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The U.S. has been invaded by Mexico. Literally invaded (10 to 20 million is indisputably an invasion). That alone is grounds for military action. But now, a candidate for president in Mexico is openly calling for a larger invasion.
Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador is calling for immigrants to flood into the Unites States and claim what he says is their "human right."
Please let them try this under President Trump. Please! Nothing would make me giggle more than watching bombs drop on the heads of these lawless thugs and animals.

Top Mexican presidential candidate calls for mass immigration to US to protest, claim ‘human right’
Is it really really serious, right wingers?

10USC246 trumps federal immigration laws.
Me as a Muslim slob as you like to call us, live better than you, travel the world constantly, and speaks fluently 4 languages
A. I can pretty much assure you that you don’t live better than I do :laugh:

B. You like to travel the world. So what? You also like to rape women, stone them to death, and then oppress the shit out of any of them that you don’t stone to death.
Rape and crimes against women and kids in the US are much higher than most Muslim countries. Where I came from we respect women, we carry heavy loads for them, give them our seats on public transit, we treat them with respect...unlike here you see them as a walking pussy that needs to be grabbed.
You wanna tell us you that the US has the Safaris
Africa is made up of third-world nations with Ebola pandemics. What kind of tool with any means would want to go there? Especially when the U.S. has among the finest zoos in the world. :laugh:
the Sahara and its oasis
Yeah...who doesn’t dream of a desolate dessert for a “dream” vacation? :lmao:
the Mediterranean , the pyramids, India, the Alps
India? India?!? :lmao:
Have a very special friend who has to travel to Paris for work on a regular basis. She calls it the shit-hole of the world. Says it is hands-down the most filthy city in the world. The fact that you view it as some amazing, sparkling, romantic city tells me that you are ignorant of the world.
Jordan....PLEASE....your kind cant afford to go out of the US.
Jordan? Again...muslim shit-hole. Thanks but no thanks.
Since trump was the one who said mexico would pay for the wall, and it won't, maybe trump should take up a collection from the trillionaires the republicans made even filthier richer during the last tax reduction? Trump should throw in at least a billion or two of his own funds if he's as rich as he says he is, which I don't believe he is. In the meantime trump robots, let's go ......... build that wall build that wall, build that wall
aw , just pay it outa yer taxes and thats fine with me Jason . Course , The Trump MAY not be done punishing and squeezing mexico yet . But if all else fails you may be paying for the wall yourself and thats fine with me Jason .
I dream of war with Mexico.
Just an FYI - I accidentally had the wrong link in the original post (I just edited it). The candidate is calling for his people to invade the U.S. Time for President Trump to call in the U.S. military!
10USC246 is federal law, right wingers. Don't be, illegal to federal law. It fixes a Bad moral example for less fortunate illegals.
I could have gone to college on a basketball scholarship, but chose serving my country instead
If that’s’re an unbelievable fool. You could have accepted that scholarship, gotten your education (paid in full) and then “served” after graduation. So you’re either really stupid or you’re lying. Neither one bodes very well for you.

'Well, that's a first I must say. I've never before been berated for choosing the military over college..

See, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do when I finished High School, but I did know it wasn't more school. It wasn't my original intention to spend 20 years in and retire, but that is how it ended up. It was anything but "foolish".
Seawytch is a patriot, she’s not. She served the U.S. and I thank her for that. But she largely hates the U.S., the U.S. Constitution, and liberty. She’s not nearly as radical as some, but calling someone a “patriot” solely because they were in the military is horribly flawed logic. Nidal Hasan “served” as well, genius.

I'm much more of a patriot than you'll ever hope to be no matter the name change, Rottweiler.
Seawytch is a patriot, she’s not. She served the U.S. and I thank her for that. But she largely hates the U.S., the U.S. Constitution, and liberty. She’s not nearly as radical as some, but calling someone a “patriot” solely because they were in the military is horribly flawed logic. Nidal Hasan “served” as well, genius.

I'm much more of a patriot than you'll ever hope to be no matter the name change, Rottweiler.
Oh, if he is Rottweiler, then that explains a lot, and he has lost yet again.
I could have gone to college on a basketball scholarship, but chose serving my country instead
If that’s’re an unbelievable fool. You could have accepted that scholarship, gotten your education (paid in full) and then “served” after graduation. So you’re either really stupid or you’re lying. Neither one bodes very well for you.

