Greta Thunberg Meets With Barack Obama To Talk Climate Fear


It takes the Earth decades to remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere. In order to stop the worse effects of climate change we need to reduce CO2 emissions in an attempt to lower the CO2 concentrations. WE need to start now or there will not be able to head off the worst effects.

It is called SCIENCE.

Perhaps you need to pull your head of of your ass & get a fucking education.
Yes what? Have you found a respected climatologist who says we have just ten years to remove excess CO2 or we are doomed? What is his name? Where has he said this? Why hasn't this person come out and backed up little Greta?
Let's just be polite and say you don't have a fucking clue!

And are you saying we are not already actively trying to lower CO2 levels?
Who is financing the law suit Greta has filed against five nations? Greta Thunberg Files Suit Against Five Countries For Climate Inaction Without Including China
And why is China being ignored by her? Or do their coal burning power plants and their billion people not promote AGW?

Can you answer any of this? Again, you don't have a clue. This isn't true science Thunberg and doorknobs like you are pushing. It's a grand hoax and a scam and you are too fucking dim
to see that. Keep on drinking.
Last edited:
I cannot see why no one noticed that she is hamming it up. No one really behaves that way emotionally. You only see that kind of acting on soap operas and William Shatner's characters. She has came from a theatrical family. That she was taught to ham it up every day. I heard that over in their country. That they only plays on T.V. Is reruns of old American shows.

This is how people acts when they are really upset.

You wiill be dead when the major effects of climate change will become reality.

So will I.

The difference between us is that you don't give a shit about what happens when you are dead.

Me, I am pissed off, because I don't want my children & grandchildren to suffer those effects especially when we can lessen them by acting now.

I love my children & grandchildren. I will take any action to make their future better.

You obviously hate yours. Why? Why not take action. What are you afraid of here.

Well I have a lot of things on my bucket list that I have to accomplish. I'm sure am not going to give away all of my money to the rich so that I'll never be able to afford to accomplish those things that are on my bucket list. I see that Obama fulfilled some of his things that is on his list.
Uhmm..., I wonder if that was a solar power boat that they were on. And was the equipments were made from recycle straws that came out of the sea turtle's nose.



A stupid deranged brainwashed kid meeting with a worthless piece of shit Neggra Muslim.

Typical of Moon Bat trash.
Hilarious. I wonder if it was at his beachfront mansion he collected his wisdom from a 16 year old high school dropout at.

Reality is there’s never been a human in all of history who’s believed they were wiser at 16 than in later years.

Obama meets with Greta Thunberg: 'One of our planet's greatest advocates'
She is a smart kid

Strange that conservatives are not as bright

She's a disrespectful entitled brat and as a child she has nothing to say that is worth listening to.
Another assfuck Trumpette who trashes a young girl.

You elected a disrespectful, entitled brat.


Have you apologized for all of the death threats they received?
Hilarious. I wonder if it was at his beachfront mansion he collected his wisdom from a 16 year old high school dropout at.

Reality is there’s never been a human in all of history who’s believed they were wiser at 16 than in later years.

Obama meets with Greta Thunberg: 'One of our planet's greatest advocates'
She is a smart kid

Strange that conservatives are not as bright

She's a disrespectful entitled brat and as a child she has nothing to say that is worth listening to.
Another assfuck Trumpette who trashes a young girl.

You elected a disrespectful, entitled brat.
View attachment 281263
View attachment 281264

Have you apologized for all of the death threats they received?

Why should I apologize.

Did you apologize for the death threats Obama got?
Hilarious. I wonder if it was at his beachfront mansion he collected his wisdom from a 16 year old high school dropout at.

Reality is there’s never been a human in all of history who’s believed they were wiser at 16 than in later years.

Obama meets with Greta Thunberg: 'One of our planet's greatest advocates'
She is a smart kid

Strange that conservatives are not as bright

She's a disrespectful entitled brat and as a child she has nothing to say that is worth listening to.
Another assfuck Trumpette who trashes a young girl.

You elected a disrespectful, entitled brat.
View attachment 281263
View attachment 281264

Have you apologized for all of the death threats they received?

Why should I apologize.

