Gross common misperception.. "OIL companies major


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
cause of higher prices at the pump!
So said a lady interviewed on TV the other night. She said they should lower their prices!

Well for that simpleton lady and the rest of you that don't comprehend what makes up the cost of a gallon of gas here is a graphic that might help!

Almost 2/3 or 65% is the cost of the crude oil.
To you simpletons.. tell me how the "oil companies" can lower what their suppliers charge?
The next highest is 15% for the cost of refining.
Now for all you so concerned about the environment.. YOU can be thanked for this higher cost.
The actual number of blends is somewhere above 45, though hard to pin down exactly, according to the Government Accountability Office (GAO). It might even be closer to 70. Thirty-four states use specially blended gasoline, usually during the summer, which is one reason gasoline prices always rise during the “driving season.”

So 80% of the cost is due to crude and refining.

Then we have TAXES!!! 12% are in taxes!

That leaves 8% that is actually the "big Oil" companies that you and other simpletons blame for high prices!

Of that 8% half or more goes for trucks,people,computers, facilities,etc.
In fact according to one of those slimy evil BIG OIL companies Exxon..
“For every gallon of gasoline, diesel or finished products we manufactured and sold in the United States in the last three months of 2010, we earned a little more than 2 cents per gallon. That’s not a typo. Two cents.”

folks on a $3.44/gallon at the pump price that works out to 1/2 of one percent (0.5%) profit per gallon.

Gasoline Taxes Vs. Exxon Profit, Per Gallon

So those of you that want to "BLAME BIG OIL" that worn out idiotic cliche... FACTS show you are IDIOTS!!!

Oh and let me save you IDiOTS that can't REFUTE the facts but like little grade schoolers that resort to name calling...
A) I am NOT a Paid shill for the oil industry!
B) I AM though obviously more interested in the truth then evidently MOST of you are that call me names for presenting FACTS!
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Too perfectly stupid and 100% CON$ervoFascist. What does your fear say about your IQ and your lack of character?

The oil monopoly makes a profit on each step from getting the crude to selling the refined gas.
So of that 65% cost of crude 50% offshore to 70% onshore of that cost, an average of 64%, is profit.
Of the 15% refining cost 20% is profit.
Too perfectly stupid and 100% CON$ervoFascist. What does your fear say about your IQ and your lack of character?

The oil monopoly makes a profit on each step from getting the crude to selling the refined gas.
So of that 65% cost of crude 50% offshore to 70% onshore of that cost, an average of 64%, is profit.
Of the 15% refining cost 20% is profit.

And what ass did you pull this shit out of?
Too perfectly stupid and 100% CON$ervoFascist. What does your fear say about your IQ and your lack of character?

The oil monopoly makes a profit on each step from getting the crude to selling the refined gas.
So of that 65% cost of crude 50% offshore to 70% onshore of that cost, an average of 64%, is profit.
Of the 15% refining cost 20% is profit.

And what ass did you pull this shit out of?
What ass would think oil companies make no profit pumping and refining crude oil?

How much does it cost to produce crude oil and natural gas? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Costs for Producing Crude Oil and Natural Gas, 2007–2009
2009 Dollars per Barrel of Oil Equivalent1

Lifting Costs
Finding Costs Total Upstream Costs
United States – Average $12.18 $21.58 $33.76
On-shore $12.73 $18.65 $31.38
Off-shore $10.09 $41.51 $51.60
cause of higher prices at the pump!
So said a lady interviewed on TV the other night. She said they should lower their prices!

Well for that simpleton lady and the rest of you that don't comprehend what makes up the cost of a gallon of gas here is a graphic that might help!

Almost 2/3 or 65% is the cost of the crude oil.
To you simpletons.. tell me how the "oil companies" can lower what their suppliers charge?
The next highest is 15% for the cost of refining.
Now for all you so concerned about the environment.. YOU can be thanked for this higher cost.
The actual number of blends is somewhere above 45, though hard to pin down exactly, according to the Government Accountability Office (GAO). It might even be closer to 70. Thirty-four states use specially blended gasoline, usually during the summer, which is one reason gasoline prices always rise during the “driving season.”

