Greta Thunberg meets with Zelensky

Of course it is staged and Piggy Face has had a 24x7 PR coach by her side since the beginning -- also to make Mummy and Daddy wealthy. Only a thought -- but if the Zaporozhye PP False Flag is imminent , the Clown will need Piggy Face to spread radio activity fake news to panic the world idiots

Maybe she smells some of that money we're giving Z by the boatloads, and wants a piece of the action. What better way to profit off that war by going with the "climate change" angle?
But why? What's the purpose here? It looks completely staged to me, and Zelensky looks uncomfortable.

Greta Thunberg meeting with President Zelensky in Kyiv today..."

Wow. I think what we have here is two people using each other to get recognition in order to help them achieve their own agendas. Both think that climbing in bed with the other will help them in some way. They're probably right.
Maybe she smells some of that money we're giving Z by the boatloads, and wants a piece of the action. What better way to profit off that war by going with the "climate change" angle?


She sees the boatloads, so she is hoping that some of the $Billions can be used to "combat ecocide."

People are dying, and she's come to get donations for trees.

The fact that Zelensky actually met with her shows how corrupt he is. Dude is fighting a war and taking advice from a teenager???
China is the Sacred Cow of the DemoFascists. Climate Change and Green Energy is how they plan to make the US subservient to China.
That is why I can’t take the global climate change activists seriously. Be consistent in holding countries accountable or are they just using as a platform to beat up US?

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