Greta Thunberg Meets With Barack Obama To Talk Climate Fear

Its close to 70%.

But if these reactors were so safe, why is France updating all of them since fukeshima?

We don't really know what these reactors can actually take in the form of an earthquake, etc

That's what advances in technology do--improve things. RealDave wants to reduce the entire world to North Korea and Venezuela.
Not sure why you brought the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change into this discussion?

IPCC Predictions: Then Versus Now

"Sea-Level Rise

"The fate of the world's coastlines has become a classic example of how the IPCC, when confronted with conflicting science, tends to go silent.

"Projection: In the 2001 report, the IPCC projected a sea rise of 2 millimeters per year. The worst-case scenario in the 2007 report, which looked mostly at thermal expansion of the oceans as temperatures warmed, called for up to 1.9 feet of sea-level-rise by century's end..."

"Today: Observed sea-level-rise has averaged 3.3 millimeters per year since 1990. By 2009, various studies that included ice-melt offered drastically higher projections of between 2.4 and 6.2 feet sea level rise by 2100.

"Why the miss? IPCC scientists couldn't agree on a value for the contribution melting Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets would add to sea-level rise. So they simply left out the data to reach consensus. Science historian Naomi Oreskes calls this – one of IPCC's biggest underestimates – 'consensus by omission.'"

So why is this a problem?
So why is this a problem?
Worst case scenario?

What Will Manhattan Be Like After Sea Levels Rise? Kim Stanley Robinson’s New Novel Imagines
Whatever the Surrendet Monkey is involved with, it is a scam and he is in line to make a million $.....Taking advantage of a young, brain manipulated about abuse!!!

If nuclear energy is "reliable", why does it require government subsidies to remain economically viable?

Debunking the 14 myths about why we should go nuclear

"Subsidies that bail out uncompetitive nuclear power plants cost ratepayers and distort wholesale electricity markets. Thorough and independent analysis of subsidy streams probably would find that nuclear and fossil-fueled generators receive more subsidies than renewables. Indeed, the subsidies relevant to current power-market prices appear to be generally larger and more durable (PDF) for fossil-fueled and nuclear plants than for modern renewables. New, long-term state subsidies to distressed nuclear plants already total around $10-plus billion and threaten to go far higher. Nuclear operators’ insistence on locking in decade-plus subsidies harms market flexibility, innovation and competition. It rejects and defeats the whole purpose of having wholesale power markets."

You don't know the answer to that question?

It has nothing to do with reliability or operating costs once the start up costs are covered. It simply has to do with the fact that natural gas, coal, oil, solar, etc. are cheaper sources of energy right now.

State Nuclear Subsidies Not Needed
Were they farmers trying to feed the world. Or did they have ample food supplies.

Midwest farmers can expect to lose yield due to higher CO2 and then couple that with less nutrition. From where will thosr losses be recovered?

You're just making things up again.
Obviously, as the average global temps go up, there will be mote "hot" days. Thereby, less crop yield.

You seem to be a bit confused. I'm looking for an amen from you, and an explanation for why a slightly warmer Earth is a problem. I can't get any answers from you.

Fortified By Global Warming, Crop Production Keeps Breaking Records

The world is getting greener. Why does no one want to know? | The Spectator

Global Warming, which you deniers claim is not happening, extends the growing seasons. That can help farmers.

How ever climate change rings warmer temperatures & more hot days while reducing the precipitation in some areas.

"Hot, dry weather occurring during corn pollination and fertilization may decrease yields by as much as 8 percent per day, explained Jonathan Kleinjan, SDSU Extension Crop Production Associate."

I keep telling you how hot days are not good for our crops & you keep ignoring it. It is not my fault you don't get it.
You keep thinking it will just be 2or 3 degrees warmer every day. This is naive & ignorant.
Obviously, as the average global temps go up, there will be mote "hot" days. Thereby, less crop yield.

You seem to be a bit confused. I'm looking for an amen from you, and an explanation for why a slightly warmer Earth is a problem. I can't get any answers from you.

Fortified By Global Warming, Crop Production Keeps Breaking Records

The world is getting greener. Why does no one want to know? | The Spectator

Global Warming, which you deniers claim is not happening, extends the growing seasons. That can help farmers.