So 80% of the cost is due to crude and refining.

Then we have TAXES!!! 12% are in taxes!

That leaves 8% that is actually the "big Oil" companies that you and other simpletons blame for high prices!

Of that 8% half or more goes for trucks,people,computers, facilities,etc.
In fact according to one of those slimy evil BIG OIL companies Exxon..
“For every gallon of gasoline, diesel or finished products we manufactured and sold in the United States in the last three months of 2010, we earned a little more than 2 cents per gallon. That’s not a typo. Two cents.”

folks on a $3.44/gallon at the pump price that works out to 1/2 of one percent (0.5%) profit per gallon.

Gasoline Taxes Vs. Exxon Profit, Per Gallon

View attachment 20900

Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update - Energy Information Administration
So those of you that want to "BLAME BIG OIL" that worn out idiotic cliche... FACTS show you are IDIOTS!!!

Oh and let me save you IDiOTS that can't REFUTE the facts but like little grade schoolers that resort to name calling...
A) I am NOT a Paid shill for the oil industry!
B) I AM though obviously more interested in the truth then evidently MOST of you are that call me names for presenting FACTS!

Sure your are! You left out very important aspect in the price which is manipulation via speculation/speculators on Wall St. Side note; Which party represents Wall St.?

BTW I especially like how you first call anyone who disagrees "idiots," before they disagree, THEN accuse those who disagree as "grade schoolers that resort to name calling."

Do you see the hypocrisy or do I really need to point it out?:eusa_whistle:
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Did this fool really write that the only time an oil company makes a profit is when they sell a gallon of gas?

No way this person could be that stupid.... could they?

Unless this person is a rethug with a strange agenda.

Next thing we will be told those oil companies didn't show record profits the past several years.
Too perfectly stupid and 100% CON$ervoFascist. What does your fear say about your IQ and your lack of character?

The oil monopoly makes a profit on each step from getting the crude to selling the refined gas.
So of that 65% cost of crude 50% offshore to 70% onshore of that cost, an average of 64%, is profit.
Of the 15% refining cost 20% is profit.

You need to prove it! I gave you a source you gave nothing but YOUR opinion!
Prove it!

First of all WHO said ANYTHING about "OIL MONOPOLY"???
Who IS the "OIL MONOPOLY"???

Where did you get that statement that even at 50% of the 65% for crude is profit?
That means that right now based on the EIA FACT that 65% of $3.44 or $2.33 is cost of crude.
You said 50% was profit OR $1.18. Right or is this too complicated for you?

FACT from:IEA - Oil
How many barrels of oil are produced and consumed a day?
As of 2011, approximately 89 million barrels of oil and liquid fuels were consumed per day worldwide.
That works out to nearly 32 billion barrels a year or at 20 gallons per barrel that is 640 billion gallons.
At $1.18 NET PROFIT per YOUR calculation NET... "OIL monopolies"
made $755 BILLION IN NET PROFITS! And that's just based on 65% of cost of gallon is the crude! WOW!!!!!

What "OIL MONOPOLY" reported $755 billion in net profits??? JUST off crude oil sales???
cause of higher prices at the pump!
So said a lady interviewed on TV the other night. She said they should lower their prices!

Well for that simpleton lady and the rest of you that don't comprehend what makes up the cost of a gallon of gas here is a graphic that might help!

Almost 2/3 or 65% is the cost of the crude oil.
To you simpletons.. tell me how the "oil companies" can lower what their suppliers charge?
The next highest is 15% for the cost of refining.
Now for all you so concerned about the environment.. YOU can be thanked for this higher cost.
The actual number of blends is somewhere above 45, though hard to pin down exactly, according to the Government Accountability Office (GAO). It might even be closer to 70. Thirty-four states use specially blended gasoline, usually during the summer, which is one reason gasoline prices always rise during the “driving season.”

So 80% of the cost is due to crude and refining.

Then we have TAXES!!! 12% are in taxes!

That leaves 8% that is actually the "big Oil" companies that you and other simpletons blame for high prices!

