Grocery bag tax..Good idea or bad?

-Banning plastic bags will require people to buy reusable bags
-Resusable bags would need to be cleaned to prevent buildup of bacterial diseases
-People who neglect cleaning bags or don't clean them properly get sick and possibly die

Thus, banning plastic bags kills people.

People should be smart enough to clean their reusable bags. Thus, idiotic people kill themselves.

Imagine, if you will, a reusable grocery bag that has been contaminated with a virulent strain of e coli. That bag belongs to one of those idiots you were talking about, and he stores it next to his water heater, keeping it at just the right temperature for the bugs to grow. He then goes shopping, and puts his bag on the counter to fill it up and pay for his groceries. You come along right behind him, and put your newly bought food on the same counter.

Guess who gets sick.

Bit of a stretch, and bordering on the ridiculous. You can make a better argument than this, I know you can.
-Banning plastic bags will require people to buy reusable bags
-Resusable bags would need to be cleaned to prevent buildup of bacterial diseases
-People who neglect cleaning bags or don't clean them properly get sick and possibly die

Thus, banning plastic bags kills people.

People should be smart enough to clean their reusable bags. Thus, idiotic people kill themselves.

Imagine, if you will, a reusable grocery bag that has been contaminated with a virulent strain of e coli. That bag belongs to one of those idiots you were talking about, and he stores it next to his water heater, keeping it at just the right temperature for the bugs to grow. He then goes shopping, and puts his bag on the counter to fill it up and pay for his groceries. You come along right behind him, and put your newly bought food on the same counter.

Guess who gets sick.

Guess who is a moron putting their produce unprotected on a counter they should assume periodically gets filthy from all the stuff passing over it.

How about you take a little god damn initiative.
I se it like the hell outta plastic bags means that less ppl will use them means less plastic goes into our environment. Win win

And more use canvas ones that their lazy asses never wash. Then as is already happening, they end up in the emrgency room eith food poisoning and cost the taxpayers money.
Why don't we just hand over every dime we make too the king and end all private ownership?
NO MORE GOD DAMN TAXES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Second explain how banning plastic bags kills people.

-Banning plastic bags will require people to buy reusable bags
-Resusable bags would need to be cleaned to prevent buildup of bacterial diseases
-People who neglect cleaning bags or don't clean them properly get sick and possibly die

Thus, banning plastic bags kills people.

Its not the lack ofbplastic bags that mskes someone neglect general're really stretching for that one
When I first moved to Europe, everybody had their own shopping bags. You folded them up and carried them with you when you went shopping. I thought it was a pretty decent idea. I have never heard of such things being disease carriers.

The cloth bags were an obvious improvement to the baskets they used to carry.

If you are unaware that reuseable bags carry disease, you just need to be educated.

How a Reusable Grocery Bag Can Spread Disease - Yahoo! News
Stupid idea. When paper bags replaced cloth sacks and baskets decades ago, disease declined. And here we have the human hating environazis wanting to force disease vectors back upon the public.

Of course, they would like to see a decrease in the "surplus population".

Just think of those meat juices leaking into those cloth totes, owner not washing it, reusing it. I want no part of those unhealthy activities.
Just wash, plastic sticking around for a hundred years isn't ok because some people won't wash.

You're being silly geese...wash your shit if you want to be healthy
I propose a heavy fine for those who bring unwashed cloth totes anywhere near a place where produce, vegetables, meats are sold. Why should I have to subject myself to those unsanitary bags.
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By this leap of logic everything kills people:
Soap: slip and fall
Cats: trip and die
Meat: bacteria

But I have yet to hear the same concerns... hell plastic bags DIRECTLY kills children from suffocation... you guys are grasping for straws and can't say why plastic is better.
The evidence from the District and Montgomery is overwhelming. In the District, plastic bag use has dropped by at least half since the 5-cent tax went into effect in 2010. In Montgomery, the drop was significant — about a third — though not as sharp as in the District; however, the county collected more than $2 million from the tax last year, which will help it pay to remove litter that includes plastic bags. [...]

Opponents of the legislation have suggested that reusable bags could harbor germs. That’s news in Europe, where they have been common, and safely used, for decades. They say reusable bags might be used by shoplifters. Please.

Industry lobbyists even argue that plastic bags don’t contribute much to litter, as if the visible evidence all around — bags in tree limbs, bags blowing down the street, bags clogging sewer drains — is invented. A study by the Maryland Department of the Environment last year confirmed their harmful effects.

The bag tax legislation pending in Annapolis is projected to cut the use of carryout bags and, under one scenario, generate $7.3 million in revenue, a quarter of which would be retained by retail establishments like grocery stores. It’s a sensible measure that will help the environment — if lawmakers have the spine to stand up to special interests.​

Standing up for statewide bag tax in Maryland
Why wouldn't new plastic bag Taxes be a good thing? It won't effect the poor who use our Tax dollars when they swipe their EBT cards anyway. The poor who are arguably the very ones making the greatest trash problem with regards to failing to properly dispose of these plastic bags. It's just another "feel good" which takes aim at the poor, yet only hits the middle class who aren't the ones creating this environmental problem in the first place. Yup, once again the road that is paved with good intentions completely misses the mark, and excuses the very people who are responsible for not recycling properly, and punishes the ones who actually do make the effort to recycle. Brilliant... In that the whole idea is so completely misguided.
So now only poor ppl pollute. You guys are runnimg out of excuses.

Compare the number of ways plastic bags kill or harm to the number of ways a canvas bag does. There is no comparison
Maryland is set to impose an additional tax on plastic bags. I heard a commercial about it saying thst it would hurt the middle class and poor while losing jobs. But itnwas paid for by plastic bag manufactures...sooooo...yeah.

I se it like the hell outta plastic bags means that less ppl will use them means less plastic goes into our environment. Win win

The only down side is for those who cannot livenwithout plastic bags will have to pay more for their plastic, or adapt.

Your thoughts?

They did here in Ireland years ago and it works well. People usually bring their own bags and the grocery stores sell reusable bags. We see a lot fewer plastic bags in the environment.
Stupid idea. When paper bags replaced cloth sacks and baskets decades ago, disease declined. And here we have the human hating environazis wanting to force disease vectors back upon the public.

Of course, they would like to see a decrease in the "surplus population".

That did not happen here in Ireland when the change was made.
The government should not be taxing to manipulate behavior. If people care enough to voluntarily use reusable bags, they will do it. If the government has a problem with plastic bags blowing around, that's a problem with litter, not plastic bags.

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