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The U.S. has been invaded by Mexico. Literally invaded (10 to 20 million is indisputably an invasion). That alone is grounds for military action. But now, a candidate for president in Mexico is openly calling for a larger invasion.
Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador is calling for immigrants to flood into the Unites States and claim what he says is their "human right."
Please let them try this under President Trump. Please! Nothing would make me giggle more than watching bombs drop on the heads of these lawless thugs and animals.

Top Mexican presidential candidate calls for mass immigration to US to protest, claim ‘human right’

Have you ever seen the elephant? Of course not, no one who has advocates war.
You were too busy being a football "star" to serve your country.
I can't help it if I had talent and options coming out of high school and you didn't. And lets be honest - it's not like you wanted to "serve" your country. You were just looking for fellow homosexuals on the sea.

I had options too, "patriot" that never served. I could have gone to college on a basketball scholarship, but chose serving my country instead. The truth is that some of us have the "service gene" and some don't.

Working in the chow hall is about as close as you came to "serving" I'll bet! However you did parlay that into a great career running the cash register at your local McDonald's.
Such a foolish thing to say about someone you know nothing about, ART.

I know the type. Did you notice any response yet? I must have nailed it!
Matter of fact, if you are discharged with a General Under Other Than Honorable Conditions, or lower, you lose all veterans benefits, and the government doesn't consider you to be a veteran.

Me? I take the same view. McCain is a veteran because he retired and served honorably.

Nidal Hassan, Beau Bergdahl, and Chelsea Manning are all NOT considered veterans because they were dishonorably discharged and lost all benefits.
Nice try, snowflake. But nobody used the term “veteran”. Not even Seawytch. Her exact words were “serve”. And guess what? Nidal Hassan, Beau Bergdahl, and Chelsea Manning all “served”.
Oh, you are not one ever to talk sensibly about "serve". Go to, biscuit, go to.

To "serve" is an honor that is earned by only the few who are willing and able to endure physically, emotionally, and morally.

Most simply can't do it.

You are correct. Of all the age eligible people for service in this country, only 30 percent of them are qualified. 70 percent are disqualified for service because of civil convictions, physical problems, lack of education, there are a lot of reasons people don't qualify for service. Flat feet and asthma are two instant disqualifiers. If you are too fat (and there is currently an obesity problem in this country), you have to slim down before you are allowed to enlist.
You were too busy being a football "star" to serve your country.
I can't help it if I had talent and options coming out of high school and you didn't. And lets be honest - it's not like you wanted to "serve" your country. You were just looking for fellow homosexuals on the sea.

I had options too, "patriot" that never served. I could have gone to college on a basketball scholarship, but chose serving my country instead. The truth is that some of us have the "service gene" and some don't.

Working in the chow hall is about as close as you came to "serving" I'll bet! However you did parlay that into a great career running the cash register at your local McDonald's.
Such a foolish thing to say about someone you know nothing about, ART.

I know the type. Did you notice any response yet? I must have nailed it!
No, you don't, ART. You are flatly wrong, as you are so often. You make silly comments that you can't possibly support, and then stand there like a doofus thinking you have won. Tis what it is.
I can tell you cant afford visiting other countries, that's why you dont know jackshit about other cultures and facts and you grew racist, a bigot and paranoid about the unknown.
It's not about cost. It's about common sense. First of all - the U.S. is the greatest country in the world. Why the fuck would I visit a muslim 3rd world shit-hole when I already live in the greatest country in the world? Second, why the fuck would I "vacation" somewhere that they can't speak English? A vacation is supposed to be fun, not challenging. I don't want to have to work for 20 minutes to communicate to some muslim slob that I want a glass of water. Third, whey the fuck would I step foot on the land of a third-world country and surrender my constitutional rights?

From your post, it's patently obvious that you have never been overseas. Me? The Navy was kind enough to provide me with a lot of travel over the course of my career. And, I can tell you from personal experience that 80 percent of the people over there speak English. However, if you act like an ugly American and ask if they speak English in a loud, slow voice speaking English, most will say they don't and walk away. In some cases, they may sit there and mess with you for a while to see if you are going to try to speak their language before telling you they have to go.

