Greta Thunberg Meets With Barack Obama To Talk Climate Fear

With every degree day above 90/95 corn will lose a percentage of its yield.

Higher temperatures will reduce nectar production in many plants.

This is common knowledge to those in agriculture.

Of course you reject that premise. Why are CO2 levels rising? Certainly you aren't so stupid as to reject the greenhouse effect, are you?

Go back to when the CO2 levels were higher, how did man survive?

When coastal cities need to either try to hold back rising oceans or just lose some of their area. When farmers can no longer grow crops because of heat & arid. Farmers lose their farms & incomes. Food can become scarce. Billions & billions & billions in loses. People will survive. T

All because you stupid ASSFUCKS are ignorant. Wow. Its science. Quit pretending you know more than the scientists because from your posts, you don't know shit.

It seems one of your errors is assigning all days at high temperatures to CO2 like there were never any days above high temperatures before.

Of course there is a greenhouse gas effect. It’s the feedbacks they assign on top of that are in error.

Can you tell me what you believe the CO2 concentration will be in 2100?

Not an error on my part. An error of you lying about what I said.

Obviously, as the average global temps go up, there will be mote "hot" days. Thereby, less crop yield.

The average global temperature have been going up. Greenhouse gas emissions have been going up.

What else is happening that makes temperatures go up.

I can't tell you what it will be in 2100. It depends if the smart people gain control or if the stupid people like we have now pretend there is no problem & roll back efforts to reduce emissions..

You are obviously unfamiliar with the concept that it takes decades for the Earth to remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere. Wait until 2100 to do something will not stop AGW. That is why we need to act now.
More hot days?

What is the incremental temperatures for these hot days?

And how many hot days are you talking about?
For corn, it is 95 degrees. It can vary from plant to plant.
How does corn grow on ice?

So, if it is below 95, it's frozen? Wow, You really could have benefited from a science course.
We have ten to twelve years to start a meaningful program to address reduction.. Not remove it, You are really stupid.
That's not Thunberg's message so fuck you!
NO ONE is saying we have ten years before the mass extinctions begin and the death of the planet starts except Thunberg
and real climate scientists are sitting around with their fingers up their asses not saying a word.
They know blatant fear mongering when they see it.
Not a single authoritative climate expert is giving Thunberg their backing. NOT A ONE!

My God, climate scientists have been saying it long before Greta. Like I said, if your head was not so far up your ass, you would know it.
I love it when people are so far out of touch they think they can lecture others about a lack of
knowledge. NO climate scientist has said 2030 is the date certain that the earth is doomed. You're a fucking moron!
A real know nothing clown! A joke.

All you assfucks do is run around screaming "What about China". China ranks far far far below us in emissions per capita.
Take a guess why people scream about China and how Thunberg and her handlers pretend like China
doesn't exist. China Emits More Carbon Dioxide Than The U.S. and EU Combined
You couldn't be more wrong! Jesus Christ, you are so fucking stupid and such a blathering big mouth! You are frighteningly dumb!

If you don't even address the biggest producer of Carbon Dioxide on the planet, China, how serious can your end of the world message be? Take the hook out of your mouth, idiot! You are being played like a fish at the end of a pole.
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We have ten to twelve years to start a meaningful program to address reduction.. Not remove it, You are really stupid.
That's not Thunberg's message so fuck you!
NO ONE is saying we have ten years before the mass extinctions begin and the death of the planet starts except Thunberg
and real climate scientists are sitting around with their fingers up their asses not saying a word.
They know blatant fear mongering when they see it.
Not a single authoritative climate expert is giving Thunberg their backing. NOT A ONE!

My God, climate scientists have been saying it long before Greta. Like I said, if your head was not so far up your ass, you would know it.
I love it when people are so far out of touch they think they can lecture others about a lack of
knowledge. NO climate scientist has said 2030 is the date certain that the earth is doomed. You're a fucking moron!
A real know nothing clown! A joke.

