Greta Thunberg Meets With Barack Obama To Talk Climate Fear

Yields increase at higher CO2 concentrations.

Plant use CO2 and release O2.
All things equal, plant output increases with CO2.

All things are not equal. Higher CO2 means higher temperatures & these can reduce output.

I thought you were so know-it-all but you are just another dumbass denier.
I don’t claim to be a know it all. But I do know what you just wrote is bullshit.

Plant growth increases with higher CO2 and warmer temperatures than compared to lower CO2 and cooler temperatures.

Of course I reject the premise that we are causing the planet to warm. We are in an interglacial cycle and our present temperatures are still well below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles.

With every degree day above 90/95 corn will lose a percentage of its yield.

Higher temperatures will reduce nectar production in many plants.

This is common knowledge to those in agriculture.

Of course you reject that premise. Why are CO2 levels rising? Certainly you aren't so stupid as to reject the greenhouse effect, are you?

Go back to when the CO2 levels were higher, how did man survive?

When coastal cities need to either try to hold back rising oceans or just lose some of their area. When farmers can no longer grow crops because of heat & arid. Farmers lose their farms & incomes. Food can become scarce. Billions & billions & billions in loses. People will survive. T

All because you stupid ASSFUCKS are ignorant. Wow. Its science. Quit pretending you know more than the scientists because from your posts, you don't know shit.

It seems one of your errors is assigning all days at high temperatures to CO2 like there were never any days above high temperatures before.

Of course there is a greenhouse gas effect. It’s the feedbacks they assign on top of that are in error.

Can you tell me what you believe the CO2 concentration will be in 2100?

Not an error on my part. An error of you lying about what I said.

Obviously, as the average global temps go up, there will be mote "hot" days. Thereby, less crop yield.

The average global temperature have been going up. Greenhouse gas emissions have been going up.

What else is happening that makes temperatures go up.

I can't tell you what it will be in 2100. It depends if the smart people gain control or if the stupid people like we have now pretend there is no problem & roll back efforts to reduce emissions..

You are obviously unfamiliar with the concept that it takes decades for the Earth to remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere. Wait until 2100 to do something will not stop AGW. That is why we need to act now.
More hot days?

What is the incremental temperatures for these hot days?

And how many hot days are you talking about?

Total fantasy!

But here is what is happening in Democratic controlled cities:




Not even close. You need to look at the data.

The US and Europe combined account for about 10 billion tons of carbon emissions of the 40 billion tons of world wide carbon emissions.

Not to mention Europe and US carbon emissions have been declining whereas the rest of the world’s carbon emissions have been increasing by 1 billion tons per year

You are looking at the last few years. The build up of CO2 has been happening for decades.
No. CO2 emissions of the developed nations has been declining at 150 million tons per year since 2000. Whereas CO2 emissions of developing countries has increased by 1 billion tons per year since 2000.

Go back to the 60's & 70's &the US & Europe had over 75% of the total emissions. It was the developed nations that got up to where were are.
I’ll provide the data later tonight.

Or you can always go search for it yourself.

I’ve looked at it. Have you?
1) I did look

2) Any idiot would know that the developed nations would produce most of the CO2 emissions.

3) Any idiot also knows that CO2 concentrations have been rising long before 2005.
No, you didn't. So where are most of the CO2 emissions occurring?


Fluctuations in Earth’s orbit and the Sun’s solar cycles have a bigger impact on the climate than any of the nonsense climate hoaxers are huffing about.
Fluctuations in Earth’s orbit and the Sun’s solar cycles have a bigger impact on the climate than any of the nonsense climate hoaxers are huffing about.
What explains the increase in the rate of global warming since the Industrial Revolution?

Global Warming

"As the Earth moved out of ice ages over the past million years, the global temperature rose a total of 4 to 7 degrees Celsius over about 5,000 years. In the past century alone, the temperature has climbed 0.7 degrees Celsius, roughly ten times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming."

"Temperature histories from paleoclimate data (green line) compared to the history based on modern instruments (blue line) suggest that global temperature is warmer now than it has been in the past 1,000 years, and possibly longer. (Graph adapted from Mann et al., 2008.)"
That claim can’t be made because there isn’t enough resolution to make that comparison. Temps went up and down during the cycles. To say that they never rose or fell at this rate cannot be determined.
That claim can’t be made because there isn’t enough resolution to make that comparison. Temps went up and down during the cycles. To say that they never rose or fell at this rate cannot be determined.
How are you defining "resolution"?

