Grocery bag tax..Good idea or bad?

Look, they all ask you; "Paper or Plastic"....if you are a whacko tell them paper...leave everyone else alone you idiots.
Look, they all ask you; "Paper or Plastic"....if you are a whacko tell them paper...leave everyone else alone you idiots.

if what you are suggesting is that you can avoid the tax by using plastic bags where i am and in DC the tax applies to both -- it also applies to shopping bags at dept stores. they just tend to refer to it as the plastic bag tax.
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It's bullocks. No more taxes. I'm so done with taxes.

OK, so, alternatively, we could have a little metal plate at the check-out counter that gives you an electric shock with every 20th bag you use.

The shocks getting stronger each time.

If you recall the envirowackos don't like paper bags so that's why plastic bags came along.
Where were you with all these ideas when the bill was being proposed? You should pitch that somewhere it matters, not on a message board. Maybe its a conspiracy between the state and newspapers with assistance from Americans against Newspaper bag tax :cuckoo:

plenty of people raised it and the politicians ignored it - they knew they wouldnt get the tax passed if they aliented the newspapers. and this thread is about assessing the merits of such a tax to which the point - which goes to the hypocrisy (there is a site called you can go to to find out what that word means) is clearly relevant.

so why keep it off a message board? Its a reasonable point especially to someone like you who apparently was unable intellectually to even recognize that as an option in addition to letting newspapers fly all over the place (oh, btw, a rubber band would address that issue just as well - oh right, you put the rubber band around the paper and it doesnt go anywhere) and some sort of conspiracy. you learn something from it.


I said it's an option...It's easy to think up options at home by yourself. Go and pitch the idea yourself. I doubt anyone brought up your "I just made it up" idea. Another one of your "I just thought of it" ideas is a rubberband. Why not use that?

Maybe because the newspaper will get wet. Oooooor because its a conspiracy to get favorable editorial time with the newspapers or maybe the newspapers have pictures of the politicians having sex with donkeys. :cuckoo:

ok -- so why do you think newspapers are being exempted. After the grocery stores they are probably the next biggest source of these bags so if you are trying to curb the use of them -- why exepmt them? Why not just have them charge it as well. Just wondering what your theory would be as to why they are exempted?
What will the homeless use to keep their belongings in, will government exempt the homeless?

Another "I just thought of it" response that the home thinkers cant seem to get to a Council meeting and pitch their stupid :cuckoo:
And what about plastic sandwich bags, trash bags, subway sandwich bags, all the items that are wrapped in plastic packaging.

Soda bottles, and all the bottles that are made of plastic.

It's like putting a paper mâché cork in a dam.

More useless crap.
Look, they all ask you; "Paper or Plastic"....if you are a whacko tell them paper...leave everyone else alone you idiots.

They are talking about banning platic bags here and charging a dime for paper bags. Forcing people to use reusables.

If I get a reusable bag it's going to say "fuck off" all over it. In big red letters. I'll make it myself.
I am saying there is no need or reason to charge me anything for them.

I am saying that if you are a whacko make your own choices but leave everyone else the hell alone.

Keep your silly (perhaps not you personally, I have no knowledge of you) but the Left needs to shut the fuck up and quit trying to micro manage everyone else's lives.

Look, they all ask you; "Paper or Plastic"....if you are a whacko tell them paper...leave everyone else alone you idiots.

if what you are suggesting is that you can avoid the tax by using plastic bags where i am and in DC the tax applies to both -- it also applies to shopping bags at dept stores. they just tend to refer to it as the plastic bag tax.
I am saying there is no need or reason to charge me anything for them.

I am saying that if you are a whacko make your own choices but leave everyone else the hell alone.

Keep your silly (perhaps not you personally, I have no knowledge of you) but the Left needs to shut the fuck up and quit trying to micro manage everyone else's lives.

