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Seawytch is a patriot, Patriot is not a patriot but a tool of the Russians, and we thank you, Seawytch, for your service.

pismoe, @Sur, did you serve your country in the military?
---------------------------------------------------- i don't answer questions like that , its no one business and no matter my answer i don't like people that call themselves by TITLES [of veteran':afro:] or anything else or who try to set themselves apart from simply being an American or those who live in Glories that are gone . I mean heck , lying and conniving 'juan mcstain' is a veteran [chuckle] . Anyway , i follow the model of my Dad and Uncles that after they helped win WW2 they simply returned home to America as AMERICANS to raise and support families and to get jobs Sur !!
So you did not. That's OK.
Matter of fact, if you are discharged with a General Under Other Than Honorable Conditions, or lower, you lose all veterans benefits, and the government doesn't consider you to be a veteran.

Me? I take the same view. McCain is a veteran because he retired and served honorably.

Nidal Hassan, Beau Bergdahl, and Chelsea Manning are all NOT considered veterans because they were dishonorably discharged and lost all benefits.
Hassan, Bergdahl, and Manning are not vets because they are dishonorably discharged.
So you coming out clean aa a bigot. Did a Muslim rape you or something?
It’s not “bigotry” to hate filth. And no...a muslim has never done anything to me personally (that wouldn’t end well for them). However, any “faith” that
  • Rapes women and then stones them to death for being “promiscuous”
  • Forces women to walk behind men like dogs
  • Prevents women from driving
  • Prevents women from getting an education
Isn’t fit for an ounce of respect. I look forward to the day that every koran is destroyed and nobody remembers the doctrine of the muslim filth.
Matter of fact, if you are discharged with a General Under Other Than Honorable Conditions, or lower, you lose all veterans benefits, and the government doesn't consider you to be a veteran.

Me? I take the same view. McCain is a veteran because he retired and served honorably.

Nidal Hassan, Beau Bergdahl, and Chelsea Manning are all NOT considered veterans because they were dishonorably discharged and lost all benefits.
Nice try, snowflake. But nobody used the term “veteran”. Not even Seawytch. Her exact words were “serve”. And guess what? Nidal Hassan, Beau Bergdahl, and Chelsea Manning all “served”.
Matter of fact, if you are discharged with a General Under Other Than Honorable Conditions, or lower, you lose all veterans benefits, and the government doesn't consider you to be a veteran.

Me? I take the same view. McCain is a veteran because he retired and served honorably.

Nidal Hassan, Beau Bergdahl, and Chelsea Manning are all NOT considered veterans because they were dishonorably discharged and lost all benefits.
-------------------------------- i just don't do the 'veteran' worship , they are alright but no big deal to me , they just decided to take a job and then got paid for the job and recieved benefits and pay . And nowadays a lot of 'veterans' try to be Special as they use their TITLE and veteran status to disarm Americans . See 'giffords' anti gun group and see some big shot retired 'generals' and run of the mill veterans use their [supposed] hero status in UNAMERICAN ways BSailor .
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So you coming out clean aa a bigot. Did a Muslim rape you or something?
It’s not “bigotry” to hate filth. And no...a muslim has never done anything to me personally (that wouldn’t end well for them). However, any “faith” that
  • Rapes women and then stones them to death for being “promiscuous”
  • Forces women to walk behind men like dogs
  • Prevents women from driving
  • Prevents women from getting an education
Isn’t fit for an ounce of respect. I look forward to the day that every koran is destroyed and nobody remembers the doctrine of the muslim filth.
-------------------------------------------------- and the imported 'muslim' you respond to wants to disarm you and your kids and ALL Americans except for the BOSSES , Elites and Special classes people of the USA . I am happy that he is here on this board as his words condemn him and show what he is Patriot .
Matter of fact, if you are discharged with a General Under Other Than Honorable Conditions, or lower, you lose all veterans benefits, and the government doesn't consider you to be a veteran.

Me? I take the same view. McCain is a veteran because he retired and served honorably.

Nidal Hassan, Beau Bergdahl, and Chelsea Manning are all NOT considered veterans because they were dishonorably discharged and lost all benefits.
Nice try, snowflake. But nobody used the term “veteran”. Not even Seawytch. Her exact words were “serve”. And guess what? Nidal Hassan, Beau Bergdahl, and Chelsea Manning all “served”.
Oh, you are not one ever to talk sensibly about "serve". Go to, biscuit, go to.

To "serve" is an honor that is earned by only the few who are willing and able to endure physically, emotionally, and morally.

Most simply can't do it.
The alt right with their Russian social media allies now attack our veterans who have served honorably.

So you coming out clean aa a bigot. Did a Muslim rape you or something?
It’s not “bigotry” to hate filth. And no...a muslim has never done anything to me personally (that wouldn’t end well for them). However, any “faith” that
  • Rapes women and then stones them to death for being “promiscuous”
  • Forces women to walk behind men like dogs
  • Prevents women from driving
  • Prevents women from getting an education
Isn’t fit for an ounce of respect. I look forward to the day that every koran is destroyed and nobody remembers the doctrine of the muslim filth.
Lol you fall under the ignorant and brush everyone with the same brush group I guess :).
So following your logic those who are outside of the us are right when they say
Americans are dumb, obese, kill each other by the thousands, everyone is a drug addict., and stupid?

