Grocery bag tax..Good idea or bad?

are you that dense or what?......if someone is saying plastic GROCERY bags are no good....but are avoiding talking about plastic trash bags like they DON'T present a problem.....i want to know why.....maybe your one of those people that just goes with the flow and doesn't question anything.....i do question things......your starting to sound like the jerks on the L.A.City council......they did not like questions either....

Dude, the tax is for Grocery bags. If you dont like it tell them to make it all grocery bags. By them I mean not me. I thought we were talking about the grocery bag want to talk about all plastic bags period which isnt covered in the law we're discussing.

Hell, thats like me saying you must be for plastic hair nets because you never mentioned them being a problem. Uh, because no one is talking about hair nets :cuckoo:

no we are talking about the PLASTIC grocery bag tax.....its your thread remember......what is the purpose of the tax?......its to get people to hopefully start buying those canvas bags....right?.....why?......because they say they are clogging up the landfills ......well guess what....millions of plastic trash bags are being used everyday and they are Clogging up the landfills probably even my question was.....WHY are the grocery ones so bad that they are banning or taxing them,but the Trash bags are not even being discussed......if you cant answer the dam question CC ......then just say either i don't know or there are hypocrites making these laws or someone is making a buck.....but quite giving me your fucking bullshit......because that's all your i said you are sounding like the assholes on the LA City council......don't answer a question,just avoid it.....

You're right. I personally wrote the law and the reason why I left out Trash bags is because I love them! I dont know what you want from me? Do you want me to tell the Govenor that he should focus on trash bags? Include Trash bags in the tax?

Canvas bags can be recycled. Plastic bags cant. That last statement is on its face ridiculous. If you want to pitch the 150 plastic bags in our environment is a good thing, then have it..but it's bullshit if you ever seen a landfill, a city sewer or crap floating in the aint canvas bags.

Oh, I see what you're doing...You're completly ignoring the impact plastic bags have on the environment and only comparing the manufacturing costs or impacts. Got it...Fuck the world! Yeee haw!

You do know it takes energy to recycle (many times it is incredibly more than it takes to manufacture and deal with the thing you are trying to save).. and you are taxed for recycling services... right?? You do know that things such as recycling and hybrid cars have MORE of an environmental impact than what you are trying to deem s 'evil' in its impact on 'the planet'

No I didnt know that...and still dont since you provide crap to back it up

Uh huh.... idiot

This has been posted before.. .Carbon footprint and energy cost is HIGHER for those 'good for the environment hybrid cars'

hybrid cars do, in fact, require more energy to produce than conventional cars, emitting more greenhouse gases and burning more fossil fuels during the manufacturing process. The production of hybrid batteries, in particular, requires much more energy than producing a standard car battery and results in higher emission levels of gases like sulfur oxide

Recycling not always an energy and resource saver, study finds

And now.. you can argue back and forth on this.. as you can find studies that say things on both sides oft he fence... but because of such, you cannot just simply say that recycling saves energy, pollution, money, or anything else...
You do know it takes energy to recycle (many times it is incredibly more than it takes to manufacture and deal with the thing you are trying to save).. and you are taxed for recycling services... right?? You do know that things such as recycling and hybrid cars have MORE of an environmental impact than what you are trying to deem s 'evil' in its impact on 'the planet'

No I didnt know that...and still dont since you provide crap to back it up

Uh huh.... idiot

This has been posted before.. .Carbon footprint and energy cost is HIGHER for those 'good for the environment hybrid cars'

hybrid cars do, in fact, require more energy to produce than conventional cars, emitting more greenhouse gases and burning more fossil fuels during the manufacturing process. The production of hybrid batteries, in particular, requires much more energy than producing a standard car battery and results in higher emission levels of gases like sulfur oxide

Recycling not always an energy and resource saver, study finds

And now.. you can argue back and forth on this.. as you can find studies that say things on both sides oft he fence... but because of such, you cannot just simply say that recycling saves energy, pollution, money, or anything else...

I'm sure after production they require a whole lot less energy and in the long run is a positive. If not, that would be news to me. But if the only thing we are comparing is ONLY production costs then you're correct. I dont know why we are only comparing ONE segment, production, but I figure there must be a reason you did that.

What about overall? Any data on that?
You do know it takes energy to recycle (many times it is incredibly more than it takes to manufacture and deal with the thing you are trying to save).. and you are taxed for recycling services... right?? You do know that things such as recycling and hybrid cars have MORE of an environmental impact than what you are trying to deem s 'evil' in its impact on 'the planet'

No I didnt know that...and still dont since you provide crap to back it up

Uh huh.... idiot

This has been posted before.. .Carbon footprint and energy cost is HIGHER for those 'good for the environment hybrid cars'

hybrid cars do, in fact, require more energy to produce than conventional cars, emitting more greenhouse gases and burning more fossil fuels during the manufacturing process. The production of hybrid batteries, in particular, requires much more energy than producing a standard car battery and results in higher emission levels of gases like sulfur oxide

Recycling not always an energy and resource saver, study finds

And now.. you can argue back and forth on this.. as you can find studies that say things on both sides oft he fence... but because of such, you cannot just simply say that recycling saves energy, pollution, money, or anything else...