Did you apologize for the death threats Obama got?
Anyone who threatened Obama got arrested, we’re talking about children you Leftards threatened to murder.
I cannot see why no one noticed that she is hamming it up. No one really behaves that way emotionally. You only see that kind of acting on soap operas and William Shatner's characters. She has came from a theatrical family. That she was taught to ham it up every day. I heard that over in their country. That they only plays on T.V. Is reruns of old American shows.

This is how people acts when they are really upset.

You wiill be dead when the major effects of climate change will become reality.

So will I.

The difference between us is that you don't give a shit about what happens when you are dead.

Me, I am pissed off, because I don't want my children & grandchildren to suffer those effects especially when we can lessen them by acting now.

I love my children & grandchildren. I will take any action to make their future better.

You obviously hate yours. Why? Why not take action. What are you afraid of here.

Well I have a lot of things on my bucket list that I have to accomplish. I'm sure am not going to give away all of my money to the rich so that I'll never be able to afford to accomplish those things that are on my bucket list. I see that Obama fulfilled some of his things that is on his list.
Uhmm..., I wonder if that was a solar power boat that they were on. And was the equipments were made from recycle straws that came out of the sea turtle's nose.


View attachment 281243

You have no clue what they have done to help the climate change issue.

They might do so much to pffset the emissions from that power boat.

Why the fuck should people who are fighting climate change & doing their share go beyond what is their duty to future generations when asssfucks like you do nothing?

Say I believe in helping global starvation. I send food & funding to areas where people are hungry & starving. Would you expet me not to eat & come up screaming at me buyt why aten't you sending that food to Africa?

This is how fucking stupid yopu people are.

I do plenty to reduce my carbon footprint. It does not mean I can't fly to the Islands for a vacation.
She is a smart kid

Strange that conservatives are not as bright

She's a disrespectful entitled brat and as a child she has nothing to say that is worth listening to.
Another assfuck Trumpette who trashes a young girl.

You elected a disrespectful, entitled brat.
View attachment 281263
View attachment 281264

Have you apologized for all of the death threats they received?

Why should I apologize.

Did you apologize for the death threats Obama got?
Anyone who threatened Obama got arrested, we’re talking about children you Leftards threatened to murder.
Who did I threaten?

It takes the Earth decades to remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere. In order to stop the worse effects of climate change we need to reduce CO2 emissions in an attempt to lower the CO2 concentrations. WE need to start now or there will not be able to head off the worst effects.

It is called SCIENCE.

Perhaps you need to pull your head of of your ass & get a fucking education.
Yes what? Have you found a respected climatologist who says we have just ten years to remove excess CO2 or we are doomed? What is his name? Where has he said this? Why hasn't this person come out and backed up little Greta?
Let's just be polite and say you don't have a fucking clue!

And are you saying we are not already actively trying to lower CO2 levels?
Who is financing the law suit Greta has filed against five nations? Greta Thunberg Files Suit Against Five Countries For Climate Inaction Without Including China
And why is China being ignored by her? Or do their coal burning power plants and their billion people not promote AGW?

Can you answer any of this? Again, you don't have a clue. This isn't true science Thunberg and doorknobs like you are pushing. It's a grand hoax and a scam and you are too fucking dim
to see that. Keep on drinking.
We have ten to twelve years to start a meaningful program to address reduction.. Not remove it, You are really stupid.

My God, climate scientists have been saying it long before Greta. Like I said, if your head was not so far up your ass, you would know it.

All you assfucks do is run around screaming "What about China". China ranks far far far below us in emissions per capita.

It takes the Earth decades to remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere. In order to stop the worse effects of climate change we need to reduce CO2 emissions in an attempt to lower the CO2 concentrations. WE need to start now or there will not be able to head off the worst effects.

It is called SCIENCE.

Perhaps you need to pull your head of of your ass & get a fucking education.
Yes what? Have you found a respected climatologist who says we have just ten years to remove excess CO2 or we are doomed? What is his name? Where has he said this? Why hasn't this person come out and backed up little Greta?
Let's just be polite and say you don't have a fucking clue!

And are you saying we are not already actively trying to lower CO2 levels?
Who is financing the law suit Greta has filed against five nations? Greta Thunberg Files Suit Against Five Countries For Climate Inaction Without Including China
And why is China being ignored by her? Or do their coal burning power plants and their billion people not promote AGW?

