Group Of DNC Members Discussing Rules Change To Stop Sanders At Convention

The Republic is again threatened by citizens trying to elect their leaders!

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention
Meanwhile the GOP isn’t even holding a primary in some states...hmmm :rolleyes-41:

Because there is no need. Coyote, c'mon, what the DNC is doing is corruption personified. You can't approve of what they are doing. Can you?

What do you mean there is no need to? There is more than one person trying to run on the Republican side.

If the Republicans were really incensed about what the DNC is doing...they'd be holding primaries.
Why do you support DC insiders interfering with our elections?

Are you afraid of them?
Or are you just a sheeple following orders?

I don't support or not support what parties do. Primaries are a party function. In fact, parties used to select their candidates.

If you weren't a hypocrite - you'd be asking why some states won't hold a Republican primary when there are legitimate challengers.

The problem is not the primaries - the problem is really the inability of someone who is neither a D or an R to get into the race.
The Republic is again threatened by citizens trying to elect their leaders!

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention
Meanwhile the GOP isn’t even holding a primary in some states...hmmm :rolleyes-41:

Because there is no need. Coyote, c'mon, what the DNC is doing is corruption personified. You can't approve of what they are doing. Can you?

What do you mean there is no need to? There is more than one person trying to run on the Republican side.

If the Republicans were really incensed about what the DNC is doing...they'd be holding primaries.
Why do you support DC insiders interfering with our elections?

Are you afraid of them?
Or are you just a sheeple following orders?

I don't support or not support what parties do. Primaries are a party function. In fact, parties used to select their candidates.

If you weren't a hypocrite - you'd be asking why some states won't hold a Republican primary when there are legitimate challengers.

The problem is not the primaries - the problem is really the inability of someone who is neither a D or an R to get into the race.
Ah, so you admit Democrats letting the little people select the nominee is just a BS charade.
Meanwhile the GOP isn’t even holding a primary in some states...hmmm :rolleyes-41:

Because there is no need. Coyote, c'mon, what the DNC is doing is corruption personified. You can't approve of what they are doing. Can you?

What do you mean there is no need to? There is more than one person trying to run on the Republican side.

If the Republicans were really incensed about what the DNC is doing...they'd be holding primaries.
Why do you support DC insiders interfering with our elections?

Are you afraid of them?
Or are you just a sheeple following orders?

I don't support or not support what parties do. Primaries are a party function. In fact, parties used to select their candidates.

If you weren't a hypocrite - you'd be asking why some states won't hold a Republican primary when there are legitimate challengers.

The problem is not the primaries - the problem is really the inability of someone who is neither a D or an R to get into the race.
Ah, so you admit Democrats letting the little people select the nominee is just a BS charade.

I wouldn't say that - it depends on what they do. Both the Republicans and the Democrats have chosen candidates behind closed doors. You're a political novice if you think it can't happen again (though they might suffer the wrath of their electorate) - and you're an idiot if you think the Republicans don't do it.
Because there is no need. Coyote, c'mon, what the DNC is doing is corruption personified. You can't approve of what they are doing. Can you?

What do you mean there is no need to? There is more than one person trying to run on the Republican side.

If the Republicans were really incensed about what the DNC is doing...they'd be holding primaries.
Why do you support DC insiders interfering with our elections?

Are you afraid of them?
Or are you just a sheeple following orders?

I don't support or not support what parties do. Primaries are a party function. In fact, parties used to select their candidates.

If you weren't a hypocrite - you'd be asking why some states won't hold a Republican primary when there are legitimate challengers.

The problem is not the primaries - the problem is really the inability of someone who is neither a D or an R to get into the race.
Ah, so you admit Democrats letting the little people select the nominee is just a BS charade.

I wouldn't say that - it depends on what they do. Both the Republicans and the Democrats have chosen candidates behind closed doors. You're a political novice if you think it can't happen again (though they might suffer the wrath of their electorate) - and your an idiot if you think the Republicans don't do it.
You think Trump was a Republican insider?

Friggen hilarious.
Bernie is screwed but he won't accept that.
The longer he keeps up the charade the more his adherents will cling to him and, when November comes around, will burn tires in the streets instead of voting for Hillary like The Democrat Party has already decided.
Oh, John f'n Kerry? He'll run.
He mysteriously commits suicide.
Hillary is watching........
The Republic is again threatened by citizens trying to elect their leaders!

