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You can seek refuge from poverty and hunger too.
Yes you can. It’s called “planting crops” and “hunting”. People have been doing it for thousands of years.
You really are a special kind of moron.
Yeah...nothing says “moron” like taking actions to eat when one is hungry. :eusa_doh:

So those Irish immigrants that “infested” the US should have stayed in Ireland and learned to hunt? Why didn’t they think of that? Do you take the short bus to work?
You were too busy being a football "star" to serve your country.
I can't help it if I had talent and options coming out of high school and you didn't. And lets be honest - it's not like you wanted to "serve" your country. You were just looking for fellow homosexuals on the sea.

I had options too, "patriot" that never served. I could have gone to college on a basketball scholarship, but chose serving my country instead. The truth is that some of us have the "service gene" and some don't.

Working in the chow hall is about as close as you came to "serving" I'll bet! However you did parlay that into a great career running the cash register at your local McDonald's.

Never had to work the chow hall, even in boot camp. When my company had mess duty, my battalion leader had me doing other things since I was squad bay leader.

I was a radioman...old school Morse code type, but transitioned easily when we became Telecommunications Specialists.

Granted, the “outside” jobs it trained me for, I had no interest in, but I found my “civie” niche in local county government service.
So those Irish immigrants that “infested” the US should have stayed in Ireland and learned to hunt? Why didn’t they think of that? Do you take the short bus to work?
Oh snowflake...they didn’t “infest”. They immigrated legally. The fact that you have to resort to a lie to support your position speaks volumes.
Why would bombing innocent people make someone giddy?

I assume this guy claims he is a conservative too
Because when a nations leader instructs citizens from his nation to invade the U.S. because it is their “right” (direct quote there sparky), then showing those people that it is NOT their “right” makes me giddy.
I could have gone to college on a basketball scholarship, but chose serving my country instead
If that’s’re an unbelievable fool. You could have accepted that scholarship, gotten your education (paid in full) and then “served” after graduation. So you’re either really stupid or you’re lying. Neither one bodes very well for you.

'Well, that's a first I must say. I've never before been berated for choosing the military over college..

See, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do when I finished High School, but I did know it wasn't more school. It wasn't my original intention to spend 20 years in and retire, but that is how it ended up. It was anything but "foolish".

I kinda ended up with a career the same way Seawytch. When I finished HS, my Grandparents told me they were breaking my plate when I turned 18 (kicking me out on my own). So, because there weren't too many job opportunities for me in Montana, I decided to join the Navy.

After my first tour of sea duty, I was eligible for shore. My friends and shipmates told me that it would be stupid to not take my shore duty tour, because it would be like a 9 to 5 job, and I would have a steady job and pay, so I took it.

Towards the end of my shore duty, my Senior Chief came to me with a set of orders. He already knew that I was nuts about aircraft, and he asked how I would feel about going to an FA-18 squadron. I told him if he could pull it off, I would sign up for another hitch. He pulled out the orders from behind his back and showed me.

After that, I hit the 12 year mark, and decided that I could stick it out for another 8 years to hit retirement. Glad I did, because it was that steady paycheck that I could count on every month that made it fairly easy to make it through Jr.'s recession.
We aren't being invaded.
Just curious Sea...where were you during the Obama Administration? :dunno:

That's not true because I distinctly remember Republicans telling us that Obama wasn't doing anything to detain illegals -- in fact, he was personally escorting them across the border in order to join MS-13 that Obama co-founded -- and also had them voting illegally..

So how could he possibly double the number of children that Mr. Tough Illegal Crackdown Guy, Trump has?
So those Irish immigrants that “infested” the US should have stayed in Ireland and learned to hunt? Why didn’t they think of that? Do you take the short bus to work?
Oh snowflake...they didn’t “infest”. They immigrated legally. The fact that you have to resort to a lie to support your position speaks volumes.

They applied for asylum and refugee status...just like many coming over our southern border. They “infested” America the same way people from central and South America are “infesting”. That you see a difference between the two speaks VOLUMES.
Why would bombing innocent people make someone giddy?

I assume this guy claims he is a conservative too
Because when a nations leader instructs citizens from his nation to invade the U.S. because it is their “right” (direct quote there sparky), then showing those people that it is NOT their “right” makes me giddy.
thank goodness the right wing is soo, clueless and soo Causeless about our Constitution, Constitutional law, or the concept of natural rights, unless gun are involved.
They applied for asylum and refugee status...just like many coming over our southern border. They “infested” America the same way people from central and South America are “infesting”. That you see a difference between the two speaks VOLUMES.
First of all, your bullshit doesn’t even apply!!! There is a fucking ABUNDANCE of food in Mexico! Geezus fuck, Americans go there to VACATION!!! :laugh:

Google “Dining in Mexico”. They have fucking 4-star restaurants!!! You’re lying through your teeth about everything. But...that’s what the left does.

Dining in Mexico
thank goodness the right wing is soo, clueless and soo Causeless about our Constitution,
Ladies & Gentlemen...I want you to think about that comment from Daniel Palos here. Let’s just pretend for a moment that it is 100% true. Why would someone be so thankful for that?