How ever climate change rings warmer temperatures & more hot days while reducing the precipitation in some areas.

"Hot, dry weather occurring during corn pollination and fertilization may decrease yields by as much as 8 percent per day, explained Jonathan Kleinjan, SDSU Extension Crop Production Associate."

I keep telling you how hot days are not good for our crops & you keep ignoring it. It is not my fault you don't get it.
You keep thinking it will just be 2or 3 degrees warmer every day. This is naive & ignorant.

Stop lying. Of course the climate is changing; of course the world is warming. So what? What's the problem? A warmer Earth is a greener Earth overall with more arable land, wetter, richer soil.


Alarmist Assertion #3

“National Security Threatened – The impacts of climate change are expected to act as a ‘threat multiplier’ in many of the world’s most unstable regions, exacerbating droughts and other natural disasters as well as leading to food, water and other resource shortages that may spur mass migrations.”

The Facts

The alarmists’ asserted national security threat depends on assertions that (1) global warming is causing a reduction in food and water supplies and (2) migrations of people to places with more food and water will increase risks of military conflict. Objective facts refute both assertions.

Regarding food and water supplies, global crop production has soared as the Earth gradually warms. Atmospheric carbon dioxide is essential to plant life, and adding more of it to the atmosphere enhances plant growth and crop production. Longer growing seasons and fewer frost events also benefit plant growth and crop production. As this column has repeatedly documented (see articles here, here, and here, for example), global crops set new production records virtually every year as our planet modestly warms. If crop shortages cause national security threats and global warming increases crop production, then global warming benefits rather than jeopardizes national security.

The same holds true for water supplies. Objective data show there has been a gradual increase in global precipitation and soil moisture as our planet warms. Warmer temperatures evaporate more water from the oceans, which in turn stimulates more frequent precipitation over continental land masses. The result of this enhanced precipitation is an improvement in soil moisture at almost all sites in the Global Soil Moisture Data Bank. If declining precipitation and declining soil moisture are military threat multipliers, than global warming is creating a safer, more peaceful world.

Alarmist Assertion #4

“Sea Levels Rising – Warmer temperatures are causing glaciers and polar ice sheets to melt, increasing the amount of water in the world’s seas and oceans.”

The Facts

The pace of sea level rise remained relatively constant throughout the 20th century, even as global temperatures gradually rose. There has similarly been no increase in the pace of sea level rise in recent decades. Utilizing 20th century technologies, humans effectively adapted to global sea level rise. Utilizing 21st century technologies, humans will be even better equipped to adapt to global sea level rise.

Also, the alarmist assertion that polar ice sheets are melting is simply false. Although alarmists frequently point to a modest recent shrinkage in the Arctic ice sheet, that decline has been completely offset by ice sheet expansion in the Antarctic. Cumulatively, polar ice sheets have not declined at all since NASA satellite instruments began precisely measuring them 35 years ago.

Top 10 Global Warming Lies That May Shock You

And then we have this madness: I keep thinking it will just be two or three degrees warmer every day?! No. That would be you, Mr. Catastrophic Global Warming!
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"Dear children who are being manipulated by the Left: When I was in school, Al Gore told us that we had ten years left to live before ice caps melted & flooded the planet. Spoiler Alert: it never happened. Care about your environment without being brainwashed by politicians." - Crazy Candace Owens
The problem is man, be believes he is supreme, the new God of God, the problem is we as a species are parasites living on a evolving ever changing organism called earth.
For the sake of argument, what if we as a species were 100% carbon neutral would it end or slow the evolutionary process of the earth?
Is man (scientific community) supreme over evolution and nature? Both questions have the same answer in that we can not alter the evolutionary process. As Darwin proposed we adapt, change, evolve, or perish as our world evolves. Just saying.
Obviously, as the average global temps go up, there will be mote "hot" days. Thereby, less crop yield.

You seem to be a bit confused. I'm looking for an amen from you, and an explanation for why a slightly warmer Earth is a problem. I can't get any answers from you.

Fortified By Global Warming, Crop Production Keeps Breaking Records

The world is getting greener. Why does no one want to know? | The Spectator

Global Warming, which you deniers claim is not happening, extends the growing seasons. That can help farmers.