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention

An update which I read yesterday. Waiting to see if more comes out, because if true, wow------------->

It was reported that John Kerry was over heard on a phone call, stating what he would need bare minimum, to get into the 2020 Democratic primary for President.

If this turns out to be accurate...……….then they are losing faith in Biden, and getting an INSURANCE policy that will force a brokered convention.

And you Bernie supporters thought that Democrats only got INSURANCE POLICIES against Trump!

Stay tuned-)
The Democrat convention should be interesting. Especially if it is a contested one.
The Democrat convention should be interesting. Especially if it is a contested one.

I would be surprised if they do it - they'd anger their base. There was talk of the Republicans doing it when Trump looked to be winning the primary, but they didn't - it often backfires in this day and age.
The Democrat convention should be interesting. Especially if it is a contested one.

I would be surprised if they do it - they'd anger their base. There was talk of the Republicans doing it when Trump looked to be winning the primary, but they didn't - it often backfires in this day and age.
Trump trounced the opposition in debates. These debates so far have not had a clear winner IMO. The party is definitely divided between Leftists and Liberals. I believe the party knows Sanders cannot win in the general election so it is hamstrung. I am genuinely curious to see what happens. I was at a meeting with a business owner, who is a Leftist but not as illogical as you. Still he was a Sanders guy but being a business owner he said he will likely vote for Trump due to selfish reasons as his business is doing well and he is nervous the Democrats would raise the minimum wage, which would severely impact his business. Interesting.
The Democrat convention should be interesting. Especially if it is a contested one.

I would be surprised if they do it - they'd anger their base. There was talk of the Republicans doing it when Trump looked to be winning the primary, but they didn't - it often backfires in this day and age.
Trump trounced the opposition in debates. These debates so far have not had a clear winner IMO. The party is definitely divided between Leftists and Liberals. I believe the party knows Sanders cannot win in the general election so it is hamstrung. I am genuinely curious to see what happens. I was at a meeting with a business owner, who is a Leftist but not as illogical as you. Still he was a Sanders guy but being a business owner he said he will likely vote for Trump due to selfish reasons as his business is doing well and he is nervous the Democrats would raise the minimum wage, which would severely impact his business. Interesting.

He didn't trounce them. His debate skills where nothing - but he knew how to reach out to them, he knew what to say - he's a populist and a showman and he reads his base well. He was the only one of the herd to stand out as different and most importantly - not establishment. And it's non-establishment figures that seem to be rising in elections around the world recently.

I would assume you are any more logical than I. You haven't made that apparent in your debates.
The Democrat convention should be interesting. Especially if it is a contested one.

I would be surprised if they do it - they'd anger their base. There was talk of the Republicans doing it when Trump looked to be winning the primary, but they didn't - it often backfires in this day and age.
Trump trounced the opposition in debates. These debates so far have not had a clear winner IMO. The party is definitely divided between Leftists and Liberals. I believe the party knows Sanders cannot win in the general election so it is hamstrung. I am genuinely curious to see what happens. I was at a meeting with a business owner, who is a Leftist but not as illogical as you. Still he was a Sanders guy but being a business owner he said he will likely vote for Trump due to selfish reasons as his business is doing well and he is nervous the Democrats would raise the minimum wage, which would severely impact his business. Interesting.

He didn't trounce them. His debate skills where nothing - but he knew how to reach out to them, he knew what to say - he's a populist and a showman and he reads his base well. He was the only one of the herd to stand out as different and most importantly - not establishment. And it's non-establishment figures that seem to be rising in elections around the world recently.

I would assume you are any more logical than I. You haven't made that apparent in your debates.
He trounced them. Someone with zero political experience used simple words and phrases to push them out and handily won the nomination. Sometimes the KISS method works. Obviously who is logical or illogical is subjective but to me your posts consistently lack logic and common sense. This is not atypical for Leftists. You call me a “Trumpist”, whatever that means. You’re illogical.
The Democrat convention should be interesting. Especially if it is a contested one.

I would be surprised if they do it - they'd anger their base. There was talk of the Republicans doing it when Trump looked to be winning the primary, but they didn't - it often backfires in this day and age.
Trump trounced the opposition in debates. These debates so far have not had a clear winner IMO. The party is definitely divided between Leftists and Liberals. I believe the party knows Sanders cannot win in the general election so it is hamstrung. I am genuinely curious to see what happens. I was at a meeting with a business owner, who is a Leftist but not as illogical as you. Still he was a Sanders guy but being a business owner he said he will likely vote for Trump due to selfish reasons as his business is doing well and he is nervous the Democrats would raise the minimum wage, which would severely impact his business. Interesting.

