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The U.S. has been invaded by Mexico. Literally invaded (10 to 20 million is indisputably an invasion). That alone is grounds for military action. But now, a candidate for president in Mexico is openly calling for a larger invasion.
Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador is calling for immigrants to flood into the Unites States and claim what he says is their "human right."
Please let them try this under President Trump. Please! Nothing would make me giggle more than watching bombs drop on the heads of these lawless thugs and animals.

Top Mexican presidential candidate calls for mass immigration to US to protest, claim ‘human right’

That's freakin' insanity.

You invade Mexico, Canada will come to their aid.

If Canada comes to their aid, that will pull in G. Britain, and the entire British empire on the side of Mexico.
'1 + 1 = 2' in many aspects of life but not necessarily in geopolitical equations...
The U.S. has been invaded by Mexico. Literally invaded (10 to 20 million is indisputably an invasion). That alone is grounds for military action. But now, a candidate for president in Mexico is openly calling for a larger invasion.
Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador is calling for immigrants to flood into the Unites States and claim what he says is their "human right."
Please let them try this under President Trump. Please! Nothing would make me giggle more than watching bombs drop on the heads of these lawless thugs and animals.

Top Mexican presidential candidate calls for mass immigration to US to protest, claim ‘human right’

That's freakin' insanity.

You invade Mexico, Canada will come to their aid.

If Canada comes to their aid, that will pull in G. Britain, and the entire British empire on the side of Mexico.
'1 + 1 = 2' in many aspects of life but not necessarily in geopolitical equations...

It's pointless to talk about.

Mexico is our biggest trading partner.

I just can't see it happening.

For decades and decades of the 20th century we ruled them by clandestine means. Only in the past 40 years or so did we actually start allowing them to have some autonomy.

If they actually decided to vote for someone who pushed such a policy and was so far opposed to the current administration?

Well shit, who knows?

Right now we have a civil war going on between the civil state and the Deep State, so I wouldn't put it past the Deep State to take over the Mexican government and use it as a tool to invade.

Talk about forcing the administration's hand. . . . .

But remember, only congress can declare war, and don't look for the CIA or any other intel. agency to undo what they have done, or allowed to happen.
The U.S. has been invaded by Mexico. Literally invaded (10 to 20 million is indisputably an invasion). That alone is grounds for military action. But now, a candidate for president in Mexico is openly calling for a larger invasion.
Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador is calling for immigrants to flood into the Unites States and claim what he says is their "human right."
Please let them try this under President Trump. Please! Nothing would make me giggle more than watching bombs drop on the heads of these lawless thugs and animals.

Top Mexican presidential candidate calls for mass immigration to US to protest, claim ‘human right’
Yeah, When Germany invaded Czechoslovakia in 1939, they were less aggressive than Mexicans are now. Mexicans actually think we stole the entirety of the western United States from Mexico, they do. And to them, Not joke,this is the equivalent of the Germanic
Sudetenland.They want their country "back" By hook or crook . I am seeing Mexicans that were never born here and have no history here whatsoever here telling me that "I stole" their country from them. It's getting ugly and the manufactured history and erstwhile excuses, scary stuff.
The U.S. has been invaded by Mexico. Literally invaded (10 to 20 million is indisputably an invasion). That alone is grounds for military action. But now, a candidate for president in Mexico is openly calling for a larger invasion.
Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador is calling for immigrants to flood into the Unites States and claim what he says is their "human right."
Please let them try this under President Trump. Please! Nothing would make me giggle more than watching bombs drop on the heads of these lawless thugs and animals.

Top Mexican presidential candidate calls for mass immigration to US to protest, claim ‘human right’
Yeah, When Germany invaded Czechoslovakia in 1938, they were less aggressive than Mexicans are now. Mexicans actually think we stole the entirety of the western United States from Mexico, they do. And to them, Not joke,this is the equivalent of the Germanic
Sudetenland.They want their country "back" By hook or crook . I am seeing Mexicans that were never born and have no history here here telling me that "I stole" their country from them. It's getting ugly and the manufactured history and erstwhile excuses, scary stuff.
Well, technically we did take it from them... lol

The Mexican-American War (1846-1848) marked the first U.S. armed conflict chiefly fought on foreign soil. It pitted a politically divided and militarily unprepared Mexico against the expansionist-minded administration of U.S. President James K. Polk, who believed the United States had a “manifest destiny” to spread across the continent to the Pacific Ocean. A border skirmish along the Rio Grande started off the fighting and was followed by a series of U.S. victories. When the dust cleared, Mexico had lost about one-third of its territory, including nearly all of present-day California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico.
The U.S. has been invaded by Mexico. Literally invaded (10 to 20 million is indisputably an invasion). That alone is grounds for military action. But now, a candidate for president in Mexico is openly calling for a larger invasion.
Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador is calling for immigrants to flood into the Unites States and claim what he says is their "human right."
Please let them try this under President Trump. Please! Nothing would make me giggle more than watching bombs drop on the heads of these lawless thugs and animals.

