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What is impossible not to notice is the groomer supporters like JoeB... never argue the point. They only bring in strawmen arguments and other deflections to avoid the actual topic.

Actually, I get tired of you guys slandering teachers because of your homophobia. You are repeating an old lie that children can become gay by being around gay people, which is just absurd.

In the story in the Houston Chronicle about the CONVICTED PEDOPHILE who read to preschoolers in the PUBLIC LIBRARY... the top tweet who received a lot of likes - was a moron saying "the same parents who are against this are the same parents who buy their children the next Grand Theft Auto video game... #homophobic". And this absurd post was the top liked.
Even though this stupid reply is totally false. No parent buys their 3,4 and 5 year olds Grand Theft Auto. It is a asinine response, but the left eat it up like candy.

But the point is, they are buying GTO games for young kids, which teaches kids how to beat up hookers and steal cars. But don't tell them that there are gay people, they might catch the gay!!!

And again, you avoid the topic by attempting to deflect.
It is all you do.

You don't have a topic. You are repeating a LIE that children can become gay by being around gay people.

Nobody gave you the gay, dude. If you are fighting that urge to be next to a rent boy and a pile of Crystal meth, that's on you.
They're fine with Tommy Tainant because they're brown and wear exotic clothing. Not even kidding--this is the "thinking" of progressives

Yep -- and the cretin is right back at it today going on and on with his hatred of Tommy Robinson -- the one figure in all of Great Britain who stands for the opposition to the inherent racism involved in supremacist Pakistani men raping British children in order to establish dominance.

He supports Rape Jihad simply because he is a stupid little automaton who has been conditioned to do so.
Except that only the stupidest of the stupid actually believe that is happening
You are certainly the stupidest of the stupid, and you believe there is nothing going on at all despite the mountains of evidence that teachers are sexualizing children from an age FAR too young for the introduction of these sexual themes.

5 year olds should be playing, socializing and learning important skills instead of being encouraged to question their inherent sexual nature.
Actually, I get tired of you guys slandering teachers because of your homophobia.

It's not slander when it's the truth.

Pedophiles and their allies and accomplices need to stay far, far, far way from children.

The point is coming where your safety, even your lives, will depend on it. Parents are not going to put up with this shit for very much longer, society is not going to put up with this shit for very much longer; and if it takes violence to put an end to it, then that is what is going to happen.
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But not Pakistani rape gangs which receive your very enthusiastic support.
Heck, you must have started a score of threads by now showing your solidarity with them .
They're fine with Tommy Tainant because they're brown and wear exotic clothing. Not even kidding--this is the "thinking" of progressives

Yep -- and the cretin is right back at it today going on and on with his hatred of Tommy Robinson -- the one figure in all of Great Britain who stands for the opposition to the inherent racism involved in supremacist Pakistani men raping British children in order to establish dominance.

He supports Rape Jihad simply because he is a stupid little automaton who has been conditioned to do so.

Yeah, I saw that new thread from Tainted Tommy. Some non-story about Tommy Robinson AKA Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon. Not sure why anyone thinks it's news.

But Tainted Tommy has an obsessive vendetta going against this guy, because he dared to speak out against the Islamist child rape gangs that Tainted Tommy supports.

Not content to support the child rape gangs in his own shithole of a country, Tainted Tommy is pleased to support the pedophiles now operating almost in the open here in America, as well.
Actually, I get tired of you guys slandering teachers because of your homophobia. You are repeating an old lie that children can become gay by being around gay people, which is just absurd.

JoeB - Having an issue with a convicted pedophile dressed in drag reading to children = Homophobic.

All you need to know about JoeB...
JoeB - Having an issue with a convicted pedophile dressed in drag reading to children = Homophobic.

All you need to know about JoeB...
And don't forget, either, that any objection to the Islamic mass murder of innocent people is "Islamophobic" in the creature's twisted mind.
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he complaint isn't about children being around gays. It is about gays instructing children in gay sex and demonstrating sexual activity upon children's bodies.

Which no one is doing.

Yep -- and the cretin is right back at it today going on and on with his hatred of Tommy Robinson -- the one figure in all of Great Britain who stands for the opposition to the inherent racism involved in supremacist Pakistani men raping British children in order to establish dominance.

Right. I guess fake moral panics aren't restricted to this country.

It's not slander when it's the truth.

Pedophiles and their allies and accomplices need to stay far, far, far way from children.

The point is coming where your safety, even your lives, will depend on it. Parents are not going to put up with this shit for very much longer, society is not going to put up with this shit for very much longer; and if it takes violence to put an end to it, then that is what is going to happen.

And you'll get locked up for hate crimes. Which I'm fine with. I don't think your homophobia will go down well in prison when they pulling down your magic underwear.

62% of parents surveyed said they would be fine if their kids came out as gay.

You guys have lost the culture war and you keep fighting it.
Public schools appear to have only one objective. Turn American kids into sexually disoriented, little perverted meatballs because that’s where we are at.


If no one is doing that, why are so many child predators going to jails over it?
And you'll get locked up for hate crimes. Which I'm fine with. I don't think your homophobia will go down well in prison when they pulling down your magic underwear.

62% of parents surveyed said they would be fine if their kids came out as gay.

You guys have lost the culture war and you keep fighting it.

Try finding a jury that will convict parents of any crime for defending their children against depraved pedophiles, when the state refuses to do its job of protecting them, and in fact, is itself aiding and abetting these predators.

It's not going to happen.
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