Of that 8% half or more goes for trucks,people,computers, facilities,etc.
In fact according to one of those slimy evil BIG OIL companies Exxon..
“For every gallon of gasoline, diesel or finished products we manufactured and sold in the United States in the last three months of 2010, we earned a little more than 2 cents per gallon. That’s not a typo. Two cents.”

folks on a $3.44/gallon at the pump price that works out to 1/2 of one percent (0.5%) profit per gallon.

Gasoline Taxes Vs. Exxon Profit, Per Gallon

View attachment 20900

Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update - Energy Information Administration
So those of you that want to "BLAME BIG OIL" that worn out idiotic cliche... FACTS show you are IDIOTS!!!

Oh and let me save you IDiOTS that can't REFUTE the facts but like little grade schoolers that resort to name calling...
A) I am NOT a Paid shill for the oil industry!
B) I AM though obviously more interested in the truth then evidently MOST of you are that call me names for presenting FACTS!

Sure your are! You left out very important aspect in the price which is manipulation via speculation/speculators on Wall St. Side note; Which party represents Wall St.?

BTW I especially like how you first call anyone who disagrees "idiots," before they disagree, THEN accuse those who disagree as "grade schoolers that resort to name calling."

Do you see the hypocrisy or do I really need to point it out?:eusa_whistle:

Well I have every right too!
Did you call me a shill? NO! Did you present FACTS to substantiate your statement? NO!

My point is that before idiots call me a "shill" (which you didn't but you criticized me for
preempting that action..) look at what you write and see if you can as I do substantiate your refutation!

NOW I do agree with you.. OIL speculators are a large contributor to the price of crude.
NO question!
Speculators though REFLECT their opinions of oil supply and production.
So when the USA takes Federal lands off the oil leasing program at the rate of 15% or more per year over the last 3 years... why wouldn't oil speculators say...hmmmm less oil produced by USA means less oil production... next 5 years... price goes up... they buy!
Did this fool really write that the only time an oil company makes a profit is when they sell a gallon of gas?

No way this person could be that stupid.... could they?

Unless this person is a rethug with a strange agenda.

Next thing we will be told those oil companies didn't show record profits the past several years.

FACTS not supposition!!!

The map above from API shows gasoline taxes by state (combined local, state and federal), which range from a low of 26.4 cents per gallon in Alaska to a high of of 66.1 cents per gallon in California, averaging 48.1 cents per gallon across all states.

How does that compare to oil company industry profits per gallon?

According to this post on Exxon Mobil’s Perspective Blog , “For every gallon of gasoline, diesel or finished products we manufactured and sold in the United States in the last three months of 2010, we earned a little more than 2 cents per gallon. That’s not a typo. Two cents.”
The chart below shows the difference graphically:

Gasoline Taxes Vs. Exxon Profit, Per Gallon
Too perfectly stupid and 100% CON$ervoFascist. What does your fear say about your IQ and your lack of character?

The oil monopoly makes a profit on each step from getting the crude to selling the refined gas.
So of that 65% cost of crude 50% offshore to 70% onshore of that cost, an average of 64%, is profit.
Of the 15% refining cost 20% is profit.

The oil monopoly makes a profit on each step from getting the crude to selling the refined gas.
So of that 65% cost of crude 50% offshore to 70% onshore of that cost, an average of 64%, is profit.
Of the 15% refining cost 20% is profit

And they deliver a product that you can't live without. Once again proving that making a profit is a bad thing if you're an Obama asswipe!
cause of higher prices at the pump!
So said a lady interviewed on TV the other night. She said they should lower their prices!

Well for that simpleton lady and the rest of you that don't comprehend what makes up the cost of a gallon of gas here is a graphic that might help!

Almost 2/3 or 65% is the cost of the crude oil.
To you simpletons.. tell me how the "oil companies" can lower what their suppliers charge?
The next highest is 15% for the cost of refining.
Now for all you so concerned about the environment.. YOU can be thanked for this higher cost.
The actual number of blends is somewhere above 45, though hard to pin down exactly, according to the Government Accountability Office (GAO). It might even be closer to 70. Thirty-four states use specially blended gasoline, usually during the summer, which is one reason gasoline prices always rise during the “driving season.”