Dude, why in your article is it talking about used tires and motors?

Published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology, the findings cast doubt on the notion that remanufacturing things like old tires and used motor cores always helps to save energy and resources in the long run.
Learn more: Recycling not always an energy and resource saver, study finds

Did you think a used motor is the same as....nevermind...nowhere have I said anything about recycling Motors and fuck trying to be funny and just throw doubt on recycling in general
one interesting fact about the bag tax in montgomery cty md that speaks volumes about it IMO -- is who was exempted.

The Washington Post (and other newspapers). Why? beacuase that was the only way to get them to give editorial support to the issue. Speaks volumes about this.

dont know for sure but id bet a lot that the proposed state law has the same exemption
one interesting fact about the bag tax in montgomery cty md that speaks volumes about it IMO -- is who was exempted.

The Washington Post (and other newspapers). Why? beacuase that was the only way to get them to give editorial support to the issue. Speaks volumes about this.

dont know for sure but id bet a lot that the proposed state law has the same exemption

Maybe they are exempt because they cant throw a paper from a moving car without it being all over your yard...Oooor maybe its a huge conspiracy designed to gain favor with Newspapers and create a Newspaper / Environment alliance :cuckoo: WTH??
one interesting fact about the bag tax in montgomery cty md that speaks volumes about it IMO -- is who was exempted.

The Washington Post (and other newspapers). Why? beacuase that was the only way to get them to give editorial support to the issue. Speaks volumes about this.

dont know for sure but id bet a lot that the proposed state law has the same exemption

Maybe they are exempt because they cant throw a paper from a moving car without it being all over your yard...Oooor maybe its a huge conspiracy designed to gain favor with Newspapers and create a Newspaper / Environment alliance :cuckoo: WTH??

Really -- why cant you throw a newspaper from a moving car in a bag -- like they do now -- and just charge the 5 cents for the bag like everyone else has to? What stops them from going with that option -- the same rule everyone else has to follw?

I guess you didnt think of that now did you?
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They should incentive customers to use the reusable bags by taking a nickel off their bill for each bag used rather than punishing those who use the plastics bags with a tax. Why? Because they will 'figure' how much tax they can expect from the bag tax, spend it before the tax is realized, then when people switch over to reusable and they don't get the tax money expected they will have to tax something else to make up for the money they already spent.

I reuse every single plastic bag I get ... er, the ones that haven't split open because they insisted that thinner bags were just as good. Two dogs, two cats ... those bags get reused.

I actually prefer the reusable bags (I have several) for non raw meat items but haven't used them in quite some time because the plastic grocery bags are perfect for scoopin' the poopin'.
one interesting fact about the bag tax in montgomery cty md that speaks volumes about it IMO -- is who was exempted.

The Washington Post (and other newspapers). Why? beacuase that was the only way to get them to give editorial support to the issue. Speaks volumes about this.

dont know for sure but id bet a lot that the proposed state law has the same exemption

Maybe they are exempt because they cant throw a paper from a moving car without it being all over your yard...Oooor maybe its a huge conspiracy designed to gain favor with Newspapers and create a Newspaper / Environment alliance :cuckoo: WTH??

Really -- why cant you throw a newspaper from a moving car in a bag -- like they do now -- and just charge the 5 cents for the bag like everyone else has to? What stops them from going with that option -- the same rule everyone else has to follw?

I guess you didnt think of that now did you?

Where were you with all these ideas when the bill was being proposed? You should pitch that somewhere it matters, not on a message board. Maybe its a conspiracy between the state and newspapers with assistance from Americans against Newspaper bag tax :cuckoo:
Dude, the tax is for Grocery bags. If you dont like it tell them to make it all grocery bags. By them I mean not me. I thought we were talking about the grocery bag want to talk about all plastic bags period which isnt covered in the law we're discussing.

Hell, thats like me saying you must be for plastic hair nets because you never mentioned them being a problem. Uh, because no one is talking about hair nets :cuckoo:

no we are talking about the PLASTIC grocery bag tax.....its your thread remember......what is the purpose of the tax?......its to get people to hopefully start buying those canvas bags....right?.....why?......because they say they are clogging up the landfills ......well guess what....millions of plastic trash bags are being used everyday and they are Clogging up the landfills probably even my question was.....WHY are the grocery ones so bad that they are banning or taxing them,but the Trash bags are not even being discussed......if you cant answer the dam question CC ......then just say either i don't know or there are hypocrites making these laws or someone is making a buck.....but quite giving me your fucking bullshit......because that's all your i said you are sounding like the assholes on the LA City council......don't answer a question,just avoid it.....

You're right. I personally wrote the law and the reason why I left out Trash bags is because I love them! I dont know what you want from me? Do you want me to tell the Govenor that he should focus on trash bags? Include Trash bags in the tax?


i asked a question......i never said you wrote the fucking this the way you are in conversations? bring up something,someone will ask a question.....and you fall apart? i said, if you cant answer it....just say so or DON'T answer......geezus are you a Politician? sure as hell react like they do when they are asked something that they cant or wont answer......fuck im sorry i put you under so much stress.....
Maybe they are exempt because they cant throw a paper from a moving car without it being all over your yard...Oooor maybe its a huge conspiracy designed to gain favor with Newspapers and create a Newspaper / Environment alliance :cuckoo: WTH??