However..........................I learned early on in my career that if I took a small phrase book (available free at the Quarterdeck), and tried to speak to them in their language, they would let me stumble around for a minute or two, then they would smile at me and tell me they spoke English. Made quite a few friends overseas that way.

Sometimes though, they would take advantage and mess with me. I remember one time in Spain I met up with a couple of guys who helped me find out where I was. They then asked me if I wanted to join them for a beer, and I said sure. Well, we walked into a bar, and the bartender was STUNNING. I mean she was flat out beautiful. I asked my new friends how I could compliment her on how she looked, and they gave me a phrase to say. I looked at the lady, and with a big grin, basically propositioned her for sex. She got REALLY upset, the dudes I was with burst out laughing, and she realized that they were messing with me by having me say inappropriate things, and we all had a good laugh.
I can tell you cant afford visiting other countries, that's why you dont know jackshit about other cultures and facts and you grew racist, a bigot and paranoid about the unknown.
It's not about cost. It's about common sense. First of all - the U.S. is the greatest country in the world. Why the fuck would I visit a muslim 3rd world shit-hole when I already live in the greatest country in the world? Second, why the fuck would I "vacation" somewhere that they can't speak English? A vacation is supposed to be fun, not challenging. I don't want to have to work for 20 minutes to communicate to some muslim slob that I want a glass of water. Third, whey the fuck would I step foot on the land of a third-world country and surrender my constitutional rights?
This is the most ignorant post I've read in this forum so far. Given you are racist and bigot, you probably live in a trailer in a red shithole. Me as a Muslim slob as you like to call us, live better than you, travel the world constantly, and speaks fluently 4 languages, and I'm glad I meet new people from different backgrounds and see the wonders of the world. When you can afford a bus ticket out of your town than you can brag.
I can tell you cant afford visiting other countries, that's why you dont know jackshit about other cultures and facts and you grew racist, a bigot and paranoid about the unknown.
It's not about cost. It's about common sense. First of all - the U.S. is the greatest country in the world. Why the fuck would I visit a muslim 3rd world shit-hole when I already live in the greatest country in the world? Second, why the fuck would I "vacation" somewhere that they can't speak English? A vacation is supposed to be fun, not challenging. I don't want to have to work for 20 minutes to communicate to some muslim slob that I want a glass of water. Third, whey the fuck would I step foot on the land of a third-world country and surrender my constitutional rights?
----------------------------- thats pretty much the way i see things . For the cost of traveling i can buy something i want or just save the money for travel within the USA . Maybe buy some new hardware if you know what i mean . Maybe save for a new motorcycle or vehicle rather than waste my money lookin at some silly stunted 'atlas' mountains when i have the ROCKY' Mountains right outside my door .
Well bigots unusually develop bigotry from not knowing the other. Understandable...qnd stay in your trail so you dont fo around polluting the world with your hate.
I can tell you cant afford visiting other countries, that's why you dont know jackshit about other cultures and facts and you grew racist, a bigot and paranoid about the unknown.
It's not about cost. It's about common sense. First of all - the U.S. is the greatest country in the world. Why the fuck would I visit a muslim 3rd world shit-hole when I already live in the greatest country in the world? Second, why the fuck would I "vacation" somewhere that they can't speak English? A vacation is supposed to be fun, not challenging. I don't want to have to work for 20 minutes to communicate to some muslim slob that I want a glass of water. Third, whey the fuck would I step foot on the land of a third-world country and surrender my constitutional rights?
----------------------------- thats pretty much the way i see things . For the cost of traveling i can buy something i want or just save the money for travel within the USA . Maybe buy some new hardware if you know what i mean . Maybe save for a new motorcycle or vehicle rather than waste my money lookin at some silly stunted 'atlas' mountains when i have the ROCKY' Mountains right outside my door .
We just do our vacationing in the U.S. You could travel every year and not even see half of what the U.S. has to over. Makes absolutely no sense to leave to see an inferior nation.
You cant afford going overseas like most rednecks and hillbillies. You wanna tell us you that the US has the Safaris, the Sahara and its oasis, the Mediterranean , the pyramids, India, the Alps, paris, Jordan....PLEASE....your kind cant afford to go out of the US.
I can tell you cant afford visiting other countries, that's why you dont know jackshit about other cultures and facts and you grew racist, a bigot and paranoid about the unknown.
It's not about cost. It's about common sense. First of all - the U.S. is the greatest country in the world. Why the fuck would I visit a muslim 3rd world shit-hole when I already live in the greatest country in the world? Second, why the fuck would I "vacation" somewhere that they can't speak English? A vacation is supposed to be fun, not challenging. I don't want to have to work for 20 minutes to communicate to some muslim slob that I want a glass of water. Third, whey the fuck would I step foot on the land of a third-world country and surrender my constitutional rights?
----------------------------- thats pretty much the way i see things . For the cost of traveling i can buy something i want or just save the money for travel within the USA . Maybe buy some new hardware if you know what i mean . Maybe save for a new motorcycle or vehicle rather than waste my money lookin at some silly stunted 'atlas' mountains when i have the ROCKY' Mountains right outside my door .