Top Mexican presidential candidate calls for mass immigration to US to protest, claim ‘human right’
Yeah, When Germany invaded Czechoslovakia in 1938, they were less aggressive than Mexicans are now. Mexicans actually think we stole the entirety of the western United States from Mexico, they do. And to them, Not joke,this is the equivalent of the Germanic
Sudetenland.They want their country "back" By hook or crook . I am seeing Mexicans that were never born and have no history here here telling me that "I stole" their country from them. It's getting ugly and the manufactured history and erstwhile excuses, scary stuff.
Well, technically we did take it from them... lol

The Mexican-American War (1846-1848) marked the first U.S. armed conflict chiefly fought on foreign soil. It pitted a politically divided and militarily unprepared Mexico against the expansionist-minded administration of U.S. President James K. Polk, who believed the United States had a “manifest destiny” to spread across the continent to the Pacific Ocean. A border skirmish along the Rio Grande started off the fighting and was followed by a series of U.S. victories. When the dust cleared, Mexico had lost about one-third of its territory, including nearly all of present-day California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico.

It was the Spanish that stole it from the indigenous land owners. The Mexicans just inherited it from the Spanish when they rebelled, and they lost it in a war of conquest to the U.S.

So if they are seeking justice, I guess they should be lobbying to have it returned to the Native Americans.

I don't see the Mexicans offering to sign up to give fealty back to the Spanish King. . . .
Well being that Mexico was itself was founded by Spaniards, and was itself a huge European colonialist power, , And if I am not sure what Mexicans can claim after they fought constantly against Spain , France or America .
I am not seeing too many French Canadians sneaking in here. Where Denver is actually part of the Louisiana Purchase, it had nothing to do with Mexico. But these Mexicans think we stole it from them. Yeah, Mexico, a creation white Christians that stole it from the aboriginal peoples and forced Spanish and western religion on them, that's OK. Umm...yeah.
Mexicans are invaders, they even named a local Denver station (la Invasora), "The invader", well, pretty humorous as it is subtle. Just like a Monty Python fish smacked in you face. Denver and northern Colorado (Spanish for Red Color. I all too well know...) was never part of Spanish colonial Mexico though . I am not up on colonist wars, like say the war in 1848 against Mexico , and I don't really care either. Mexicans have to up themselves on History. So they say what we lost we will be ours again , The Reconquista; Denver is open to them ? Like Mukwonago Wisconsin, then Juno, Alaska, Nova Scotia and who knows knows what's next? Olympus Mons on Mars was stolen from Mexicans, because it's in Latin. That's it in a nutshell.
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those of you that want war with Mexico need to find your local recruiting station and get yourselves and or your family in line to sign up.
Oh for fuck’s sake...that line is so tired and played out. We have a military. Their entire purpose is to protect us from an invasion. Asking them to perform the basic fundamental duty of their existence is not unreasonable.

Stop being a fucking Drama Queen.
stop being such a coward and sign the dotted line.
rutt roo.....

California, the land of fruits and nuts. Trade California for Baja California. Mexico will get California back but lose Baja California. Ensenada is a nice place and other points of attraction.

edit: Hotel California is on the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula where locals claim there are ghosts.
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Where I came from we respect women,
No you don't. You force them to cover their faces, force them to walk behind men like dogs, force them into marriages they don't want, beat the shit out of them, rape them, and then stone them to death.
we carry heavy loads for them, give them our seats on public transit, we treat them with respect
Yeah...Americans do ALL of that without forcing them into marriages or forcing them to cover their face.
60 years of stolen lands, stolen te homology from the west, they live off American aid, they put an apartheid system, they committed many massacres...let's be proud of them yaaay.
and this post right above , See 'its' thinking and his types are being allowed to import themselves into the USA Also , this guy is also an anti gun advocate Patriot .
Well duh! All filthy muslims are anti-guns. They don't want women to be able to defend themselves. And...muslims are cowards. They like to attack individuals in mobs. A gun levels the playing field. They want no part of that.
60 years of stolen lands, stolen te homology from the west, they live off American aid, they put an apartheid system, they committed many massacres...let's be proud of them yaaay.
and this post right above , See 'its' thinking and his types are being allowed to import themselves into the USA Also , this guy is also an anti gun advocate Patriot .
Well duh! All filthy muslims are anti-guns. They don't want women to be able to defend themselves. And...muslims are cowards. They like to attack individuals in mobs. A gun levels the playing field. They want no part of that.
The darker the skin/the greater the sin
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