So 80% of the cost is due to crude and refining.

Then we have TAXES!!! 12% are in taxes!

That leaves 8% that is actually the "big Oil" companies that you and other simpletons blame for high prices!

Of that 8% half or more goes for trucks,people,computers, facilities,etc.
In fact according to one of those slimy evil BIG OIL companies Exxon..
“For every gallon of gasoline, diesel or finished products we manufactured and sold in the United States in the last three months of 2010, we earned a little more than 2 cents per gallon. That’s not a typo. Two cents.”

folks on a $3.44/gallon at the pump price that works out to 1/2 of one percent (0.5%) profit per gallon.

Gasoline Taxes Vs. Exxon Profit, Per Gallon

View attachment 20900

Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update - Energy Information Administration
So those of you that want to "BLAME BIG OIL" that worn out idiotic cliche... FACTS show you are IDIOTS!!!

Oh and let me save you IDiOTS that can't REFUTE the facts but like little grade schoolers that resort to name calling...
A) I am NOT a Paid shill for the oil industry!
B) I AM though obviously more interested in the truth then evidently MOST of you are that call me names for presenting FACTS!

Sure your are! You left out very important aspect in the price which is manipulation via speculation/speculators on Wall St. Side note; Which party represents Wall St.?

BTW I especially like how you first call anyone who disagrees "idiots," before they disagree, THEN accuse those who disagree as "grade schoolers that resort to name calling."

Do you see the hypocrisy or do I really need to point it out?:eusa_whistle:

Well I have every right too!
Did you call me a shill? NO! Did you present FACTS to substantiate your statement? NO!

My point is that before idiots call me a "shill" (which you didn't but you criticized me for
preempting that action..) look at what you write and see if you can as I do substantiate your refutation!

NOW I do agree with you.. OIL speculators are a large contributor to the price of crude.
NO question!
Speculators though REFLECT their opinions of oil supply and production.
So when the USA takes Federal lands off the oil leasing program at the rate of 15% or more per year over the last 3 years... why wouldn't oil speculators say...hmmmm less oil produced by USA means less oil production... next 5 years... price goes up... they buy!

Oil speculators do not always take possession of the oil they are betting on. It's really no different than a casino atmosphere except that they are risking other people's money. As for the Fed lands "supposedly" being taken off the program is not true. Besides, I am part owner of Fed lands and I don't want mega-oil destroying them like they do everything thye touch/use.
Too perfectly stupid and 100% CON$ervoFascist. What does your fear say about your IQ and your lack of character?

The oil monopoly makes a profit on each step from getting the crude to selling the refined gas.
So of that 65% cost of crude 50% offshore to 70% onshore of that cost, an average of 64%, is profit.
Of the 15% refining cost 20% is profit.

And what ass did you pull this shit out of?
What ass would think oil companies make no profit pumping and refining crude oil?

How much does it cost to produce crude oil and natural gas? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Costs for Producing Crude Oil and Natural Gas, 2007–2009
2009 Dollars per Barrel of Oil Equivalent1

Lifting Costs
Finding Costs Total Upstream Costs
United States – Average $12.18 $21.58 $33.76
On-shore $12.73 $18.65 $31.38
Off-shore $10.09 $41.51 $51.60

Too perfectly stupid and 100% CON$ervoFascist. What does your fear say about your IQ and your lack of character?

The oil monopoly makes a profit on each step from getting the crude to selling the refined gas.
So of that 65% cost of crude 50% offshore to 70% onshore of that cost, an average of 64%, is profit.
Of the 15% refining cost 20% is profit.

You need to prove it! I gave you a source you gave nothing but YOUR opinion!
Prove it!

First of all WHO said ANYTHING about "OIL MONOPOLY"???
Who IS the "OIL MONOPOLY"???