Global Warming

"Models predict that Earth will warm between 2 and 6 degrees Celsius in the next century. When global warming has happened at various times in the past two million years, it has taken the planet about 5,000 years to warm 5 degrees. The predicted rate of warming for the next century is at least 20 times faster. This rate of change is extremely unusual."

"Temperature histories from paleoclimate data (green line) compared to the history based on modern instruments (blue line) suggest that global temperature is warmer now than it has been in the past 1,000 years, and possibly longer. (Graph adapted from Mann et al., 2008.)"
The number of years between each measurement.

There is no way for them to make that comparison. For all we know it did accelerate at that rate.

It seems like you believe the only driver for climate is CO2.
The number of years between each measurement.

There is no way for them to make that comparison. For all we know it did accelerate at that rate.
"Earth has experienced climate change in the past without help from humanity.

"We know about past climates because of evidence left in tree rings, layers of ice in glaciers, ocean sediments, coral reefs, and layers of sedimentary rocks.

"For example, bubbles of air in glacial ice trap tiny samples of Earth’s atmosphere, giving scientists a history of greenhouse gases that stretches back more than 800,000 years.

"The chemical make-up of the ice provides clues to the average global temperature.

"See the Earth Observatory’s series Paleoclimatology for details about how scientists study past climates."

"Glacial ice and air bubbles trapped in it (top) preserve an 800,000-year record of temperature & carbon dioxide. Earth has cycled between ice ages (low points, large negative anomalies) and warm interglacials (peaks)"

Global Warming
You are literally proving my point and don't even know it.
Did what’s her face really claim mass extinction was going to occur because atmospheric CO2 is at 400 ppm.

Hasn’t anyone told her that CO2 levels were 10 times that 55 million years ago? Life did just fine. There was no mass extinction.
What was the human population 55 million years ago?

How was that atmosphere different from today's?

History of the world - Wikipedia
Again, you are literally proving my point.

I bet you don't even know what the IPCC projects for CO2 concentrations in the year 2100, do you?
Global warming is the unusually rapid increase in Earth’s average surface temperature over the past century

Unusually rapid compared to what?
Global warming is the unusually rapid increase in Earth’s average surface temperature over the past century

Unusually rapid compared to what?
Pre-Industrial Revolution global temperature rises.

"Despite ups and downs from year to year, global average surface temperature is rising. By the beginning of the 21st century, Earth’s temperature was roughly 0.5 degrees Celsius above the long-term (1951–1980) average. (NASA figure adapted from Goddard Institute for Space Studies Surface Temperature Analysis.)"

Global Warming

Ten thousand years ago was much warmer than it is now. If you go further, Antarctica was ice free during the Cretaceous Period, for millions of years. Don't tell me, dinosaurs industrial revolution cause temperature to rise and run them into extinction, and we don't want to make the same mistake.
Ten thousand years ago was much warmer than it is now. If you go further, Antarctica was ice free during the Cretaceous Period, for millions of years. Don't tell me, dinosaurs industrial revolution cause temperature to rise and run them into extinction, and we don't want to make the same mistake
The Cretaceous Period occurred 66 million to 145 million years ago while anatomically modern humans rose in Africa about 300,000 years ago and reached behavioral modernity about 50,000 years ago. If you're a human being under 30 years old today, you have never experienced a year in which the average surface temperature of the earth was below average.
History of the world - Wikipedia


"Each month, the US National Climatic Data Center calculates Earth’s average surface temperature using temperature measurements that cover the Earth’s surface.

"Then, another average is calculated for each month of the year for the twentieth century, 1901-2000.

"For each month, this gives one number representative of the entire century.

"Subtract this overall 1900s monthly average – which for February is 53.9F (12.1C) – from each individual month’s temperature and you’ve got the anomaly: that is, the difference from the average.

"The last month that was at or below that 1900s average was February 1985.

"Ronald Reagan had just started his second presidential term and Foreigner had the number one single with 'I want to know what love is.'"

