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less than 11 million, about 3.3% of the population

this is not an invasion

in the 1860s half the country was foreign born, NYC was 70%

the alt right nativists do not run this country
11 million is more than the population of New York City.China the most populous nation in the world with 1.4 billion people has a n active duty military of just over 2 million. So yes 11 million people entering a country without permission is an invasion.
I dream of war with Mexico.
I thought of asking you why but it occurs to me you probably live in a place which is close to the Mexico/U.S. border and so you're exposed to a lot of border jumpers. Am I right?

I presently live in New Jersey but I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, where I've had almost zero contact with Mexicans and those I did come across seemed okay to me. My overall impression of Mexicans is they are Christians, most are either near-White or Azteca and for the most part I don't believe they harbor an innate hatred for White Americans. As for those who have migrated here illegally, I believe their only motive is to look for a better life. What I've seen of them is they are willing to work and jobs are really what they are looking for. So, for the reason's I've explained, I can't say I have any innate dislike for or fear of Mexican illegals.

Muslims, however, are another story. I harbor an intense, almost instinctual loathing for those worthless, obnoxious bastards. Not the children, some of whom are really cute, and not so much those Muslim women who appear docile and non-aggressive. But I especially despise the arrogant, the aggressive, and the bearded bastards whose hatred for White Christians is clearly revealed on their faces. I don't know if it's because of some deeply-rooted psychological disorder but those oily, miserable-looking bastards evoke a full-blown homicidal impulse in me. My feelings toward them are no different from what I would feel toward any menacing battlefield adversary. I wouldn't hesitate to kill them and I wouldn't think twice about it.

What these people are doing and have done in Europe and Scandinavia is infuriating. Anyone who doesn't appreciate that we have a President like Donald Trump who is dedicated to keeping those no-good bastards out of here is either simple-minded or masochistic, or both.
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The U.S. has been invaded by Mexico. Literally invaded (10 to 20 million is indisputably an invasion). That alone is grounds for military action. But now, a candidate for president in Mexico is openly calling for a larger invasion.
Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador is calling for immigrants to flood into the Unites States and claim what he says is their "human right."
Please let them try this under President Trump. Please! Nothing would make me giggle more than watching bombs drop on the heads of these lawless thugs and animals.

Top Mexican presidential candidate calls for mass immigration to US to protest, claim ‘human right’

If you think there's only 20 million here already you're delusional. They said it was 11 million in 2001 and about 2 million a year have been added since and that's a fairly conservative estimate. Defending our borders is a military function, I've been advocating it for years.

I love Mexican culture. The ancient culture, Toltecs, the Mayans and the whole aspect of Mexican modernist muralists. And the FOOD, don't get me started. Who the hell dosen't like Mexican cuisine? Freida Kahlo. She is my feminist hero sister. I divorce Mexican culture from illegal aliens from Mexico however. Mexican illegals in my mind are scoundrels and liars and sneaks and they bloody well know it. But real Mexico, I still have a sentimental place in my heart.I deeply respect Mexicans .
Besides o dont hate Jews but I do hate the zionists.

This would essentially be justified now - considering this is an actual invasion.

‘Shoot them all at the border and call it good’: DMV worker on leave over illegal immigrants comment

No other nation fucks the U.S. over more so than Mexico. LETS DO THIS SHIT!
It's simple. Strip them of their "foreign aid", use it to build the wall, deport all of them, secure the border. They built their own shit-hole third world nation, they can live with it (or fix it). But they have no right to invade our nation.
Trump said mexico will pay for it. Another broken promise.

President Donald Trump has another six and a half years to fulfill that promise. Already he has fulfilled many other promises. Why does the grand success of America under the guidance of President Trump fill you with such hate?
The orange will die from a stroke, he is obese and has clogged arteries. 8 years my ass.
This would essentially be justified now - considering this is an actual invasion.

‘Shoot them all at the border and call it good’: DMV worker on leave over illegal immigrants comment

No other nation fucks the U.S. over more so than Mexico.

Really? Mexico fucks the US over? I thought it was the other way around. The US really must be struggling if Mexico fucks it over!

Yep, true story.
$100 billion per year and mass degradation of every community they inhabit...weird huh?
This would essentially be justified now - considering this is an actual invasion.