There is an old biker quote.........."If you understand, I don't have to explain. If I have to explain, you'll never understand".

I feel that way about travel. There is just something really appealing to me about going to places I've read about in books, or trying some new kind of food that I will never get here in the States, or touring a castle or church that is several centuries old. There is just something neat about that to me.

And, there are all the really cool things that I've gotten from over there that I could never get here, or if I did, I'd pay through the nose for it.

But, if you're not into meeting new people and seeing new places, I can't help you.
I can tell you cant afford visiting other countries, that's why you dont know jackshit about other cultures and facts and you grew racist, a bigot and paranoid about the unknown.
It's not about cost. It's about common sense. First of all - the U.S. is the greatest country in the world. Why the fuck would I visit a muslim 3rd world shit-hole when I already live in the greatest country in the world? Second, why the fuck would I "vacation" somewhere that they can't speak English? A vacation is supposed to be fun, not challenging. I don't want to have to work for 20 minutes to communicate to some muslim slob that I want a glass of water. Third, whey the fuck would I step foot on the land of a third-world country and surrender my constitutional rights?
----------------------------- thats pretty much the way i see things . For the cost of traveling i can buy something i want or just save the money for travel within the USA . Maybe buy some new hardware if you know what i mean . Maybe save for a new motorcycle or vehicle rather than waste my money lookin at some silly stunted 'atlas' mountains when i have the ROCKY' Mountains right outside my door .
We just do our vacationing in the U.S. You could travel every year and not even see half of what the U.S. has to over. Makes absolutely no sense to leave to see an inferior nation.
You cant afford going overseas like most rednecks and hillbillies. You wanna tell us you that the US has the Safaris, the Sahara and its oasis, the Mediterranean , the pyramids, India, the Alps, paris, Jordan....PLEASE....your kind cant afford to go out of the US.

They can if they do it like I did. Joined the Navy at 18, and stuck around for over 20 years. In that time I went to 26 different countries, and have been to 49 different states, only missing Alaska, and if I hit the lottery, I'm heading up there too.

I was just a poor country boy from Montana, but because I wanted to travel, I found a way.
I can tell you cant afford visiting other countries, that's why you dont know jackshit about other cultures and facts and you grew racist, a bigot and paranoid about the unknown.
It's not about cost. It's about common sense. First of all - the U.S. is the greatest country in the world. Why the fuck would I visit a muslim 3rd world shit-hole when I already live in the greatest country in the world? Second, why the fuck would I "vacation" somewhere that they can't speak English? A vacation is supposed to be fun, not challenging. I don't want to have to work for 20 minutes to communicate to some muslim slob that I want a glass of water. Third, whey the fuck would I step foot on the land of a third-world country and surrender my constitutional rights?
----------------------------- thats pretty much the way i see things . For the cost of traveling i can buy something i want or just save the money for travel within the USA . Maybe buy some new hardware if you know what i mean . Maybe save for a new motorcycle or vehicle rather than waste my money lookin at some silly stunted 'atlas' mountains when i have the ROCKY' Mountains right outside my door .