Let’s Call It: 30 Years Of Above Average Temperatures Means The Climate Has Changed
Based on IPCC forecasts what will the atmospheric CO2 be in the year 2100. And how much will the sea level have risen?
Based on IPCC forecasts what will the atmospheric CO2 be in the year 2100. And how much will the sea level have risen?
Not sure why you brought the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change into this discussion?

IPCC Predictions: Then Versus Now

"Sea-Level Rise

"The fate of the world's coastlines has become a classic example of how the IPCC, when confronted with conflicting science, tends to go silent.

"Projection: In the 2001 report, the IPCC projected a sea rise of 2 millimeters per year. The worst-case scenario in the 2007 report, which looked mostly at thermal expansion of the oceans as temperatures warmed, called for up to 1.9 feet of sea-level-rise by century's end..."

"Today: Observed sea-level-rise has averaged 3.3 millimeters per year since 1990. By 2009, various studies that included ice-melt offered drastically higher projections of between 2.4 and 6.2 feet sea level rise by 2100.

"Why the miss? IPCC scientists couldn't agree on a value for the contribution melting Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets would add to sea-level rise. So they simply left out the data to reach consensus. Science historian Naomi Oreskes calls this – one of IPCC's biggest underestimates – 'consensus by omission.'"
I am bringing the IPCC into it because you don't know what they project CO2 to be in the year 2100 and I want you to literally say what you believe it will be.

As to your sea level estimates, neither of of those estimates comes close to matching the well established trend of 3 mm per year. So show me which IPCC estimates predict that, can you do that?
Obviously, as the average global temps go up, there will be mote "hot" days. Thereby, less crop yield.

You seem to be a bit confused. I'm looking for an amen from you, and an explanation for why a slightly warmer Earth is a problem. I can't get any answers from you.

Fortified By Global Warming, Crop Production Keeps Breaking Records

The world is getting greener. Why does no one want to know? | The Spectator

Global Warming, which you deniers claim is not happening, extends the growing seasons. That can help farmers.

How ever climate change rings warmer temperatures & more hot days while reducing the precipitation in some areas.

"Hot, dry weather occurring during corn pollination and fertilization may decrease yields by as much as 8 percent per day, explained Jonathan Kleinjan, SDSU Extension Crop Production Associate."

I keep telling you how hot days are not good for our crops & you keep ignoring it. It is not my fault you don't get it.
You keep thinking it will just be 2or 3 degrees warmer every day. This is naive & ignorant.
You do realize that the warmer the air is the more water vapor it can hold, right?
I cannot see why no one noticed that she is hamming it up. No one really behaves that way emotionally. You only see that kind of acting on soap operas and William Shatner's characters. She has came from a theatrical family. That she was taught to ham it up every day. I heard that over in their country. That they only plays on T.V. Is reruns of old American shows.

This is how people acts when they are really upset.

I cannot see why no one noticed that she is hamming it up. No one really behaves that way emotionally. You only see that kind of acting on soap operas and William Shatner's characters. She has came from a theatrical family. That she was taught to ham it up every day. I heard that over in their country. That they only plays on T.V. Is reruns of old American shows.

This is how people acts when they are really upset.

Greta Shatner!!
I cannot see why no one noticed that she is hamming it up. No one really behaves that way emotionally. You only see that kind of acting on soap operas and William Shatner's characters. She has came from a theatrical family. That she was taught to ham it up every day. I heard that over in their country. That they only plays on T.V. Is reruns of old American shows.

This is how people acts when they are really upset.

Greta Shatner!!

Hilarious. I wonder if it was at his beachfront mansion he collected his wisdom from a 16 year old high school dropout at.

Reality is there’s never been a human in all of history who’s believed they were wiser at 16 than in later years.

Obama meets with Greta Thunberg: 'One of our planet's greatest advocates'
She is a smart kid

Strange that conservatives are not as bright

She's a disrespectful entitled brat and as a child she has nothing to say that is worth listening to.
Obviously, as the average global temps go up, there will be mote "hot" days. Thereby, less crop yield.

You seem to be a bit confused. I'm looking for an amen from you, and an explanation for why a slightly warmer Earth is a problem. I can't get any answers from you.

Fortified By Global Warming, Crop Production Keeps Breaking Records

The world is getting greener. Why does no one want to know? | The Spectator

Global Warming, which you deniers claim is not happening, extends the growing seasons. That can help farmers.