Look, they all ask you; "Paper or Plastic"....if you are a whacko tell them paper...leave everyone else alone you idiots.

if what you are suggesting is that you can avoid the tax by using plastic bags where i am and in DC the tax applies to both -- it also applies to shopping bags at dept stores. they just tend to refer to it as the plastic bag tax.

just to be clear, i am totally opposed to these taxes.
plenty of people raised it and the politicians ignored it - they knew they wouldnt get the tax passed if they aliented the newspapers. and this thread is about assessing the merits of such a tax to which the point - which goes to the hypocrisy (there is a site called you can go to to find out what that word means) is clearly relevant.

so why keep it off a message board? Its a reasonable point especially to someone like you who apparently was unable intellectually to even recognize that as an option in addition to letting newspapers fly all over the place (oh, btw, a rubber band would address that issue just as well - oh right, you put the rubber band around the paper and it doesnt go anywhere) and some sort of conspiracy. you learn something from it.


I said it's an option...It's easy to think up options at home by yourself. Go and pitch the idea yourself. I doubt anyone brought up your "I just made it up" idea. Another one of your "I just thought of it" ideas is a rubberband. Why not use that?

Maybe because the newspaper will get wet. Oooooor because its a conspiracy to get favorable editorial time with the newspapers or maybe the newspapers have pictures of the politicians having sex with donkeys. :cuckoo:

ok -- so why do you think newspapers are being exempted. After the grocery stores they are probably the next biggest source of these bags so if you are trying to curb the use of them -- why exepmt them? Why not just have them charge it as well. Just wondering what your theory would be as to why they are exempted?

It doesnt matter why I think newspapers are exempt. This isnt about me or you and your theories. Someone else thinks its a conspiracy to encourage using Garbage bags, you think its a conspiracy to gain favor with Newspapers editorial boards. I think its a conspiracy to keep the politicians photos of donkey rape secret. But all those dont matter, what matters is reality.
And what about plastic sandwich bags, trash bags, subway sandwich bags, all the items that are wrapped in plastic packaging.

Soda bottles, and all the bottles that are made of plastic.

It's like putting a paper mâché cork in a dam.

More useless crap.

More from the I just thought of it while sitting on the couch crowd. Present your ideas somewhere where it counts.

Reduction of plastic in our environment is a good thing. Not one of you can argue the opposite. Not one can show the benefit of more plastics in the environment.

You just nit pick and whine while everyone else does the work
Maryland is set to impose an additional tax on plastic bags. I heard a commercial about it saying thst it would hurt the middle class and poor while losing jobs. But itnwas paid for by plastic bag manufactures...sooooo...yeah.

I se it like the hell outta plastic bags means that less ppl will use them means less plastic goes into our environment. Win win

The only down side is for those who cannot livenwithout plastic bags will have to pay more for their plastic, or adapt.

Your thoughts?

It was stupid for the grocery stores to switch over to those plastic bags instead of still using the paper bags. It would be even more stupid to tax the damned things.
It sounds like the same results from the argument over disposable diapers. The plastic in disposable diapers doesn't biodegrade any more than the plastic in bags. But the impact cloth diapers have on the enviornment is far greater than a disposable. The cloth needs to be washed, in hot water, it needs detergent. Until they are washed, and no one washes a diaper as soon as it is soiled, the cloth is a breeding ground for bacteria. Now you don't hear anyone saying that disposable diapers are bad for the enviornment. They certainly didn't get BETTER!

Cloth grocery bags are going to go the same way. They breed disease, they are unsanitary and have to be cleaned in a manner that is not environmentally friendly.

My mother uses canvas grocery bags...when dirty, they just go in the laundry with a load of towels.
You can describe it anyway you like but the result is less plastic in the environment (I live in MD too).

You are ignoring the environmental impact of the manufacturing process. Precious natural resources are used to make your reusable bag.

That's why you need to use it 171 times just to break even. You are not doing the environment any favors if you do not use it at least 171 times. You will have less environmental impact if you use plastic bags if you don't use your reusable bag at least 171 times.

It is better for the environment for you to use 150 plastic bags than use a reusable bag less than 171 times.

Canvas bags can be recycled. Plastic bags cant. That last statement is on its face ridiculous. If you want to pitch the 150 plastic bags in our environment is a good thing, then have it..but it's bullshit if you ever seen a landfill, a city sewer or crap floating in the aint canvas bags.