All you assfucks do is run around screaming "What about China". China ranks far far far below us in emissions per capita.
Take a guess why people scream about China and how Thunberg and her handlers pretend like China
doesn't exist. China Emits More Carbon Dioxide Than The U.S. and EU Combined
You couldn't be more wrong! Jesus Christ, you are so fucking stupid and such a blathering big mouth! You are frighteningly dumb!

If you don't even address the biggest producer of Carbon Dioxide on the planet, China, how serious can your end of the world message be? Take the hook out of your mouth, idiot! You are being played like a fish at the end of a pole.

Only a really stupid fuck will bitch about china. China has a lot of people so obviously their emissions should be higher.

Look at the per capita numbers to tell you which country is the worst.

I do address China. China is working to reduce their emissions through more efficient power generation. China is still developing and have lots of places where power is needed.
We have ten to twelve years to start a meaningful program to address reduction.. Not remove it, You are really stupid.
That's not Thunberg's message so fuck you!
NO ONE is saying we have ten years before the mass extinctions begin and the death of the planet starts except Thunberg
and real climate scientists are sitting around with their fingers up their asses not saying a word.
They know blatant fear mongering when they see it.
Not a single authoritative climate expert is giving Thunberg their backing. NOT A ONE!

My God, climate scientists have been saying it long before Greta. Like I said, if your head was not so far up your ass, you would know it.
I love it when people are so far out of touch they think they can lecture others about a lack of
knowledge. NO climate scientist has said 2030 is the date certain that the earth is doomed. You're a fucking moron!
A real know nothing clown! A joke.

All you assfucks do is run around screaming "What about China". China ranks far far far below us in emissions per capita.
Take a guess why people scream about China and how Thunberg and her handlers pretend like China
doesn't exist. China Emits More Carbon Dioxide Than The U.S. and EU Combined
You couldn't be more wrong! Jesus Christ, you are so fucking stupid and such a blathering big mouth! You are frighteningly dumb!

If you don't even address the biggest producer of Carbon Dioxide on the planet, China, how serious can your end of the world message be? Take the hook out of your mouth, idiot! You are being played like a fish at the end of a pole.
Most people are saying that we have to act now. Why the next decade will be critical in the fight against climate change

Has mass extinction begun? Have you checked the insect & bird populations?

When does a disaster start? When it is set in an unstoppable motion or do we have to wait for the worst effects?

The idea you did not know the the timeline to take serious action is not within the next decade is just proof of your ignorance'

That 16 year old girl is far far far wiser than you.
Only a really stupid fuck will bitch about china. China has a lot of people so obviously their emissions should be higher.

Look at the per capita numbers to tell you which country is the worst.
Read the link, dumb ass! China pumps out more CO2 then the US and EU combined! It's not a matter of population, genius. It might have something to do with the two new coal plants being built in China per week!
China keeps building coal plants despite new overcapacity policy
You actually seem proud of your stupidity or else you wouldn't keep making so many idiotic statements.

I do address China. China is working to reduce their emissions through more efficient power generation. China is still developing and have lots of places where power is needed.
I suggest you read the link and stop parroting propaganda.
China is NOT working to reduce their fossil fuel emissions. Quite the opposite.
They have made some feeble promises and half hearted efforts to reduce their
CO2 emissions but their actions speak louder than their words.
I guess you've only recently pulled your head out of your rectum and failed to notice the many many policies we have put in place that will reduce CO2 emissions. What makes you think no one is acting?

Has mass extinction begun? Have you checked the insect & bird populations?
No. It has not.
No reputable thinking persons claims otherwise. In fact some species, like the Polar bear which was in danger of extinction, is thriving and growing like never before. As Polar Bear Numbers Increase, GWPF Calls For Re-assessment Of Endangered Species Status | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)
One of the side effects of CO2 apparently is how stupid it makes some people act and how gullible they become.

Again, the "experts" said they were going extinct. Instead they are thriving in our supposedly doomed world. Fuck off, moron.

When does a disaster start? When it is set in an unstoppable motion or do we have to wait for the worst effects?
Again people are doing things to lower fossil fuel emissions, China notwithstanding.