Can you answer any of this? Again, you don't have a clue. This isn't true science Thunberg and doorknobs like you are pushing. It's a grand hoax and a scam and you are too fucking dim
to see that. Keep on drinking.
We have ten to twelve years to start a meaningful program to address reduction.. Not remove it, You are really stupid.

My God, climate scientists have been saying it long before Greta. Like I said, if your head was not so far up your ass, you would know it.

All you assfucks do is run around screaming "What about China". China ranks far far far below us in emissions per capita.
Nobody believes in your myth. Nobody.
All things equal, plant output increases with CO2.

All things are not equal. Higher CO2 means higher temperatures & these can reduce output.

I thought you were so know-it-all but you are just another dumbass denier.
I don’t claim to be a know it all. But I do know what you just wrote is bullshit.

Plant growth increases with higher CO2 and warmer temperatures than compared to lower CO2 and cooler temperatures.

Of course I reject the premise that we are causing the planet to warm. We are in an interglacial cycle and our present temperatures are still well below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles.

With every degree day above 90/95 corn will lose a percentage of its yield.

Higher temperatures will reduce nectar production in many plants.

This is common knowledge to those in agriculture.

Of course you reject that premise. Why are CO2 levels rising? Certainly you aren't so stupid as to reject the greenhouse effect, are you?

Go back to when the CO2 levels were higher, how did man survive?

When coastal cities need to either try to hold back rising oceans or just lose some of their area. When farmers can no longer grow crops because of heat & arid. Farmers lose their farms & incomes. Food can become scarce. Billions & billions & billions in loses. People will survive. T

All because you stupid ASSFUCKS are ignorant. Wow. Its science. Quit pretending you know more than the scientists because from your posts, you don't know shit.

It seems one of your errors is assigning all days at high temperatures to CO2 like there were never any days above high temperatures before.

Of course there is a greenhouse gas effect. It’s the feedbacks they assign on top of that are in error.

Can you tell me what you believe the CO2 concentration will be in 2100?

Not an error on my part. An error of you lying about what I said.

Obviously, as the average global temps go up, there will be mote "hot" days. Thereby, less crop yield.

The average global temperature have been going up. Greenhouse gas emissions have been going up.

What else is happening that makes temperatures go up.

I can't tell you what it will be in 2100. It depends if the smart people gain control or if the stupid people like we have now pretend there is no problem & roll back efforts to reduce emissions..

You are obviously unfamiliar with the concept that it takes decades for the Earth to remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere. Wait until 2100 to do something will not stop AGW. That is why we need to act now.
More hot days?

What is the incremental temperatures for these hot days?

And how many hot days are you talking about?
For corn, it is 95 degrees. It can vary from plant to plant.

It takes the Earth decades to remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere. In order to stop the worse effects of climate change we need to reduce CO2 emissions in an attempt to lower the CO2 concentrations. WE need to start now or there will not be able to head off the worst effects.

It is called SCIENCE.

Perhaps you need to pull your head of of your ass & get a fucking education.
Yes what? Have you found a respected climatologist who says we have just ten years to remove excess CO2 or we are doomed? What is his name? Where has he said this? Why hasn't this person come out and backed up little Greta?
Let's just be polite and say you don't have a fucking clue!

And are you saying we are not already actively trying to lower CO2 levels?
Who is financing the law suit Greta has filed against five nations? Greta Thunberg Files Suit Against Five Countries For Climate Inaction Without Including China
And why is China being ignored by her? Or do their coal burning power plants and their billion people not promote AGW?

Can you answer any of this? Again, you don't have a clue. This isn't true science Thunberg and doorknobs like you are pushing. It's a grand hoax and a scam and you are too fucking dim
to see that. Keep on drinking.
We have ten to twelve years to start a meaningful program to address reduction.. Not remove it, You are really stupid.

My God, climate scientists have been saying it long before Greta. Like I said, if your head was not so far up your ass, you would know it.

All you assfucks do is run around screaming "What about China". China ranks far far far below us in emissions per capita.
Nobody believes in your myth. Nobody.
Smart people do believe in science. You believe Trump & Limbaugh
I cannot see why no one noticed that she is hamming it up. No one really behaves that way emotionally. You only see that kind of acting on soap operas and William Shatner's characters. She has came from a theatrical family. That she was taught to ham it up every day. I heard that over in their country. That they only plays on T.V. Is reruns of old American shows.