How ever climate change rings warmer temperatures & more hot days while reducing the precipitation in some areas.

"Hot, dry weather occurring during corn pollination and fertilization may decrease yields by as much as 8 percent per day, explained Jonathan Kleinjan, SDSU Extension Crop Production Associate."

I keep telling you how hot days are not good for our crops & you keep ignoring it. It is not my fault you don't get it.
You keep thinking it will just be 2or 3 degrees warmer every day. This is naive & ignorant.

Stop lying. Of course the climate is changing; of course the world is warming. So what? What's the problem? A warmer Earth is a greener Earth overall with more arable land, wetter, richer soil.


Alarmist Assertion #3

“National Security Threatened – The impacts of climate change are expected to act as a ‘threat multiplier’ in many of the world’s most unstable regions, exacerbating droughts and other natural disasters as well as leading to food, water and other resource shortages that may spur mass migrations.”

The Facts

The alarmists’ asserted national security threat depends on assertions that (1) global warming is causing a reduction in food and water supplies and (2) migrations of people to places with more food and water will increase risks of military conflict. Objective facts refute both assertions.

Regarding food and water supplies, global crop production has soared as the Earth gradually warms. Atmospheric carbon dioxide is essential to plant life, and adding more of it to the atmosphere enhances plant growth and crop production. Longer growing seasons and fewer frost events also benefit plant growth and crop production. As this column has repeatedly documented (see articles here, here, and here, for example), global crops set new production records virtually every year as our planet modestly warms. If crop shortages cause national security threats and global warming increases crop production, then global warming benefits rather than jeopardizes national security.

The same holds true for water supplies. Objective data show there has been a gradual increase in global precipitation and soil moisture as our planet warms. Warmer temperatures evaporate more water from the oceans, which in turn stimulates more frequent precipitation over continental land masses. The result of this enhanced precipitation is an improvement in soil moisture at almost all sites in the Global Soil Moisture Data Bank. If declining precipitation and declining soil moisture are military threat multipliers, than global warming is creating a safer, more peaceful world.

Alarmist Assertion #4

“Sea Levels Rising – Warmer temperatures are causing glaciers and polar ice sheets to melt, increasing the amount of water in the world’s seas and oceans.”

The Facts

The pace of sea level rise remained relatively constant throughout the 20th century, even as global temperatures gradually rose. There has similarly been no increase in the pace of sea level rise in recent decades. Utilizing 20th century technologies, humans effectively adapted to global sea level rise. Utilizing 21st century technologies, humans will be even better equipped to adapt to global sea level rise.

Also, the alarmist assertion that polar ice sheets are melting is simply false. Although alarmists frequently point to a modest recent shrinkage in the Arctic ice sheet, that decline has been completely offset by ice sheet expansion in the Antarctic. Cumulatively, polar ice sheets have not declined at all since NASA satellite instruments began precisely measuring them 35 years ago.

Top 10 Global Warming Lies That May Shock You

And then we have this madness: I keep thinking it will just be two or three degrees warmer every day?! No. That would be you, Mr. Catastrophic Global Warming!

Your assertions are dishonest. You look at the situation today while ignoring it will be worse in the future

You seem to think it will be just warmer and wetter. Crop production increases primarily due to advancements in agriculture. The number of hot days will increase & and areas a0culd become drier. You ignore it.

You ignore that temps could rise 2-3 degrees (c) or more by 2100. That is an average. Some areas will be much warmer, some not so much.

Your idea that we will all be just a little warmer & wetter is a joke.

What if the oceans rise 3 feet by 2100? How much will it cost for humans to adjust.

But what you totally ignore is the cost. What will it cost to adjust to these warmer temperatures??? You will sopend far more "adjusting" that it would cost to act now to reduce emissions.