The iidea you did not know the the timeline to take serious action is not within the next decade is just proof of your ignorance'
Serious people already are taking serious action. How could you fail to notice that? It must be because you are so stupid.

That 16 year old girl is far far far wiser than you.
No. She is an irrational fear mongering stooge with severe mental problems. No wonder you admire her as a kindred spirit with mental shortcomings of your own.
It seems one of your errors is assigning all days at high temperatures to CO2 like there were never any days above high temperatures before.

Of course there is a greenhouse gas effect. It’s the feedbacks they assign on top of that are in error.

Can you tell me what you believe the CO2 concentration will be in 2100?

Not an error on my part. An error of you lying about what I said.

Obviously, as the average global temps go up, there will be mote "hot" days. Thereby, less crop yield.

The average global temperature have been going up. Greenhouse gas emissions have been going up.

What else is happening that makes temperatures go up.

I can't tell you what it will be in 2100. It depends if the smart people gain control or if the stupid people like we have now pretend there is no problem & roll back efforts to reduce emissions..

You are obviously unfamiliar with the concept that it takes decades for the Earth to remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere. Wait until 2100 to do something will not stop AGW. That is why we need to act now.
More hot days?

What is the incremental temperatures for these hot days?

And how many hot days are you talking about?
For corn, it is 95 degrees. It can vary from plant to plant.
How does corn grow on ice?

So, if it is below 95, it's frozen? Wow, You really could have benefited from a science course.
You cry when a glacier melts, tell us how to grow food on ice.
I guess you've only recently pulled your head out of your rectum and failed to notice the many many policies we have put in place that will reduce CO2 emissions. What makes you think no one is acting?

Has mass extinction begun? Have you checked the insect & bird populations?
No. It has not.
No reputable thinking persons claims otherwise. In fact some species, like the Polar bear which was in danger of extinction, is thriving and growing like never before. As Polar Bear Numbers Increase, GWPF Calls For Re-assessment Of Endangered Species Status | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)
One of the side effects of CO2 apparently is how stupid it makes some people act and how gullible they become.

Again, the "experts" said they were going extinct. Instead they are thriving in our supposedly doomed world. Fuck off, moron.

When does a disaster start? When it is set in an unstoppable motion or do we have to wait for the worst effects?
Again people are doing things to lower fossil fuel emissions, China notwithstanding.

The iidea you did not know the the timeline to take serious action is not within the next decade is just proof of your ignorance'
Serious people already are taking serious action. How could you fail to notice that? It must be because you are so stupid.

That 16 year old girl is far far far wiser than you.
No. She is an irrational fear mongering stooge with severe mental problems. No wonder you admire her as a kindred spirit with mental shortcomings of your own.
Don’t forget we saved the planet with the outlawing of straws.
I guess you've only recently pulled your head out of your rectum and failed to notice the many many policies we have put in place that will reduce CO2 emissions. What makes you think no one is acting?

Has mass extinction begun? Have you checked the insect & bird populations?
No. It has not.
No reputable thinking persons claims otherwise. In fact some species, like the Polar bear which was in danger of extinction, is thriving and growing like never before. As Polar Bear Numbers Increase, GWPF Calls For Re-assessment Of Endangered Species Status | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)
One of the side effects of CO2 apparently is how stupid it makes some people act and how gullible they become.

Again, the "experts" said they were going extinct. Instead they are thriving in our supposedly doomed world. Fuck off, moron.

When does a disaster start? When it is set in an unstoppable motion or do we have to wait for the worst effects?
Again people are doing things to lower fossil fuel emissions, China notwithstanding.

The iidea you did not know the the timeline to take serious action is not within the next decade is just proof of your ignorance'
Serious people already are taking serious action. How could you fail to notice that? It must be because you are so stupid.

That 16 year old girl is far far far wiser than you.
No. She is an irrational fear mongering stooge with severe mental problems. No wonder you admire her as a kindred spirit with mental shortcomings of your own.
Don’t forget we saved the planet with the outlawing of straws.
Banning the straw is not about Climate Change.
Not an error on my part. An error of you lying about what I said.