'Well, that's a first I must say. I've never before been berated for choosing the military over college..

See, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do when I finished High School, but I did know it wasn't more school. It wasn't my original intention to spend 20 years in and retire, but that is how it ended up. It was anything but "foolish".
--------------------------------------- you are just another government employees , probably retired eh Seawitch .
pismoe, the military would not take you, so you are mad at all of us who served honorably and receive some compensation in return for being willing to put ourselves in harm's way for your protection. That is sad, Sur.
The U.S. has been invaded by Mexico. Literally invaded (10 to 20 million is indisputably an invasion). That alone is grounds for military action. But now, a candidate for president in Mexico is openly calling for a larger invasion.

Please let them try this under President Trump. Please! Nothing would make me giggle more than watching bombs drop on the heads of these lawless thugs and animals.

Facebook fundraiser peddling ‘fake news’ photo of crying Honduran girl raises insane amount of money

I dream of war with Mexico.
Dumb ass minorities including Hispanics are 40% of the US armed forces, and soon they will be the majority dont get your hopes up. I suggest move to Israel this country will get darker and more mixed. It'll be no place for useless racists like you.
...and the vast majority of them vote conservative. Shit for brains
I could have gone to college on a basketball scholarship, but chose serving my country instead
If that’s’re an unbelievable fool. You could have accepted that scholarship, gotten your education (paid in full) and then “served” after graduation. So you’re either really stupid or you’re lying. Neither one bodes very well for you.

'Well, that's a first I must say. I've never before been berated for choosing the military over college..

See, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do when I finished High School, but I did know it wasn't more school. It wasn't my original intention to spend 20 years in and retire, but that is how it ended up. It was anything but "foolish".
--------------------------------------- you are just another government employees , probably retired eh Seawitch .

From the military, yes. From public service, no.
This would essentially be justified now - considering this is an actual invasion.

‘Shoot them all at the border and call it good’: DMV worker on leave over illegal immigrants comment

No other nation fucks the U.S. over more so than Mexico. LETS DO THIS SHIT!
It's simple. Strip them of their "foreign aid", use it to build the wall, deport all of them, secure the border. They built their own shit-hole third world nation, they can live with it (or fix it). But they have no right to invade our nation.
Trump said mexico will pay for it. Another broken promise.

President Donald Trump has another six and a half years to fulfill that promise. Already he has fulfilled many other promises. Why does the grand success of America under the guidance of President Trump fill you with such hate?
It's all about Hillary losing her turn again.
I'm much more of a patriot than you'll ever hope to be no matter the name change, Rottweiler. hate the U.S. and want to “fundamentally transform” it. I love the U.S. and want to restore it.

You hate the U.S. Constitution and advocate for violating it 24x7. I love the U.S. Constitution and I advocate upholding and protecting it.

You hate liberty (you want to force a baker to make cakes for homosexuals). I love liberty and want to expand it.

Thanks for playing. You are dismissed.
It's all about Hillary losing her turn again.
The irony of course is that the left wants to pretend like President Trump “stole” the election, when in fact it was the DNC that rigged their primary against Bernie Sanders.

The left believed that HItlery was “entitled” to be president - voice of the American people be damned. I love the fact that she is sitting at home angry and frustrated that she will never be President of the United States.
I'm much more of a patriot than you'll ever hope to be no matter the name change, Rottweiler. hate the U.S. and want to “fundamentally transform” it. I love the U.S. and want to restore it.

You hate the U.S. Constitution and advocate for violating it 24x7. I love the U.S. Constitution and I advocate upholding and protecting it.

You hate liberty (you want to force a baker to make cakes for homosexuals). I love liberty and want to expand it.

Thanks for playing. You are dismissed.

Why do you lie about someone you know nothing about? I think your ideology is nuts and I believe you’re a little racist and a lot homophobic, but I’d never ascribe hatred of our country to you.

I happen to love the country I served faithfully for 20 years. As for the Constitution, I’ve sworn an oath to uphold and defend it for every single job I’ve had as an adult. Have you ever except in your fantasy cosplay?

Having public accommodation laws and adherence to them is not antithetical to liberty. Having to bake a cake for an interracial couple hasn’t taken away any freedoms.
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