Oh, I see what you're doing...You're completly ignoring the impact plastic bags have on the environment and only comparing the manufacturing costs or impacts. Got it...Fuck the world! Yeee haw!

Bullshit. Plastic bags CAN BE and, in fact ARE recycled! (In fact...many reusable shopping bags are made from...recycled plastic bags!) When you have to resort to making shit up, you have conceded the debate.
You're right. I personally wrote the law and the reason why I left out Trash bags is because I love them! I dont know what you want from me? Do you want me to tell the Govenor that he should focus on trash bags? Include Trash bags in the tax?


i asked a question......i never said you wrote the fucking this the way you are in conversations? bring up something,someone will ask a question.....and you fall apart? i said, if you cant answer it....just say so or DON'T answer......geezus are you a Politician? sure as hell react like they do when they are asked something that they cant or wont answer......fuck im sorry i put you under so much stress.....

no the topic is grocery bags and you started by saying that I like garbage bags because I'm not talking about them. I wasnt talking about garbage bags because the bill is addressing grocery bags.

Then you asked why I'm ignoring garbage bags...again...thats not what the bill is about.

I'm not talking about lava baths either but that doesnt mean ipso facto I like Lava baths

and yet YOUR very first sentence was......"Maryland is set to impose an additional tax on plastic bags" is it ALL grocery bags or just the plastic ones.....i assumed you meant the plastic ones.....since you said plastic......and where did i say this?.....

you started by saying that I like garbage bags because I'm not talking about them. ??

Then you asked why I'm ignoring garbage bags...again...thats not what the bill is about.

and yet if we were sitting someplace having a beer and you brought this tax up and said what i said, i bet you would have had an answer instead of acting like conversations never waver from what was originally talked must be something in a face to face conversation CC.....
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one interesting fact about the bag tax in montgomery cty md that speaks volumes about it IMO -- is who was exempted.

The Washington Post (and other newspapers). Why? beacuase that was the only way to get them to give editorial support to the issue. Speaks volumes about this.

dont know for sure but id bet a lot that the proposed state law has the same exemption

Maybe they are exempt because they cant throw a paper from a moving car without it being all over your yard...Oooor maybe its a huge conspiracy designed to gain favor with Newspapers and create a Newspaper / Environment alliance :cuckoo: WTH??

Actually, they CAN...but they would rather not!
And what about plastic sandwich bags, trash bags, subway sandwich bags, all the items that are wrapped in plastic packaging.

Soda bottles, and all the bottles that are made of plastic.

It's like putting a paper mâché cork in a dam.

More useless crap.

More from the I just thought of it while sitting on the couch crowd. Present your ideas somewhere where it counts.

Reduction of plastic in our environment is a good thing. Not one of you can argue the opposite. Not one can show the benefit of more plastics in the environment.

You just nit pick and whine while everyone else does the work

except when its plastics not in a bill apparently.....its funny how you say that here but when i was asking about garbage bags you acted like you cant answer that because......well its not what the thread is about.....geezus.....
Whoa....don't argue with g, he is a legend in his own mind!!!

You are ignoring the environmental impact of the manufacturing process. Precious natural resources are used to make your reusable bag.

That's why you need to use it 171 times just to break even. You are not doing the environment any favors if you do not use it at least 171 times. You will have less environmental impact if you use plastic bags if you don't use your reusable bag at least 171 times.

It is better for the environment for you to use 150 plastic bags than use a reusable bag less than 171 times.

Canvas bags can be recycled. Plastic bags cant. That last statement is on its face ridiculous. If you want to pitch the 150 plastic bags in our environment is a good thing, then have it..but it's bullshit if you ever seen a landfill, a city sewer or crap floating in the aint canvas bags.

Oh, I see what you're doing...You're completly ignoring the impact plastic bags have on the environment and only comparing the manufacturing costs or impacts. Got it...Fuck the world! Yeee haw!

Bullshit. Plastic bags CAN BE and, in fact ARE recycled! (In fact...many reusable shopping bags are made from...recycled plastic bags!) When you have to resort to making shit up, you have conceded the debate.

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