He didn't trounce them. His debate skills where nothing - but he knew how to reach out to them, he knew what to say - he's a populist and a showman and he reads his base well. He was the only one of the herd to stand out as different and most importantly - not establishment. And it's non-establishment figures that seem to be rising in elections around the world recently.

I would assume you are any more logical than I. You haven't made that apparent in your debates.
He trounced them. Someone with zero political experience used simple words and phrases to push them out and handily won the nomination. Sometimes the KISS method works. Obviously who is logical or illogical is subjective but to me your posts consistently lack logic and common sense. This is not atypical for Leftists. You call me a “Trumpist”, whatever that means. You’re illogical.

I base it on what I observe in your posts and again - pot, kettle, black. You don't like? Consider how you broad brush others and leftists. We might find a common ground some day.

He trounced them not on his debate abilities or even ideas, but on his ability to reach the base and stand out in a herd of largely similar candidates.

Trump: Populism

Populism refers to a range of political stances that emphasize the idea of "the people" and often juxtapose this group against "the elite". The term developed in the 19th century and has been applied to various politicians, parties, and movements since that time, although has rarely been chosen as a self-description. Within political science and other social sciences, several different definitions of populism have been employed, with some scholars proposing that the term be rejected altogether.

A common framework for interpreting populism is known as the ideational approach: this defines populism as an ideology which presents "the people" as a morally good force and contrasts them against "the elite", who are portrayed as corrupt and self-serving. Populists differ in how "the people" are defined, but it can be based along class, ethnic, or national lines. Populists typically present "the elite" as comprising the political, economic, cultural, and media establishment, depicted as a homogeneous entity and accused of placing their own interests, and often the interests of other groups—such as large corporations, foreign countries, or immigrants—above the interests of "the people". Populist parties and social movements are often led by charismatic or dominant figures who present themselves as the "voice of the people". According to the ideational approach, populism is often combined with other ideologies, such as nationalism, liberalism, or socialism. Thus, populists can be found at different locations along the left–right political spectrum, and there exist both left-wing populism and right-wing populism.
The Democrats are suffering the same problem in their field of primary candidates - a big herd, kind of similar. Which makes me think their base might go far left, someone who seems non establishment and stands out.
The Democrat convention should be interesting. Especially if it is a contested one.

I would be surprised if they do it - they'd anger their base. There was talk of the Republicans doing it when Trump looked to be winning the primary, but they didn't - it often backfires in this day and age.
Trump trounced the opposition in debates. These debates so far have not had a clear winner IMO. The party is definitely divided between Leftists and Liberals. I believe the party knows Sanders cannot win in the general election so it is hamstrung. I am genuinely curious to see what happens. I was at a meeting with a business owner, who is a Leftist but not as illogical as you. Still he was a Sanders guy but being a business owner he said he will likely vote for Trump due to selfish reasons as his business is doing well and he is nervous the Democrats would raise the minimum wage, which would severely impact his business. Interesting.

He didn't trounce them. His debate skills where nothing - but he knew how to reach out to them, he knew what to say - he's a populist and a showman and he reads his base well. He was the only one of the herd to stand out as different and most importantly - not establishment. And it's non-establishment figures that seem to be rising in elections around the world recently.

I would assume you are any more logical than I. You haven't made that apparent in your debates.
He trounced them. Someone with zero political experience used simple words and phrases to push them out and handily won the nomination. Sometimes the KISS method works. Obviously who is logical or illogical is subjective but to me your posts consistently lack logic and common sense. This is not atypical for Leftists. You call me a “Trumpist”, whatever that means. You’re illogical.

I base it on what I observe in your posts and again - pot, kettle, black. You don't like? Consider how you broad brush others and leftists. We might find a common ground some day.

He trounced them not on his debate abilities or even ideas, but on his ability to reach the base and stand out in a herd of largely similar candidates.

Trump: Populism

Populism refers to a range of political stances that emphasize the idea of "the people" and often juxtapose this group against "the elite". The term developed in the 19th century and has been applied to various politicians, parties, and movements since that time, although has rarely been chosen as a self-description. Within political science and other social sciences, several different definitions of populism have been employed, with some scholars proposing that the term be rejected altogether.