This is how people acts when they are really upset.

You wiill be dead when the major effects of climate change will become reality.

So will I.

The difference between us is that you don't give a shit about what happens when you are dead.

Me, I am pissed off, because I don't want my children & grandchildren to suffer those effects especially when we can lessen them by acting now.

I love my children & grandchildren. I will take any action to make their future better.

You obviously hate yours. Why? Why not take action. What are you afraid of here.

Well I have a lot of things on my bucket list that I have to accomplish. I'm sure am not going to give away all of my money to the rich so that I'll never be able to afford to accomplish those things that are on my bucket list. I see that Obama fulfilled some of his things that is on his list.
Uhmm..., I wonder if that was a solar power boat that they were on. And was the equipments were made from recycle straws that came out of the sea turtle's nose.


View attachment 281243

You have no clue what they have done to help the climate change issue.

They might do so much to pffset the emissions from that power boat.

Why the fuck should people who are fighting climate change & doing their share go beyond what is their duty to future generations when asssfucks like you do nothing?

Say I believe in helping global starvation. I send food & funding to areas where people are hungry & starving. Would you expet me not to eat & come up screaming at me buyt why aten't you sending that food to Africa?

This is how fucking stupid yopu people are.

I do plenty to reduce my carbon footprint. It does not mean I can't fly to the Islands for a vacation.

I'm just worried about how many sea turtles that has gotten whacked on top of their heads by those skis they were wearing. And those speed boats has knocked them senseless. No wonder turtles are so slow. It is because of environmental unfriendly visitors like them doesn't gives a damn for nature.

Speedboats and Turtles Equal a Deadly Combination | HuffPost
I don’t claim to be a know it all. But I do know what you just wrote is bullshit.

Plant growth increases with higher CO2 and warmer temperatures than compared to lower CO2 and cooler temperatures.

Of course I reject the premise that we are causing the planet to warm. We are in an interglacial cycle and our present temperatures are still well below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles.

With every degree day above 90/95 corn will lose a percentage of its yield.

Higher temperatures will reduce nectar production in many plants.

This is common knowledge to those in agriculture.

Of course you reject that premise. Why are CO2 levels rising? Certainly you aren't so stupid as to reject the greenhouse effect, are you?

Go back to when the CO2 levels were higher, how did man survive?

When coastal cities need to either try to hold back rising oceans or just lose some of their area. When farmers can no longer grow crops because of heat & arid. Farmers lose their farms & incomes. Food can become scarce. Billions & billions & billions in loses. People will survive. T

All because you stupid ASSFUCKS are ignorant. Wow. Its science. Quit pretending you know more than the scientists because from your posts, you don't know shit.

It seems one of your errors is assigning all days at high temperatures to CO2 like there were never any days above high temperatures before.

Of course there is a greenhouse gas effect. It’s the feedbacks they assign on top of that are in error.

Can you tell me what you believe the CO2 concentration will be in 2100?

Not an error on my part. An error of you lying about what I said.

Obviously, as the average global temps go up, there will be mote "hot" days. Thereby, less crop yield.

The average global temperature have been going up. Greenhouse gas emissions have been going up.

What else is happening that makes temperatures go up.

I can't tell you what it will be in 2100. It depends if the smart people gain control or if the stupid people like we have now pretend there is no problem & roll back efforts to reduce emissions..

You are obviously unfamiliar with the concept that it takes decades for the Earth to remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere. Wait until 2100 to do something will not stop AGW. That is why we need to act now.
More hot days?

What is the incremental temperatures for these hot days?

And how many hot days are you talking about?
For corn, it is 95 degrees. It can vary from plant to plant.
How does corn grow on ice?

It takes the Earth decades to remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere. In order to stop the worse effects of climate change we need to reduce CO2 emissions in an attempt to lower the CO2 concentrations. WE need to start now or there will not be able to head off the worst effects.

It is called SCIENCE.