Your plan is to do nothing. Your plan is based on bullshit as your posts indicate.
"Dear children who are being manipulated by the Left: When I was in school, Al Gore told us that we had ten years left to live before ice caps melted & flooded the planet. Spoiler Alert: it never happened. Care about your environment without being brainwashed by politicians." - Crazy Candace Owens
Jesus fuck. Al Gore cited a report that the Arctic could be ice free. Do you morons do anything but lie?
Lets just be honest for a change, lets see how fake dave and his friends respond. So the green new deal becomes the law of the land, massive revenues, carbon taxes, are collected, bogus carbon offset banks are established by Al Gore and his gang, revenue is sent to Washington, do you believe for one minute all or even 20% of the carbon tax revenue collected will be applied toward carbon neutral, or sequestration projects? History has shown and proven every windfall received by congress will be allocated elsewhere, my guess toward free healthcare, education, whatever, and a small amount toward this green new deal. So what is the true intent of this scam, another form of taxation, solution to funding government entitlement programs,or unfunded liabilities? The one result that is apparent the continuance of massive imports from carbon polluting countries such as China, India...Oh but fake Dave will then claim we will enact import tariffs to punish offending nations, and where will those funds go? Dim's have never thought or seen a tax they did not embrace. Don't worry our economy will be in shambles so we all will be in the shithole together. So fake dave what have you to say?
Obviously, as the average global temps go up, there will be mote "hot" days. Thereby, less crop yield.

You seem to be a bit confused. I'm looking for an amen from you, and an explanation for why a slightly warmer Earth is a problem. I can't get any answers from you.

Fortified By Global Warming, Crop Production Keeps Breaking Records

The world is getting greener. Why does no one want to know? | The Spectator

Global Warming, which you deniers claim is not happening, extends the growing seasons. That can help farmers.

How ever climate change rings warmer temperatures & more hot days while reducing the precipitation in some areas.

"Hot, dry weather occurring during corn pollination and fertilization may decrease yields by as much as 8 percent per day, explained Jonathan Kleinjan, SDSU Extension Crop Production Associate."

I keep telling you how hot days are not good for our crops & you keep ignoring it. It is not my fault you don't get it.
You keep thinking it will just be 2or 3 degrees warmer every day. This is naive & ignorant.

Stop lying. Of course the climate is changing; of course the world is warming. So what? What's the problem? A warmer Earth is a greener Earth overall with more arable land, wetter, richer soil.


Alarmist Assertion #3

“National Security Threatened – The impacts of climate change are expected to act as a ‘threat multiplier’ in many of the world’s most unstable regions, exacerbating droughts and other natural disasters as well as leading to food, water and other resource shortages that may spur mass migrations.”

The Facts

The alarmists’ asserted national security threat depends on assertions that (1) global warming is causing a reduction in food and water supplies and (2) migrations of people to places with more food and water will increase risks of military conflict. Objective facts refute both assertions.

Regarding food and water supplies, global crop production has soared as the Earth gradually warms. Atmospheric carbon dioxide is essential to plant life, and adding more of it to the atmosphere enhances plant growth and crop production. Longer growing seasons and fewer frost events also benefit plant growth and crop production. As this column has repeatedly documented (see articles here, here, and here, for example), global crops set new production records virtually every year as our planet modestly warms. If crop shortages cause national security threats and global warming increases crop production, then global warming benefits rather than jeopardizes national security.

The same holds true for water supplies. Objective data show there has been a gradual increase in global precipitation and soil moisture as our planet warms. Warmer temperatures evaporate more water from the oceans, which in turn stimulates more frequent precipitation over continental land masses. The result of this enhanced precipitation is an improvement in soil moisture at almost all sites in the Global Soil Moisture Data Bank. If declining precipitation and declining soil moisture are military threat multipliers, than global warming is creating a safer, more peaceful world.

Alarmist Assertion #4

“Sea Levels Rising – Warmer temperatures are causing glaciers and polar ice sheets to melt, increasing the amount of water in the world’s seas and oceans.”

The Facts

The pace of sea level rise remained relatively constant throughout the 20th century, even as global temperatures gradually rose. There has similarly been no increase in the pace of sea level rise in recent decades. Utilizing 20th century technologies, humans effectively adapted to global sea level rise. Utilizing 21st century technologies, humans will be even better equipped to adapt to global sea level rise.

Also, the alarmist assertion that polar ice sheets are melting is simply false. Although alarmists frequently point to a modest recent shrinkage in the Arctic ice sheet, that decline has been completely offset by ice sheet expansion in the Antarctic. Cumulatively, polar ice sheets have not declined at all since NASA satellite instruments began precisely measuring them 35 years ago.