Really -- why cant you throw a newspaper from a moving car in a bag -- like they do now -- and just charge the 5 cents for the bag like everyone else has to? What stops them from going with that option -- the same rule everyone else has to follw?

I guess you didnt think of that now did you?

Where were you with all these ideas when the bill was being proposed? You should pitch that somewhere it matters, not on a message board. Maybe its a conspiracy between the state and newspapers with assistance from Americans against Newspaper bag tax :cuckoo:

plenty of people raised it and the politicians ignored it - they knew they wouldnt get the tax passed if they aliented the newspapers. and this thread is about assessing the merits of such a tax to which the point - which goes to the hypocrisy (there is a site called you can go to to find out what that word means) is clearly relevant.

so why keep it off a message board? Its a reasonable point especially to someone like you who apparently was unable intellectually to even recognize that as an option in addition to letting newspapers fly all over the place (oh, btw, a rubber band would address that issue just as well - oh right, you put the rubber band around the paper and it doesnt go anywhere) and some sort of conspiracy. you learn something from it.

no we are talking about the PLASTIC grocery bag tax.....its your thread remember......what is the purpose of the tax?......its to get people to hopefully start buying those canvas bags....right?.....why?......because they say they are clogging up the landfills ......well guess what....millions of plastic trash bags are being used everyday and they are Clogging up the landfills probably even my question was.....WHY are the grocery ones so bad that they are banning or taxing them,but the Trash bags are not even being discussed......if you cant answer the dam question CC ......then just say either i don't know or there are hypocrites making these laws or someone is making a buck.....but quite giving me your fucking bullshit......because that's all your i said you are sounding like the assholes on the LA City council......don't answer a question,just avoid it.....

You're right. I personally wrote the law and the reason why I left out Trash bags is because I love them! I dont know what you want from me? Do you want me to tell the Govenor that he should focus on trash bags? Include Trash bags in the tax?


i asked a question......i never said you wrote the fucking this the way you are in conversations? bring up something,someone will ask a question.....and you fall apart? i said, if you cant answer it....just say so or DON'T answer......geezus are you a Politician? sure as hell react like they do when they are asked something that they cant or wont answer......fuck im sorry i put you under so much stress.....

no the topic is grocery bags and you started by saying that I like garbage bags because I'm not talking about them. I wasnt talking about garbage bags because the bill is addressing grocery bags.

Then you asked why I'm ignoring garbage bags...again...thats not what the bill is about.

I'm not talking about lava baths either but that doesnt mean ipso facto I like Lava baths
If only the po folk would just get out of the way and allow you intellectual folks who only wish to better the planet do what you will the owrld would be such a better place for all..

Jesus christ...plastic bags need defending? Why? This isn't a theory you guys see them..know they stick sround for ever and you attempt to make reducing them as a bad idea? Who is it a bad idea for and how? Anyone?
Really -- why cant you throw a newspaper from a moving car in a bag -- like they do now -- and just charge the 5 cents for the bag like everyone else has to? What stops them from going with that option -- the same rule everyone else has to follw?

I guess you didnt think of that now did you?

Where were you with all these ideas when the bill was being proposed? You should pitch that somewhere it matters, not on a message board. Maybe its a conspiracy between the state and newspapers with assistance from Americans against Newspaper bag tax :cuckoo:

plenty of people raised it and the politicians ignored it - they knew they wouldnt get the tax passed if they aliented the newspapers. and this thread is about assessing the merits of such a tax to which the point - which goes to the hypocrisy (there is a site called you can go to to find out what that word means) is clearly relevant.

so why keep it off a message board? Its a reasonable point especially to someone like you who apparently was unable intellectually to even recognize that as an option in addition to letting newspapers fly all over the place (oh, btw, a rubber band would address that issue just as well - oh right, you put the rubber band around the paper and it doesnt go anywhere) and some sort of conspiracy. you learn something from it.


I said it's an option...It's easy to think up options at home by yourself. Go and pitch the idea yourself. I doubt anyone brought up your "I just made it up" idea. Another one of your "I just thought of it" ideas is a rubberband. Why not use that?

Maybe because the newspaper will get wet. Oooooor because its a conspiracy to get favorable editorial time with the newspapers or maybe the newspapers have pictures of the politicians having sex with donkeys. :cuckoo:
Just buy plastic bags independently and take them with you. It is better than risking norovirus. Anything that pokes a stick in the eye of envirowackos is a good thing.

Everything that's wrong with politics today, summed up in one post:

If your political opponents are against it, that must mean it's good!

Well done.
It's bullocks. No more taxes. I'm so done with taxes.

OK, so, alternatively, we could have a little metal plate at the check-out counter that gives you an electric shock with every 20th bag you use.

The shocks getting stronger each time.
What will the homeless use to keep their belongings in, will government exempt the homeless?

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