Perhaps you need to pull your head of of your ass & get a fucking education.
Yes what? Have you found a respected climatologist who says we have just ten years to remove excess CO2 or we are doomed? What is his name? Where has he said this? Why hasn't this person come out and backed up little Greta?
Let's just be polite and say you don't have a fucking clue!

And are you saying we are not already actively trying to lower CO2 levels?
Who is financing the law suit Greta has filed against five nations? Greta Thunberg Files Suit Against Five Countries For Climate Inaction Without Including China
And why is China being ignored by her? Or do their coal burning power plants and their billion people not promote AGW?

Can you answer any of this? Again, you don't have a clue. This isn't true science Thunberg and doorknobs like you are pushing. It's a grand hoax and a scam and you are too fucking dim
to see that. Keep on drinking.
We have ten to twelve years to start a meaningful program to address reduction.. Not remove it, You are really stupid.

My God, climate scientists have been saying it long before Greta. Like I said, if your head was not so far up your ass, you would know it.

All you assfucks do is run around screaming "What about China". China ranks far far far below us in emissions per capita.
Nobody believes in your myth. Nobody.
Smart people do believe in science. You believe Trump & Limbaugh

It takes the Earth decades to remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere. In order to stop the worse effects of climate change we need to reduce CO2 emissions in an attempt to lower the CO2 concentrations. WE need to start now or there will not be able to head off the worst effects.

It is called SCIENCE.

Perhaps you need to pull your head of of your ass & get a fucking education.
Yes what? Have you found a respected climatologist who says we have just ten years to remove excess CO2 or we are doomed? What is his name? Where has he said this? Why hasn't this person come out and backed up little Greta?
Let's just be polite and say you don't have a fucking clue!

And are you saying we are not already actively trying to lower CO2 levels?
Who is financing the law suit Greta has filed against five nations? Greta Thunberg Files Suit Against Five Countries For Climate Inaction Without Including China
And why is China being ignored by her? Or do their coal burning power plants and their billion people not promote AGW?

Can you answer any of this? Again, you don't have a clue. This isn't true science Thunberg and doorknobs like you are pushing. It's a grand hoax and a scam and you are too fucking dim
to see that. Keep on drinking.
We have ten to twelve years to start a meaningful program to address reduction.. Not remove it, You are really stupid.

My God, climate scientists have been saying it long before Greta. Like I said, if your head was not so far up your ass, you would know it.

All you assfucks do is run around screaming "What about China". China ranks far far far below us in emissions per capita.
Nobody believes in your myth. Nobody.
Smart people do believe in science. You believe Trump & Limbaugh
Hilarious. Your scientific expert is a 16 year old high school dropout.

It takes the Earth decades to remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere. In order to stop the worse effects of climate change we need to reduce CO2 emissions in an attempt to lower the CO2 concentrations. WE need to start now or there will not be able to head off the worst effects.

It is called SCIENCE.

Perhaps you need to pull your head of of your ass & get a fucking education.
Yes what? Have you found a respected climatologist who says we have just ten years to remove excess CO2 or we are doomed? What is his name? Where has he said this? Why hasn't this person come out and backed up little Greta?
Let's just be polite and say you don't have a fucking clue!

And are you saying we are not already actively trying to lower CO2 levels?
Who is financing the law suit Greta has filed against five nations? Greta Thunberg Files Suit Against Five Countries For Climate Inaction Without Including China
And why is China being ignored by her? Or do their coal burning power plants and their billion people not promote AGW?

Can you answer any of this? Again, you don't have a clue. This isn't true science Thunberg and doorknobs like you are pushing. It's a grand hoax and a scam and you are too fucking dim
to see that. Keep on drinking.
We have ten to twelve years to start a meaningful program to address reduction.. Not remove it, You are really stupid.

My God, climate scientists have been saying it long before Greta. Like I said, if your head was not so far up your ass, you would know it.

All you assfucks do is run around screaming "What about China". China ranks far far far below us in emissions per capita.
Nobody believes in your myth. Nobody.
Smart people do believe in science. You believe Trump & Limbaugh

It takes the Earth decades to remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere. In order to stop the worse effects of climate change we need to reduce CO2 emissions in an attempt to lower the CO2 concentrations. WE need to start now or there will not be able to head off the worst effects.

It is called SCIENCE.