Top 10 Global Warming Lies That May Shock You

And then we have this madness: I keep thinking it will just be two or three degrees warmer every day?! No. That would be you, Mr. Catastrophic Global Warming!

Your assertions are dishonest. You look at the situation today while ignoring it will be worse in the future

You seem to think it will be just warmer and wetter. Crop production increases primarily due to advancements in agriculture. The number of hot days will increase & and areas a0culd become drier. You ignore it.

You ignore that temps could rise 2-3 degrees (c) or more by 2100. That is an average. Some areas will be much warmer, some not so much.

Your idea that we will all be just a little warmer & wetter is a joke.

What if the oceans rise 3 feet by 2100? How much will it cost for humans to adjust.

But what you totally ignore is the cost. What will it cost to adjust to these warmer temperatures??? You will sopend far more "adjusting" that it would cost to act now to reduce emissions.

Your plan is to do nothing. Your plan is based on bullshit as your posts indicate.
The bullshit is what you are spreading. Except in San Francisco.
Your assertions are dishonest. You look at the situation today while ignoring it will be worse in the future

You seem to think it will be just warmer and wetter. Crop production increases primarily due to advancements in agriculture. The number of hot days will increase & and areas a0culd become drier. You ignore it.

You ignore that temps could rise 2-3 degrees (c) or more by 2100. That is an average. Some areas will be much warmer, some not so much.

Your idea that we will all be just a little warmer & wetter is a joke.

What if the oceans rise 3 feet by 2100? How much will it cost for humans to adjust.

But what you totally ignore is the cost. What will it cost to adjust to these warmer temperatures??? You will sopend far more "adjusting" that it would cost to act now to reduce emissions.

Your plan is to do nothing. Your plan is based on bullshit as your posts indicate.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. . . . I laugh at you, I scoff, I mock, I heckle, I jeer. . . .



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Yields increase at higher CO2 concentrations.

Plant use CO2 and release O2.
All things equal, plant output increases with CO2.

All things are not equal. Higher CO2 means higher temperatures & these can reduce output.

I thought you were so know-it-all but you are just another dumbass denier.
I don’t claim to be a know it all. But I do know what you just wrote is bullshit.

Plant growth increases with higher CO2 and warmer temperatures than compared to lower CO2 and cooler temperatures.

Of course I reject the premise that we are causing the planet to warm. We are in an interglacial cycle and our present temperatures are still well below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles.

With every degree day above 90/95 corn will lose a percentage of its yield.

Higher temperatures will reduce nectar production in many plants.

This is common knowledge to those in agriculture.

Of course you reject that premise. Why are CO2 levels rising? Certainly you aren't so stupid as to reject the greenhouse effect, are you?

Go back to when the CO2 levels were higher, how did man survive?

When coastal cities need to either try to hold back rising oceans or just lose some of their area. When farmers can no longer grow crops because of heat & arid. Farmers lose their farms & incomes. Food can become scarce. Billions & billions & billions in loses. People will survive. T

All because you stupid ASSFUCKS are ignorant. Wow. Its science. Quit pretending you know more than the scientists because from your posts, you don't know shit.

It seems one of your errors is assigning all days at high temperatures to CO2 like there were never any days above high temperatures before.

Of course there is a greenhouse gas effect. It’s the feedbacks they assign on top of that are in error.

Can you tell me what you believe the CO2 concentration will be in 2100?

Not an error on my part. An error of you lying about what I said.

Obviously, as the average global temps go up, there will be mote "hot" days. Thereby, less crop yield.

The average global temperature have been going up. Greenhouse gas emissions have been going up.

What else is happening that makes temperatures go up.

I can't tell you what it will be in 2100. It depends if the smart people gain control or if the stupid people like we have now pretend there is no problem & roll back efforts to reduce emissions..

You are obviously unfamiliar with the concept that it takes decades for the Earth to remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere. Wait until 2100 to do something will not stop AGW. That is why we need to act now.
So you have no idea what the projected CO2 level will be in 2100?

Let’s assume the same trend continues with carbon emissions. You have looked at that, right?

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