There is an old biker quote.........."If you understand, I don't have to explain. If I have to explain, you'll never understand".

I feel that way about travel. There is just something really appealing to me about going to places I've read about in books, or trying some new kind of food that I will never get here in the States, or touring a castle or church that is several centuries old. There is just something neat about that to me.

And, there are all the really cool things that I've gotten from over there that I could never get here, or if I did, I'd pay through the nose for it.

But, if you're not into meeting new people and seeing new places, I can't help you.
I agree...also most who hate foreigners don't even live amongst them...they just build on the stereotype....example in cities like LA people are so pro sanctuary cities, immigrants and so forth you go to small town in q red state and they are super anti foreigners. Idiot's will always be paranoid from the unknown.
I can tell you cant afford visiting other countries, that's why you dont know jackshit about other cultures and facts and you grew racist, a bigot and paranoid about the unknown.
It's not about cost. It's about common sense. First of all - the U.S. is the greatest country in the world. Why the fuck would I visit a muslim 3rd world shit-hole when I already live in the greatest country in the world? Second, why the fuck would I "vacation" somewhere that they can't speak English? A vacation is supposed to be fun, not challenging. I don't want to have to work for 20 minutes to communicate to some muslim slob that I want a glass of water. Third, whey the fuck would I step foot on the land of a third-world country and surrender my constitutional rights?

From your post, it's patently obvious that you have never been overseas. Me? The Navy was kind enough to provide me with a lot of travel over the course of my career. And, I can tell you from personal experience that 80 percent of the people over there speak English. However, if you act like an ugly American and ask if they speak English in a loud, slow voice speaking English, most will say they don't and walk away. In some cases, they may sit there and mess with you for a while to see if you are going to try to speak their language before telling you they have to go.

However..........................I learned early on in my career that if I took a small phrase book (available free at the Quarterdeck), and tried to speak to them in their language, they would let me stumble around for a minute or two, then they would smile at me and tell me they spoke English. Made quite a few friends overseas that way.

Sometimes though, they would take advantage and mess with me. I remember one time in Spain I met up with a couple of guys who helped me find out where I was. They then asked me if I wanted to join them for a beer, and I said sure. Well, we walked into a bar, and the bartender was STUNNING. I mean she was flat out beautiful. I asked my new friends how I could compliment her on how she looked, and they gave me a phrase to say. I looked at the lady, and with a big grin, basically propositioned her for sex. She got REALLY upset, the dudes I was with burst out laughing, and she realized that they were messing with me by having me say inappropriate things, and we all had a good laugh.
A. Cool story

B. We were discussing muslim nations. I have no issue with Spain.
I feel that way about travel. There is just something really appealing to me about going to places I've read about in books, or trying some new kind of food that I will never get here in the States, or touring a castle or church that is several centuries old. There is just something neat about that to me.
I get that. But I guarantee there are a zillion incredible places in the U.S. that you still haven’t seen. You can get that same experience without leaving the country.
foreigners quite often want to change the USA to their liking , see many foreigners want gun control in the USA and thats just one example . Plus as a general rule foreigners think foreign and are not Western or American in their thought process and thinking BSailor
foreigners quite often want to change the USA to their liking , see many foreigners want gun control in the USA and thats just one example . Plus as a general rule foreigners think foreign and are not Western in their thought process and thinking BSailor
--------------------------------------- so , what good are they BSailor .
Me as a Muslim slob as you like to call us, live better than you, travel the world constantly, and speaks fluently 4 languages
A. I can pretty much assure you that you don’t live better than I do :laugh:

B. You like to travel the world. So what? You also like to rape women, stone them to death, and then oppress the shit out of any of them that you don’t stone to death.
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