Greta Thunberg Meets With Barack Obama To Talk Climate Fear

What makes supporting the environment anti American?

Antifa and the climate hoaxers are not concerned about the environment at all. They use the guise of pretending to care about the environment to advance their anti-American, anti-capitalist Agenda.

Even AOC’s staff admitted that the “Green New Deal” wasn’t really about saving the environment, but changing our whole economic system.
Antifa and the climate hoaxers are not concerned about the environment at all. They use the guise of pretending to care about the environment to advance their anti-American, anti-capitalist Agenda
Because capitalism is killing this planet

"Viewed from the perspective of geological history, our current climatic and economic conditions are unusual.

"For most of the last 60 million years, the climate has been wildly unstable.

"It was only 10,000 years ago that it settled into its current stable state, and within this period that the Holocene emerged, during which human societies shifted their relationship with nature though agriculture, and then creating complex settled socio-economic forms, including capitalism."

Climate Change and Capitalism: A Political Marxist View. - Resilience

Because capitalism is killing this planet

Yeah, the environment is much cleaner in communist/former communist countries.
What does that have to do with rolling back environmental regulations in OUR country??

Whiney commies whining about capitalism are funny. Funny morons.
I laugh at yet another one of your stupid posts.

Trump says we should sacrifice our environmert for corporate profits. And you are dumb enough to agree.
Antifa and the climate hoaxers are not concerned about the environment at all. They use the guise of pretending to care about the environment to advance their anti-American, anti-capitalist Agenda.

Even AOC’s staff admitted that the “Green New Deal” wasn’t really about saving the environment, but changing our whole economic system.
Antifa and the climate hoaxers are not concerned about the environment at all. They use the guise of pretending to care about the environment to advance their anti-American, anti-capitalist Agenda
Because capitalism is killing this planet

"Viewed from the perspective of geological history, our current climatic and economic conditions are unusual.

"For most of the last 60 million years, the climate has been wildly unstable.

"It was only 10,000 years ago that it settled into its current stable state, and within this period that the Holocene emerged, during which human societies shifted their relationship with nature though agriculture, and then creating complex settled socio-economic forms, including capitalism."

Climate Change and Capitalism: A Political Marxist View. - Resilience

Because capitalism is killing this planet

Yeah, the environment is much cleaner in communist/former communist countries.
What does that have to do with rolling back environmental regulations in OUR country??

Whiney commies whining about capitalism are funny. Funny morons.
I laugh at yet another one of your stupid posts.

Trump says we should sacrifice our environmert for corporate profits. And you are dumb enough to agree.

No profits under communism, their environment is much worse than ours.
Hilarious. I wonder if it was at his beachfront mansion he collected his wisdom from a 16 year old high school dropout at.

Reality is there’s never been a human in all of history who’s believed they were wiser at 16 than in later years.

Obama meets with Greta Thunberg: 'One of our planet's greatest advocates'
Funny how that 16 year old is smarter than you trumpettes.
Hitler was a genius as were most mass murderers in history.

Wisdom is what matters.
Because capitalism is killing this planet

"Viewed from the perspective of geological history, our current climatic and economic conditions are unusual.

"For most of the last 60 million years, the climate has been wildly unstable.

"It was only 10,000 years ago that it settled into its current stable state, and within this period that the Holocene emerged, during which human societies shifted their relationship with nature though agriculture, and then creating complex settled socio-economic forms, including capitalism."

Climate Change and Capitalism: A Political Marxist View. - Resilience

Because capitalism is killing this planet

Yeah, the environment is much cleaner in communist/former communist countries.
What does that have to do with rolling back environmental regulations in OUR country??

Whiney commies whining about capitalism are funny. Funny morons.
I laugh at yet another one of your stupid posts.

Trump says we should sacrifice our environmert for corporate profits. And you are dumb enough to agree.

No profits under communism, their environment is much worse than ours.
So how do communist government fund themselves if there are no profits.

Wow, there is a country whose environment is worse than ours so we should continue to dergrade ours. Really? Trumpette thinking at work.
Before I go ....

Wakey, wakey Demrats, Leftwing sheeple......WAKEY WAKEY

Soros??? THE Soros funding the little piece of %^&* ????

why, yes he is

what did you expect???:04:

SURPRISE! The Official Escort for 16-Year-Old Global Warming 'Expert' Greta Thunberg Is a Leftist Hack Funded by George Soros Org.


