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Cutting handouts to the rogue state of Israel and its lazy citizens, would help finance the wal...I'm all for it.
Oh boy...another radical antisemite. :eusa_doh:

What's the deal with that anyway? Who taught you to hate Jews so much? And why? I'm just curious.
-------------------------------- he is 'muslim' Patriot .
Muslim and proud mr bigot :)
------------------------------------------------------------ muslims are taught to hate 'JEWS' . course JEWS are the superior people . Look what Israel which has a large population of JEWS has done in 60 years or so and compare to 'ayrab' or other type muslims that are proud of the 'atlas' mountains and camels as i roll my eyes Patriot . :afro:
60 years of stolen lands, stolen te homology from the west, they live off American aid, they put an apartheid system, they committed many massacres...let's be proud of them yaaay.
--------------------------------------------------- and this post right above , See 'its' thinking and his types are being allowed to import themselves into the USA . Also , this guy is also an anti gun advocate Patriot .
We can address illegal immigration without resorting to military intervention. We aren't being invaded, chicken little.
That’s exactly what is happening. It is an invasion. If 20 million Russians with “we love Trump” broke into our nation, you would be curled up in the fetal position of your safe space screaming “invasion”. But because you see people who can be exploited for your own advantage, you want to shed fake tears and pretend they are fleeing atrocities.

This is an invasion - with a presidential candidate calling for more of their citizens to invade. You can twist this no matter how hard you try.
Its a mistake that 'muslims' were imported into the USA and other Western lands but i don't want to deport existing muslims already in the USA . And that especially true concerning 'sunni man' , aw , heck , he seems ok . So don't deport existing muslims in the USA , let them die out naturally and normally and nonviolently of old age in their sleep . Just don't import anymore 'muslims' Sur !!
All Muslims gotta go: good, bad, indifferent, or anyone.

We do have an "invasion" of several million Russian bots on social media blogging for the American alt right and the Trumpers.
I could have gone to college on a basketball scholarship, but chose serving my country instead
If that’s’re an unbelievable fool. You could have accepted that scholarship, gotten your education (paid in full) and then “served” after graduation. So you’re either really stupid or you’re lying. Neither one bodes very well for you.
Seawytch is a patriot, Patriot is not a patriot but a tool of the Russians, and we thank you, Seawytch, for your service.

pismoe, @Sur, did you serve your country in the military?
Seawytch is a patriot, she’s not. She served the U.S. and I thank her for that. But she largely hates the U.S., the U.S. Constitution, and liberty. She’s not nearly as radical as some, but calling someone a “patriot” solely because they were in the military is horribly flawed logic. Nidal Hasan “served” as well, genius.
Seawytch is a patriot, Patriot is not a patriot but a tool of the Russians, and we thank you, Seawytch, for your service.

pismoe, @Sur, did you serve your country in the military?
---------------------------------------------------- i don't answer questions like that , its no one business and no matter my answer i don't like people that call themselves by TITLES [of veteran':afro:] or anything else or who try to set themselves apart from simply being an American or those who live in Glories that are gone . I mean heck , lying and conniving 'juan mcstain' is a veteran [chuckle] . Anyway , i follow the model of my Dad and Uncles that after they helped win WW2 they simply returned home to America as AMERICANS to raise and support families and to get jobs Sur !!
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Seawytch is a patriot, she’s not. She served the U.S. and I thank her for that. But she largely hates the U.S., the U.S. Constitution, and liberty. She’s not nearly as radical as some, but calling someone a “patriot” solely because they were in the military is horribly flawed logic. Nidal Hasan “served” as well, genius.
------------------------------------------------- excellent point and look at Veteran 'beau berghdal' and 'chelsea manning' who are both veterans i think . But your mention of 'nidal hasan' takes the cake as he is a 'veteran' Patriot [aw haw] .
Quote it, you dumbass!

You cannot because it doesn't exist as you imagined it. I have been told by someone who cannot back up a single assertion with any real facts.

