Grouchy Fauci Tells Senate: 'Indefinite Lockdown!' Why Do We Keep Listening To Him?

Some of us still want to understand why USAMRIID was effectively taken off line at the outset of the virus reaching US shores. USAMRIID is the premiere infectious disease response organization across both military and civilian spheres. The National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (led by Fauci since 1984) on the other hand seems not to be the go-to front line virus response "force" or medical intelligence gatherer. Something about this smells like carrion. I wonder what it could be?

Yeah. It's fishy as heck.

Here's some relevant reading, for the casual passer-by...

How one interprets it is the question.

I think someone knows something about this virus that they arent telling us, personally.
Why do righters blame Fauci. Fauci advises. He gives the decision makers his opinion based on the science. They don’t have to listen to him. Trump does not have to listen to him. Listen to Fauci’s repartee with Rand Paul. Fauci schooled Rand Paul on what his role. Rand Paul came across the fool. Our politicians follow not only Fauci’s advice, but the advice of nearly all in the field of infectious diseases that agree with Fauci because they are right when it comes to matters concerning the virus.
Rightists blame Fauci because they believe that as long as the health and safety guidelines are followed, the greater the likelihood Trump will fail to win reelection and Republicans lose control of the Senate.

For conservatives it’s about partisan politics, not the facts or the health and well-being of the American people.
Dr Falsely is all about health only and there’s more to our world than attempts to control health through avirus which like many viruses has no vaccine.
Hogan did well announcing some reopening but failed to mention that the counties he identified as hot spots also have the largest populations . So he dished off to county executives. They are frightened of their own shadow and don’t want to run the risk of doing anything wrong so they will do nothing. Being motivated by benefit of gain rather than fear of loss is what our leaders should be all about but are not.
Speaking of fear. Isn’t it interesting that fear is mostly a false feeling and we thinkers know how much these liberal Democrats rely on feelings trumping facts.
Ah well.

One last thing I'll say here is that we have hundreds of companies rushing to compete to produce a vaccine.

And we have politicians eager to rush them through.

All of the bleeding heart do-gooders (who are really just playing the role of useful idiot in pimping government mandated healthcare penned by pharmaceutical lobbyists and mandated intrusive medical procedures at the barrel of a government gun, if we're being intellectually honest about it) should see post #20

Again...Sencer said officials "believed that we were doing the right thing"

To repeat: more people died from the vaccine that the actual flu itself.

We have basically the same shenanigans that occured in 1976 playing out here in 2020 with grouchy Fauci and elected officials/pharmaceutical lobbyists. Or little Napoleons, I call em.
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Why do righters blame Fauci. Fauci advises. He gives the decision makers his opinion based on the science. They don’t have to listen to him. Trump does not have to listen to him. Listen to Fauci’s repartee with Rand Paul. Fauci schooled Rand Paul on what his role. Rand Paul came across the fool. Our politicians follow not only Fauci’s advice, but the advice of nearly all in the field of infectious diseases that agree with Fauci because they are right when it comes to matters concerning the virus.
Rightists blame Fauci because they believe that as long as the health and safety guidelines are followed, the greater the likelihood Trump will fail to win reelection and Republicans lose control of the Senate.

For conservatives it’s about partisan politics, not the facts or the health and well-being of the American people.

You actually believe we should stay locked down for the next 18 months?
Aw man, I just thought of something, I gotta get somebody to make a meme with grouchy Fauci in a Napoleon getup.

Ha. That'll be a hoot.
Seems to me that the only reason people listen to this invested 'expert' is because they'll be arrested if they don't.


Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared before a US Senate Committee today to warn Senators against opening the country after the coronavirus outbreak. Opening too soon - before a vaccine - will bring needless death and suffering, he said. No mention of the needless death and suffering caused by the lockdown itself - cancer treatments cancelled, surgeries cancelled, Depression-level economic collapse, depression, suicide, abuse. How long must we continue listening to this "expert" who has gotten everything wrong thus far?

Fauci self quarantined. How can he appear before a US Senate Committee today?

Also, Pensive's aid is positive, and pensive is running around without a mask.
Some of us still want to understand why USAMRIID was effectively taken off line at the outset of the virus reaching US shores. USAMRIID is the premiere infectious disease response organization across both military and civilian spheres. The National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (led by Fauci since 1984) on the other hand seems not to be the go-to front line virus response "force" or medical intelligence gatherer. Something about this smells like carrion. I wonder what it could be?

Yeah. It's fishy as heck.

Here's some relevant reading, for the casual passer-by...

How one interprets it is the question.

I think someone knows something about this virus that they arent telling us, personally.

Thanks for the link!
Fauci self quarantined. How can he appear before a US Senate Committee today?
OMG can you really be too stupid to not understand that testimony can delivered remotely via video and internet?

Give the damn phone back to your mom.
All of the bleeding heart do-gooders (who are really just playing the role of useful idiot in pimping government mandated healthcare penned by pharmaceutical lobbyists and mandated intrusive medical procedures at the barrel of a government gun, if we're being intellectually honest about it) should see post #20

I lived it through so many folks Natural One

but whadda i know....? seems to me all the virologists are starting to sound as parsed out as the climatologists

I'll wager you're aware of this one, scrubbed from Utube & FB, save for rebuttals>>>>

I lived it through so many folks Natural One

but whadda i know....? seems to me all the virologists are starting to sound as parsed out as the climatologists

I'll wager you're aware of this one, scrubbed from Utube & FB, save for rebuttals>>>>


The fact that they're scrubbing legit doctors expressing informed positions should pretty much make it clear that there's a political agenda at play here.

Using those social media platforms is a bit of a trap. People blow all of that time creating content just to go upload it on a platform that's just gonna delete it if the platform provider disapproves.
I lived it through so many folks Natural One

but whadda i know....? seems to me all the virologists are starting to sound as parsed out as the climatologists

I'll wager you're aware of this one, scrubbed from Utube & FB, save for rebuttals>>>>


The fact that they're scrubbing legit doctors expressing informed positions should pretty much make it clear that there's a political agenda at play here.

Using those social media platforms is a bit of a trap. People blow all of that time creating content just to go upload it on a platform that's just gonna delete it if the platform provider disapproves.

It's not the "legit doctors expressing informed positions" whose videos are getting scrubbed. Plandemic has been debunked six ways to Sunday. That anti-vaxxer loon is the laughing stock of the scientific world, but you loons cling on her every word.

Scientists, doctors and viroglogists are ignored, but you believe every conspiracy theory out there without question.
I lived it through so many folks Natural One

but whadda i know....? seems to me all the virologists are starting to sound as parsed out as the climatologists

I'll wager you're aware of this one, scrubbed from Utube & FB, save for rebuttals>>>>


The fact that they're scrubbing legit doctors expressing informed positions should pretty much make it clear that there's a political agenda at play here.

Using those social media platforms is a bit of a trap. People blow all of that time creating content just to go upload it on a platform that's just gonna delete it if the platform provider disapproves.
Go big in for Covid or go away
First we lost news organizations, now even the murky media is becoming cloudier by limiting expression to a one way street, one stance only.
It's not the "legit doctors expressing informed positions" whose videos are getting scrubbed. Plandemic has been debunked six ways to Sunday. That anti-vaxxer loon is the laughing stock of the scientific world, but you loons cling on her every word.

Scientists, doctors and viroglogists are ignored, but you believe every conspiracy theory out there without question.


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