Conservative Boogeyman
If he is funding her......Good for him
You like foreigners interfering in our elections I see.
This who cheered Russian support for his orange hero.

Trying to educate you stupid fucks is only interfering if Trump voters are dumbasses.
Because capitalism is killing this planet

Yeah, the environment is much cleaner in communist/former communist countries.
What does that have to do with rolling back environmental regulations in OUR country??

Whiney commies whining about capitalism are funny. Funny morons.
I laugh at yet another one of your stupid posts.

Trump says we should sacrifice our environmert for corporate profits. And you are dumb enough to agree.

No profits under communism, their environment is much worse than ours.
So how do communist government fund themselves if there are no profits.

Wow, there is a country whose environment is worse than ours so we should continue to dergrade ours. Really? Trumpette thinking at work.

So how do communist government fund themselves if there are no profits.

They own everything, idjit.

Wow, there is a country whose environment is worse than ours so we should continue to dergrade ours.

Canceling Obama's moronic 54.5 MPG CAFE standards is going to degrade our environment? Really?
Because capitalism is killing this planet

"Viewed from the perspective of geological history, our current climatic and economic conditions are unusual.

"For most of the last 60 million years, the climate has been wildly unstable.

"It was only 10,000 years ago that it settled into its current stable state, and within this period that the Holocene emerged, during which human societies shifted their relationship with nature though agriculture, and then creating complex settled socio-economic forms, including capitalism."

Climate Change and Capitalism: A Political Marxist View. - Resilience

Because capitalism is killing this planet

Yeah, the environment is much cleaner in communist/former communist countries.
What does that have to do with rolling back environmental regulations in OUR country??

Whiney commies whining about capitalism are funny. Funny morons.
I laugh at yet another one of your stupid posts.

Trump says we should sacrifice our environmert for corporate profits. And you are dumb enough to agree.

No profits under communism, their environment is much worse than ours.
The Chinese are planning to end the sale of internal combustion vehicles by 2040. The red hat goobers want our vehicles to use more gas. Commies are moving in one direction while we want to turn back the clock. Makes you feel proud doesn`t it?
Because capitalism is killing this planet

Yeah, the environment is much cleaner in communist/former communist countries.
What does that have to do with rolling back environmental regulations in OUR country??

Whiney commies whining about capitalism are funny. Funny morons.
I laugh at yet another one of your stupid posts.

Trump says we should sacrifice our environmert for corporate profits. And you are dumb enough to agree.

No profits under communism, their environment is much worse than ours.
The Chinese are planning to end the sale of internal combustion vehicles by 2040. The red hat goobers want our vehicles to use more gas. Commies are moving in one direction while we want to turn back the clock. Makes you feel proud doesn`t it?

The Chinese are planning to end the sale of internal combustion vehicles by 2040.

So what?

The red hat goobers want our vehicles to use more gas.

Dems want you to ride a bike to work.

Commies are moving in one direction

Otherwise they send you to the gulag, moron.

while we want to turn back the clock.

I know, too much freedom here.

Makes you feel proud doesn`t it?

Yes, erasing Obama's stupid regulations makes me proud.
Before I go ....

Wakey, wakey Demrats, Leftwing sheeple......WAKEY WAKEY

Soros??? THE Soros funding the little piece of %^&* ????

why, yes he is

what did you expect???:04:

SURPRISE! The Official Escort for 16-Year-Old Global Warming 'Expert' Greta Thunberg Is a Leftist Hack Funded by George Soros Org.


Conservative Boogeyman
If he is funding her......Good for him
You like foreigners interfering in our elections I see.
This who cheered Russian support for his orange hero.

Trying to educate you stupid fucks is only interfering if Trump voters are dumbasses.
Mueller and his army of lawyers spent years trying to get Trump, but you sitting at home in your underwear surfing discovered the truth.
Because capitalism is killing this planet

Yeah, the environment is much cleaner in communist/former communist countries.
What does that have to do with rolling back environmental regulations in OUR country??

Whiney commies whining about capitalism are funny. Funny morons.
I laugh at yet another one of your stupid posts.

Trump says we should sacrifice our environmert for corporate profits. And you are dumb enough to agree.

