of years. Don't tell me, dinosaurs industrial revolution cause temperature to rise and run them into extinction, and we don't want to make the same mistake
The Cretaceous Period occurred 66 million to 145 million years ago while anatomically modern humans rose in Africa about 300,000 years ago and reached behavioral modernity about 50,000 years ago. If you're a human being under 30 years old today, you have never experienced a year in which the average surface temperature of the earth was below average.
History of the world - Wikipedia


"Each month, the US National Climatic Data Center calculates Earth’s average surface temperature using temperature measurements that cover the Earth’s surface.

"Then, another average is calculated for each month of the year for the twentieth century, 1901-2000.

"For each month, this gives one number representative of the entire century.

"Subtract this overall 1900s monthly average – which for February is 53.9F (12.1C) – from each individual month’s temperature and you’ve got the anomaly: that is, the difference from the average.

"The last month that was at or below that 1900s average was February 1985.

"Ronald Reagan had just started his second presidential term and Foreigner had the number one single with 'I want to know what love is.'"

Let’s Call It: 30 Years Of Above Average Temperatures Means The Climate Has Changed
Based on IPCC forecasts what will the atmospheric CO2 be in the year 2100. And how much will the sea level have risen?
Based on IPCC forecasts what will the atmospheric CO2 be in the year 2100. And how much will the sea level have risen?
Not sure why you brought the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change into this discussion?

IPCC Predictions: Then Versus Now

"Sea-Level Rise

"The fate of the world's coastlines has become a classic example of how the IPCC, when confronted with conflicting science, tends to go silent.

"Projection: In the 2001 report, the IPCC projected a sea rise of 2 millimeters per year. The worst-case scenario in the 2007 report, which looked mostly at thermal expansion of the oceans as temperatures warmed, called for up to 1.9 feet of sea-level-rise by century's end..."

"Today: Observed sea-level-rise has averaged 3.3 millimeters per year since 1990. By 2009, various studies that included ice-melt offered drastically higher projections of between 2.4 and 6.2 feet sea level rise by 2100.

"Why the miss? IPCC scientists couldn't agree on a value for the contribution melting Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets would add to sea-level rise. So they simply left out the data to reach consensus. Science historian Naomi Oreskes calls this – one of IPCC's biggest underestimates – 'consensus by omission.'"
Yet another dumbasss who does not get that higher temperatures are not good for most plants & you ignore that AGH will make some areas much drier.

Yet another lying-ass leftist punk who claimed crop yields were down, a total friggin' lie, just made it up, got busted and now insinuates he was talking about most plants (citation). Also, supposedly some other areas will be made much drier (citation), implying what exactly?

Bolstered by increasing soil moisture, longer growing seasons, warmer winters, and the fertilizing effects of more atmospheric carbon dioxide, crop production continues its long and impressive run of ever-increasing yields as global temperatures warm.

[. . .]

In short, global warming is creating a timely one-two punch benefiting crop production. Global warming is (1) opening up more land for economically feasible crop production and (2) creating beneficial growing conditions that are increasing yields per acre on agricultural lands.

All the fear-mongering Internet myths in the world can’t change those facts.

Fortified By Global Warming, Crop Production Keeps Breaking Records
Did what’s her face really claim mass extinction was going to occur because atmospheric CO2 is at 400 ppm.

Hasn’t anyone told her that CO2 levels were 10 times that 55 million years ago? Life did just fine. There was no mass extinction.
What was the human population 55 million years ago?

How was that atmosphere different from today's?

History of the world - Wikipedia
Not sure why you brought the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change into this discussion?

IPCC Predictions: Then Versus Now

"Sea-Level Rise

"The fate of the world's coastlines has become a classic example of how the IPCC, when confronted with conflicting science, tends to go silent.

"Projection: In the 2001 report, the IPCC projected a sea rise of 2 millimeters per year. The worst-case scenario in the 2007 report, which looked mostly at thermal expansion of the oceans as temperatures warmed, called for up to 1.9 feet of sea-level-rise by century's end..."

"Today: Observed sea-level-rise has averaged 3.3 millimeters per year since 1990. By 2009, various studies that included ice-melt offered drastically higher projections of between 2.4 and 6.2 feet sea level rise by 2100.

"Why the miss? IPCC scientists couldn't agree on a value for the contribution melting Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets would add to sea-level rise. So they simply left out the data to reach consensus. Science historian Naomi Oreskes calls this – one of IPCC's biggest underestimates – 'consensus by omission.'"

So why is this a problem?
AOC said we need to act within 12 years.

Because we haven't been acting? DURR

Three Mile Island. Infant death rate increased 28% in the year after.

Bull shit.

Like Fukushima was design to withstand anything including a tsunami.