Obviously, as the average global temps go up, there will be mote "hot" days. Thereby, less crop yield.

The average global temperature have been going up. Greenhouse gas emissions have been going up.

What else is happening that makes temperatures go up.

I can't tell you what it will be in 2100. It depends if the smart people gain control or if the stupid people like we have now pretend there is no problem & roll back efforts to reduce emissions..

You are obviously unfamiliar with the concept that it takes decades for the Earth to remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere. Wait until 2100 to do something will not stop AGW. That is why we need to act now.
More hot days?

What is the incremental temperatures for these hot days?

And how many hot days are you talking about?
For corn, it is 95 degrees. It can vary from plant to plant.
How does corn grow on ice?

So, if it is below 95, it's frozen? Wow, You really could have benefited from a science course.
You cry when a glacier melts, tell us how to grow food on ice.
I don't get it. Where did this ice billshit come from. I talk about how high temps are bad for crops & asssfuck you runs screaming through the streets " OMG OMG ONG ICE!!! ICE!!!! OMG OMG OMG".

All that is is more proof of your ignorance.
I guess you've only recently pulled your head out of your rectum and failed to notice the many many policies we have put in place that will reduce CO2 emissions. What makes you think no one is acting?

Has mass extinction begun? Have you checked the insect & bird populations?
No. It has not.
No reputable thinking persons claims otherwise. In fact some species, like the Polar bear which was in danger of extinction, is thriving and growing like never before. As Polar Bear Numbers Increase, GWPF Calls For Re-assessment Of Endangered Species Status | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)
One of the side effects of CO2 apparently is how stupid it makes some people act and how gullible they become.

Again, the "experts" said they were going extinct. Instead they are thriving in our supposedly doomed world. Fuck off, moron.

When does a disaster start? When it is set in an unstoppable motion or do we have to wait for the worst effects?
Again people are doing things to lower fossil fuel emissions, China notwithstanding.

The iidea you did not know the the timeline to take serious action is not within the next decade is just proof of your ignorance'
Serious people already are taking serious action. How could you fail to notice that? It must be because you are so stupid.

That 16 year old girl is far far far wiser than you.
No. She is an irrational fear mongering stooge with severe mental problems. No wonder you admire her as a kindred spirit with mental shortcomings of your own.
Don’t forget we saved the planet with the outlawing of straws.
Banning the straw is not about Climate Change.
Has more impact than anything you Leftards are doing.
More hot days?

What is the incremental temperatures for these hot days?

And how many hot days are you talking about?
For corn, it is 95 degrees. It can vary from plant to plant.
How does corn grow on ice?

So, if it is below 95, it's frozen? Wow, You really could have benefited from a science course.
You cry when a glacier melts, tell us how to grow food on ice.
I don't get it. Where did this ice billshit come from. I talk about how high temps are bad for crops & asssfuck you runs screaming through the streets " OMG OMG ONG ICE!!! ICE!!!! OMG OMG OMG".

All that is is more proof of your ignorance.

Hilarious you thinking today’s climate is optimum.
I guess you've only recently pulled your head out of your rectum and failed to notice the many many policies we have put in place that will reduce CO2 emissions. What makes you think no one is acting?

Has mass extinction begun? Have you checked the insect & bird populations?
No. It has not.
No reputable thinking persons claims otherwise. In fact some species, like the Polar bear which was in danger of extinction, is thriving and growing like never before. As Polar Bear Numbers Increase, GWPF Calls For Re-assessment Of Endangered Species Status | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)
One of the side effects of CO2 apparently is how stupid it makes some people act and how gullible they become.

Again, the "experts" said they were going extinct. Instead they are thriving in our supposedly doomed world. Fuck off, moron.

When does a disaster start? When it is set in an unstoppable motion or do we have to wait for the worst effects?
Again people are doing things to lower fossil fuel emissions, China notwithstanding.

The iidea you did not know the the timeline to take serious action is not within the next decade is just proof of your ignorance'
Serious people already are taking serious action. How could you fail to notice that? It must be because you are so stupid.