No profits under communism, their environment is much worse than ours.
So how do communist government fund themselves if there are no profits.

Wow, there is a country whose environment is worse than ours so we should continue to dergrade ours. Really? Trumpette thinking at work.
Go have a steak on Nancy.

Dems Cook 10,500 Steaks While Lecturing Americans About Eating Less Meat
Before I go ....

Wakey, wakey Demrats, Leftwing sheeple......WAKEY WAKEY

Soros??? THE Soros funding the little piece of %^&* ????

why, yes he is

what did you expect???:04:

SURPRISE! The Official Escort for 16-Year-Old Global Warming 'Expert' Greta Thunberg Is a Leftist Hack Funded by George Soros Org.


Conservative Boogeyman
If he is funding her......Good for him
You like foreigners interfering in our elections I see.
This who cheered Russian support for his orange hero.

Trying to educate you stupid fucks is only interfering if Trump voters are dumbasses.
Mueller and his army of lawyers spent years trying to get Trump, but you sitting at home in your underwear surfing discovered the truth.

Mueller said they could find no direct evidence of collusion.

That is no way says the Russians did not help your orange buddy. That is pretty much a fact.

You & Putin want the sane candidate to win. I would be disturbed but yiou love it. You love it so much you like that Trump has basically done nothing to prevent help again.

Donnie & Putin
Sitting in a tree

First comes collusion
Then comes control
Then comes Putin running our show
Before I go ....

Wakey, wakey Demrats, Leftwing sheeple......WAKEY WAKEY

Soros??? THE Soros funding the little piece of %^&* ????

why, yes he is

what did you expect???:04:

SURPRISE! The Official Escort for 16-Year-Old Global Warming 'Expert' Greta Thunberg Is a Leftist Hack Funded by George Soros Org.


Conservative Boogeyman
If he is funding her......Good for him
You like foreigners interfering in our elections I see.
This who cheered Russian support for his orange hero.

Trying to educate you stupid fucks is only interfering if Trump voters are dumbasses.
Mueller and his army of lawyers spent years trying to get Trump, but you sitting at home in your underwear surfing discovered the truth.

Mueller said they could find no direct evidence of collusion.

That is no way says the Russians did not help your orange buddy. That is pretty much a fact.

You & Putin want the sane candidate to win. I would be disturbed but yiou love it. You love it so much you like that Trump has basically done nothing to prevent help again.

Donnie & Putin
Sitting in a tree

First comes collusion
Then comes control
Then comes Putin running our show
This country does not have Hildabeast as president... live with it.
The Clintons have been in bed with Russia for decades. Fact
What does that have to do with rolling back environmental regulations in OUR country??

Whiney commies whining about capitalism are funny. Funny morons.
I laugh at yet another one of your stupid posts.

Trump says we should sacrifice our environmert for corporate profits. And you are dumb enough to agree.

No profits under communism, their environment is much worse than ours.
So how do communist government fund themselves if there are no profits.

Wow, there is a country whose environment is worse than ours so we should continue to dergrade ours. Really? Trumpette thinking at work.
Go have a steak on Nancy.

Dems Cook 10,500 Steaks While Lecturing Americans About Eating Less Meat


Funny how you asshats who do nothing because of your stupidity,demand that Democrats never do anything that has an effect on emissions. Evidently, you are too fuckling retarded to know what "less" means.

Conservative Boogeyman
If he is funding her......Good for him
You like foreigners interfering in our elections I see.
This who cheered Russian support for his orange hero.

Trying to educate you stupid fucks is only interfering if Trump voters are dumbasses.
Mueller and his army of lawyers spent years trying to get Trump, but you sitting at home in your underwear surfing discovered the truth.

Mueller said they could find no direct evidence of collusion.

That is no way says the Russians did not help your orange buddy. That is pretty much a fact.

You & Putin want the sane candidate to win. I would be disturbed but yiou love it. You love it so much you like that Trump has basically done nothing to prevent help again.

Donnie & Putin
Sitting in a tree

First comes collusion
Then comes control
Then comes Putin running our show
This country does not have Hildabeast as president... live with it.
The Clintons have been in bed with Russia for decades. Fact
But the Russians did not want Hillary, they wanted that fat assed POS orange fucker. Why is that?

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