An actual American would find that to be a tragedy. I find it infuriating that the left is completley and totally ignorant of the U.S. Constitution. Why would you want citizens to not understand their own laws and their own constitution? would want that if you want to violate the laws and you would want that if you need an ignorant electorate to stay in power. Oops. Daniel Palos just exposed himself and his side of the aisle. This is how they think, folks.
They applied for asylum and refugee status...just like many coming over our southern border. They “infested” America the same way people from central and South America are “infesting”. That you see a difference between the two speaks VOLUMES.
First of all, your bullshit doesn’t even apply!!! There is a fucking ABUNDANCE of food in Mexico! Geezus fuck, Americans go there to VACATION!!! :laugh:

Google “Dining in Mexico”. They have fucking 4-star restaurants!!! You’re lying through your teeth about everything. But...that’s what the left does.

Dining in Mexico

I say again, you really are a special kind of stupid. You’ve never been to Mexico have you?

According to the World Bank, 53 percent of Mexico’s population is poor (living on less than $2 per day), while close to 24 percent is extremely poor (living on less than $1 per day). These families are “foodinsecure,” meaning they cannot meet even their most basic nutritional needs for some or all of the year.
thank goodness the right wing is soo, clueless and soo Causeless about our Constitution,
Ladies & Gentlemen...I want you to think about that comment from Daniel Palos here. Let’s just pretend for a moment that it is 100% true. Why would someone be so thankful for that?

An actual American would find that to be a tragedy. I find it infuriating that the left is completley and totally ignorant of the U.S. Constitution. Why would you want citizens to not understand their own laws and their own constitution? would want that if you want to violate the laws and you would want that if you need an ignorant electorate to stay in power. Oops. Daniel Palos just exposed himself and his side of the aisle. This is how they think, folks.
Because, dear; all of your right wing socialism on a national basis is getting held up in Court.
I say again, you really are a special kind of stupid. You’ve never been to Mexico have you?

According to the World Bank, 53 percent of Mexico’s population is poor (living on less than $2 per day), while close to 24 percent is extremely poor (living on less than $1 per day). These families are “foodinsecure,” meaning they cannot meet even their most basic nutritional needs for some or all of the year.
So first you claimed they were “refugees”. When I pointed out that Mexico was neither war-torn or experiencing human atrocities, you then went with “a great famine across the land”. When I pointed out that Mexico has an abundance of food - you now try a third idiotic excuse of “but...but...they are poor”. Well sweetie, being “poor” isn’t grounds for refugee status.
I say again, you really are a special kind of stupid. You’ve never been to Mexico have you?

According to the World Bank, 53 percent of Mexico’s population is poor (living on less than $2 per day), while close to 24 percent is extremely poor (living on less than $1 per day). These families are “foodinsecure,” meaning they cannot meet even their most basic nutritional needs for some or all of the year.
So first you claimed they were “refugees”. When I pointed out that Mexico was neither war-torn or experiencing human atrocities, you then went with “a great famine across the land”. When I pointed out that Mexico has an abundance of food - you now try a third idiotic excuse of “but...but...they are poor”. Well sweetie, being “poor” isn’t grounds for refugee status.
Many of those having their children kidnapped by the Federal Government are seeking asylum. All of them risking their lives for the chance at a better life deserve to have their case heard by a judge. None of them deserve to have their children forcibly ripped from their arms to be lost by an ill conceived policy decision.
Many of those having their children kidnapped by the Federal Government are seeking asylum. All of them risking their lives for the chance at a better life deserve to have their case heard by a judge. None of them deserve to have their children forcibly ripped from their arms to be lost by an ill conceived policy decision.
"All of them risking their lives"? if those parents are putting their childrens lives at stake somebody better take those children...this media parroting is even getting too embarrassing to mock
Many of those having their children kidnapped by the Federal Government are seeking asylum.
On what grounds?!? We’ve already established that Mexico is not war-torn, has no human atrocities, and is not experiencing some great famine.
All of them risking their lives for the chance at a better life deserve to have their case heard by a judge.
Platitudes and immature progressive attempts at emotional reactions doesn’t get the job done, sweetie. If they want a “better life” then then they should “risk their lives” making life better in Mexico. That’s what rational people do.
None of them deserve to have their children forcibly ripped from their arms to be lost by an ill conceived policy decision.
A. Yes they do. That’s what happens when you break the law.

B. You didn’t give a shit when Obama was “forcibly ripping” children from parent’s arms. How odd.
The U.S. has been invaded by Mexico. Literally invaded (10 to 20 million is indisputably an invasion). That alone is grounds for military action. But now, a candidate for president in Mexico is openly calling for a larger invasion.
Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador is calling for immigrants to flood into the Unites States and claim what he says is their "human right."
Please let them try this under President Trump. Please! Nothing would make me giggle more than watching bombs drop on the heads of these lawless thugs and animals.

Top Mexican presidential candidate calls for mass immigration to US to protest, claim ‘human right’

That's freakin' insanity.

You invade Mexico, Canada will come to their aid.

If Canada comes to their aid, that will pull in G. Britain, and the entire British empire on the side of Mexico.
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