Where did you get that statement that even at 50% of the 65% for crude is profit?
That means that right now based on the EIA FACT that 65% of $3.44 or $2.33 is cost of crude.
You said 50% was profit OR $1.18. Right or is this too complicated for you?

FACT from:IEA - Oil
How many barrels of oil are produced and consumed a day?
As of 2011, approximately 89 million barrels of oil and liquid fuels were consumed per day worldwide.
That works out to nearly 32 billion barrels a year or at 20 gallons per barrel that is 640 billion gallons.
At $1.18 NET PROFIT per YOUR calculation NET... "OIL monopolies"
made $755 BILLION IN NET PROFITS! And that's just based on 65% of cost of gallon is the crude! WOW!!!!!

What "OIL MONOPOLY" reported $755 billion in net profits??? JUST off crude oil sales???
A link was given that states that a barrel of crude, which sells for about $100, costs on average in the US about $34 to produce so that is a profit of $66 per barrel of crude or 66% profit per barrel.
Too perfectly stupid and 100% CON$ervoFascist. What does your fear say about your IQ and your lack of character?

The oil monopoly makes a profit on each step from getting the crude to selling the refined gas.
So of that 65% cost of crude 50% offshore to 70% onshore of that cost, an average of 64%, is profit.
Of the 15% refining cost 20% is profit.

The oil monopoly makes a profit on each step from getting the crude to selling the refined gas.
So of that 65% cost of crude 50% offshore to 70% onshore of that cost, an average of 64%, is profit.
Of the 15% refining cost 20% is profit

And they deliver a product that you can't live without. Once again proving that making a profit is a bad thing if you're an Obama asswipe!

For-profit is not the answer to many aspects of our lives. Take for instance for-profit prisons as one of many examples in which to choose from. If you can't see the problems you're either not looking/thinking or ignoring that FACT.
And what ass did you pull this shit out of?
What ass would think oil companies make no profit pumping and refining crude oil?

How much does it cost to produce crude oil and natural gas? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Costs for Producing Crude Oil and Natural Gas, 2007–2009
2009 Dollars per Barrel of Oil Equivalent1

Lifting Costs
Finding Costs Total Upstream Costs
United States – Average $12.18 $21.58 $33.76
On-shore $12.73 $18.65 $31.38
Off-shore $10.09 $41.51 $51.60

Too perfectly stupid and 100% CON$ervoFascist. What does your fear say about your IQ and your lack of character?

The oil monopoly makes a profit on each step from getting the crude to selling the refined gas.
So of that 65% cost of crude 50% offshore to 70% onshore of that cost, an average of 64%, is profit.
Of the 15% refining cost 20% is profit.

You need to prove it! I gave you a source you gave nothing but YOUR opinion!
Prove it!

First of all WHO said ANYTHING about "OIL MONOPOLY"???
Who IS the "OIL MONOPOLY"???

Where did you get that statement that even at 50% of the 65% for crude is profit?
That means that right now based on the EIA FACT that 65% of $3.44 or $2.33 is cost of crude.
You said 50% was profit OR $1.18. Right or is this too complicated for you?

FACT from:IEA - Oil
How many barrels of oil are produced and consumed a day?
As of 2011, approximately 89 million barrels of oil and liquid fuels were consumed per day worldwide.
That works out to nearly 32 billion barrels a year or at 20 gallons per barrel that is 640 billion gallons.
At $1.18 NET PROFIT per YOUR calculation NET... "OIL monopolies"
made $755 BILLION IN NET PROFITS! And that's just based on 65% of cost of gallon is the crude! WOW!!!!!

What "OIL MONOPOLY" reported $755 billion in net profits??? JUST off crude oil sales???
A link was given that states that a barrel of crude, which sells for about $100, costs on average in the US about $34 to produce so that is a profit of $66 per barrel of crude or 66% profit per barrel.

Health has a hard time concentrating on anything but his disgruntled position in life
Did this fool really write that the only time an oil company makes a profit is when they sell a gallon of gas?

No way this person could be that stupid.... could they?

Unless this person is a rethug with a strange agenda.

Next thing we will be told those oil companies didn't show record profits the past several years.