That 16 year old girl is far far far wiser than you.
No. She is an irrational fear mongering stooge with severe mental problems. No wonder you admire her as a kindred spirit with mental shortcomings of your own.

You have zero clue as whether a mass extinction has begun. You won't know until it is here. Lets review, we are experiencing rapid climate change that , if we do nothing" could be catastrophic. Insect & bird populations are shrinking at alarming rates. Rain forests are on fire because of greed. Our envirionment is under assault by that fat assed orange POS you likely voted for. Sounds to be that we could indeed be on that path.

People are not doing nearly enough. Trump has our emissions increasing. China is taking action. Their emissions per capita is far less than ours. Quit using China as an excuse.

Greta has made you look pathetic ignorant, and selfish as you pick on this girl while not joining in her efforts to get action.
I guess you've only recently pulled your head out of your rectum and failed to notice the many many policies we have put in place that will reduce CO2 emissions. What makes you think no one is acting?

Has mass extinction begun? Have you checked the insect & bird populations?
No. It has not.
No reputable thinking persons claims otherwise. In fact some species, like the Polar bear which was in danger of extinction, is thriving and growing like never before. As Polar Bear Numbers Increase, GWPF Calls For Re-assessment Of Endangered Species Status | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)
One of the side effects of CO2 apparently is how stupid it makes some people act and how gullible they become.

Again, the "experts" said they were going extinct. Instead they are thriving in our supposedly doomed world. Fuck off, moron.

When does a disaster start? When it is set in an unstoppable motion or do we have to wait for the worst effects?
Again people are doing things to lower fossil fuel emissions, China notwithstanding.

The iidea you did not know the the timeline to take serious action is not within the next decade is just proof of your ignorance'
Serious people already are taking serious action. How could you fail to notice that? It must be because you are so stupid.

That 16 year old girl is far far far wiser than you.
No. She is an irrational fear mongering stooge with severe mental problems. No wonder you admire her as a kindred spirit with mental shortcomings of your own.

You have zero clue as whether a mass extinction has begun. You won't know until it is here. Lets review, we are experiencing rapid climate change that , if we do nothing" could be catastrophic. Insect & bird populations are shrinking at alarming rates. Rain forests are on fire because of greed. Our envirionment is under assault by that fat assed orange POS you likely voted for. Sounds to be that we could indeed be on that path.

People are not doing nearly enough. Trump has our emissions increasing. China is taking action. Their emissions per capita is far less than ours. Quit using China as an excuse.

Greta has made you look pathetic ignorant, and selfish as you pick on this girl while not joining in her efforts to get action.
OMG! Trump has improved the economy! He must be stopped!
For corn, it is 95 degrees. It can vary from plant to plant.
How does corn grow on ice?

So, if it is below 95, it's frozen? Wow, You really could have benefited from a science course.
You cry when a glacier melts, tell us how to grow food on ice.
I don't get it. Where did this ice billshit come from. I talk about how high temps are bad for crops & asssfuck you runs screaming through the streets " OMG OMG ONG ICE!!! ICE!!!! OMG OMG OMG".

All that is is more proof of your ignorance.

Hilarious you thinking today’s climate is optim um.
Where did I say that?

Our society is built to likelihood our climate as it was during the 20th century. Coastal cites are built on that sea level. Agriculture developed where the climate for certain crops was the best. Building & homes designed to those temperature, precipitation, and storm. Even our military bases are located based on this.

When the climate changes, all the above needs to change with it. You have no clue whether our food supply will be able to keep up, that droughts could encompass our current breadbasket. building/ HVAC may all need revamped as well as our electrical grid to account for more AC requirements. Countries that once prospered could fall to being dependent on others. Strong countries may look to invade weaker countries for their food & water.

All of this because you are too big of an assfuck to care? Really? You will allow your ignorance, stupidity, ,love of Trump & Limbaugh to condemn the children to all of that? Really./ You are that big of an ass?
I guess you've only recently pulled your head out of your rectum and failed to notice the many many policies we have put in place that will reduce CO2 emissions. What makes you think no one is acting?