Just because Presidents have screwed things up in the past is no excuse to allow them to do so in the future.

BTW when was the last time martial law was declared in the United States?
Regardless of whether or not you believe past actions of presidents were “screw ups” or not is irrelevant. I’ve shown you all the ways this can be done. Clearly you don’t “like” it. Or “agree” with their doing so. But that doesn’t much matter either. All the tools to do just that exist.

You haven't shown me anything except your bizarre penchant for ranting.

Quote it, dumbass!
I’ve shown you a myriad of methods, existing laws, and examples. Your “not good” enough routine is a boring as your Liberal habit of resorting to name calling. Yawn...

You haven't shown me ANYTHING!

That's the point, dumbass!

You made shit up and then swear it is true!

Are you a libtard, because that is how they do it!?
Then you haven’t read what I’ve shown you. And I was wondering precisely the same about you...

What have you shown me? I haven't seen the link for which I asked.

Your opinions are just that, verging on conspiracy theory.
Planting crops and hunting deer results in “terrible human cost”? :uhh:
It has for tens of thousand of years: as a primary society, it is rough on the very young, the aged, the ill, and the outsiders.

That is why settled life in villages in the old days with adequate shelter, warmth, food, social support, etc. was such a necessary step forward to civilization.

Now you want to return people to a hunter gather society: idiot.
Seawytch is a patriot, she’s not. She served the U.S. and I thank her for that. But she largely hates the U.S., the U.S. Constitution, and liberty. She’s not nearly as radical as some, but calling someone a “patriot” solely because they were in the military is horribly flawed logic. Nidal Hasan “served” as well, genius.
No, she is a true American, whereas you are not. You hate American values and liberties of the Constitution. You have no real idea of what is liberty and freedom. You think the Russians and their way of life is peachy.

I would take one Seawytch over ten of you for a better America.
Oh boy...another radical antisemite. :eusa_doh:

What's the deal with that anyway? Who taught you to hate Jews so much? And why? I'm just curious.
-------------------------------- he is 'muslim' Patriot .
Muslim and proud mr bigot :)
------------------------------------------------------------ muslims are taught to hate 'JEWS' . course JEWS are the superior people . Look what Israel which has a large population of JEWS has done in 60 years or so and compare to 'ayrab' or other type muslims that are proud of the 'atlas' mountains and camels as i roll my eyes Patriot . :afro:
60 years of stolen lands, stolen te homology from the west, they live off American aid, they put an apartheid system, they committed many massacres...let's be proud of them yaaay.
--------------------------------------------------- and this post right above , See 'its' thinking and his types are being allowed to import themselves into the USA . Also , this guy is also an anti gun advocate Patriot .
Anti racists and bigots and mass shooters, heck yeah!!! I bet you never left your trailer park, there are tons of peaceful places with no gun shootings, no obesity and no dumb hillbillies out there.
lets guess , what is she , Seawitch , maybe a millenial lady sailor like that hip hoping lady sailor that was just found guilty of crashing a Big huge Naval Vessel as she wasn't paying attention on her watch . Or maybe a 'tuna' fisherman or fisher lady with a baseball cap that says Veteran on it , Probably Embroidered in Gold eh Sur .
Seawytch is a patriot, she’s not. She served the U.S. and I thank her for that. But she largely hates the U.S., the U.S. Constitution, and liberty. She’s not nearly as radical as some, but calling someone a “patriot” solely because they were in the military is horribly flawed logic. Nidal Hasan “served” as well, genius.
------------------------------------------------- excellent point and look at Veteran 'beau berghdal' and 'chelsea manning' who are both veterans i think . But your mention of 'nidal hasan' takes the cake as he is a 'veteran' Patriot [aw haw] .

Actually, those three that you mentioned aren't exactly considered veterans, because they were all dishonorably discharged. If you are discharged with a dishonorable, you lose all veterans benefits, as well as the privilege of being able to wear your uniform after you are discharged (provided you maintain uniform standards). No, dishonorable dischargees are not considered veterans by the government, or by me.
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