DID I SAY THAT the ONLY profit came from SELLING a gallon of GAS????
Where did YOU come to that delusional conclusion???
Why in the hell would anyone defend the oil industry?

They don't need your "defense". You ever look at their profits? With making money like they do, they could care less what you or I think. The only thing they care about is that we keep buying gasoline.

Quit buying gas and see how long it takes for the price to come down.

The oil companies do recognize "supply and demand".
“For every gallon of gasoline, diesel or finished products we manufactured and sold in the United States in the last three months of 2010, we earned a little more than 2 cents per gallon. That’s not a typo. Two cents.”

folks on a $3.44/gallon at the pump price that works out to 1/2 of one percent (0.5%) profit per gallon.

Gasoline Taxes Vs. Exxon Profit, Per Gallon

Where did you say that, you ask? Please read the above post by YOU. But you can add to it if you wish. Now that you have been "schooled".
Why in the hell would anyone defend the oil industry?

They don't need your "defense". You ever look at their profits? With making money like they do, they could care less what you or I think. The only thing they care about is that we keep buying gasoline.

Quit buying gas and see how long it takes for the price to come down.

The oil companies do recognize "supply and demand".

Let me take that one step further, why in the fuck would anyone feel the need to defend the 1% if they are not already among the 1%?

If one thinks they have a good chance at upward mobility in this grand pyramid scheme/scam labeled capitalism, they have failed miserably at applying critical thinking followed by diligent research via independent sources. Another words, they'll take anything these con snake-oil salesman are selling without giving it any thought whatsoever.
And what ass did you pull this shit out of?
What ass would think oil companies make no profit pumping and refining crude oil?

How much does it cost to produce crude oil and natural gas? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Costs for Producing Crude Oil and Natural Gas, 2007–2009
2009 Dollars per Barrel of Oil Equivalent1

Lifting Costs
Finding Costs Total Upstream Costs
United States – Average $12.18 $21.58 $33.76
On-shore $12.73 $18.65 $31.38
Off-shore $10.09 $41.51 $51.60

Too perfectly stupid and 100% CON$ervoFascist. What does your fear say about your IQ and your lack of character?

The oil monopoly makes a profit on each step from getting the crude to selling the refined gas.
So of that 65% cost of crude 50% offshore to 70% onshore of that cost, an average of 64%, is profit.
Of the 15% refining cost 20% is profit.

You need to prove it! I gave you a source you gave nothing but YOUR opinion!
Prove it!

First of all WHO said ANYTHING about "OIL MONOPOLY"???
Who IS the "OIL MONOPOLY"???

Where did you get that statement that even at 50% of the 65% for crude is profit?
That means that right now based on the EIA FACT that 65% of $3.44 or $2.33 is cost of crude.
You said 50% was profit OR $1.18. Right or is this too complicated for you?

FACT from:IEA - Oil
How many barrels of oil are produced and consumed a day?
As of 2011, approximately 89 million barrels of oil and liquid fuels were consumed per day worldwide.
That works out to nearly 32 billion barrels a year or at 20 gallons per barrel that is 640 billion gallons.
At $1.18 NET PROFIT per YOUR calculation NET... "OIL monopolies"
made $755 BILLION IN NET PROFITS! And that's just based on 65% of cost of gallon is the crude! WOW!!!!!

What "OIL MONOPOLY" reported $755 billion in net profits??? JUST off crude oil sales???
A link was given that states that a barrel of crude, which sells for about $100, costs on average in the US about $34 to produce so that is a profit of $66 per barrel of crude or 66% profit per barrel.

Ah... there are less then 20 gallons of GAS coming from a 42 gallon barrel of OIL!
so you are WAY off on your naive assumption.

The cost of a gallon of gas from crude is 65% of $3.44 or $2.23.
If 50% of the $100/barrel is to get gas it would be $50.00.
20 gallons at $2.23 is cost of gas of $40.46.
Leaving income of $9.54 per barrel not "profit" $66.00.
Which works out at 20 gallons/barrel of 47 cents per gallon or about 13% which is what the calculation shows!!!!!

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