Has mass extinction begun? Have you checked the insect & bird populations?
No. It has not.
No reputable thinking persons claims otherwise. In fact some species, like the Polar bear which was in danger of extinction, is thriving and growing like never before. As Polar Bear Numbers Increase, GWPF Calls For Re-assessment Of Endangered Species Status | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)
One of the side effects of CO2 apparently is how stupid it makes some people act and how gullible they become.

Again, the "experts" said they were going extinct. Instead they are thriving in our supposedly doomed world. Fuck off, moron.

When does a disaster start? When it is set in an unstoppable motion or do we have to wait for the worst effects?
Again people are doing things to lower fossil fuel emissions, China notwithstanding.

The iidea you did not know the the timeline to take serious action is not within the next decade is just proof of your ignorance'
Serious people already are taking serious action. How could you fail to notice that? It must be because you are so stupid.

That 16 year old girl is far far far wiser than you.
No. She is an irrational fear mongering stooge with severe mental problems. No wonder you admire her as a kindred spirit with mental shortcomings of your own.

You have zero clue as whether a mass extinction has begun. You won't know until it is here. Lets review, we are experiencing rapid climate change that , if we do nothing" could be catastrophic. Insect & bird populations are shrinking at alarming rates. Rain forests are on fire because of greed. Our envirionment is under assault by that fat assed orange POS you likely voted for. Sounds to be that we could indeed be on that path.

People are not doing nearly enough. Trump has our emissions increasing. China is taking action. Their emissions per capita is far less than ours. Quit using China as an excuse.

Greta has made you look pathetic ignorant, and selfish as you pick on this girl while not joining in her efforts to get action.
OMG! Trump has improved the economy! He must be stopped!

Has it? Skyrocketing deficits. The Fed had to bail out a financial institution, the first time since 2008. The Fed had to lower interest rates go stave off a recession. Recent job gains have been below average.

And who knew you had to trade our environment for corporate profits. Trump is so fucking inept, the only way he thinks he can improve our economy is through lowering standards on air & water. To help corporations by making workplaces less safe.

His trade wars are killing the family farmer & hurting US manufacturing & costing us jobs.

But hey, that economy!! Right dumbass
You have zero clue as whether a mass extinction has begun. You won't know until it is here. Lets review, we are experiencing rapid climate change that , if we do nothing" could be catastrophic. Insect & bird populations are shrinking at alarming rates. Rain forests are on fire because of greed. Our envirionment is under assault by that fat assed orange POS you likely voted for. Sounds to be that we could indeed be on that path.
But you have zero reason to believe a mass extinction has begun or is likely to begin.
That's the whole point. Did you read about the "extinct" Polar bears? There is no point in posting something to you because
proof and evidence doesn't make a dent in that shit for brains skull of yours at all.

People are not doing nearly enough. Trump has our emissions increasing. China is taking action. Their emissions per capita is far less than ours. Quit using China as an excuse.
Once again did you read the link? China pumps out more CO2 than the US and EU combined!
Greta Thunberg never once mentioned them and you are trying to tell me they are being scapegoated? Go fuck yourself, dimwit.

Greta has made you look pathetic ignorant, and selfish as you pick on this girl while not joining in her efforts to get action.
She's a UN shill! The only sort of green the IPCC cares about is the redistribution of trillions of dollars
they hope to get from this hoax. It ain't happening thanks to the epic dishonesty
of fools like you.
And my carbon "footprint" is negligible. It's damned sure less than Greta Thunberg's. Enjoy your fool's paradise, moron. Don't bother me again.
I guess you've only recently pulled your head out of your rectum and failed to notice the many many policies we have put in place that will reduce CO2 emissions. What makes you think no one is acting?

Has mass extinction begun? Have you checked the insect & bird populations?
No. It has not.
No reputable thinking persons claims otherwise. In fact some species, like the Polar bear which was in danger of extinction, is thriving and growing like never before. As Polar Bear Numbers Increase, GWPF Calls For Re-assessment Of Endangered Species Status | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)
One of the side effects of CO2 apparently is how stupid it makes some people act and how gullible they become.