I can tell you cant afford visiting other countries, that's why you dont know jackshit about other cultures and facts and you grew racist, a bigot and paranoid about the unknown.
So you coming out clean aa a bigot. Did a Muslim rape you or something?
It’s not “bigotry” to hate filth. And no...a muslim has never done anything to me personally (that wouldn’t end well for them). However, any “faith” that
  • Rapes women and then stones them to death for being “promiscuous”
  • Forces women to walk behind men like dogs
  • Prevents women from driving
  • Prevents women from getting an education
Isn’t fit for an ounce of respect. I look forward to the day that every koran is destroyed and nobody remembers the doctrine of the muslim filth.
-------------------------------------------------- and the imported 'muslim' you respond to wants to disarm you and your kids and ALL Americans except for the BOSSES , Elites and Special classes people of the USA . I am happy that he is here on this board as his words condemn him and show what he is Patriot .
Well, people are getting killed by the thousands unlike other countries due to nutjobs like you who still stuck in the 1800s. It's time to join the 21st century cowboy. Oh and racism is not needed in this day and age.
You were too busy being a football "star" to serve your country.
I can't help it if I had talent and options coming out of high school and you didn't. And lets be honest - it's not like you wanted to "serve" your country. You were just looking for fellow homosexuals on the sea.

I had options too, "patriot" that never served. I could have gone to college on a basketball scholarship, but chose serving my country instead. The truth is that some of us have the "service gene" and some don't.

Working in the chow hall is about as close as you came to "serving" I'll bet! However you did parlay that into a great career running the cash register at your local McDonald's.
I can tell you cant afford visiting other countries, that's why you dont know jackshit about other cultures and facts and you grew racist, a bigot and paranoid about the unknown.
It's not about cost. It's about common sense. First of all - the U.S. is the greatest country in the world. Why the fuck would I visit a muslim 3rd world shit-hole when I already live in the greatest country in the world? Second, why the fuck would I "vacation" somewhere that they can't speak English? A vacation is supposed to be fun, not challenging. I don't want to have to work for 20 minutes to communicate to some muslim slob that I want a glass of water. Third, whey the fuck would I step foot on the land of a third-world country and surrender my constitutional rights?
You were too busy being a football "star" to serve your country.
I can't help it if I had talent and options coming out of high school and you didn't. And lets be honest - it's not like you wanted to "serve" your country. You were just looking for fellow homosexuals on the sea.

I had options too, "patriot" that never served. I could have gone to college on a basketball scholarship, but chose serving my country instead. The truth is that some of us have the "service gene" and some don't.

Working in the chow hall is about as close as you came to "serving" I'll bet! However you did parlay that into a great career running the cash register at your local McDonald's.
Such a foolish thing to say about someone you know nothing about, ART.
Lol you fall under the ignorant and brush everyone with the same brush group I guess.
That's idiotic progressive code for "he accepts reality". You lefties loathe reality. I knew an American (born and bred) who converted to the muslim faith. He proudly declared that he was saving for his son's to go to college but not his daughter. Wanted his own children to be ignorant and helpless if they were women.

You people are disgusting.
I can tell you cant afford visiting other countries, that's why you dont know jackshit about other cultures and facts and you grew racist, a bigot and paranoid about the unknown.
It's not about cost. It's about common sense. First of all - the U.S. is the greatest country in the world. Why the fuck would I visit a muslim 3rd world shit-hole when I already live in the greatest country in the world? Second, why the fuck would I "vacation" somewhere that they can't speak English? A vacation is supposed to be fun, not challenging. I don't want to have to work for 20 minutes to communicate to some muslim slob that I want a glass of water. Third, whey the fuck would I step foot on the land of a third-world country and surrender my constitutional rights?
----------------------------- thats pretty much the way i see things . For the cost of traveling i can buy something i want or just save the money for travel within the USA . Maybe buy some new hardware if you know what i mean . Maybe save for a new motorcycle or vehicle rather than waste my money lookin at some silly stunted 'atlas' mountains when i have the ROCKY' Mountains right outside my door .
I can tell you cant afford visiting other countries, that's why you dont know jackshit about other cultures and facts and you grew racist, a bigot and paranoid about the unknown.
It's not about cost. It's about common sense. First of all - the U.S. is the greatest country in the world. Why the fuck would I visit a muslim 3rd world shit-hole when I already live in the greatest country in the world? Second, why the fuck would I "vacation" somewhere that they can't speak English? A vacation is supposed to be fun, not challenging. I don't want to have to work for 20 minutes to communicate to some muslim slob that I want a glass of water. Third, whey the fuck would I step foot on the land of a third-world country and surrender my constitutional rights?
----------------------------- thats pretty much the way i see things . For the cost of traveling i can buy something i want or just save the money for travel within the USA . Maybe buy some new hardware if you know what i mean . Maybe save for a new motorcycle or vehicle rather than waste my money lookin at some silly stunted 'atlas' mountains when i have the ROCKY' Mountains right outside my door .
We just do our vacationing in the U.S. You could travel every year and not even see half of what the U.S. has to over. Makes absolutely no sense to leave to see an inferior nation.
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