Perhaps you need to pull your head of of your ass & get a fucking education.
Yes what? Have you found a respected climatologist who says we have just ten years to remove excess CO2 or we are doomed? What is his name? Where has he said this? Why hasn't this person come out and backed up little Greta?
Let's just be polite and say you don't have a fucking clue!

And are you saying we are not already actively trying to lower CO2 levels?
Who is financing the law suit Greta has filed against five nations? Greta Thunberg Files Suit Against Five Countries For Climate Inaction Without Including China
And why is China being ignored by her? Or do their coal burning power plants and their billion people not promote AGW?

Can you answer any of this? Again, you don't have a clue. This isn't true science Thunberg and doorknobs like you are pushing. It's a grand hoax and a scam and you are too fucking dim
to see that. Keep on drinking.
We have ten to twelve years to start a meaningful program to address reduction.. Not remove it, You are really stupid.

My God, climate scientists have been saying it long before Greta. Like I said, if your head was not so far up your ass, you would know it.

All you assfucks do is run around screaming "What about China". China ranks far far far below us in emissions per capita.
Nobody believes in your myth. Nobody.
Smart people do believe in science. You believe Trump & Limbaugh
Hilarious. Your scientific expert is a 16 year old high school dropout.

Who is your scientific expert?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It takes the Earth decades to remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere. In order to stop the worse effects of climate change we need to reduce CO2 emissions in an attempt to lower the CO2 concentrations. WE need to start now or there will not be able to head off the worst effects.

It is called SCIENCE.

Perhaps you need to pull your head of of your ass & get a fucking education.
Yes what? Have you found a respected climatologist who says we have just ten years to remove excess CO2 or we are doomed? What is his name? Where has he said this? Why hasn't this person come out and backed up little Greta?
Let's just be polite and say you don't have a fucking clue!

And are you saying we are not already actively trying to lower CO2 levels?
Who is financing the law suit Greta has filed against five nations? Greta Thunberg Files Suit Against Five Countries For Climate Inaction Without Including China
And why is China being ignored by her? Or do their coal burning power plants and their billion people not promote AGW?

Can you answer any of this? Again, you don't have a clue. This isn't true science Thunberg and doorknobs like you are pushing. It's a grand hoax and a scam and you are too fucking dim
to see that. Keep on drinking.
We have ten to twelve years to start a meaningful program to address reduction.. Not remove it, You are really stupid.

My God, climate scientists have been saying it long before Greta. Like I said, if your head was not so far up your ass, you would know it.

All you assfucks do is run around screaming "What about China". China ranks far far far below us in emissions per capita.
Nobody believes in your myth. Nobody.
Smart people do believe in science. You believe Trump & Limbaugh

It takes the Earth decades to remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere. In order to stop the worse effects of climate change we need to reduce CO2 emissions in an attempt to lower the CO2 concentrations. WE need to start now or there will not be able to head off the worst effects.

It is called SCIENCE.

Perhaps you need to pull your head of of your ass & get a fucking education.
Yes what? Have you found a respected climatologist who says we have just ten years to remove excess CO2 or we are doomed? What is his name? Where has he said this? Why hasn't this person come out and backed up little Greta?
Let's just be polite and say you don't have a fucking clue!

And are you saying we are not already actively trying to lower CO2 levels?
Who is financing the law suit Greta has filed against five nations? Greta Thunberg Files Suit Against Five Countries For Climate Inaction Without Including China
And why is China being ignored by her? Or do their coal burning power plants and their billion people not promote AGW?

Can you answer any of this? Again, you don't have a clue. This isn't true science Thunberg and doorknobs like you are pushing. It's a grand hoax and a scam and you are too fucking dim
to see that. Keep on drinking.
We have ten to twelve years to start a meaningful program to address reduction.. Not remove it, You are really stupid.

My God, climate scientists have been saying it long before Greta. Like I said, if your head was not so far up your ass, you would know it.

All you assfucks do is run around screaming "What about China". China ranks far far far below us in emissions per capita.
Nobody believes in your myth. Nobody.
Smart people do believe in science. You believe Trump & Limbaugh
Hilarious. Your scientific expert is a 16 year old high school dropout.
Nice try assfuck but I've arguing AGW with you morons long before Greta was on the scene.

I use science.

You use a college drop out drug addict.

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