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One good build up of invaders at the border, and a large incursion as suggested by the Mexican candidate could play quite nicely into the hands of Trump. A bulletproof reason to declare martial law, suspend the house and senate, secure the border by any means necessary to defend our nation, and “viola”!
We get everything we ever wanted. And no Filthy traitorous Democrat Liberals to get in the way...
The Alt Right/Russian allies would love a Trumpian dictatorship, but real America would disappear everyone who tried it.

The military would not obey Trump, and Pence would relieve him under Amendment XXV on grounds of mental incompetency.
The U.S. has been invaded by Mexico. Literally invaded (10 to 20 million is indisputably an invasion). That alone is grounds for military action. But now, a candidate for president in Mexico is openly calling for a larger invasion.
Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador is calling for immigrants to flood into the Unites States and claim what he says is their "human right."
Please let them try this under President Trump. Please! Nothing would make me giggle more than watching bombs drop on the heads of these lawless thugs and animals.

Top Mexican presidential candidate calls for mass immigration to US to protest, claim ‘human right’
Hitler had the Sudetenland, and the outrages of the Versailles treaty. Mexicans say that America was stolen from them too, under the outrageous treaty of Hidalgo- Guadalupe after the Mexican America war. Yeah . Some Mexicans say:This was and will be, Mexico AGAIN. Mexico uber alles. Opps, mixed metaphors. Well, got to hand it to Mexican invaders, they are passive aggressive. They don't use tanks or stukas. No, they skulk in instead like cowardly chicken thieves in the night. In their silent little invasion of America. And use their children as hedgeds. Got to hand it to them, those calculating bastards figured all the angles.
The U.S. has been invaded by Mexico. Literally invaded (10 to 20 million is indisputably an invasion). That alone is grounds for military action. But now, a candidate for president in Mexico is openly calling for a larger invasion.

Please let them try this under President Trump. Please! Nothing would make me giggle more than watching bombs drop on the heads of these lawless thugs and animals.

Facebook fundraiser peddling ‘fake news’ photo of crying Honduran girl raises insane amount of money

I dream of war with Mexico.

Well, little boy, put your name on the dotted line and join up and then you can call for such things.

All of you pussies that have never served dream about long as someone else is fighting it.

Look wack-job...nobody here believes your never military man speaks like you do and shares your twisted views. NONE!

Actually there are a lot of smaller government, more personal freedoms folks like me in the military. Not everyone is a statist like you

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Actually there are a lot of smaller government, more personal freedoms folks like me in the military.
Now that is true. About the only thing that you’ve ever said that is true. For someone who is supposedly sooooooooooo “radical right” you sure do spend hours and hours on USMB railing against liberty and siding with big government progressives. :dunno:
The alt right with their far right and Russian allies are anti-liberty.
You know, I find it really interesting that those who have never served are generally the first ones to call for military action.

Going to war with Mexico over immigration is beyond stupid.

And yeah, I'm a retired military veteran, and I think that the OP is beyond idiotic.

Be honest. Tell everyone that you were a titless WAVE and the closest you ever got to any action was in the backseat of your old man's Buick.
a couple things;

those of you that want war with Mexico need to find your local recruiting station and get yourselves and or your family in line to sign up.

and how is it a 'human right' to come here? this simply proves that mexicans hate mexicans, if not they would unfuck mexico
One good build up of invaders at the border, and a large incursion as suggested by the Mexican candidate could play quite nicely into the hands of Trump. A bulletproof reason to declare martial law, suspend the house and senate, secure the border by any means necessary to defend our nation, and “viola”!
We get everything we ever wanted. And no Filthy traitorous Democrat Liberals to get in the way...

Where do you find the Constitutional authority to suspend the House and Senate?
One good build up of invaders at the border, and a large incursion as suggested by the Mexican candidate could play quite nicely into the hands of Trump. A bulletproof reason to declare martial law, suspend the house and senate, secure the border by any means necessary to defend our nation, and “viola”!
We get everything we ever wanted. And no Filthy traitorous Democrat Liberals to get in the way...

Where do you find the Constitutional authority to suspend the House and Senate?
Its not. It’s wrapped up in the “Patriot Act” that’s now law of the land. Which also gives the President the authority to suspend the constitution itself. Once enacted... who can can take it to the courts? No one. The Patriot act was a bad idea. Might as well use it for some good...
The U.S. has been invaded by Mexico. Literally invaded (10 to 20 million is indisputably an invasion). That alone is grounds for military action. But now, a candidate for president in Mexico is openly calling for a larger invasion.
Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador is calling for immigrants to flood into the Unites States and claim what he says is their "human right."
Please let them try this under President Trump. Please! Nothing would make me giggle more than watching bombs drop on the heads of these lawless thugs and animals.

Top Mexican presidential candidate calls for mass immigration to US to protest, claim ‘human right’
To normal people its an invasion to Liberals its potential voters.
This would essentially be justified now - considering this is an actual invasion.

‘Shoot them all at the border and call it good’: DMV worker on leave over illegal immigrants comment

No other nation fucks the U.S. over more so than Mexico. LETS DO THIS SHIT!
It's simple. Strip them of their "foreign aid", use it to build the wall, deport all of them, secure the border. They built their own shit-hole third world nation, they can live with it (or fix it). But they have no right to invade our nation.
Trump said mexico will pay for it. Another broken promise.

President Donald Trump has another six and a half years to fulfill that promise. Already he has fulfilled many other promises. Why does the grand success of America under the guidance of President Trump fill you with such hate?
Let's say Hitler used illegal immigrants instead of blitzkrieg. Stealth and passively made this a humanitarian issue, instead of overtly invading and conquering by brute force. Brilliant. Mexico uber alles. Got to hand it to Mexican civilian invaders that drag their children into this and create this phony media propaganda coup. "What about the children"....Brilliant use of the media, a stroke of genius. Hitler never would have thought of that tact. Big round of applause for the invaders from Mexico! Yeah, but we aren't buying it. The sound of one hand clapping.
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Actually there are a lot of smaller government, more personal freedoms folks like me in the military.
Now that is true. About the only thing that you’ve ever said that is true. For someone who is supposedly sooooooooooo “radical right” you sure do spend hours and hours on USMB railing against liberty and siding with big government progressives. :dunno:

Not once have I done that, you are full of shit

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One good build up of invaders at the border, and a large incursion as suggested by the Mexican candidate could play quite nicely into the hands of Trump. A bulletproof reason to declare martial law, suspend the house and senate, secure the border by any means necessary to defend our nation, and “viola”!
We get everything we ever wanted. And no Filthy traitorous Democrat Liberals to get in the way...

Where do you find the Constitutional authority to suspend the House and Senate?
Its not. It’s wrapped up in the “Patriot Act” that’s now law of the land. Which also gives the President the authority to suspend the constitution itself. Once enacted... who can can take it to the courts? No one. The Patriot act was a bad idea. Might as well use it for some good...

Doubling down on your bullshit? That's a liberal tactic. Please stop.

There is nothing in the Patriot Act about suspending the House and Senate. It would be unConstitutional.
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