How ever climate change rings warmer temperatures & more hot days while reducing the precipitation in some areas.

"Hot, dry weather occurring during corn pollination and fertilization may decrease yields by as much as 8 percent per day, explained Jonathan Kleinjan, SDSU Extension Crop Production Associate."

I keep telling you how hot days are not good for our crops & you keep ignoring it. It is not my fault you don't get it.
You keep thinking it will just be 2or 3 degrees warmer every day. This is naive & ignorant.
You do realize that the warmer the air is the more water vapor it can hold, right?

So there are no deserts. Good to know
Hilarious. I wonder if it was at his beachfront mansion he collected his wisdom from a 16 year old high school dropout at.

Reality is there’s never been a human in all of history who’s believed they were wiser at 16 than in later years.

Obama meets with Greta Thunberg: 'One of our planet's greatest advocates'
She is a smart kid

Strange that conservatives are not as bright

She's a disrespectful entitled brat and as a child she has nothing to say that is worth listening to.
Another assfuck Trumpette who trashes a young girl.

You elected a disrespectful, entitled brat.
Another assfuck Trumpette who trashes a young girl.

You elected a disrespectful, entitled brat.
Do you back the "science" of Greta Thunberg, assfuck? Is she right? Do we have only ten years to turn things around before global catastrophe?

Can you find a reputable climatologist that backs her up?
I already know you can't so why shouldn't this Swedish Chicken Little be rejected? Explain yourself, moron (I already know you can't do that either).
I cannot see why no one noticed that she is hamming it up. No one really behaves that way emotionally. You only see that kind of acting on soap operas and William Shatner's characters. She has came from a theatrical family. That she was taught to ham it up every day. I heard that over in their country. That they only plays on T.V. Is reruns of old American shows.

This is how people acts when they are really upset.

You wiill be dead when the major effects of climate change will become reality.

So will I.

The difference between us is that you don't give a shit about what happens when you are dead.

Me, I am pissed off, because I don't want my children & grandchildren to suffer those effects especially when we can lessen them by acting now.

I love my children & grandchildren. I will take any action to make their future better.

You obviously hate yours. Why? Why not take action. What are you afraid of here.
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Another assfuck Trumpette who trashes a young girl.

You elected a disrespectful, entitled brat.
Do you back the "science" of Greta Thunberg, assfuck? Is she right? Do we have only ten years to turn things around before global catastrophe?

Can you find a reputable climatologist that backs her up?
I already know you can't so why shouldn't this Swedish Chicken Little be rejected? Explain yourself, moron (I already know you can't do that either).


It takes the Earth decades to remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere. In order to stop the worse effects of climate change we need to reduce CO2 emissions in an attempt to lower the CO2 concentrations. WE need to start now or there will not be able to head off the worst effects.

It is called SCIENCE.

Perhaps you need to pull your head of of your ass & get a fucking education.

It takes the Earth decades to remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere. In order to stop the worse effects of climate change we need to reduce CO2 emissions in an attempt to lower the CO2 concentrations. WE need to start now or there will not be able to head off the worst effects.

It is called SCIENCE.

Perhaps you need to pull your head of of your ass & get a fucking education.

Plant more trees.
You are looking at the last few years. The build up of CO2 has been happening for decades.
No. CO2 emissions of the developed nations has been declining at 150 million tons per year since 2000. Whereas CO2 emissions of developing countries has increased by 1 billion tons per year since 2000.

Go back to the 60's & 70's &the US & Europe had over 75% of the total emissions. It was the developed nations that got up to where were are.
I’ll provide the data later tonight.

Or you can always go search for it yourself.

I’ve looked at it. Have you?
1) I did look

2) Any idiot would know that the developed nations would produce most of the CO2 emissions.

3) Any idiot also knows that CO2 concentrations have been rising long before 2005.
No, you didn't. So where are most of the CO2 emissions occurring?



So you are too stupid to know who that yellow & green line are & where they stood prior to 2000. By the time 2000 rolled around,m the carbon concentrations were already alarming.

WE are we where we are primarily due to the emissions of the US & Europe prior to 2000.

Why the fuck can;'t you admit that?

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