‘Shoot them all at the border and call it good’: DMV worker on leave over illegal immigrants comment

No other nation fucks the U.S. over more so than Mexico.

Really? Mexico fucks the US over? I thought it was the other way around. The US really must be struggling if Mexico fucks it over!

Yep, true story.
$100 billion per year and mass degradation of every community they inhabit...weird huh?

$100 billion a year. Wow. I was thinking like 75 million years.

Mass degradation of every community huh? Are you sure?
One good build up of invaders at the border, and a large incursion as suggested by the Mexican candidate could play quite nicely into the hands of Trump. A bulletproof reason to declare martial law, suspend the house and senate, secure the border by any means necessary to defend our nation, and “viola”!
We get everything we ever wanted. And no Filthy traitorous Democrat Liberals to get in the way...

Where do you find the Constitutional authority to suspend the House and Senate?
Its not. It’s wrapped up in the “Patriot Act” that’s now law of the land. Which also gives the President the authority to suspend the constitution itself. Once enacted... who can can take it to the courts? No one. The Patriot act was a bad idea. Might as well use it for some good...

Declaration of martial law approriatley coupled with the provisions laid out in the patriot act can quite easily do just that. Throw the Emergency powers act in the mix... And there's very little any President couldn't do with the right support.
We've seen many examples of presidents "doing things without constitutional authority" throughout our nation's history. But never in our nation's history has a President had so much legal authority, and as many options to do so.

Declaration of martial law appropriatley coupled with the provisions laid out in the patriot act can quite easily do just that. Throw the Emergency powers act in the mix... And there's very little any President couldn't do with the right support.
We've seen many examples of presidents "doing things without constitutional authority" throughout our nation's history. But never before in our nation's history has a President had so much legal authority, and as many options to do so.
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I dream of war with Mexico.
I thought of asking you why but it occurs to me you probably live in a place which is close to the Mexico/U.S. border and so you're exposed to a lot of border jumpers. Am I right?

I presently live in New Jersey but I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, where I've had almost zero contact with Mexicans and those I did come across seemed okay to me. My overall impression of Mexicans is they are Christians, most are either near-White or Azteca and for the most part I don't believe they harbor an innate hatred for White Americans. As for those who have migrated here illegally, I believe their only motive is to look for a better life. What I've seen of them is they are willing to work and jobs are really what they are looking for. So, for the reason's I've explained, I can't say I have any innate dislike for or fear of Mexican illegals.

Muslims, however, are another story. I harbor an intense, almost instinctual loathing for those worthless, obnoxious bastards. Not the children, some of whom are really cute, and not so much those Muslim women who appear docile and non-aggressive. But I especially despise the arrogant, the aggressive, and the bearded bastards whose hatred for White Christians is clearly revealed on their faces. I don't know if it's because of some deeply-rooted psychological disorder but those oily, miserable-looking bastards evoke a full-blown homicidal impulse in me. My feelings toward them are no different from what I would feel toward any menacing battlefield adversary. I wouldn't hesitate to kill them and I wouldn't think twice about it.

What these people are doing and have done in Europe and Scandinavia is infuriating. Anyone who doesn't appreciate that we have a President like Donald Trump who is dedicated to keeping those no-good bastards out of here is either simple-minded or masochistic, or both.

I live in Southern California. I own a number of residential properties in a region taken over by illegals. (Riverside and San Bernardino Counties)
Through the years I have leased properties to many illegals not knowing they were illegal only to have them ruin the property, squat for months rent free and leave me no legal recourse.
My family has been in auto accidents where illegals were at fault, uninsured or under insured and yet again, due to their illegal status I was left no recourse. It’s a bizarre situation with illegals out here...they are a protected class and basically above the law in Mexifornia.
Poke around on this board, my extreme hatred toward wetbacks will be very apparent.
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and how is it a 'human right' to come here? this simply proves that mexicans hate mexicans, if not they would unfuck mexico
Thank you! That’s kind of the entire point here. There is absolutely no “human right” to invade the U.S. And that’s exactly what these assholes are doing.
those of you that want war with Mexico need to find your local recruiting station and get yourselves and or your family in line to sign up.
Oh for fuck’s sake...that line is so tired and played out. We have a military. Their entire purpose is to protect us from an invasion. Asking them to perform the basic fundamental duty of their existence is not unreasonable.

Stop being a fucking Drama Queen.
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