Gross Miscarriage of Justice: Mueller MAY have givn Comey Blanket Immunity

"A high-ranking Justice Department official believes Special Counsel Robert Mueller has granted a complete get-out-of-jail-free-card deal for disgraced FBI Director James Comey..."

EXCLUSIVE: DOJ Brass Says Comey Struck Insider Immunity Deal With Mueller To Avoid Criminal Charges – True Pundit

If this has occurred, it is a gross miscarriage of justice---Mueller and Comey are old friends and it amounts to the oft alleged Obstruction of this case BY MUELLER....

Corey is exposed to a number of Felonies and he should actually be the target of Obstruction of Justice charges rather than Trump for:

1) Intentionally tanking the investigation into Hillary Clinton's criminal e-mail behavior;

2) Leaking Classified material to the New York Times for nefarious purposes;

3) Perjury before Congress;

4) Intentional misrepresentations in his capacity as Director of the FBI to his Boss, the President of the United States, and

5) Filing bogus FISA Applications;

Plus other possible crimes not yet discovered, including perhaps participation in illegal unmasking and improperly disclosing the information obtained thereby, and even possible participation in the cover-up of the scandalous and seditious Uranium One deal.

Comey belongs in jail, and if Mueller has in fact granted his buddy...this worm Comey....Immunity...perhaps he should be as well.

True Pundit is a Russian bot site.

Congrats, you're now an unwitting accomplice. A rube. A mark. A sucker.

Hamilton 68
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"A high-ranking Justice Department official believes Special Counsel Robert Mueller has granted a complete get-out-of-jail-free-card deal for disgraced FBI Director James Comey..."

EXCLUSIVE: DOJ Brass Says Comey Struck Insider Immunity Deal With Mueller To Avoid Criminal Charges – True Pundit

If this has occurred, it is a gross miscarriage of justice---Mueller and Comey are old friends and it amounts to the oft alleged Obstruction of this case BY MUELLER....

Corey is exposed to a number of Felonies and he should actually be the target of Obstruction of Justice charges rather than Trump for:

1) Intentionally tanking the investigation into Hillary Clinton's criminal e-mail behavior;

2) Leaking Classified material to the New York Times for nefarious purposes;

3) Perjury before Congress;

4) Intentional misrepresentations in his capacity as Director of the FBI to his Boss, the President of the United States, and

5) Filing bogus FISA Applications;

Plus other possible crimes not yet discovered, including perhaps participation in illegal unmasking and improperly disclosing the information obtained thereby, and even possible participation in the cover-up of the scandalous and seditious Uranium One deal.

Comey belongs in jail, and if Mueller has in fact granted his buddy...this worm Comey....Immunity...perhaps he should be as well.

Fake news.

But I do love how you Trumpsters have the noose prepared for anyone and everyone who you fantasize is an enemy of your Dear Leader.

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