It did. If their backup generators weren't on the first floor, they wouldn't have flooded.
Would have kept the cores cooled.

Because we need to do more. Your assfuck buddy Trump is taklng us backwards with your support.

"A 1982 study in the American Journal of Public Health, for instance, found a 43-percent increase in infant deaths in Dauphin County in a time frame corresponding to the accident. The deaths could not be linked to radiation, however, and researchers noted they could have been associated with maternal stress and the use of sedatives."
The Three Mile Island accident and the enduring questions of ties to cancer and deaths

So if not TMI, why?

The government buried this. I now live in the TMI effected and has heard local people discuss how they were affected. Farm animals had premature & deformed babies. Children conceived at that time with genetic defects.

As for those nuclear plants, a earthquake could take out those generators. Quit pretending they are indestructible. we have plants upwind from major cities.

Because we need to do more.

I'm willing to support more nuclear energy. Are your watermelon twats supporting nuclear?

The deaths could not be linked to radiation,

Thanks. Durr.

So if not TMI, why?

researchers noted they could have been associated with maternal stress and the use of sedatives.

Farm animals had premature & deformed babies. Children conceived at that time with genetic defects.

Bull shit.

As for those nuclear plants, a earthquake could take out those generators. Quit pretending they are indestructible.

You're right, we should build newer, safer reactors. Now!!!​

In TMI there was no direct link but all of a sudden infant deaths climb significantly. What would be proof of a direct link? You ware not here talking to local people. So fuck you & your bullshit. These were serious effects for people. You don't know but to argue your case you assume everything negative about nuclear energy must be bullshit. Wow, what a government fed drone you are. the real TMI effects were buried. Why risk millions of people?

So, you favor shutting those reactors down? Maybe we need more leaky reactors upwind from Chicago.

In TMI there was no direct link but all of a sudden infant deaths climb significantly.

Maybe it was green idiots running around saying we're all doomed?

“Every family in this area has a cancer story,” said Patty Longnecker, who at the time of the accident lived in her family’s 300-year homestead in Elizabethtown, a few miles from the nuclear plant.

Very convincing. No other families anywhere else ever had a cancer story before TMI.

The American Journal of Public Health (AJPH) from the American Public Health Association (APHA) publications

I don't see any reference to a 43% increase in infant deaths. You have a primary source?

You don't know but to argue your case you assume everything negative about nuclear energy must be bullshit.

Nah. Just 99% of info coming from envirotards.

Why risk millions of people?

CO2. Greta wouldn't lie, right?

So, you favor shutting those reactors down?

Sure, for every 2 new reactors we build, we should shut down one old one.

So, what would it take for an infant death to have a direct link to the TMI accident. So, there is this near meltdown, radiation is released, the infant mortality rate rose the following year but it can't be TMI. Year right.

Because some reactors leak, there was the TMI accident, Chernobyl, Fukushima but it is 100% failsafe.

A nuclear accidemt in one of those leaky reactors outside of Chicago could kill millions.

Why would you favor shutting them down - you said they were all safe?

So, what would it take for an infant death to have a direct link to the TMI accident.

Actual evidence.

So, there is this near meltdown, radiation is released,

How much? What kind?

the infant mortality rate rose the following year but it can't be TMI.

Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. If there is proof, post it.
You running around whining......that's not proof.
Because some reactors leak, there was the TMI accident, Chernobyl, Fukushima but it is 100% failsafe.

Who said it was 100% failsafe? Was it you? DURR.
A nuclear accidemt in one of those leaky reactors

Leaky reactors? Link?
outside of Chicago could kill millions.

How could it kill millions? Be specific.
Why would you favor shutting them down

The new designs are safer than the old ones.
Do you want new safer nuclear reactors, or do you want to stop even the self-scramming ones?
you said they were all safe?

How many Americans have died from the civilian nuclear power industry in the US?
You know that coal plants release way more radiation than US nuclear plants, right?

I mean, you're not completely clueless, are you?
Yet another dumbasss who does not get that higher temperatures are not good for most plants & you ignore that AGH will make some areas much drier.

Yet another lying-ass leftist chicken little who can't tell me exactly what the problem is with a warmer, greener Earth with more and more arable land, wetter and richer soil and and fresh water from the oceans in the rain cycle.

Both because of warming and human activity, the Earth is greener; plants of every kind, most importantly, standard crops of every kind are booming!

NASA Says Earth Is Greener Today Than 20 Years Ago Thanks To China, India
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France gets 80% of their energy from nuclear power plants. Anyone seen any problems in France?
Its close to 70%.

But if these reactors were so safe, why is France updating all of them since fukeshima?

We don't really know what these reactors can actually take in the form of an earthquake, etc

But if these reactors were so safe, why is France updating all of them since fukeshima?


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