A common framework for interpreting populism is known as the ideational approach: this defines populism as an ideology which presents "the people" as a morally good force and contrasts them against "the elite", who are portrayed as corrupt and self-serving. Populists differ in how "the people" are defined, but it can be based along class, ethnic, or national lines. Populists typically present "the elite" as comprising the political, economic, cultural, and media establishment, depicted as a homogeneous entity and accused of placing their own interests, and often the interests of other groups—such as large corporations, foreign countries, or immigrants—above the interests of "the people". Populist parties and social movements are often led by charismatic or dominant figures who present themselves as the "voice of the people". According to the ideational approach, populism is often combined with other ideologies, such as nationalism, liberalism, or socialism. Thus, populists can be found at different locations along the left–right political spectrum, and there exist both left-wing populism and right-wing populism.
The Democrats are suffering the same problem in their field of primary candidates - a big herd, kind of similar. Which makes me think their base might go far left, someone who seems non establishment and stands out.
Yep but they cannot win the general election. I am Moderate you’re Alt Right.
I would be surprised if they do it - they'd anger their base. There was talk of the Republicans doing it when Trump looked to be winning the primary, but they didn't - it often backfires in this day and age.
Trump trounced the opposition in debates. These debates so far have not had a clear winner IMO. The party is definitely divided between Leftists and Liberals. I believe the party knows Sanders cannot win in the general election so it is hamstrung. I am genuinely curious to see what happens. I was at a meeting with a business owner, who is a Leftist but not as illogical as you. Still he was a Sanders guy but being a business owner he said he will likely vote for Trump due to selfish reasons as his business is doing well and he is nervous the Democrats would raise the minimum wage, which would severely impact his business. Interesting.

He didn't trounce them. His debate skills where nothing - but he knew how to reach out to them, he knew what to say - he's a populist and a showman and he reads his base well. He was the only one of the herd to stand out as different and most importantly - not establishment. And it's non-establishment figures that seem to be rising in elections around the world recently.

I would assume you are any more logical than I. You haven't made that apparent in your debates.
He trounced them. Someone with zero political experience used simple words and phrases to push them out and handily won the nomination. Sometimes the KISS method works. Obviously who is logical or illogical is subjective but to me your posts consistently lack logic and common sense. This is not atypical for Leftists. You call me a “Trumpist”, whatever that means. You’re illogical.

I base it on what I observe in your posts and again - pot, kettle, black. You don't like? Consider how you broad brush others and leftists. We might find a common ground some day.

He trounced them not on his debate abilities or even ideas, but on his ability to reach the base and stand out in a herd of largely similar candidates.

Trump: Populism

Populism refers to a range of political stances that emphasize the idea of "the people" and often juxtapose this group against "the elite". The term developed in the 19th century and has been applied to various politicians, parties, and movements since that time, although has rarely been chosen as a self-description. Within political science and other social sciences, several different definitions of populism have been employed, with some scholars proposing that the term be rejected altogether.

A common framework for interpreting populism is known as the ideational approach: this defines populism as an ideology which presents "the people" as a morally good force and contrasts them against "the elite", who are portrayed as corrupt and self-serving. Populists differ in how "the people" are defined, but it can be based along class, ethnic, or national lines. Populists typically present "the elite" as comprising the political, economic, cultural, and media establishment, depicted as a homogeneous entity and accused of placing their own interests, and often the interests of other groups—such as large corporations, foreign countries, or immigrants—above the interests of "the people". Populist parties and social movements are often led by charismatic or dominant figures who present themselves as the "voice of the people". According to the ideational approach, populism is often combined with other ideologies, such as nationalism, liberalism, or socialism. Thus, populists can be found at different locations along the left–right political spectrum, and there exist both left-wing populism and right-wing populism.
The Democrats are suffering the same problem in their field of primary candidates - a big herd, kind of similar. Which makes me think their base might go far left, someone who seems non establishment and stands out.
Yep but they cannot win the general election. I am Moderate you’re Alt Right.

Based on what you post here you are someone who broad brushes, name calls and stereotypes and get's pissy when someone does it to you and calls you a Trumpist.

I'm a moderate/center in some and left in others. Really depends on the issue. But we don't discuss issues do we?

Dems could win a general election, they have before, and they will again.

I would normally say a candidate like Warren or Sanders is to far to the left to win. BUT - I also said a candidate like Trump would have been too far to the right to win a general election. But he did. So who can predict? I doubt the Dems will go for a brokered convention, I think that is largely rumor mongering - the same as it was in the last election, where, despite those rumors Clinton won the primaries fair and square. A brokered convention is very risky.

I don't have a choice yet (but it won't be Trump - he is the antithesis of many things I stand for).

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