Again, the "experts" said they were going extinct. Instead they are thriving in our supposedly doomed world. Fuck off, moron.

When does a disaster start? When it is set in an unstoppable motion or do we have to wait for the worst effects?
Again people are doing things to lower fossil fuel emissions, China notwithstanding.

The iidea you did not know the the timeline to take serious action is not within the next decade is just proof of your ignorance'
Serious people already are taking serious action. How could you fail to notice that? It must be because you are so stupid.

That 16 year old girl is far far far wiser than you.
No. She is an irrational fear mongering stooge with severe mental problems. No wonder you admire her as a kindred spirit with mental shortcomings of your own.

You have zero clue as whether a mass extinction has begun. You won't know until it is here. Lets review, we are experiencing rapid climate change that , if we do nothing" could be catastrophic. Insect & bird populations are shrinking at alarming rates. Rain forests are on fire because of greed. Our envirionment is under assault by that fat assed orange POS you likely voted for. Sounds to be that we could indeed be on that path.

People are not doing nearly enough. Trump has our emissions increasing. China is taking action. Their emissions per capita is far less than ours. Quit using China as an excuse.

Greta has made you look pathetic ignorant, and selfish as you pick on this girl while not joining in her efforts to get action.
OMG! Trump has improved the economy! He must be stopped!

Has it? Skyrocketing deficits. The Fed had to bail out a financial institution, the first time since 2008. The Fed had to lower interest rates go stave off a recession. Recent job gains have been below average.

And who knew you had to trade our environment for corporate profits. Trump is so fucking inept, the only way he thinks he can improve our economy is through lowering standards on air & water. To help corporations by making workplaces less safe.

His trade wars are killing the family farmer & hurting US manufacturing & costing us jobs.

But hey, that economy!! Right dumbass

The Fed had to bail out a financial institution, the first time since 2008.

I guess you've only recently pulled your head out of your rectum and failed to notice the many many policies we have put in place that will reduce CO2 emissions. What makes you think no one is acting?

Has mass extinction begun? Have you checked the insect & bird populations?
No. It has not.
No reputable thinking persons claims otherwise. In fact some species, like the Polar bear which was in danger of extinction, is thriving and growing like never before. As Polar Bear Numbers Increase, GWPF Calls For Re-assessment Of Endangered Species Status | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)
One of the side effects of CO2 apparently is how stupid it makes some people act and how gullible they become.

Again, the "experts" said they were going extinct. Instead they are thriving in our supposedly doomed world. Fuck off, moron.

When does a disaster start? When it is set in an unstoppable motion or do we have to wait for the worst effects?
Again people are doing things to lower fossil fuel emissions, China notwithstanding.

The iidea you did not know the the timeline to take serious action is not within the next decade is just proof of your ignorance'
Serious people already are taking serious action. How could you fail to notice that? It must be because you are so stupid.

That 16 year old girl is far far far wiser than you.
No. She is an irrational fear mongering stooge with severe mental problems. No wonder you admire her as a kindred spirit with mental shortcomings of your own.

You have zero clue as whether a mass extinction has begun. You won't know until it is here. Lets review, we are experiencing rapid climate change that , if we do nothing" could be catastrophic. Insect & bird populations are shrinking at alarming rates. Rain forests are on fire because of greed. Our envirionment is under assault by that fat assed orange POS you likely voted for. Sounds to be that we could indeed be on that path.

People are not doing nearly enough. Trump has our emissions increasing. China is taking action. Their emissions per capita is far less than ours. Quit using China as an excuse.

Greta has made you look pathetic ignorant, and selfish as you pick on this girl while not joining in her efforts to get action.
You use to many kids and anyone for their 15 minutes for your agendas. I am warning you. At some point we will be ripe for a real dictator. And that person will have the answers. We are not immune to this. Those jackals in the media/entertainment/political/unelected political/ power fiefdoms/judicial and anything related care about their own azzes first. You see the proof everyday. None of them give it all up for any of the causes. But they spout like the worst volcanic eruption in history.

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